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As a man in my thirties, thank you. I do try to keep somewhat presentable, even if all I want to do is run off into the woods and never be heard from again.


I live out in the woods. If you can deal with all the spiders and wood bees I say go for it.


working on it, saving up to build the family a small place out in the woods. one day I will be a woodsman.


There's dozens of us in the woods.




……… it’s going to be good!


I love and hate that nearly every man in his thirties wants to disappear into the woods. I’m right there with you.


I just turned 30 last month and want nothing more then to live on a plot of land in the woods


Didn’t realize it was so common. But yeah, just crossed the rainbow bridge into my 40s and I’ve wanted to be out in the woods alone or with a few very important people for at least 5-10 years now.


I turn 30 this year and I am sitting in the middle of my woods. Woods down, house to come


Consider biting the bullet and getting a little trailer, if you haven't already. My folks did that when they ran away from the city and it worked out great while they were building the house. (To stay on weekends, etc...)


Way ahead of you... Currently living out of a leaky camper lol


Woman in my 30s and want to disappear into the woods 🤷🏻‍♀️


also a woman in her 30s who wants to disappear into the woods


32 M, living each day dreaming of living in the woods. Unfortunately society requires I make money and buy the empty land someone’s family has been sitting on for 200 years. Even if I could sustain myself without it. One day…


I was on this tip, but now I just want real community - like anarchist shit. Horizontal power structures, and obsolescence of government. We can all just take care of each other and forget about all the corrupt disgusting shit going on everywhere


Username checks out


Well I did get it out of the WuTang name generator so, yeah.


username 👀


I want to be one too. But as a millennial, much of my sanity is dependent on the internet. Not so I can socialize, but so I can be entertained during my isolation.


Babe, your a hermit now, split firewood and take up woodworking.


But how will I learn without youtube videos?!


You have facial hair and are covered in spiders and live in the woods and also there are bees? That sounds dreamy. Edit: I say this as an elder millennial woman who runs around the forests staring at leaves and mosses and eating things.


Y'all exist? Lads, I think I found an entwife. Are there more of you?


Fun fact: I once was a bold, single woman in my twenties/thirties with a historic farmhouse. My favorite pastimes were mowing the lawn, finding rare beasts that lived around the property, and examining the stages of growth of various crops in the farms nearby.  I also ran 15-20 miles a week and did 30 mins of calisthenics daily. I had a serious cicada shell collection, a neat assortment of vintage glass bottles and rusted toys I dug up, and a pantry full of homegrown, homemade pickles. I also read the entire LOTR to my daughter when she was an infant as her goodnight story. Yes, women like this exist. And when I married, my husband came with me to bring my bees to his family's farm. My recommendation? Be the kind of guy to go capture bees and drive four hours with them to make a woman happy.


We just want to be fae.


Honestly it’s the mosquitos that bug me (pun intended) otherwise I’d run off into the woods as well


I currently have a mosquito bite right on my back in between the shoulder blades. I guess I asked for it since I was outside reading my book at night when it was raining. Anyways, bats can take care of that! We've got one or two bat houses around and they really put in a lot of work.


Ticks, don’t forget about the ticks.


I thought it was just me.


Man I felt this in my soul. 38 years old and ready to fuck off but still showing up.




Hey, are you me.


I would wait a few months. It is currently blackfly season here in the woods.


I can only speak for myself but the confidence, career and health glow up I’ve had in my middle thirties is really something. Let’s go elder millennials!


Bitch please, elder millennials are in our early 40s, don’t jack our identity with your youthful 30-something hopefulness ;-)


My apologies!!!! I will respect my elders 😂


Ik,r? "Let's go elder millennials!"??? Is about as dead-giveaway as  "Hello fellow kids".


You just tried to make a little joke and somebody downvoted you. That was very unmillenial of them


Preach 🙌


Same. My 20s were a mess. I was super insecure, single, changed jobs and moved around a bunch. I never really felt confident about anything. Now I'm 35, married with a pregnant wife, I'm a homeowner and have a stable career. My 30s have been infinitely better than my 20s.


