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Typically weekends only, although I did 20 consecutive days last month. Taking a 40 day break currently.


Pretty much like you. I take regular breaks but will probably take the real one starting around Hollween. Getting a two month tolerance break every year has worked decently enough for me.


I know some who do an ounce a week or RSO. That seems super expensive. So taking my breaks every 3 months 10mg still hits pretty hard.


Do you know if Edibles and vaping respond independently to tolerance breaks? In other words if I quit Edibles for 2 months but continued vaping, would my tolerance to Edibles go way down but tolerance for Vaped THC be the same?


Edibles go through the liver before getting to the blood stream. So it just takes longer but I didn't think there's much of a difference in terms of receptors for cannabinoids. You need to abstain completely.


I was doing it for a while but developed some paranoia from unrelated reasons so I stopped since it can really exacerbate those symptoms fyi


Just curious if you've tried CBD for the paranoia. When I quit drinking and needed something to help calm my nerves at the end of the day I turned back to the trusty green, but was having paranoia issues. CBD really helped balance everything out and gives me the entourage effect that is lacking from most edibles.


Is this on top of the regular edible?


For me, yes. YMMV


You need the CDB to tame that if your edible is just THC. I also am a paranoid person...delta8 was fabulous.


At some point weed became less than enjoyable or helpful and shrooms became the plant based medicine I wanted weed to be.


Can't wait til I'm here but I'm nervous to even try them still šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m no psychonaut so itā€™s pretty rare that I take a big dose and have a heavy trip, but when a microdose hits just right thereā€™s nothing like that feeling of worries, excessive thoughts, negative mood, overbearing responsibility, etc fade away.


Bingo. Micro!


There is a connection to the fibers of your mind, figurative (and literal) a tree of life, a network of nature and collective consciousness, undefinable and maybe mystical, unable to be weighed or measured but still upon the shrooms we all see us for us with less hurt and even less anger.


This comment convinced me not to do shroomsĀ 




Haha opposite effect on me....


That feeling is exactly how I know my edibles kicked in. It's like exhaling, and everything just leaves with it.


As someone who regularly does mushrooms, do you mind if I ask what makes you nervous? Because I find a lot of things people are scared about are often based on bad info.


Usually for most its the legal issues. Plus for some mushroom usage can do some "re-wiring" essentially and make new connections in the brain. Not all those connections are beneficial or wanted. I would suggest if wanting to read and educate people positivity towards usage. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How\_to\_Change\_Your\_Mind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_Change_Your_Mind) Is a good place to start.


I have actually done them many times and without alcohol, I always have a bad trip. Even on a small dose.


Some people are just predisposed to not have a good time


Unsolicited advice: do them with other people who are also doing them. Preferably some friends with similar world views to you and have some experience with shrooms. It's a much more pleasant experience amongst a group of people, I find.


They were not what I expected, I still donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve truly tripped but my wife said we had one of ā€œthe most real conversationsā€ about parenting so they do something different


Well then they weren't for nothing lol


I take .75 to 1 gram a few times a month and I get the vivid colors and a nice feeling but without the psychedelic effects. Maybe start that way first and then work your way up. It's like weed but you don't feel slow, just super alert and all negative thoughts go away.


I am here, at this point.


Amen to that!


How does one start that journey? I feel like Iā€™m being called to itā€¦


I bought a bunch of gelatin capsules, got a coffee grinder, buy shrooms (this is varying levels of difficulty), then grind and fill caps. The #00 size capsule holds between 250-300mg when packed tightly. One capsule is enough for daily use, two capsules if you feel the need for more effect. For me, psychedelic effects start at around 1.5gr (~5 capsules). If you want to really dive deep and donā€™t want to search for a ā€˜shroom plugā€™ then you can grow your own. r/shrooms and r/unclebens will teach you everything you need to know. Magic mushroom spores are not illegal in most statesā€¦putting the spores into growth phase is where laws get broken. Missouri has a pilot project connecting veterans with a microdose study. Cities like Denver and Portland make finding shrooms much easier since theyā€™ve decriminalized them.


