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Sonic mania has a worst ost than sonic 4's either episodes


I miss shounen style sonic, anything not this is pure garbage


Absolutely no one is responsible for your own safety. Your peace of mind is not a right. There’s only one true authority and that is your capability to commit violence. Might is UNIRONICALLY right.


I don’t like the concept of Super Sonic. It feels like a Dues Ex Machina in most Sonic games. I want to use powers like Chaos Control or Chaos Blast, and not just collect 7 for a boss fight or bonus feature that makes the game easier.


His name is Robotnik, not Eggman. Same thing with Nack. Best zone in Sonic 3 is Carnival Night Heavy and Bomb are the best badnik duo (Yes, better than Scratch & Grounder and Orbot & Cubot) The real Sonic 4 is Sonic Xtreme, they had their chance, they blew it. The Sonic franchise would be in a better place if Xtreme had been released.


chemical plant zone needs to be brought back more


Forces is better than unleashed. 06 is bad, p-06 is a good mod, but still a bad game Every 3d sonic game has a fundamental flaw that holds it back from 10/10-9/10 ratings Unleashed is bad. Like, the day stages aren't even worth the night stages level of bad.


Sonamy and Sonadow sucks


Eggmanland isn't that bad


I'm gonna ship Whisper as straight


me doing bi because the tangle/whisper ship tease is undeniable but I ship her with silver, so...


Based. Don’t follow the crowd, be an individual!


Jim Carrey’s “Eggman” in the movies is by far the worst interpretation of him ever in both design and characterisation (luckily the 2nd movie fixed the design a little bit). Honestly the first movie’s design for “Eggman” would’ve fit more with the “ugly” original Sonic design from the trailer. Nothing against Jim Carrey though, but I don’t understand how Sonic fans can appreciate this version of “Eggman”. Eggman is my favourite character in the franchise but is my least favourite in the movies. To be perfectly honest, I’d much rather the ‘06 design of Eggman over either of the movie designs.


Yeah and they would have kept sonic original horrid design too, they don't know anything. This ain't a sonic movie, it's James Marsden buddy cop movie, hops sequel


Yeah, I hard disagree here. I’ll agree he is guys flanderized, but to be fair so is everyone in those movies.


I’ve made reviews going further in depth about the issues I found in their “Eggman”. 1st movie: https://boxd.it/6rnbBz 2nd movie: https://boxd.it/6rnmoh


Lost World has a lot of issues, but the Zeti are great villains The thing they do perfectly imo is how the danger and their presence escalates, from being weird Eggman lackeys, to being free and taking innitiative, to jumping to DRAINING THE ENTIRE PLANET OF LIFE JUST FOR PETTY REVENGE, to try to enslave Tails, and enjoying every bit of it... The scene where Sonic loses communication with Amy and Zavok comes just to taunt Sonic, that's a moment where I understand that guy being a great villain worth bringing back (how that IS done is another story, as Forces didn't even do it and TSR was awful), Sonic is alone, FULLY alone, as far as he knows, everyone is dead, and his anger only enhances just how much these guys had everything on him, and only because of HIS mistake They're a great threat, going from silly caricatures to almost destroying the entire world, killing everyone including Tails and Eggman, my only gripes are their designs and the fact that even then they stay kinda onedimensional, it would have been perfect to see other sides from them as they move from caricatures to geniune threat


Ok... Boost mechanics completely ruined the Sonic franchise for at least a decade. Spoken dialog isn't much better. Unleashed is one of the worst games in the franchise (in my experience). We don't really need new characters in practically every single game (though I did really like Sage). The games were better without the supernatural bs. Once or twice was fun, but now Eggman is hardly even worth taking seriously thanks to the godlike threats we get all the time. Eggman is a stupid ass name.


That first one is so true.


2007 Megatron and the Neir Automata flight unit have the same jet mode.


Roger craig smith is the best sonic va, he could have been sonic the entire time and it would’ve been fine




if every single character in the universe got deleted besides honey the cat everything would be just fine


sonic adventure 1 is better than sonic adventure 2


I don’t know how many agree/disagree with this but anyway. For mainline Sonic games, the only gameplay for a majority of the game should be speed based platforming, different playable characters use this format with their own abilities, not different gameplay entirely, that’s not to say that prior gameplay styles are bad or not fun, but they should be saved for spin-offs or whatnot, 3D Sonic games generally should’ve built off the foundation that SA1 built instead of going off the rails. Yes, this would mean no boost, as fun as it undeniably is, this is also something that could be saved for spin-offs, because yes, I DO think momentum is very important for crafting the perfected Sonic gameplay.