Congratulations on expecting! I’m also 35 but had my daughter at 21. She’s starting high school! Being a parent is the greatest joy in my life but I’m starting to also celebrate my personal wins and the person I’m becoming.


Side topic. Dad of a 2 and 1 year old. When does life get easier lol feel like I'm so busy with them I'm just grinding thru life


I only had one so I feel like I’m not qualified to answer this question!!! One thing I can attest to is that once your youngest hits kindergarten, time really starts to fly.


Eventually. Every year gets a little easier. Having them close in age makes things easier, especially when they start school. In the meantime enjoy their developmental milestones, take videos, and just appreciate the ride.


Thanks! I'm super excited. Minus a crib, my wife and I put together a nursery this past weekend, which made it feel very real. I've always wanted to be a dad, but it just wasn't in the cards for me until now.


Wait until your wife sees you taking care of your child. She will eat it up. Seeing my husband carrying both our kids at the same time with a diaper bag slung over one shoulder? Oh yeah.


Sometimes I worry I've swung passed confidence into pure apathy. My late 20's: "I fucking *rock*, I don't care what anyone thinks of me!" My mid 30's: "I'm so fucking *tired*, I don't care what anyone thinks of me."




You don't need to workout my friend, you need to eat less. Even if you could find the time to workout, you aren't going to burn 50 lbs without a serious diet change.


You can do it! I believe in you!


Start small my dude. Do 10 push ups (or 1 if that’s all you can do) every morning right after you get out of bed. Then work up from that. For me my back is toast but I started walking. At first it was just to the end of the block and back. Slowly after a couple months I was able to do 3 mile total walk. By no means am I cured but my back stopped getting worse. Even stagnant is ok for though. Anyways good luck! You can do it, just start small and stay off the scale for checking progress. Measure your weight loss in inches you lost around your waist not how many pounds the scale says. Take before pictures too so you can actually see your progress too not what you think it is in the mirror.


I’m 35 and feel better now than ever. It’s kinda dope.


I’m a younger millennial and I just turned 30 😭


Totally. Turning 38 this year and finally feel on my game.


I am a 42 year old female and I have to say my late 30’s was a huge growth period for me so much so that I LOVE being in my 40’s. I also love that people tell me I look younger than my age. 😀


Logan Roy to men in their 20’s “I love you but you are not serious people”




"Are you a sicko?"


Millennial women and men look AMAZING for their age compared to our parents generation. I remember being young and thinking 30 was super old bc on tv, like the cast of cheers or george kastanza, people that age looked 50. Turns out them never using sunscreen, smoking constantly and no skincare aged them very quickly. By comparison, us millennials are looking incredible. Great work team!


Agreed. Smoking, a lack of sunscreen, and taking themselves far too seriously did a number on our parents' generation, unfortunately.


We learned from the mistakes of others, thankfully. I’m almost 31 and get mistaken for 17. I think that is absolutely wild. I’m thankful but like. Am I going to be 80 and mistaken for 40? I hope so!


Omg right!! I’m 30 and I got carded last week trying to buy tiki torch fluid 😂😂😂I didn’t even know there was an age requirement for it, turns out it’s 18


For real! My husband and I went to register my kid for senior year, and the office lady thought I was there to register myself. Born in 84. I'll keep that with me till I die. And I sure hope I'll be 80 mistaken for 40!


Can’t forget the lead


Don't forget the lead


I smoke, I'm 27 and could pass as a high schooler, tryna quit the smoking though


This reminded me of that song "wear sunscreen".


Yes many of us are aging gracefully, but some of us are aging like a glass of milk in July (in Death Valley).


The perms and shoulder pads didn’t help!


Omg absolutely the hair made everyone look soooo much older


depends some of my 35 year old classmates look like 50. Some of Sephora gen z folks look like 40 in their 20s.


George was actually in his late 20s for the first seasons. It blew my mind because I thought they were all late 30s or 40.


