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It depends on the meta and which (types of) heroes are strong atp. But generally the lineup should have at least 2 frontliners (spread out amongst roam jg and exp). Currently for jg, tank(/fighter) is more meta as only a few assassins are viable in jg, and for exp all the meta heroes can be considered frontliners. If the jg is a frontliner as well as the exp, a support/non-frontline can be fitted into the comp no problem. Eg if your jg is Fredrinn (best jg rn) you can take something like Mathilda (best roamer rn), Khufra, Franco etc. If your jg is Nolan then take a frontlining hero for roam like Mino, Tigreal etc. For supports in mid (ie Angela), you just need to make sure that you have sufficient damage in your comp overall from the other roles, and also that you have at least one other source of magic damage with your substitution of a mage (eg Guin roam, Harith gold, Esme exp, and/or Joy jg). These are just guidelines but not rules, feel free to ask me anything or dispute my points. :)


I think your points are spot on. But how useful do you think supports really are? In solo que, it's basically a nightmare teamwork wise. I like playing Alice mid, and carm roam and other heroes mixed in there. But honestly I feel like mages substitute both supports and assassins for the high burst damage and cc. It's just that they sometimes have no mobility and usually don't heal or provide any other utility like supports do.


I wrote my answer with pre-made teams in mind. I never play soloq, so Im sorry that I probably can’t give you the best answer. I can agree the impact of a support pick in soloq is heavily reliant on ur teammates, so it may not be a reliable pick. Tank roamers are a better option, you have a little more independent control of the game especially when you’re behind (more possible to mount a comeback). Either way, as a roamer main, both tank and support roam in soloq is hard haha. I think in premades Alice mid would go well with a support/backline roamer type tho. For your last point, I can see what ur saying. By the same logic, other roles can loosely do the jobs that mages do too. Eg, despite kagura being a burst mage, currently (damage) paquito in exp does her job better. Yve is a high ground mage but ixia does her job better rn. Not trying to bash these mage heroes (they need buffs tho) but just showing that a purpose in the comp can be filled by multiple heroes, as long as you fulfill it in one way or another. Comps are flexible like that. Not sure if I answered your point correctly


Healers often work well in solo since they’re easier to understand especially Estes and Angela. Most people from epic to immortal know how the mechanics of both heroes work. A more utility support like Faramis, Diggie and Mathilda are only good in higher ranked matches since low ranked player usually don’t understand how they work.


That's a good point, thank you. Yeah some people seem to not even realise the mathilda dash exists even though it would've saved them


Yea a lot of people here when giving recommendations tend to forget the meta in lower and higher ranks are different. Heroes like Estes, Hanabi and Yin for example are great for low ranks because they work best when against uncoordinated teams with lower macro. Mathilda, Claude and Novaria are examples of good in high ranks but weak in low ranks because of the lack of players that understand the mechanics of these heroes.


I agree, and the latter heroes heroes don’t work as well without coordination


Tank jungle is meta right now. I'm surprised you didn't consider it while writing all thaf