I hate 2D Sonic. Every 2D Sonic game. Every 2D section in 3D. I do not like it. I do not enjoy it. It is not fun for me like 3D Sonic is. I don’t like the originals, I didn’t like Mania, I didn’t like CD, and I found them to be the weakest parts of Generations and Forces. Forces didn’t lay it on nearly as much but it still made me roll my eyes. I hate it.


When I saw that 3D Sonic’s section in City Escape in Generations had a 2D part, I quit the game then and there. I picked Modern Sonic for 3D. Don’t put 2D sections into the 3D levels.


Tails and Amy should be a couple instead






All of Archie Sonic is good... including the bad stuff


Elise is good. (Checking to make sure my Reddit avatar has her helmet on…she does.)


Hesse Classic Sonic does not capture NEARLY the spark that Junio or OVA Sonic does, and it really pisses me off when people act like they're all the exact same art style.


Sonic 06 isn't bugged, you're just bad




Ok I actually agree on this one, never got any bugs on my 06 playthrough.


Mario & Sonic at the Olympic games is more enjoyable than half the stuff they've put out for Sonic titles lately.






The Werehog was cool and I want that gameplay to come back.


The characters (and by proximity, the current comics) are more enjoyable than the gameplay of Sonic.


Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise really need a good serious plot for it's games


THE END is a cool villain, and though the FH boss fight is very cool, the fact that it didn't have a phase where you directly fight THE END like you do in the OG final boss was a letdown.


I don’t mind Green Hill coming back as often as it does. It’s that little consistent brand recognition that makes the games all feel somewhat cohesive. I’m fond of it. I would prefer if Chemical Plant was used less and especially Angel Island, which has no right to be in more than S3&K and Generations, but I kind of enjoy Green Hill coming back.


People trying to defend the series by propping up and defending SA2 make us all look psychotic. It's not a quirky fun and cool ranking system, there's a reason no other game uses that ranking system. Making you do arbitrary tricks to get points is stupid. When people play those stages and get E Ranks and say 'wtf did I do wrong?' they're valid. This game, which has an obnoxious creature flying around giving you tips about everything at all times in every level btw, does such a horrible job explaining how to even play it properly. Heroes clears also.


I hated Sonic Frontiers. To be fair i haven't finished the game, But that's only because the game was SO BORING. "Go to this part of the map, do that thing, play a so-so Boost stage, go over there, watch a dragged out cutscene, go over there". I mean i don't mean to be rude but is this really what people call fun? It just took WAY too much energy and i got almost 0 entertainment in return


I did enjoy the game overall but this is exactly how I felt at the start, the story and general progression of the game initially bored me to DEATH. I feel like Sega heard fans whine about not having serious stories and as such responded with a story that had ZERO energy and a Sonic that sounded middle aged because the fans want “serious”. Not a bad story not a bad game, as I side the game eventually got better and it’s a good overall step for the franchise I think but certainly room for improvement.


> To be fair, I haven’t finished the game Opinion invalid. Opinion will only become valid once the FH ending is completed.




Sonic Boom had more potential to be good than Sonic 06 ever did. Sonic 06 had potential... if Sega delayed it for a long time to sort out the hub worlds, remove or redo the hub world missions, optimize the loading times, redesign the NPCs, rewrite the plot to actually give Tails, Knuckles, and Blaze actual things to do and to make Sonic feel like he's contributing as much as Silver and Shadow, get Silver's physics working, fix collision glitches, fix the controls, fit the weird player models, fix the player animations, and if they somehow kept Yuji Naka and/or cancelled Secret Rings to get more support. Sonic Boom had potential... if Sega didn't tell Big Red Button to scrap their origin story approach, and if they weren't forced to change to the Wii U partway through development.


I feel bad for BigRedButton. Imagine breaking away from Naughty Dog to form your own studio, to get kicked in the balls by Sega and release a 2/10 game as a result of them forcing you to make a Wii U exclusive title using an incompatible game engine, to then being associated with a blatant Kickstarter scam like Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Space Odyssey, to then releasing a shitty mobile game nobody cares about.




Lost World is often seen as playing things "too safe", especially within the Boost Era. Even if they didn't go with the crazy concept art, the ability to play as Tails/Amy/Knuckles and have 4-player drop-in multiplayer would've at least been considered a breath of fresh air - had it actually been made on the system they planned it for.


