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I like him. I just don’t like that he was literally just created to be a love interest for Frankie. Kinda a sad existence. Like imagine your whole purpose being to love a girl just for her to fall in love with another guy 5 minutes later.


Haha that's a lot of the mansters, sadly. Poor Voodude was literally created BY FRANKIE and he still got rejected.


Such a depressing existence 


All of the boys are except Heath unless they were planning Abbey and just decided to debut him first (his first 2d appearance is a year before hers but ultimately his doll didn't release until years after hers).


Didn't Heath flirt with Frankie though..? Is every man in this school just made for Frankie????


heath flirted with everyone tbf, didn’t he also date draculaura?


Can confirm because I watched this last night- in the very first series there’s an episode where Draculaura gets her makeup all screwed up by Cleo in an attempt to shock Heath, but he loves it and walks of with Drac


I thought so! That webisode is permanently burned into my memory xD


In my opinion, MH was so paranoid about being a horror line that they went way overboard to spam the "he likes/she likes" stuff in G1. Loved the dolls, but it was waaaayyy too much love nonsense. Meanwhile, EAH was ao worried about being seen as some vapid princess crap that they went out of their way to only use the romance stuff sparingly, and the stories were really interesting as a result. So... unpopular opinion: romantic/love/he-likes-she-likes stories are lazy, low effort stories that are boring and not fun to watch.


He would originally be a gay character 😭 HUGE missed opportunity, we truly lost


While I would have loved a canon gay character in G1, and I love Neighthan, I have mixed feelings about the first gay guy being also the first unicorn in the franchise. Feels a bit on the stereotype side.


To be fair,he was also created for them to have a excuse>! to kill Frankie on screen and then resurrect her. His unicorn magic helps with that.!<


G1 Frankie a little boy crazy ngl


every single g1 love interest for frankie felt extremely forced. i love all the dudes she dated on their own, but none of them ever felt like an actual relationship. at least they remedied that in g3 and made clankie actually make sense


Yup, I wish they fleshed him out more, but he was just a love interest for Frankie.


I'm pretty sure Nathan is gay, so i don't even think it would have even worked between them anyway 🤷


to me personally its the colors, i find them really obnoxious, otherwise I looove his face


So a restyled Neighthan is the way to your heart?


yess 100%


I agree. While the colors work together because of color theory it’s just too much for an outfit to contain. I feel he could’ve had this color theme but in a different way to make it work better. Personally I think that they should’ve made him like the clear cam dolls and made it to where you could see inside his torso. That would’ve marketed to some male audience that likes the “gross” of that, while still having a cool design and pulling in the normal MH market


Something maybe like this in his color scheme is what I’m vaguely thinking https://preview.redd.it/a2fizoejln9d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e617f2071ca9110094a79fe634ab988102e2ea


Soo make him gay. Agreed


Im pretty sure he is canonically


Wow! Love this. So gross and hot 


If this were to be his g3 design I think it would be well received


i just SCREECHED. this is beautiful


It is, the Pinterest didn’t seem to have the original artist on there I might go do some searching today to find it it was super late when I shared it 😅


omg if you find it please let me know. i’ll do some searching too. i wanna try to make that into a custom and i would feel bad without crediting the og artist


From what I’ve just done it seems the og artist no longer is on instagram so you can’t visit their page anymore.


Ah! A badly cropped image of it seems to credit this artist https://preview.redd.it/0re1pp047r9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27381c0fde0dfaec809eebe30a4bd7f83ce19fc8 I’ve looked at that profile they’re style seems to match up but I’m unable to find the picture itself


oh you’re a hero, thank you


You’re welcome




Agreed. I dislike how basic the colour palette is


I unironically love Neighthan. One of my favorite MH dolls. I love the bright colors and the gore, and I also find the concept of a zombie unicorn hilarious. I always see people complain that all male characters are boring and have same-y uninteresting designs, but whenever we get something creative - they claim it's ugly. Don't understand the hate he gets at all. Same with all Freaky Fusion and Great Scarier Reef characters. I wish there were more dolls like that, but it seems like they are unfortunately not very marketable


Yes! All the other mansters are just... plain looking to me.


people have been stated to say its weird even in MH world that it's a zombie and horse/unicorn created him


Okay I can kindve see just the concept being weird, but why do people find him inherently ugly? I don't think it's because they're weirded out by unicorn/zombie when MH has so many super weird characters.


