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I mean considering there was a Cat 6 hurricane following him everywhere I cant imagine he was too difficult to track once they figured it out so the government probably got the hell out of dodge before he and Rodan rolled up


Rodan clearing everything up is one of the most terrifying kaiju moments I've seen in awhile


And was he on the flight logs??


He wasn’t on the island. He *was* the island


Don't lump my boy Ghidorah with Epstein, he was the *real* monster. Ghidorah may be an omnicidal alien dragon, but he ain't no kiddy diddler.


Ghidorah definitely killed some kids though.


There is a huge difference between ***Fuck*** them kids Fuck them ***kids***


Very true 😂


Lol imagine he caused people to panic buy toilet paper too 😂


“Your honor, I was in a goddamn kaiju coma. How could I possibly have known?”


The flight plan he filed with the agency lists him, his men and Rodan here, but only one. of you!


Should’ve had a CGI Epstein cameo. No dialogue; just like a 10 second clip of Ghidorah eating the guy.


If you mean kill everybody in the US definitely not if you mean bringing down the state and disrupting society, well he surely caused a state wide emergency, idk about the extent of the damage tho He could've easily achieved the second point tho, merely flying above most big cities would've caused that, people going rogue, stealing food Ecc Ecc


I always kinda hated how GvK doesn’t really like address it at all. I know it’s partially cause they jump like almost 7 years later but like… DC looks absolutely brutal. Insane flooding. Entire city is a good 70 feet under water and it’s that way as far as you can see. Ghidorah must have done some crazy damage to the country.


If DC is flooded that much, surrounding virginia and maryland areas would be underwater too. That's nearly 10 million people directly affected


It's very likely everyone from Washington DC to Boston was affected


Even in KOTM I dont think they do a good enough job of showing how bad it is, I have watched the movie many times and it wasnt until seeing this post that I realised just how bad it is, I never realised just how insane the flooding was, in the movie it just kinda feels like theres a big lightning storm. It never actually feels this apocalyptic in the movie aside from this one shot imo


The new show tried to at least address the damage in San Francisco, showing quarantined areas and FEMA camps. but tbh it did a terrible job and never revisits it after the first few episodes.


The only thing they said is this was the greatest disaster in world history and the president enacted martial law, that's it


Same I hope at least the monarch show address the fallout of GKOM Washington d.c was flooded, Boston was not only destroyed but now thanks to Godzilla is full of Radiation, for how many years it would be inhabitable, just like a Major U.S city is fucked forever, 2 if the flood on d.c doesn't recess to the ocean did other major cities on the east coast like New York got destroyed as well? Plenty of medium to small cities on the east coast definetly were destroyed, London and Moscow were attacked as well, were those cities destroyed as well? How many people died in the movie, Millions? The World Economy likely entered The Greatest Global Depression ever known, surpassing the 1929 crisis with the capital of the us being destroyed, NY getting probably some damage Everyone on wall street probably freaked out Honestly it's Ridiculous that were wasn't a global call to kill all Titans, there were attacks all over the world


What does “Ecc Ecc” mean?


Etc etc, sorry it's ecc ecc for me so the keyboard corrected it as such


Boi a damn river formed around the Capitol, probably during Kong x Godzilla was still under reconstruction lmao


Everyone thinks King Ghidorah was in Washington DC to destroy it. Turns out he was actually running for President. And the thing is, his poll numbers were great! It was a guaranteed landslide victory. And then Boston happened.


Vote Ghidorah 2024! Why choose the lesser evil?


Well Gihdorah would be less of a monster than the last one, and probably be more proactive then the current one


Ghidorah would be a better president than Obama, Trump, and Biden put together.


“At least he isn’t a Democrat” - famous last words of his voters


Honestly now though thinking about it, it would have been cool to see the aftermath of ghidorah in GvK, the destruction he caused plus he was causing the other titans to wreak havoc, would have been interesting to see tbf


The only issue I have with GvK is how it doesn’t answer any questions left after the end of KOTM


And those questions being?