Thatā€™s the part Iā€™m trying to avoidā€¦ I donā€™t want to be growing a felony in my attic šŸ˜‚ - How long would you say the entire process takes? Can I grow them outside in a wooded area and ā€œblendā€ them in with nature to avoid said illegal activity at home? This is something I feel like I need to try and pursue


When you do the uncle Ben technique (inoculate 90min rice bags) the whole process can be done in your closet and takes ~2months start to finish if everything goes well. A harvest is called a flush and one thing that is unique about mushrooms is the part we eat is the fruit rather than the bodyā€¦you can rehydrate the grow bin after harvest and get a second and even third harvest which only take a couple weeks each. Two reasonably successful flushes makes all the shrooms you could want for an entire year


Iā€™m really eager to do this


By any chance, are you in FL?




I love how we're getting scientific with this shit. Can't fix a car but hell yeah we can produce our own drugs šŸ˜‚ I'm already growing weed so heavily considering this. The spores just order from any website? Seems to easy, but then again my seeds are just order online so?


Mushrooms are easier, imo. The comparison is like if successfully popping a seed and getting a plant to start guaranteed a successful yield. Itā€™s much harder to screw up if you start well than growing weed, and thereā€™s way, way less maintenance. Propagating new spores is a whole other benefit. You can scrape spores from a mushroom you grew and use that to create a liquid culture jar that allows you to grow 50 new batches. Thereā€™s no male/female dichotomy so itā€™s like every mushroom is the equivalent of a mother plant which also generates seeds. I donā€™t see it being the same kind of economic opportunity but for personal cultivation you canā€™t beat the efficiency. You get a spore syringe and a liquid culture kit and then just follow the guidelines offered at r/unclebens


I don't take much convincing šŸ˜Š. I'm in


Weed is the only thing keeping me going at this point


I smoked quite a bit from 16-21 and then gave it up other than on occasion 1 or twice a year but in the last maybe 7-8 months. I have started taking edibles or vaping 4-5 nights a week. Really working great with my insomnia and anxiety. It has also allowed me to slow my drinking down too.


This is a sign you need professional help.


What if I got the prescription from a doctor?


Dabbed out 24/7


Two edibles a day. An ounce of flower a week. A couple of vapes a month, mostly for special occasions.


iā€™m also someone who buys my flower in ounces! Is there a specific store that you frequent or delivery service that you prefer?


I'm someone who who switched over to THCA (/r/cultofthefranklin) - good experience with WNC and Arete. Had messed around with stuff like HHC but the THCA is the real deal and legal (currently) through the farm bill.


I pretty exclusively go to a local chain called "Lovely Buds".


I was a huge stoner during my highschool and early college years. But I went clean for 15 years while raising babies and building a career. In my mid 30s weed became legal in my state so naturally fell down a huge rabbit hole with it. I got to a point where I was having daily panic attacks and near constant anxiety. It took a really dark experience to remind me of why I quit in the first place. So I gave it up again. I'm happy for the people who now have the freedom, but it's not for me anymore.


I wonder why these symptoms come out as you get older. The same with me. I know I canā€™t consistently get high anymore or else Iā€™ll develop anxiety but when I was younger I could walk into a crowded place blazed out of my mind


For me it's increased responsibilities. When I was younger life was a lot lighter and inconsequential. Sure I might get fired or arrested or something, but on the back end of that it's just me and I knew I had a safe place where I could retreat to back home. But now life is heavy and getting high is a huge reminder of how real life can be. If I mess up everything I've built can collapse very quickly. I have people that depend on me, I have assets, I have things to lose and no safe space where I can regroup if that happens. Plus it forced me to examine things I had the luxury of ignoring when I was younger, like my health. I'm getting older and accepting the very real fact that my health is declining is terrifying. I'm 41 and in fairly decent health, but I'm not the same guy I used to be, my prime is behind me and I can feel myself getting old. I see what the people around me have gone through and while I feel fortunate so far, I know it's only a matter of time.