[the story of his parents meeting is in his diary](https://monsterhigh.fandom.com/wiki/Neighthan_Rot%27s_Freaky_Fusion_-_Freaky_Fusions_diary#6/17) and its honestly so cute! It explains that within monster high canon unicorns have humanoid forms that they can turn into. But yeah I'll be the first to admit they really should have advertised that fact more. because without that info, the vibe absolutely is that one of his parents is just a horse 😐.


Omg I had never read his diary before, that's so cute and sweet 😭😭😭


I think it's how he looks, he isn't interesting to them. No idea but I'm sure you can find videos of people hating on him Angel Loza always bashes when he does G1 videos of likes and dislikes


For me its the fact that the muscles(?) on his face mold arent detailed, he looks like he was burnt


NOTHING, HE'S PERF. But yeah, I could live with different clothes.


I swear I've seen some alternative/punk Neighthan customs. I kindve live for those.


That'd be a lot better! The primary colors are too much and clash, they didn't get a good punk style that could pull it off.


You think his clothes just don't compliment the bold color choices with a bold sense of style?


For me, it's definitely the yellow that irks me most. They could have had bold colors that didn't clash so much to me, like if it was only reds and blues. Or even just the same shades of red and blue, but with a bold teal color of the same saturation level as that yellow. I like the ideas of his outfit alright, though I love even more punked out redesigns even more.


Exactly, his clothes look like printed pajamas.


I'm just not into the rotten on one side Zombie Unicorn vibe.. also those colors are a \*real\* eye sore. But I appreciate them trying to make an interesting Manster.


Sad to hear that nothing about him really works for you lol What do you think you would change if you had designed his looks/character?


I actually quite like his face sculpt and his blue horn. His colors are the worst, honestly, and if they picked a better, less garish color scheme then it would make him so much better.


I just think he’s kinda all over the place and that works for some characters but I don’t think it does for him


Haha I guess that's kindve fitting along with his storyline of being "too weird" for other monsters.


I don't hate him, I find him so cute and lovely, both character-wise and design-wise 😊 And I really like that he has long hair


Yess I love his long hair too <333 one of the things I super like about him!


His concept in theory is campy, I just don’t like his color scheme, I would’ve loved it if they experimented more when it came to his unicorn side (giving him some glittery pink details, despite being a masculine character would’ve been interesting!!). I also find his outfit extremely uninspired and unappealing, reminds me of my 12 year old brother’s pajamas


I never thought about how his outfit kindve looks like bad Halloween pajamas.. you've kindve got a point. I love Neighthan a lot, but I agree I would've loved him more if they leaned into him being a little feminine! Besides his ears and horn, nothing screams unicorn to me.


Yes, agreed!


I just commented elsewhere that his outfit looks like pajamas and that’s exactly what I don’t like about it.


He makes me think of bronies, but specifically the bad kind of bronies 😭 there’s something about his hair and face that makes me feel like he’d wear a fedora and say m’Lady unironically Which IS campy! So I kinda like him for the comedy aspect, but his colour scheme is kinda lame? I think I’d really enjoy the colour scheme on a fem presenting doll though, but only if they had cooler fashion. I think he brings to the table almost all the being bland things about every male doll (boring fashion) although props for giving him long hair! So him being boring and ugly like most guy dolls, plus looking like a brony, plus the colours being kinda ugly and not at all reminiscent of unicorns (but I see what they tried to do) or zombies makes him a yuck to me. No hate to anyone who likes him though! I barely like any male doll as it is so I know it’s a personal preference


I totally agree with you that feminine dolls just tend to be better. Better colors, better fashion. I mean, it makes sense since the target audience is girls and parents tend to buy them girl dolls. But the bronie connection??? I would hate to think that Neighthan was another thing that weird older men ruined for little girls 🥲 (if you're just a man who likes mlp I mean no offense, I'm talking about the people who make nsfw pony content.)


His face sculpt is …. Not the best


You just don't like his zombie face?


Yea they could of added way more detail


That's an interesting take, usually people complain cause they think his zombie half is too gross.