It's funny you say this because I recently started noticing gray hairs in my sideburns and beard and I'm also down 15 pounds since the start of the year. I kind of love it. My wife said "Oh yeah I noticed a while back. The silver fox look works. You're better looking now than when we met", which is when we were 24. I should add, she's better looking now too, though.


Your wife is not wrong. At this moment, I'm more attracted to the males of our generation than I ever have been (was not a fan of our teen fashion, twenties - meh).


I'm also 36 so the fashion when we were in high school and college was just not flattering to the male form and I think I even knew that at the time. I wore enormous cargo shorts or huge bright jeans every day until like 2011. I was a big fan of wearing white tshirts under polos or my "going out" shirts, which were enormous button ups with dumb striped patterns. We looked stupid. I think men's casual fashion now is just objectively better and we're all also better as a whole about wearing clothes that fit properly.


Every so often my friends will circulate old school “going out shirt” pics and occasionally drop in a new pic with the same shirt if it’s going to goodwill or whatever. What a hilarious moment of fashionlol.


I'm watching Sex and the City right now and I have to keep looking up people's ages because... yeah, men in their 30s are much sexier now than in the late 90s.


Hell yeah! Those dudes looked beat down by life!


I feel like we got beat down by life in our twenties, entered the cocoon phase during the pandemic and are now emerging as beautiful butterflies with beards in our 30s… Although I’m now just 40. So I’m entering my crippling phase.


I thought most of the guys either looked beat down or just super dorky, and not in an attractive charming way. As an adult rewatching, I chalked it up to media engineered stupid high beauty standards for women pining for average looking men. Like Kevin James and Adam Sandler movies. Like, the ladies are all still a knockout even as dated as the looks are.


Any ladies in here want to chime in?


Millennial men are aging like fine wine compared to Gen X and boomers. Millennial men are also way more involved with their kids and involved in housework etc and that makes them even hotter. So many boomer dads brag they “never changed a diaper” as if that’s something to be proud of lol


Millennial men are more likely to know their kids DOBs and doctor's names, etc


I even know my child's name


Dad of the year!! Lol but really though millennial dads are really stepping up and putting boomer dads to shame in many ways.


Stop it. You show off.


In my experience Millennial men are the demographic of men I see that hold the most progressive views and are more willing to squash gender roles. I deal with way more sexism from boomer, Gen-X, and Gen-Z men. Wasn’t like this when I was younger, which sort of gives me hope for the younger generations that it could just be immaturity, but I do hear they’re becoming increasingly more intolerant of equality and consuming manosphere content more than ever… from my experience that checks out. Most of my (millennial) guy friends and my (millennial) boyfriend think lowly of these incels and are the most vocal against the peeling back of women’s rights. They prefer their partners to be working and aren’t trying to force this trad-wife narrative. They are more active in parenting (which is helped by the fact that Millennials in general are opting out of parenthood if it’s not the right fit for them, so the ones that have kids probably really wanted them). Physically, I’d say they’re probably aging well because so many Millennials don’t smoke cigarettes anymore. I also prefer the way Millennial men dress overall. I feel like the Millennial hipster era made men care more about fashion sense. (Of course I know that I’m generalizing here and so much also depends on where you live too).


I agree with everything you said! I make almost double my husband and he loves it bc he’s proud of my success and it takes a lot of pressure off him. His older coworkers think it’s wild he isn’t upset I make more. He thinks it’s wild they have to support a family of 4-6 on their salary alone 😂


I’ve been saying this for a while. I made more than my partner when we met. Then she changed jobs and made a good bit more than me for multiple years. Now we are near even, she still makes more but I’ll likely pass in the next few years. I was chatting with a friend one time, he’s actually a millennial, and he said he’d have an issue if his wife made more than him but he couldn’t explain why. He’s very traditional though and 2020 caused us to basically not be friends anymore so I doubt he’s changed his mind. But it’s stupid to think this way. It just means you’re a sensitive (and weak) guy IMO. One thing I always mentioned was that single family incomes mean the person that works carries all the stress of finances. What happens if they lose their job? It’s been nice that my partner can cover for me if I got laid off or something, and vice versa. Also, I like the lifestyle two incomes bring. My friends trying to do the stay at home mom lifestyle have to make lots of sacrifices. That’s not for us.


