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The implementation is awful but the idea behind codhq is not bad. Basically saves u a shit ton of space on ur PC by having shared assets


how many cods does one person need installed at once though?


Alot of people have warzone and MW3 installed.


I never in my life want to touch warzone.


Well thanks to COD HQ the people that do want to play don't have to have duplicate assets installed and the people that don't just don't have to install the warzone files.


Honestly if you are just wanting multiplayer you dont need anything but the MW3 and content packs installed.


Yeah I’m pretty sure most of players drop the previous game completely once the new one comes out


I still have DMZ installed but I'm afraid to play it. 😂


I love Al Mazra, it looks so much cleaner and more diverse than Urzikstan. I'm not a fan of dmz, but if I do go outside of MP I go to DMZ.


Yep. Since MW3 has the MW2 weapons, I don’t need the latter installed. I still have MW19 and Cold War installed because sometimes I wanna play those instead. But Vanguard and MW2 both left my SSD once their replacements came out. It’ll probably be the same for MW3 once the BO6 Warzone integration comes out.


Damn near all of them and their cosmetic packs to


I have installed all of them lol


I only have two atm, mw3 and Cold War


I'm so torn. It's one or two.


_Need_? Well, none. I have half a dozen installed though, but I have a PC with a lot of disk space so I'm not worried.


I have 3 rn lol. I got mw2 on disc, I preordered mw3 and Cold War for zombies. If I take the disc out I lose perks or something idk, probably test it out.


If bo6 MP is ass i could expect people to keep MW3 and have BO6 for campaign and zombies. Plus warzone if ur into that


Yup, it's more for warzone tbh. But this logic is what they are using.


I have MW,MWII,MWIII and Warzone installed


All of them. I need Activisions fist up my ass at all times.


Yeah shared assets that don't need to be 300 fucking gigs you goddamn mongoloid


It's only 300 gigs if you have absolutely everything installed you mongoloid way to read headlines only


Yeah there should be a main menu of the flavors of cod titles. The subset is based on the title you choose all on one screen. Not this scroll up down nonsense. It's the most dumb part. Telling me you can't fit each menu into one screen based off from dividing titles at the first menu on one screen. Lmao. Ffs.


It should be a lot easier to manage what you have installed. And I dislike how they shove bundles/ bo6 advertisements in your face.


Cod HQ would be great if the UI wasnt the Hulu crap, and the games launches seamlessly, because if i want to launch MWII i had to first launch cod hq then wait for it to restart. Im pretty sure after BO6 launches the only two games will be switching seamlessly will be it and Warzone.


Yes. If you want you can keep all the multiplayer games and delete campaign zombie etc, or can download zombie and other things. It's not bad cod HQ, people are just a little bit dumb that's it. No way they can't navigate through it


Nice to see some positivity in here for once. The game definitely has its flaws (namely the bugs/server issues) but when it works, man is it fun!


It certainly is the most fun I’ve had since CW. I feel all games have their quirks and unless the majority of them are absolutely game breaking I don’t mind a bug here or there. There are always people with legitimate concerns and those usually get patched eventually, but then there’s the people using bugs and glitches as a mask for skill issue. At least I’m fully capable of admitting I’m absolutely ass at the game so it doesn’t bother me Lmao


COD HQ has grown on me. I absolutely hated it when they first introduced it on PC. Switching to another game would close the current game, and then launch the game you selected. Glad it's not like that anymore. I started playing right at the end of the vanguard era of warzone. Then when MW2 came out I have pumped so many hours in it is unreal. (820-ish hours currently) I am enjoying it though. First time I have actually been back into gaming at all in years.


Keeping it positive, I enjoy the game. Just a "reality" check, that as you get better, probably expect to be annoyed by the servers and the amount of suspect play. Just didn't want you going in FULL rose colored glasses. But otherwise, it's a blast if you just accept and ignore those


Most fun I’ve had with cod since Cold War. Didn’t like Vanguard or MW2 but I’ve had such a great time with this one. Glad you like it!


I think a break helps. My ps5 broke early in the year and I just finally got a replacement this week and I’m having a blast. But it seems like everyone is still complaining a ton.


TBH, it’s just Reddit (specifically cod subreddits). Most redditors who are motivated to post in a cod subreddit, are motivated by anger. It’s much less common for someone who is enjoying the game, to stop what they’re doing, go to an online forum, and express their happiness. Rather, they’ll just keep playing the game. On the other hand, anger/hate is a fantastic motivator to motivate someone to stop playing and rant about some nonsense online.


It always baffles me why some people think we need their input, but let me share a little info with ya. I noticed that you said you had a 7 year old who gave you the present, so did they happen to sit by and watch you? I have played COD since the first game, and every game afterwards has a group of people who complain. See there’s one major factor that everyone’s seems to forget, they’re marketing themselves to younger generations. My kids loved watching me play the game, and my grandkids are also excited about the games. They get the little sparkle of neat looking bundles, and all the cool looking players they see me or my kids playing against. So as long as they keep their marketing towards the younger generations, us older people will have a complaint about something. Anyway that my poor old cheap ass two cents almost 60 year old opinion.


I’m 54 so not too far behind you. You’re probably right but I think we also remember a time where video game controllers were one long stick and one button. This stuff today is almost out of science fiction in comparison. There’s a lot more that can potentially be screwed up today. A series like call of duty has the ability to try pleasing every part of their audience. You can say when you try pleasing everyone you please no one. That said I do think this one gets a lot more right than it does wrong. And it certainly has me excited for black ops. And it’s also nice seeing people close to the same age playing this stuff and keeping up with the younger generation as best we can.