Lmao no I like it but I don’t like how it’s his skin color like with oppertas skin thing I wish they made it darker


Now that I'm looking at him I think you're right, he'd look better if he were a darker grey.


Yea I know right


i liked him in the movie but the doll is... not great. like the colours of the outfit and hair is horrible. make dolls alreayd get the short end of the stick but this completely broke the thing. deuce will probably always be my favorite gen 1 male


So do you think his design is poor or it's just the execution of the doll? Like, did you like the way he looked in the movie?


i think his face and hair look a lot better in the movie. maybe bc the colours are so much more muted it seems. but the shirt and pants are still bad to me. i don't mind the rib cage design but the colours throw it off soo much


Ahh you're right, the movie had kindve a gloomy tone to it that doesn't translate onto the doll irl. The colors seem to be a big factor towards his dislike.


He just looks like he was microwaved and I feel sad for him.


Noo not microwaved 😭 I'm sad too that he was kindve just a love interest for Frankie, but I don't find him ugly??


Nothing 😭 I don’t get the hate, I love him. Granted, I don’t like how they tried to force everything with him and Frankie, but that’s less him and more the movie writers. I think he’s a cutie 🥲


Unfortunately he is suffering from male love interest disease 😔


His color palette gives me eye strain. I actually like his face a lot but I wish they went all the way and made him a centaur. Humans with horse ears don’t make sense to me.


Ahh I think he would've made a cool centaur but that was kindve Avea's thing. Maybe human with unicorn horn just gives brony now.




...source? How was I not aware that Neighthan was planned to be gay?




I had heard that Valentine was supposed to be interpreted as gay, but I guess I never heard that Neighthan was gonna be queer too! That makes the whole forced romance between him and Frankie make a lot of sense in context. Kindve makes me sad that Neighthan wasn't included during MH's pride stuff.


His outfit execution was boring plus the primary colors used on him are nauseating. Had they used a different 3 colors it could have been better. Something more overtly unicorn maybe


Think maybe if they had used pastels instead? I could definitely see that working.


Yeah probably tbh


I agree, he has an incredibly unique face sculpt, cool concept, I love the design of his clothes, and personally the colors are really neat. Primary colors automatically flow imo


I love his neat anatomy clothes and his colors, I guess it's just not everybody's taste sadly.


I get dolls to customize generally, so his ugly outfit didn't matter bc I was going to change it. But I couldn't do anything with the terrible face mold I got rid of him


Ahh I get how he could be difficult to use for customs, hadn't thought of that before.


I don’t get why people hate him! I really like the obnoxious bright colors and his sculpt is really really cool with all the rotten bits


I'm starting to think that I just really like his color scheme because I'm really into cybergoth/rave stuff lol


i love his body. the whole “unicorn/zombie” concept is SO monster high (be yourself, be unique, be a monster). i just wish he had cooler clothes


Yeah I definitely think his weird hybrid definitely fits the theme of the show, just seems the execution was a little off. Wish they made him a little punkier.


i dont mind the bright colours and i think hes cool, but i wish they had went with more cohesive/complimentary colours instead of these which just kinda clash, otherwise hes pretty cool


Some people like the idea of giving him pastels instead of the neon colors, you think that would fix him?


yeah definitely!


The fact that his last name is Rot and he’s literally a decaying corpse and we’re made to believe that his zombie parent procreated with magical horse 🧟🦄🙅🏼‍♀️


Yeah I'm not sure how they explained it in universe...


I love him!🌈


nothing! I really like neighthan!


That I don't have him and that he was a 2d personality love interest when he couldve been genuinely such a good character


So it's not that he's ugly, it's that you didn't like his character?


I personally like his design and think it's a lot of fun and I just wish they decided to do more with his character than just "love interest"


Head, face, hair, outfit.. The molding on his face is the worst part TBH. The fact that the unicorn magic in his genes would truly be too powerful and trump any zombie genes yet.. here we were


I like his face mould, but I agree that they could've leaned harder into his unicorn genetics. Without his ears/horn I don't think anything really shows his unicorn half.