Yea man as I got more into my career I pretty much cut out all smoking/edibles.Ā  I maybe smoke once every 6 months now *if* that. It just affects me differently than it used to. Now if I smoke or take an edible I have trouble getting good sleep, and then I am still feeling a body high a day or two later. I notice it in my system for 2-3 days and it really fucks up my routine. My job is entirely mental capacity (office job) so I need to be alert to work at full capacity. Weed gives me a brain fog for 48hrs+, and it just isn't feasible anymore.


I have a really stressful job, so i take a very small amount at work. I don't get high, but it relaxes me. I eat half of a 5mg sour patch kid. If I eat too much, I gues anxious and paranoid. A very minor dose is good for me, though. I'm the same way with smoking. A gram lasts me like a month and a half.


Edibles, I and myself, dance beyond the fire! 300 mg cookie? I have mostly switched to THC capsules (calories ya know) @ 100 mg a pill. If I want to rock out -- I take 2. I used to love piles of coke and liters of liquor, spirits, and beer. Whiskey was ma shit. So now anytime I want to feed my fantastic apathetic nihilism, distrust, and the overall black wall whenever you close your eyes -- is my, sweet, mary jane talking to pretty betty... crocker.


every other day, we have young kids so my husband and I switch off just in case of emergency. I have never been a great sleeper and having kids made it almost impossible, I love weed. I'm at the age where drinking makes sleep worse šŸ˜­ and I hate getting headaches so weed is where it's at.


Edibles have been helping me sleep. I donā€™t know what I would do without them.


I wanna start


Every night


Is every day regular?


šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø but Iā€™m currently on day 3 of a break. Slept like shit last night. I donā€™t like that I have become more dependent than I would like to be, but Iā€™m also such a more calm and pleasant person. I really do it for the people around me just as much as I do it for myself.


I am. Mostly just helps me sleep and zone out for an hour or so before bed.


I wish. Iā€™m currently pregnant and I miss that nightly routine so much. I hope to get back to it one day. Iā€™ve had insomnia my whole life and the edibles give me the most restful sleep.


Great job; you got this! My wife was very strict on her pregnancy diet and loves her healthy son.


I do. Iā€™m in FL and have my MMJ card. Helps with my pain and sleeping.


Usually only on my weekends/days off. I donā€™t like to work in the an afternoon them/ I work early shift.


Yes I grow my own and makes edibles from the harvests. Like a previous poster stated, weed is the ONLY thing keeping me going these days. At least I can get high and honestly I should be able to smoke at work making this shit pay






I like weed, but after about 5 years of smoking regularly I do realize I should take more breaks.


I take them to help me sleep most nights. I got a medical card for it.


I take them occasionally, like a couple times per month or less on average. I donā€™t like how variable the time to get high can be. Smoking allows you to titrate your high more effectively and feel the effects very quickly, although yeah it smells and itā€™s not good for your lungs


I do a few times a week. Mostly on the nights where im home doing nothing. Rather do that than have a drink.


I have not, nor have I ever, had the means to purchase these. I probably would use them if I had access but never in my life have I had access. I continue to be astounded by how many people talk about it so casually as if they can obtain it as easily as they obtain a bunch of bananas.


we make it ourselves. flower cooked into honey, super easy.


It is at least in part due to the passage of the 2018 farm bill that basically lets it be legal in most states provided the edible is under 0.3% thc by weight. Think for a second about how easily that is to work around when a beginner dose is like 5-10 mg. In many states, including where I'm at in Texas where it's 'illegal', you just walk into a store and buy them. Heck recently one of our bigger liquor store chains (Specs) started carrying some in drink form. The main issue with this though is that since it's pretty much unregulated otherwise it's really challenging to know what you're actually buying. Heck, I've seen some packages where you can quite literally buy 100 packs of the packaging on amazon for a few bucks so who knows what they are really filled with. Likewise there's the debate on synthetic vs real. I work in the pharmaceutical industry and have been to sites that make high quality and regulated synthetic delta 9 (generally what most people think of when it comes to thc) that I would trust the safety of, but I've also seen delta 9 and other similar products that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole as if you try to trace the product back for testing certificates there are either none available or they just look fake. On the real deal side of things there are places that are licensed to do it within the state and as long as it's sold as an edible and not straight flower it's legal. One other thing with all this - because of the aforementioned farm bill, you can generally just order it online and have it delivered to your door perfectly legally depending on your state.