Potentially unpopular opinion but warzone has never been better. Me & the boys have put hours into resurgence & it never gets old 


A more unpopular opinion: I’m one of those that misses Blackout.


agreed but in a sense, blackout walked so warzone could run


MW3 is the first COD I've played in a few years, I got it for Christmas from my wife and I didn't really get much of a chance to sit down and play it until a couple of months ago. I really love it, understanding the COD HQ menus took a few minutes but yeah, mostly play HC and really enjoy that too. I'm not so good at Warzone but multiplayer is good enough for me!


First CoD I skipped at launch in a very long time because it was too dlc for me. Bought recently when it went on sale and realized only CoD I skipped at launch since PS4 gen started has one of the best gameplay in the franchise and it is everything I wanted MWII to be. Packet burst is annoying and same goes for snipers but I have genuine fun even if I go negative and I like almost all original maps, Paris may be one of my all time fav maps. Such a breath of fresh air to win (or lose) gunfights again based on skill because of high ttk and movement.


If you’re working on your reaction time you need to play core atleast you have a chance to be able to survive rather than getting sprayed or one tapped


first cod game i’ve played past january/febraury! stilling enjoying it despite the sbmm and network issues


Welcome back and happy father's day. I would really suggest checking out MWZ as a way to become familiar with the base of DMZ its built off of. If your liking MWZ DMZ has been a really exceptional game mode even despite the pvp. DMZ truly was a gem and it's a shame they were afraid to properly support it, but since it's under the umbrella of warzone its free to play territory to pick up. MWZ is outbreakish but honestly more DMZ than zombies at the core of it which is a distinctly different flavor for better or worse. As for honing your reflexs, plenty of exercises and techniques out of game for that but as far as in game ways to refine gameplay small map moshpit (or shipment/rust) is the way to go. Repetition wins out, so small fast paced matches helps forge your muscle memory back in my experience swapping between halo and COD frequently.


They’ve done a lot over the years to ruin players fun


haha everyone seems to hate HQ. I got both Vanguard and Cold War but didn't like the "looks" of those games. I think they were on another graphic engine. All Call of Duty will be on IW Engine from now one which I love the looks of. Estate is up there among my least favorite maps. Good that you have that love again for this franchise. Hopefully Black Ops 6 will be even more dope. I upgraded to the $30 Vault Edition on PC Game Pass. I usually get the $100 Vault Edition. Now the base game is "free" bahahahaha. Can't play with the preorder Woods skins yet tho which sucks.


I 100% agree


*word just came in over the radio. Another settlement needs your help.*


Bought both main white gundams. My kid and I have a blast with them.


What was the nail in the coffin for you? I was hesitant at first bc I didn’t know if that’s what I wanted to spend my points on. The operator skin was obviously gnarly but after checking the pack I saw the beam sword, loading screens, and calling card and immediately muttered “sold.” I’m one of those people that thinks they should put individual items in the shop for people who don’t want to buy a whole bundle but would be willing to drop like 250cp’s on a calling card, emblem or charm.


Man I grew up watching gundam wing after school. As soon as I saw the operators I bought both white versions. The guns were all a bonus, I exclusively use them because of those lazer sounds. Every time I play search & destroy people ask me what my guns are. These just won't get old. Seeing my kid use them too on his account was worth every penny.


That’s awesome. Back then I’d try to watch it but it was a time that if you missed it you had to either **hope** you could find a vhs at the flea market or that a friend caught it and could tell you about it. the tracer and death effects are definitely top tier, as well as the included finishing moves.


Yeah Tunami on cartoon network was legendary to grow up with. But like you said, I had to catch it immediately after school. Enjoy MW3 man, and happy Father's Day fellow dad!


Mw3 is my favorite of all cod next to original Mw2 2009, i never enjoyed cod game like this since i was a kid! I dont know maybe it gives me little bit of nostalgia but, the movement mechanics and the gameplay is soo much fun and better than previous years. Im really afraid of Bo6, cuz i never played many bours in blackops series its looks kinda arcade to me and weird and not smooth experience feeling with movement, animations etc.., but i hope its fun as this year was, and good as it is. I’m glad you enjoying this game as we do, still more couple seasons are coming.


Updoot for the South Park reference. I member.


this is probably the best COD I've played since MW2019 and that's because all my friends played during the pandemic, now I play solo but Im having loads of fun! the content, the movement, everything about this game is fun. it doesn't take itself too serious and that's what I love about MW3


Love mw3 hits nostalgia right


They bombed Ground War, only 3 maps since launch and they are stingy with tanks and other features. MW2 was much better.


COD HQ actually helps. It saves me from having to load up multiple games from my library over and over again.


This must be the worst take since you have to load the games anyway.


Yeah but it takes only a couple of seconds lol. On console it takes nothing. I am only sad that there is no vanguard there


I love the HQ a lot. It does help a lot


I think it’s just a stupid thing to complain about


The nostalgia goggles definitely wear off. They did pretty quickly for me at least. I also don’t like the cod hq it’s very annoying


I absolutely love the skins they add to the game. That Vanguard skin is so cool and I’d definitely buy it if I wasn’t so loyal to my Messi skin lol


You're way late. At this point I would have saved my money and waited on Black Ops 6.


It was a gift and I have gamepass, so.


People are still buying this shit game 😭😭


Ur entitled to your own opinion


You're also entitled to fuck off and let a dude have a good time.


I ain’t reading all that congrats tho or im sorry you feel that way


I’m glad you’re having fun with the game but I’m going to have to disagree. COD is in the worst state it has ever been in. Multiplayer can be fun, but if you’re a decent player sbmm will reveal itself and every match will turn super sweaty and you’ll start to encounter cheaters a lot more often. MWZ is a cheap reskin that really has no substance at all. I don’t think I even finished the campaign and traditionally I always played through on veteran before I played any multiplayer.