I mostly hate the primary colors combo on his hair and clothes. I really don't like how the overall effect looks for some reason. His face mold shape also missed for me by bit *(not zombi part, that's cool).* but if he'd had a colorscheme that was less of an eyesore I'd probably be wanting one for my collection.


Are you thinking his face is a little too square? Honestly my one thing I dislike about him is I think he suffers from a little bit of bicycle seat face...


>bicycle seat face That descriptor! 🤣 Yes, his face is a bit too angular and squished. In the movie he had a more handsome design, but the zombie part was barely noticeable!


i never disliked him! i wish he was maybe a little less grey…… does that make sense? like it doesn’t do the face mould justice, the details get lost and the light doesn’t bounce off the sculpt like it could/should! other than that i have no qualms !


I agreed with another commenter that he may have looked better as a dark grey instead of a light grey.


When I saw him when he first came out, I thought he was gaudy, but I’ve grown to love him and wish I owned him! He’s freaking cool-looking. Don’t know anything about him onscreen, just talking about his doll.


Nothing. He's gorgeous. Perfection. Ultimate manster. Fave doll ever. Someday I want one more to keep original. Mine has his hair down & a leather jacket. Wish I had got a second back in the day but I was a teen who moved a lott and wasn't thinking of duplicates back in the day. Neighthan is my main MH I've had to move before & leave all my dolls in storage several times, Neighthan is always the one MH I keep with me no joke


The primary color palette made him look clowniish. For a zombie unicorn I expected pastel goth.


Foe me it's the outfit. It looks like he's wearing pajamas. If they'd have styled him differently and maybe put his hair in a vraid or ponytail to give it some dimension it'd be cute.


His clothes look like cheap pajamas


Nothing! Love him!


i don’t know the lore on him but i do find it weird about the unicorn/zombie mix. seems like a strange thing to mix together? i dunno


Yeah.. I don't remember how they explained it in the movie lol


I love him, I don’t collect anymore, and I miss having him lol.


Nothing. He’s cool.


I don’t like the face, also the color of his body doesn’t match his color in Freaky Fusion. He also looks like he’s been LooksMaxxxing for YEARS


I think he's cool but the clothing is so low quality I wouldn't want his doll


Seeing others say that the colors don't really work for them but that you (OP) really like the brightness makes me wonder if the colors would be more appealing if they went with a different theme for his look? Not straying from the zombie unicorn thing, but instead of trying to make him a serious, mature, introspective manster maybe someone who is cutesy and over the top? Not a fashion designer lol but I'm thinking like the sweet screams line 🤔....


I think maybe the colors would have worked better if he had more of a punk look? Or if they changed the color scheme to pastel and gave him a softer style.


Yeah, I agree. I'm a little biased so I like the punk look idea better, I think it is just a matter of balance. Mansters get the short end of the outfit stick unfortunately


I don't hate him, I hate his outfit. All because it looks soo low effort to have just pants and a shirt with a print on them for him. They did him dirty with that imo