You wrote this whole thing when I was really just referring to not having a dealer.


I know. I was pointing out you basically donā€™t need a dealer in most states anymore and thatā€™s how so many people seem to be enjoying lately.Ā  Also i definitely read the comment riiiight as my adhd meds hit so I hyper focused for a moment.Ā 


That might explain the last couple of years but it doesn't explain the vast majority of my adult life.


![gif](giphy|RyFaLq6kABWzwOJZD7) All day every day


Oh yeah


Iā€™m 37. I got high daily for 20 years. Lately, I got to a point where Iā€™d get more anxious, and start dissassociating with myself while sober a lot more. Currently taking a break. I miss it, and Iā€™ll likely be a lifelong user, but seeing how an extended break feels for now.


Same. Terrible insomnia since I was a kid. Weed and melatonin are the only way I can fall asleep at a reasonable hour and actually stay asleep the whole night.


Not regularly, but they are replacing alcohol for me. Also thanks for the reminder to pick up a jar of gummies after work.


I take it mostly nightly just before bed - about 5mg and I sleep like a baby again. I rarely do it during the day


I take a 25mg every night 1 hour before I want to sleep, sleep like a rock for 8 hours, wake up crush my day and repeat. I don't smoke or anything else but that one edible each night, does the trick perfectly I used to wake up like every 2.5 hours just to look around but no more!


Sometimes not always....but I do work in the cannabis industry in WA, so it's pretty much a given I'm having at least \*something\* THC before bed. Flower is my first choice then probably dabs/edibles.




I donā€™t need it to survive but itā€™s nice to have something to take the edge off and make my brain stop over thinking, I canā€™t drink because of migraines.


Drugs are nice but if you can get a daily exercise routine going..You will feel amazing in the long run and alot of issues are solved by it.


>Iā€™ve had severe insomnia since about 6 years ago and Iā€™ve discovered edibles help great! My doctor actually recommended it because I have insomnia, but all the sleep meds we tried triggered sleep walking episodes and/or night terrors. He didn't need to prescribe it because it's legal in our state, so I just went to the dispensary and described what was going on and they made some suggestions. I've never slept so well, I wish this had been an option when I was still in college.


Wish they were legal where I live...


Thatā€™s never really stopped anyone lol


It's an inconvenience at least


I donā€™t. Just not my cup of tea.


I did for years and it messed my adrenals up. Currently taking an extended t break.


not edibles but i take a draw from my vape every afternoon


*Not edibles but* *I take a draw from my vape* *Every afternoon* \- LiquidSnape --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Edibles almost daily because I live in a no smoking building. I may supplement it with a fruity vape, but I really don't care for those.


How tf do yall take edibles without panic attacks that warrants you to call the ambulance and they come, just to tell you you're fine with smirks and leave you on the porch???




So not a full 10??




I take 5-10 mg before bed and on Sunday mornings. Itā€™s better than melatonin for me but non-drugged sleep is still easily the most refreshing. I also donā€™t love some of the side effects so I try to use in moderation.




My husband and I recently discovered that we both hate edibles for opposite reasons. I just want pot to be legal.


I'd never done any drug growing up. But I started taking low dose edibles (I think they may be 10mg?) as a 35 yo and jfc, why hadn't I done it before? I guess my goody two shoes ass was waiting for them to become fully legal (which they'd been for a long time here in OR). I feel so relaxed when I'm on those. Usually take 20mg a night after work or over the weekend and I'm buzzing.


You get described me basically. However, I usually just weed vape during the week though. I live in Canada and I basically will only vacation in US states that have legal cannabis.


I was microdosing edibles every day as it helped ease the symptoms of postpartum significantly. I stopped about a year ago, am pregnant again and fully plan to microdose again when I'm ready after baby.