How did the world recover from everything that happened, which was basically the monster apocalypse/near extinction event


I mean...How did the world in Destroy all Monsters recover after Aliens unleashed the monsters, and sicked them across the globe? How did Japan recover after Godzilla and other monsters trampled a lot of their cities? They don't really ever explain it in these movies like...ever. Most of those cities should be nothing but radioactive waste lands after that, but they are back up like nothing happened in the next movie. Just best to go with it.


But in tge monstervers they do, in kotm and legacy of monsters the events of 2014 are a big plot point


Yeah, that was nice. Something the Godzilla franchise doesn't cover much of, but just saying...The series doesn't do it a lot.


Well we aren't talking about the whole series we're talking about the legendary series, and in the legendary series it isn't really just ignored like toho does


Just saying, been a long time Godzilla fan. I've learned to not really question any of it. Maybe they will explain it one day, but it's not really that much of a concern for me.


That's not really good tho, it can be excused for the showa films do to them being for kids but to still do it now even after basically making an entire ten episode series all about the aftermath of the G day/2014 battle, it would just be bad writing to not talk about everything that happened in kotm and gvk and the last thing we want is for monsterverse writing to get worse


>I mean...How did the world in Destroy all Monsters recover after Aliens unleashed the monsters, and sicked them across the globe? i mean we have never needed an answer to that since destroy all monsters is the last showa film chronologically?


Well, other movies in then It was just one that came to mind. You can apply this to other Godzilla movies that really don't explain stuff. Invasion if ASTRO Monster would of been a good one. The world is under attack by aliens, and monsters. And they leave the ending ambiguous, next movie never mentions any of the events at all.


Nah, when the shit hit the fan, they hit the bunkers


Clearly not. The U.S. was fine in GvK


Most of the movie didn’t even take place in the i I states the only part of the United States that was in it was pensicola florida lol so your statement has no bearing


And Florida is always messed up so it's not like Godzilla's appearance was a big difference lol


Of the US was decimated we would've heard about it though. The United States Federal Government being crippled by a dragon would absolutely have been mentioned lol. You can't seriously believe they would turn the US into some wasteland and only bring it up 5 real world years later and like 5-10 in world years later. What should actually be a plot point is the massive hole to the center of the planet in the middle of Hong Kong made by godzilla and the never before seen giant gorilla that popped out of it with an axe.


No. You think destroying DC will destroy the US government so easily? That funny. There are plans in place for situations like this.


There are plans in place for giant space dragons?


Plans for if the capitol is destroyed and congressman die


Denver is the backup capitol of the US if anything happens to DC. There’s already tons of the more legit federal facilities in Colorado anyways.


I think he let Rodan do most of the work.


No because Ghidorah has no hands


This is the comment I came looking for. 👍


The major players and functions of the government were probably moved before Ghidorah arrived. The president has a few different safe houses he can go to while still running the nation.


Suddenly Emma doesn’t seem so crazy 🤔


*gets Ghidorah did nothing wrong tattoo*


It was a peaceful protest, Ghidorah was simply visiting DC, it was actually Godzilla trying to make Ghidorah look bad


All things aside this was a cool as hell scene. I wish ghidorah return on monster verse.


I mean if Donald Tru- *gets dragged off-stage by a vaudeville hook*




*piano solo*


The British captured Washington in the War of 1812 and we replaced them as the global superpower roughly a century later. Just because Washington got wrecked doesn’t mean that the entire U.S. Government fell apart. A bunch of officials and public servants probably did die but the U.S. Government isn’t going to collapse due to one disaster.


Any military power that the US military has is laughable to Ghidorah. He was far beyond any extinction event the earth had ever seen.


I mean hypothetically with no Godzilla, Ghidorah could easily destroy the entire world


He took out the entire US naval force by himself, per the novelization.


Did he have any feats in the novel that we didn’t see on screen?


I’d have to go back and refer to it again, but I think Ghidorah was pretty on par with his on screen self.


An illegal alien and an immigrant from Mexico go and destroy Washington D.C.




Yes in property damage alone


No because, as your picture shows, he had help from Rodan.