I don't know anything about his lore, I've never seen any of the MH media, so my opinions are based solely on the doll. When I first saw him, my initial dislike was based almost entirely on his face. I've always thought it was ugly in an uncanny valley way, and didn't even notice/realize he had a half-rotted face. It's the shape of his features and their spacing that absolutely turn me off. His eyes are too far apart for such a flat face. If his eyes had been more on the side of his head like a horse, or like Manny's where he had more of a snout, that would have made more sense to me. Although making a human-shaped face with its eyes on the side of its head would be very hard to pull off without looking weird. I REALLY hate his nose. It does not look like a horse snout to me at all. I really dislike its flattened shape with a pointed tip. It makes no sense and is really ugly. Broader, "flatter" noses on humans are normal and can be absolutely lovely, but they usually have a normal rounded tip. I've never seen a broad nose with such a pronounced, pointed tip on it, and it really makes it look like they took a "witchy" nose shape and just squished it. The squashed-looking aspect of his nose throws the whole face off. Since I never noticed the zombie rot on his face until today, I don't have as strong feelings about it as some, but I don't think it was executed well. It's too angular-looking to me, not organic, and hence it speaks more cyborg or gargoyle to me rather than zombie. His clothing is awful. I agree with the other commenters who said it looks like bad kids' pajamas. The colors are too garish in the pattern they chose. Although there's nothing wrong with the color combination alone, they overdid it with the bright colors that should have been used more sparingly as accent colors, or focused on one bright color and used the others as accents. There is no detail to the clothing fabric at all, no layers, folds, seams, textures, or a unique cut to make the outfit interesting. The printed-on pattern accentuates the cheap, pajama-like aspects of the outfit, and the material looks like it would feel like really cheap, stuff, scratchy polyester when touched. I love the long hair, and when I first saw him I thought he was supposed to be Native/Indigenous inspired, and as I myself am Native, I was excited. But since he's not, his hairstyle doesn't reference either unicorn or zombie, and just looks boring. Since horses usually have their mane fall to one side, long, side-parted hair or a "mohawk" hairline would have been cool and made a lot more sense. Plus, if his hair was rooted in a horse/mohawk hairline, you could customize him by giving him an actual, spectacular, tall mohawk! I also think he should have had a rooted tail. A rooted tail on a humanoid body would have been so cool! I haven't seen his body without clothes on, so I can't judge how his "exposed" muscles look, but I agree with the commenter who suggested they should have given him a clear chest cover with exposed bones, muscles, and organs behind it. They could have made this doll so cool and unique, instead it seems they half-committed to the concepts and thus ended up with a bland, confusing, and strange-looking doll that doesn't read as zombie or unicorn. When I first saw him, I couldn't tell what he was supposed to be and only the name "Neighthan" finally clued me in. I would love to see some of the rejected concept sketches for this doll; it could have been executed in so many different ways, so I'd love to see what the designers played around with. A unicorn centaur zombie would have been amazing, too, but probably cost more than they wanted to invest in a male doll since male dolls don't sell as well. But if they HAD given him a centaur body (especially partially rotted with an exposed rib cage), since horses are so popular with young girls, he might have sold better than the humanoid body. All in all, although there is a lot I dislike about this doll, I do love that he feels entirely unique to the Mansters, and MH G1 in general. Do I want him for my collection? Absolutely! But I'd probably change his clothes and give him a punk studded leather jacket like someone else suggested. I've held off on actively searching for a good price on him, because there are other dolls I still don't have that I want more, but now I'm inspired to get him and restyle him! I wish I could reroot him to give him a crest/mohawk, but the exposed unrooted area would probably look bad. Sorry for the lengthy response, I have OCD and always go into too much detail!


I didn't like his cloths and colors at first, but then I read his bio and how he wanted to be a psychologist, and I saw him with his hair down and his awful hat gone, so I bought him. Now I love him. Also, someone did a reoaint of hin where they painted his exposed muscles and he looks fab.


He just looks like a deviant art MH OC. The colors are the worst part. It doesnt help that I dont like any of the mansters except for Clawd.


he is FUGLY


Okay but *what specifically* do you find fugly about him??


i mean… everything😭😭 can’t think of a monster i find more offensive to look at. his sculpt? busted. his clothes? cheap. the colors? hostile. I hate his girl failure personality too XP this doll is the equivalent of the challenger explosion for me :|


Nothing besides the general male mold, he's actually my fav male g1 doll😌


Unicorns and horses just down make sense in the MH world, they’re not monsters. And I know that he’s half zombie, but it all just still seems extremely bizarre to me. I’m not familiar with the lore of the hybrids, but I sure hope it wasn’t a zombie mommy and horse daddy situation.


The colors


His color scheme


To me, he’s perfect. But I also have my own headcanon for him since most of the guys have the personality of a handbag… :’) I know when I read about him before his design debut, I was appalled at the zombie/unicorn idea. In the end, the doll was so cute, he won me over.


nothing i love him :3 i love his clumsy colours i think it’s super endearing and his concept as a whole is very interesting to me !


The colours are divisive but h personally like em


That he isn’t gay….


I don’t hate him, but I don’t like his outfit as a whole. As separates they are fine.


