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He's guardian of planet, he's not pissed, he's just who he is. People amplify last two movies but he's been pissed off since he showed up in G14, he's had his moments of calmness in G14, KOTM, GxK, but rest of it is just getting pissed off at various Titans who are disturbing the balance.


Y'all want to have RomComZilla?


Eh. I like it. It differentiates him from Kong.


Seems like a weird thing to dislike


Never said I disliked him being a badass, we just need to have more substance other than anger destruction


He's not pissed 24/7 This is all just business for him, nothing personal.


What he had with kong, skar, the rival, ghidorah definitely personal


1. Kong:it may get personal for a few moments, but he treats Kong fairly by the book. Once he dropped that axe, he let him go. 2. Skar: no shit, bro built an army and started a war. 3. The rival: all Godzilla wanted was a new home and he remembered that guy who jumped him when he was a little kid. 4. Ghidorah: an invader to the ecosystem


I feel as if you mistook kong dropping the axe as a submission.


It 100 percent was a submission. Godzilla made it perfectly clear the night before that Kong was his bitch in an even fight.


No ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah and denial ain't just a river in Egypt.


I mean can you blame him? Imagine being him. Humans worship you for thousands of years and then one day they suddenly begin trying to find a way to kill you even though you've done nothing but save their entire species several times. Yeah he destroys buildings and accidentally steps on some people while fighting but it's not like he goes out of his way to do it


I said him being pissed is justified but itโ€™s no excuse for a lack of personality


Blame Toho. They literally said Godzilla is not allowed to evolve as a character


He has his reasons that justifiy it, but yeah we need more variation in him than just sleep, patrol, fight. Dominion comic currently carrying all of godzilla post kotm development. I was having a conversation, and brought up how KSI was the ground work of kongs personality, and gvk amd gxk devloped it, making kong one of, if not the most believed and liked character in the series. Kotm was the groundwork for godzillas personality but gvk and gxk stagnated him. Hes cooler than kong, but since the monsters are now distinctly characters they need to treat godzilla like one and not just (though they should keep part of it) mysterious unknowable force of nature. Hopefull this next movie will improve godzillas reputation. Ive already seen some people say they dont care about him any more cause hes boring in that instant killing other titans and being the best in combat arent as interesting as kongs development


Ok, but has there been a version Godzilla who wasn't hacked off most of the time? If this is an issue, it is hardly a recent phenomenon. I mean, the guy has been in a terrible mood ever since the start of the millennium era.


Dudes been harassed by humans since the 50's then he naps for 60 years and since he woke up it's been pretty much nonstop bs for him to deal with. I'd be pissed too bro just wants to sleep but humans , space dragons and arrogant monke that doesn't know his place keep starting shit


I had noticed this a little bit too. It's fun seeing him constantly throwing hands and wanting smoke, but it might get stale if that's all he does in the next movie too! Hopefully Wingard gets his Godzilla focused movie next.


My boy just wants a nap, and if it isn't some other monster interrupting his sleep, we keep doing something stupid to wake him up. Yeah, Godzilla is pissed. He should be.


GoDzIlA cAn'T sHoW eMoTiOnS!!!! \~Toho


Why is this picture of a tweet a video?


I don't hate to say it, I agree completely. I really hope the next film shows Godzilla being happy. Let him have some fun FFS.