People need to understand that the world post-KOTM is pretty much destroyed. Several countries have fallen, the world economy is in tatters, more people have died than the Holocaust, 9/11, the Cambodian genocide and the Black Plague combined. A huge chunk of California doesn't exist, and Boston doesn't exist anymore. Washington DC is in ruins, and I have no idea how the government exists. The collateral damage is downright apocalyptic in terms of scale, proportions, consequences


"A huge chunk of California no longer exists" When did that happened In Godzilla, only San Francisco, Las Vegas and probably everything in the way was destroyed Also the US has protocols in case the capital falls from the cold war The government would just be relocated inland


I assume the reason the government is still around is they probably evacuated before DC was attacked they would have noticed when he started to head for DC although I’m sure it was still badly crippled and you are right the word is pretty much destroyed


Considering the US managed to send an entire fleet to Boston to attack Ghidorah and then attack Godzilla in Pensacola a few years later means probably not


Ghidorah & Rodam vs US Military, clearly makers didn't think that would be important for audience to watch, so here is some more sappy family drama which clearly the audience didn't want to see, but director thought otherwise.


I wish yall would make up your minds Do you want mosnters just smashing into each other Or do you want som character arcs as well cause not having that in gvk was the biggest criticism


Both would be nice. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive.


I mean they werent in kotm This is the first ive ever heard some one say KOTM didnt have enough monster fights


Ya you’re right. They were both in there. Obviously no one’s gonna say there weren’t any fights in KotM, including myself. The characters were just so poorly written imo I forgot there was an arc to any of them. Once Millie’s mom told everyone her “plan” I honestly kinda checked out of the characters at that point.


To each theor own I thoght their arcs were allot more intresting and engaging then anything we got out of the preivous movie (helped by them not giving up 15 minutes in)


There was no character arc in KOTM


Mark russel's arc was accepting that godzilla is to important to the world to just kill hes a not just a rabid animal. Emma and maddison its realizing that their greif caused them to fuck up monumentaly and agreeing to try and fix their mistake. So objectivley you are inncorect.


i wanted to see the sappy family drama (that might be just me)


No. The government most likely relocated somewhere else. Destroying a capital does not mean you destroyed the government. Also I think Ghidorah doesn't even care or know about human things such as the government lol. Remember, humans are essentially ants to these guys.


lmaoo nah more like rats let’s be honest, some good rats tho like ratouille💀


Skar King is the biggest threat my ass. Lol.


Like actual lizards, every politician probably scattered and hid somewhere, like their private bunkers.


No The US goverment has protocols in case of nuclear War, likely those were followed with some tweks Still the whole Western and central US is just fine in the movie,its just the east coast Though it pains me there never any adress to the fact DC was floodeed


Doubt it, the smart ones who knew what was heading straight for DC most likely evacuated to underground bunkers long before he showed up. You know Ironically one of Ghidorah's "Weaknesses" was that whenever he goes he brings the storm with him so to speak so that would make him easy to track, just follow the hurricane.


I feel like this doesn't get talked about a lot. The fact that Ghidorah flooded and probably almost fully destroyed Washington.


Godzilla can bring down the whole US government if Trump is in power, but it will be 9000 times worst if its Sleepy Joe in power lmao


Considering how DC is probably a flooded, weather blasted wasteland, I wonder where the US capital is now.


Denver maybe or Chicago


No, but I am wondering if they had to move the capital city after this


He doesn't even have hands!


Sometimes I wonder who's president in the current Monsterverse. Obama in 2014, Trump in KOTM, possibly Biden in GVK


Honestly I wonder how apocalyptic/dystopian the Monsterverse is at this point.


Nah the military has too many assets, they would need to use a lot of them. But they would be okay.


Yeap he did


No I'm pretty sure the entire Government got out of DC before Ghidorah showed up.


If the fucking Great depression lasted more than a fucking decade then there's no fucking way the world just fully recovered from Ghidorah's conquest. I wish that, GVK showed and mentioned about the attacks of Gihdorah.