I took them once and they gave me a massive panic attack


Haven't done any in about a year. Was going through phases of doing it on weekends for several weekends in a row and then not doing any for a few months. They are relaxing, but it makes me feel super foggy brained the next day, which I don't like and why I would only do it on weekends when I don't have work the next day.


I use my vape pen, and I would like to find a way to ween off.


I used the delta8+CBD versions for my insomnia and they are life changing. Recreationally, too. Stopped temporarily due to pregnancy but I will be a life long daily user!


Semi. I got a daughter which makes it hard to do sometimes. But yeah right there with you for the reason.


Bro, I feel this so much. I've been trying to temper myself and not let my tolerance get too crazy. If I don't temper myself, my tolerance gets pretty insane and I don't feel all of the same benefits. That being said, full spectrum CBD oil has helped me get the entourage effect from edibles that have otherwise been stripped of everything but the THC. If you ever get to that point, try some CBD and see if it helps you.


I do once in a while




I was doing this since early 2020, obvious reasons. I decided to stop, because I couldnā€™t control my munchies and was gaining weight lol. I do miss edibles some days though


Did so for the better part of a year, stopped for a govt job I was applying for. Gonna get back to it soon. Really takes the edge off my gad and perpetual insomnia.


I do.. have been for years. Seems to be fine for me, I try to keep it to a low dose because otherwise your tolerance just builds and it can get ridiculous (expensive etc)


Unfortunately this is one of those things where you're only fooling yourself. Regular THC use interrupts sleep.


Edibles occasionally but, mostly my vape. Itā€™s the only way Iā€™ve been able to get ANY sleep in the last couple years.


I used edibles a lot- helped me with nausea and pain. Iā€™m on some medications that edibles really helped with. Then I ended up in the ER (twice) with uncontrollable vomiting that went into acidosis. I thought it was the medication- the dr told me I had Canaboid Hypermesis Syndrome. I thought ā€œthatā€™s not a thingā€¦fucker is shaming me for taking ā€œdrugsā€ ā€œ Yeah. Itā€™s a thing. I stopped and all the nausea I was taking it for went away. Now, I have had stomach surgery, so my gut doesnā€™t work like others which I feel contributed to my adventures, but edibles are a lot more strong than theyā€™ve been. I still take edibles, but not hardly as often anymore. So, just donā€™t overdue it. It was not a good ER experience, the pain was immense. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549915/


I have lupus and RA and take 5-10mg a day for pain. I hate them. I love them in theory, but I feel like I've completely lost my evenings. I used to sit up and read and journal, now I watch YouTube videos and eat chips.


Been smoking daily for a decade to sleep, and not to sleep, but to sleep too


Personally, I think CBD is the better of the two to take in higher MGs as the majority of people (myself included) aren't hugely into THC induced psychosis while having paranoia and the fishbowl brain where your short-term memory is just completely gone for the next hour or so. The only time I've found being pretty ripped on THC to be useful is when you're listening to/making music because that shit genuinely does completely change the experience of listening to and making music. You'll perceive music as this surface level medium sober, but ferociously stoned? You hear the layers beneath the layers which you never knew were there. Anyway, I like THC, but I keep the MGs very low after lots of trial and error over the years. I typically don't go above 25mg ever and use it pretty seldomly personally because the psychoactive effects are always present for me. I disassociate without being on large quantities of THC to begin with so I absolutely know I'm useless on lots of THC until I sober up (unless it comes to music). YMMV obviously. The absolute last thing I want to do is be around lots of people and be in a social setting when I'm ripped out of my mind. That shit SUCKS. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/marijuana-induced-psychiatric-disorders-high-potency-weed-psychosis-rcna146072 https://www.priorygroup.com/mental-health/drug-induced-psychosis




Not trying to act like a hard as or anything but I edibles donā€™t do shit to me and Iā€™ve had MASSIVE dosesā€¦.im a younger millennial (just turned 30 last October, two older brothers 40 and 38 to give lil more context for my millennial upbringing) I started smoking weed at 18. Only time Iā€™ve had a hiatus was when I got poppped for simple possession by my university pd. Two court ordered drug tests later and never looked back. I think I just metabolize it differently. Iā€™ll get stoned as fuck with just a nice size bowl but ediblesā€¦nothin. Hand to god. I want to experience what everyone talks about with edibles


I canā€™t because I get drug tested at work šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


Alcoholā€¦trying my very millennial best to utilize my mmj card along with other healthy alternatives.