I just got him today and I swear, he’s one of the few mansters that I just adore!! He’s got awesome detail and I’ve wanted him since his original release lol :)


Idk he was one of my grails and he travels with me now 👌


I don't hate neighthan, I actually quite like him. Especially since he's really supposed to be gay. But I think the main reasons people don't like him are contextual. Next to the other fusions he looks lazy and uninspired (as all the rest of them have major body differences from the rest of the cast, but he's just a guy with exposed pectoral muscles). Monster high didn't put as much love and effort into the boys, and often just made them a characters "ken" equivalent. I'd love for monster high to make more diverse boys. He'll I'd love for them to make a mass market manny this generation. Sure he's not the hulking brute he once was but he's still adorable. Sadly I think the same problems that plague og mannys "release" are way worse now. Monster high, on the tin, is a toy designed to target little girls, and some people just don't like idea of their little girl having a monster man to play with. Dads would've seen their daughters playing with manny and wondering "where the hell did she find this action figure" and got all up in their minds wondering about this that and the other. Hell some people got uncomfortable about clawd and clawdeen, them being black and all. That's why the g3 boys are so much more cutesy than they once were, that and people don't think of teenagers the same way as they used to. Before people thought nothing of teenagers driving all over the place doing God knows what because they're practically adults. NOW people think of teenagers as practically kids who they wouldn't dream of letting them out of the house by themselves or behind the wheel. I think monster high could totally benefit from branching out with more bold boys. A merman? A centaur? Hell I'd settle for a tree boy like treesa thornwillow. But I know every Idea I have for a monster high boy is much more monster than it is high.


Was Manny planned to be released as part of the general line and they cancelled him?


Nah, just saying hypothetically. But nowadays with their front loaded lineup of fan favorite characters, they might now. Mainly because a g3 version of the character would be alot easier to give people without stepping on the toes of people who sold a kidney for the original manny. They made manny for sdcc and because people wanted another boy body, and they reused it once for hexaciah and modified it for finegan. Just saying they probably only did that so fathers wouldn't get all up in arms. Or Mattel is just cheap, who really knows.


The clothes , hair colour and the fact he was a hybrid, idve loved him to just be a unicorn


Ugly he is


I like him! He's unusual. A Unicorn Zombie.


Really just his colour palette. Too much bright primaries going on here for my taste, and his grey skin tone really doesn’t do anything to harmonize the bright colours. Maybe if his hair was a proper rainbow?


i just hate the mansters, i think this design would be so cute on a femme doll


I love his colours, but I cannot *stand* his face. That goes for most of the male dolls, including my favorite character. Just something about it I just don't like


I honestly kinda like him. But his hair is a little weird, like the colored strands all feel kinda random since theyre only in the front


he looks so 2009 myspace


I guess the color palette is just terrible and the horn is small and bad looking. However, I really like the mold. If he had a My Little Pony-like pastel color palette and a primer horn, he would have been a great doll!


His fashion choice. Otherwise i like him


I don’t like the colors or his hairdo. He looks like one of those egotistical scene mooks that looks down on people for liking a band he doesn’t deem cool enough. I normally am into scene looks, but he just looks like a jerk for some reason lol. I do not get any zombie vibes from the doll!


Oh I want him wym? Ik he gets a lot of hate but I want him for the zombie hybrid aspect


I like him


I love him, his clothes are a but awkward but i like that about him too, definitely one of my top manster dolls


The fact his unique face mold isnt more detailed


I don't like the shade of gray they used. I don't think it looks right with all the neons in the rest of his design. I also just don't like his facemold. I think it makes perfect sense because it's supposed to be kind of horse-like since he's half unicorn, but I just hate how it looks. But I mainly hate him for being a Frankie love interest though. I think they should have kept Frankie with Jackson/Holt. So Neighthan just annoys me from the get-go, and then I just hate that face mold and the shade of gray they used. So I don't really like him.


Idk anything about the actual show, but the way they styled him reminds me of weird gen x guys lol. Might be his head model too that, to me, makes him look like he's way older.


literally just his hair, I hate long hair on guys and it's even worse on a guy doll😭


Look at him


I actually kinda love him, love the concept and he was my first manster, one thing I don’t like about him is the clothes, I get that he’s part unicorn so he has rainbow all over but idk they just look kinda weird. Love love LOOVE the face/body mold tho!


The outfit I want this doll but wish he had a better outfit


Nothing. He’s a great master!