Exactly!! We view money as a game we’re working together to earn the most of possible, we aren’t competing with each other for who makes more. A great example is my husbands job just randomly asked him to move across the country for 1 year (despite us being newlyweds who just bought a new home). He was able to instantly tell them no without fear of losing his job, bc he knew if he did lose his job, it wouldn’t hurt us much and I can easily cover everything until he finds a new job.


To add (guy here) in order to do all the things our kids want us to do we need to stay in decent shape to keep up. My dad would throw a ball around with him, but he never played with us like I do with my son. I just hope you still love us when our backs all go out as we try to be too active as we age


One thing I’ve noticed is when you fall in love with someone, even as they age you still see them as the person they were when you first fell in love. The more positive memories you have with someone the more attractive you find them, bad bad or no hair or whatever doesn’t matter☺️


An aweful truth! Soooo many elderly women talked to me on the street when I was taking a stroll with my newborn. They were always very kind and sweet but it seemed what was so natural and logical for me was unusual for them.


Just yesterday I told my late 30s husband that he's aging like wine. A gay man at his work recently asked a colleague about my husband and was disappointed to learn he was married, so I know I'm not the only one that thinks so.


My husband is in his 40's (still a millennial) so I'm gonna have to say men in their 40's are the best lol


I agree with op. 30s have been amazing for the men around me.


I’d say that sure there a lot of hot men in there 30s. But there are also a lot of those guys who don’t groom, smoke n drink, obsessed with guns, don’t cook (too feminine). The kind of guys who put fish on their dating profile.


Ugh, nooo. Not the fish and deer head photos. I grew up in the southern US & always ended up dating people from other countries for some mysterious, unknown reason.


Id like to know where these men are cause Im not seeing them lol


It's likely a bias. Lots of unfit sloppy dudes in their 30s. Probably more as a percent than Gen x or boomers. That being said, there are outliers, and the outliers now are more impressive than the outliers from Gen x or boomers. A small percent of men in their thirties are looking like college athletes with a few wrinkles being the only thing giving their age away. That wasn't common with boomers. They've also solved issues like balding if one is proactive (you'd likely be surprised how many guys are taking drugs so they don't go bald). That wasn't a thing for the boomers.




I thank you all for your responses. Of course it varies from person to person but knowing this does give me a sense of confidence.


I don't think men in their 30s are hotter than usual, they've always been hot. Same with men in their 40s and sometimes 50s+


As a woman in my 30s I’m finding myself more and more attracted to men in their 40s. I’m *loving * the grey hair


Salt and pepper hair + beard = instant swoon!


My husband recently got a haircut that accentuated the salt + pepperiness of his hair, and I was overcome by the instinct to pounce. Edit: so I did.


Yes! The silver fox hairs are so sexy! I also love those little wrinkles around the eyes when they smile - makes my heart melt!


My grays started to come in by my 20’s and now full salt and pepper at 34. At least I have thick hair, and while it will be fully gray earlier than everyone else, it’s not falling out 


i turn 30 on the 4th, so i’m kinda happy to hear that. 20’s were kinda a lonely drag, but i really feel like im coming out of it strong.


You are only now entering your prime.


Use your 30s wisely, young fellow. As a 35-year old, I can tell you... Half a decade passes in the blink of an eye.


As a 40yo, the second half of that decade is even faster. Enjoy it!


I was really excited for my 30s, but feel as though the pandemic kinda hijacked the whole thing. Just turned 38 and don't know where the last eight years went.


Good for you. I turned 30 Half a year ago and it’s awesome. You’re going to go from “young guy” to “actual grown-ass man”. And trust me, people are going to notice.


How’s the bald with a short beard and a mild beer gut look working for ya?


