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Jeremy is the id and mark is the ego


Marks Israel, Jeremy's Palestine


They are both the same bundle of insecurity and immaturity, they just deal with it a different way.


They have a lot of similarities but they are most definitely opposites in ways that are not superficial. Being sexually repressed and being willing to hump anything that moves are not the same. Enjoying drugs and counterculture is not the same as being a high-strung, cynical office drone. Mark is also obviously smarter than Jez but hes also a sexual civilian. The list goes on! Mark doesn’t want any of your drugs or to be the best man to Super Hans—pardon me, Hans—the crack-addled maniac!


They’re matching. Thats the opposite of clashing


Yeah I’d agree tbh. I also think inside everyone there are two wolves - Jez and Mark. Both relatable, some people might be more like one of them, but we’ve all got SOME Jez and Mark in us. (Sorry that wolf line was cringey as hell)


Now they’re bringing back wolves


There are two wolves inside me…and they won’t stop fuckin’!


No, I can't even see them that way. They are perfectly matched, but they are not same or even similar. And that's when the most fun happens - when one of them is so frustrated that he listens to another one and tries his approach and it doesn't work.


Mark is the narrator, Jez is Tyler Durden.


Id say there both just as insecure underneath too, although marks insecurities come out more through his social awkwardness. Jez on the other hand tries his best to adapt to any situation hes in which makes him more impressionable and eventually his facade slips revealing his true self.


I've always assumed they're absurd caricatures of peep show's creators, aside from the obvious "theyre Mitchell and Webb" aspects of mark and jez


They're both weak, venal, selfish and insecure. They also both have outsized opinions of themselves, though Mark has a more "realistic" ego as it were. Jez thinks he's a great musician when he's a failed musician with chlamydia who can't even play the bongos. Mark think he's an intellectual because he reads mass market paperbacks like Beevor and Roy Adkins on Trafalgar. They also both look up to and latch on more charistmatic and more confident men who they think are successful, but who are both barely just a rung above Mark and Jez. Super Hans is a better musician, but he's still a drug addled maniac and a nobody. Alan Johnson thinks he's the Wolf of Wall Street, but he ends the series as a retail bank manager.


They're pretty much the same thing we've seen but more gritty. The odd couple, but we hear their thoughts, and they never set out to do good, only set out for gain for themselves. Any good they do was either coincidental or accidental, but always exploited, which makes for shitty people, but damn good television.