The colors


(i’m a fan of the dolls but not the movies so my opinions are purely based on aesthetics) to me he’s just too much. the colors aren’t flattering, the horn is in kind of a weird place and i don’t like his clothes. the face mold is creative but the execution could’ve been a little better, and please give his lips some color 😫. in general i’m not a huge fan of any of the freaky fusion dolls except ghoulia x draculaura, they either feel unfinished or too cluttered. i like the concept of a doll with two different ghoul parents and i like the concept of a unicorn doll, especially a manster, just maybe not together. i wish we would’ve gotten more unicorns after freaky fusion, they might’ve even fit in the EAH universe


Nothing, idk


I nearly got him in an bundle on Friday but just as I had about to pay the seller took it down and put the dolls up on her page separately 😓 Iv always personally liked him and when i was an kid I thought the movie was an great message! I think the only thing that gets me about the doll is the hair and clothes don’t get me wrong the concept is amazing but the execution could of been a bit better imo but he is an amazing character!! 💞


Nothing, he slays. Once I have all of my G1 Drac grails, I'm gonna go on a witch hunt for him


why would i hate him he’s literally my fav manster


I don’t like his color scheme or his clothing. It’s too loud. As an artist I’ve always refrained from using these three colors together because they’re really hard to pull off. Unless you want your design to scream “LOOK AT ME I AM SO BRIGHT” it’s best to use something else. As for the outfit I find it basic and boring. I know Manster outfits are simple, but Mattel created Valentine so there’s no excuse for giving this poor guy a long sleeved shirt with a pair of pants. He deserved better. 😭


he looks like hes wearing pjs and his wear yellow hat doesn't go with the rest of him. he seems very messy in terms of desgin to me


i LOVE him. he looks like a power metal icon. hes honestly the boy doll im probably the most passionate about! im still getting into g1 though so i know NOTHING about his character LOL


The fact that I no longer have him or the rest of my childhood dolls. :(


Um his hair, thats literally it, just his hair, i don't hate him, well i hate his horn too but it just needs a different color


No beef with him but the idea of a unicorn x zombie is crazy to me


I like him tbh


The design is so lazy and could’ve been so cool.


For me it’s his outfit. Too on point for me. Also other zombies have a scared face.


Nothing, he is perfect <3


Me and my daughter love him. He’s my fav g1 manster and hers too. I love his unique side profile and his nose, I love his colorful look and grey skin, I love his lil tail, he’s an adorable and kind manster in the movie,and I wish they’d at least show him walking by in the g3 show 🥲 he is my daughters favorite doll and the one she was the most excited for. She takes him everywhere and I got him for like 20$ with his shoes, clothes and hat in great condition. My kiddo is 4 and she calls him by his full name lol


his clothes remind me of pajamas, i definitely think all male doll clothes have this problem but his bright colors make it even worse like theyre little kids pajamas (also hate the 3/4th sleeves, but thats just me). i like the primary colors against the grey skin but theres just too much of it. maybe if his pants and sleeves were completely black. for the highlighter yellow shoes and hat are just bad, maybe if they got a touch of paint but without any i think they shouldve just been made black as well, red would work really well too or even blue. yellow really was the worst option for them. as for his face, i feel like its especially lacking dimension with the lighter eyebrows and the lack of eyelid lines leaves it feeling especially stamped on. but honestly i’ve never really cared for male dolls in general as they always seem to be significantly lower quality, at least the g3 boys are salvageable to me since i love their face sculpts (their screenings are horrid, however)


I think hes cool, but his outfit is pretty lame.


The colourblocking hahaha i love him but i wish he had a more lighter coloursheme hahaha


He’s cute. I don’t hate his outfit, but don’t like it either. I love his hair!


I don't like how the colors look together in his outfit, but I definitely don't hate it. I like him a lot as a character, also.


The colour scheme, combined with the grey skintone is blegh… I also wish his hair was styled better, his horn was more unicorn-y and they did something else with the zombie look like maybe a bone arm or something


Love Neighthan. He’s what got me collecting. I always loved MH but when I saw him on Nickelodeon I was like “what a cute and interesting design”. Then I saw his doll in Walmart that same day and the rest is hisStory. I do not like his primary colors, though. If I could change him, I would make him mostly black with pastel or iridescent rainbow colors.