[Some dudes actually make that look work…](https://images.app.goo.gl/AWuZRTY5fYQsNFKb6) 


I was hoping that link was this: https://www.imdb.com/media/rm1317910784/tt1411697


Started shaving my head in my 20’s after getting tired of expensive haircuts every week (high level military staff command). When I tell you that bald works wonders if you take care of yourself, I mean it. I met lots of women really into it when I was dating, and now my  loves it.


You described my aunt's type to the gut. She'd be hunting you down.


I feel attacked


Damnnnn Atleast my wife still loves me.. I think .. we had sex Sunday morning so I got that going for me


That’s my look and I’m killing it 🤷🏾‍♂️


In my 20's I was a Twink, in my 30's I'm a bear. If only I was gay, my love life would be amazing.


Since a gay posted this and am also queer. I will say millennial men have surprised me a lot with how little they care about other men being gay. Obviously in our youth I think guys can generalize(or strait up be insensitive boneheads) and make assumptions based on hetero roles concerning how gay partnerships work. However, overall I dont think millennial men generally care if some of their cohort is gay. Surprised.... curious even but I dont see an outward icky or anything. I do find it funny that millennial strait men are starting to realize how much easier access to sex is if your gay and are a lil jelly of how much more accessible sex is amongst gay guys.


Bruh I feel this..


Well I've got a fever. Feeling pretty hot right now.


You need more cowbell


Man I beat cancer and having major body dismorphia because of an amputation and depression is kicking my ass but I still go to work everyday and the spring is bringing in some good vibes, I needed to hear this because damn I need motivation to get on my bike and become a fit viking god despite this setback. Fuck cancer and fuck depression I'm going to assassinate both ya'll.


Thanks for the confidence boost, OP


Men in their 30s are so damn amazing. 🫠🫠🫠🫠


I'm 37f lesbian and am feeling the same about gen x and millenial women/moms lmfao sign me up


ikr I'm 35 and so many women over 40+ look so good. The attitude and confidence is attractive also.


Same! But I’ve always liked women in this age range it’s just now I’m the same age as them.


I look so much better now than I did in my twenties. I'm in way better shape and my face has thinned down and looks more angular, the years of stress have given me a kind of furrowed brow look. Got a beard now that accentuates my jawline. I do miss having hair though.




This is the confidence boost we were all needing today, thanks


What about men in their 30s with no past marriages and no kids but also no careers? 😂


You're filled with potential!


Honestly my 30s have been the best time of my life. I'm financially stable, relationship stable, in the best shape currently Ive been since age 23-24, and have way better self awareness and mental fortitude. I just I hope I can say that for each decade though.


I can post a photo of myself in here if you ever want that feeling to go away




The 30s are being really kind to our generation 🔥


Wait until you see the older millennials like myself in our early 40’s. Every day I’m like “damn, I just keep getting better!” Luckily, all the men in my family peak in their late 40’s and early 50’s…right before we drop dead at 65. So I get to have my best years coming up soon, then I get to check out of this hotel.


I (39m) got a pink man-purse b/c I like pink and hate stuff in my pockets. Now I get hit on by gay/bi men whenever I'm at a concert or at a rave. I'm really looking for women but at least it's a complement.


I thought the same thing until my husband crossed 40. Now it’s 40s 🥵🥵🤤


Men in their 30s yesss, give me a little bald, graying bearded daddy any day with a little belly for some cuddling heaven for me / this is not sarcasm


Don’t know if it’s the spring season or what but everyone looked hot af at school dropoff today.


I feel the same way about women in their mid-30s, early-40s


😂😂😂I met my husband at 20 married him at 24 and thought he was so hot back then. But 38 year old husband is 🥵🥵🥵he just keeps getting better with age


Fellow mid 30's gay and I think it really boils down with finding yourself, life experience and discovering your own style.


39 year old man here, I needed this today 👍


I’ve found that I’m still attracted to people my own age even though I’m in my 40s. People 35-50 or so have a mature look that’s very sexy.


As a 35 yr old gay man myself - I support this post.