I miss edibles for sleep! They're so much better than melatonin or anything OTC. I can't anymore because of my job.


Yep. Can't sleep without it from all the fucking trauma our parents inflicted woohoo! Fuck sorry. Trying to move past it


I worked 12pm-8pm for about 7 years, and changed jobs about 2 years ago (I now work 630am-230pm) so i started taking edibles regularly just to get my ass to wind down and sleep and it's helped soooooo much. I tried melatonin, which did help, but something about indica edibles really get me feeling comfy and cozy like I'm on a warm cloud. I also used to smoke a lot and then switched to vaping, but both of them make me cough a lot now, plus something about edibles hits me in the body differently, whereas smoking/vaping are more of a head high.


I dont do weed, drugs, almost never drink alcohol. I dont even drink coffee these days. I thought I needed coffee but after a few weeks of withdrawal I feel just fine if not better. Thought I needed a lot of things in life, but realized I actually dont need to pay for all of these or be dependent on them.


I smoke throughout the day, take 10-20mg around dinner time then magnesium topical and a cbd/herbal supplement before bed. As an ex insomniac I am stoked to finally sleep! Add some exercise and a good meal on top of that and Iā€™m dead to the world šŸ˜“šŸ’€


I finally quit my edible habit, it was the only thing I looked forward to. I was taking upwards of 350-500mg each day. It was the hardest to quit, no sleep for a week, barely ate. I just take kratom now.


Been thinking about it since I tried a cbd seltzer in Georgia. Now that it's soon to be a class 3 I may seek a prescription. I have decent ptsd, insomnia, plm, and aud. I'd rather a low calorie cbd than alcohol. Idk if I could make the switch since the alcohol buzz is far superior, but I'd like to try.


I would if I wasnā€™t in a job requiring drug tests quarterly.


Funny enough, I didnā€™t become a stoner until the last few months of senior year in college (back in 2016). My younger self probably knew that I would need it to get through adulthood outside of the college bubble šŸ’€


Hell yeah I am! Every night. Some work days.


I like edibles sometimes. Chocolate melted in coffee is great. I am a smoker tho. I love my little chillums w flower


5-10mg a day, but Iā€™ll take breaks when I travel or otherwise. I only take it at night, never tried during the day because side I have stuff to do, kids, etc.


I enjoy the occasional gummy on the weekends. Like it better than alcohol tbh. Feel relaxed the next day instead of sluggish and hungover.


It stops working eventually. I did get really skinny tho


You could say a regular basis šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ Grow my own and use trim/larf/extra flower for what my wife has named "experiments". ISO wash, bubble hash, BHO, peanut butter balls, chocolates, infused green rum (rough), cannasugar from said rum, gummies, etc šŸ˜‚šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I microdose almost daily. 5 mg edible for anxiety and sleep. works better than my antidepressants ever did


10-30mg cbd/thc edibles typically in a day


No drugs. I even left caffeine


Itā€™s an unhealthy habit. Youā€™re self medicating instead of taking the healthy options to resolve your issues.


THC results in lower quality sleep (less deep phase sleep) just like alcohol. Therefore, long-term use as a sleep aid is not recommended. There can also be detrimental cognitive effects (executive functioning / short-term memory) for some people with heavy usage. THC can also exacerbate mental health issues for some. Please use with caution and know when to reduce consumption. I've reduced my own usage and don't see it as a sleep aid at all. If you have severe insomnia it's better to try other things like sleep hygiene, exercise, mindfulness, not eating/drinking before bed, and consulting with a doctor in the case of sleep apnea.


This is one reason why others look at your generation with confusionā€¦