How do I become this "sexy" everyone takes about


I'm in the best shape of my life in my 30's, and honestly despite the existential crises I like how my face looks now. It's like I don't look like a kid anymore, but I also don't look old. I also am much more knowledge about grooming, and I know a lot more about how to care of myself than I did in my 30s due to facing some harsh realities about getting older. I think people are sleeping on fellas in their 30s!


Appreciate ya


I recommend shorts and linen. It helps with the heat.


Thanks, my kid (3) says I need to exercise though.


As a 32yo man with a beard and a job that involves moving heavy objects, thank you!


I’ve found as I age I find the people who are my age or close the most attractive. Maybe I am just attracted to people I relate to. But I am just so glad I am not 30 and attracted to 20 year olds.


Ive been crushing on 30 year old moms since i was 16. Now that im almost 40, nothing has changed.


As a 30s male with a beard, I got cat called by a gay guy from a passing car and I have been riding that high for weeks. Was shocked by it, all I could say was “ok” in the moment.


Gay men always recognize true male beauty.




Wanna tell that to the single ladies in my area? 34M


I'm a 30 year old guy that's clean shaven and looks like he's barely out of high school, and I still will take this as a compliment lol. If I try growing facial hair, I go from looking like I'm in college to looking like a 15 year old boy trying too hard to have a beard. It's not the blessing some people may think it is.


40s and 50s too


That makes me feel good, thanks for saying that. I started feeling self conscious about how I look as I started aging (I’m 38) but my wife’s friends call me a hot dad and I’ve gotten hit on by 20 something year old girls while grocery shopping. Its brought my spirits up.


Thank you OP!


As a straight man, i very much appreciate the compliment. You keep kicking ass dude


Hey dude as a cis guy in his 30s I needed to read this. <3


Thanks for this. I'm 36 and I'm in great shape because I do heavy lifting at my job. I also do weight lifting. 


I know! I'm in my 30s as well and I never looked and felt better. This era of my life is really blessed. I am conscious that this energy/strength/willingness wont last forever so I'm making sure to fully enjoy my 30s. I prefer someone in their 30s over their 20s without a question.


As a man in his later 30's I fully agree with your points. You make excellent claims and the evidence is in the mirror lol


As a 28-year-old gay man, I concur!! Men older than me are sooooo fine. It's funny though because every time I notice a part of me visibly aging I do get a little freaked out and worried (looking at you, smile lines that popped up overnight last week) and then I have to reconcile the fact that I'm visibly aging with the other fact that I find 30s/40s men very attractive?? Like it's fine for them to age but NOT ME! Ugh, I wish we weren't our own worst critics but alas!




I'm an elder female millineal.  41. Suddenly 50 yr old men are hot. Lol. 


37m here and what’s funny is I have side gray hair, but I always get compliments to not dye it and it really showcases my facial features. To each their own, but I’ll take it haha


Just turned 30 last week. Happy to be a part of the club.


I’m 35 and I get hit on and complimented more in my life now than I ever have. It’s great


Yeah, there's just something about that age.


Would you f me? I'd f me so hard...


lol someone has a crush on a coworker!! Jk


Especially since a lot of the childish bullshit is gone. And appreciate everything more.


I turn 30 in 3 months. I needed to hear this ☠️


I couldn't agree more. I met my husband in his 20s, he's now in his 30s. This man has gotten exponentially hotter. And don't even get me started on the gray in his hair 🥵


I thought it was just me, I’ve been weirdly getting attention and was wondering what was up. I guess I’m just in my 30s and learned to mind my own business without a care 😎


how YOU doing?


Aye, as a bi-man entering his thirties, we appreciate you noticing lol.


This makes me lol. Good for you. Thanks for the laugh.


Gotta be pollen


Turning 40 next week and can't grow a beard. Sucks to be me.


Thanks man, always nice to be recognized.


I agree, 40s looking good too 😁


I certainly don’t feel hot….unless we’re talking about yard work during a southern summer during climate change. Then for sure I am hot.


As a man in his thirties, I absolutely agree. I’ve never felt more sure of myself and my abilities. That confidence radiates.


Daww shucks.