I HATE sonic 3 and knuckles. I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE IT


Sonic boom wasn’t as bad as a show as people made it looked


That take is so cold Iblis couldn’t melt it


Take as cold as the arctic


It was hilarious though


This series should not cover any particularly (I can't come up with any better word for this so if someone can suggest a better one please do) """gross"""" stuff, e.g. love/ sexuality. They're funny speed animals who fight robots, let it be that way. I'm ok with the community expressing themselves through these characters, just don't ask for or expect it in any games.


Sonic and Amy don't work together and they should never be a thing in any canon.


Other than Green Hill Zone and some of the bosses (when not using Super Sonic) the genesis Sonic game are pretty boring


The S3&K Sonic sprite should've been the one they used as inspiration for classic sonic and mania. I hate the rotund fuck that is S1/2/CD Sonic


I completely agree with you!! The S3&K sprite is super badass, feels like the perfect evolution of the Sonic 2 model (which was kinda basic ngl), and encapsulates the attitude Sonic is known for.


Sonic Lost World on 3DS was actually really fucking fun aside from like two or three stages (Frozen Factory 3 and Silent Forest 1 in particular)


The original sonic games back in the genesis are really boring,at their best,they are just decent People should really stop with the annoying shipping wars,because the ploblem isnt the majority of the ships,its the shipping wars that happen,plus,we all know polyamoury is the way to go Espio is legit one of the most underrated characters ever Tails should take a break from sonic and go back to commiting terrorism against birds Sonic colors DS is by far the superior version of sonic colors,and also better than the two sonic rush games,it is a S-tier experience


What's the terrorism against birds reference?


Tails adventures,you fight against a empire of birds and you can use bombs


Bean would be proud


The Chaos Emeralds were a mistake. It makes every Sonic climax have little to no stakes whatsoever. Literally the textbook definition of Deus Ex Machina. Every problem can be solved with….you guessed it…..the Chaos Emeralds. It’s no wonder Sonic’s friends are seen as useless by the general public. What’s the point of utilizing the power of teamwork between Sonic and his plethora of pals, when Sonic can just use these 7 glowing rocks to turn into a Super Sayain (with the power only HE and other male hedgehogs can utilize for some reason), and defeat the bad guy and save the day all by himself while his friends sit back and watch. That’s why I actually liked Sonic Dream Team’s climax. It was Sonic and all his friends teaming up to stop Eggman from taking over the dream realm. No Chaos Emeralds present to lower the stakes and not having Sonic do all the work. Each character played a part and had their fair share in the fight, utilizing their special abilities to traverse the dream realm to win. All with the power of teamwork.


**YES! YES! YES! YES!** # YES!! Personally, I myself am also very tired of the Chaos Emeralds. Like, we have the fastest creature in the world that can create tornadoes by running in circles! Go fuck yourself with colorful stones, creators! This is why I consider the Metal Virus ending in the IDW comics to be the worst ending to any Sonic arc. The creators were literally afraid to show a world without heroes, collecting all the emeralds in a couple of seconds and turning the hedgehogs into super hedgehogs. And yes, I will again give an example with the fact that Sonic in StC (Fleetway), with the help of mental pressure, was able to defeat Eggman, who became a god.


That would literally be a horrible ending. There would be so many stories to tell that would never get made. How the hell do you expect things will work out without the chaos emeralds?! https://preview.redd.it/q4hpc09ua77d1.jpeg?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0b5d0d244c661a7273e858fd9ab1e3d0fa2352


Sonic and Amy in a romantic relationship doesn't work


Tails could never work in a 3d game In or out of mech, flight doesn't work in a 3d game and mech was just dog shit keep him out


Most of the side cast (like Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Cream, and Big) could've (and possibly should've) been one off characters. and the only reason why they show up in modern games now is to appeal to fans, not because Sega actually knows what to do with them


Agreed. Literally Shadow situation who just literally died in SA2


There's a reason that Shadow's entire character post-SA2 has just been about his past


I wouldn't call it a hottake as much as a personal bias but IDW and Sonic Boom interpations of Shadow is just BULLSHIT AND RUIN THE FUCKING CHARACTER!


Apparently for both instances the writers were under a ton of restrictions from Sega when they were writing Shadow


So your meaning Sega basically said "Let's fuck him up, and then make a year for him to make him better?"


Idk about IDW because didn't read, but BOOM - yeah. They put other popular characters on 1-2 episodes just for fanservice, like Vector and Metal Sonic. It's not bad, because Vector still a detective, but meh


it'a honestly a cold take


Freedom planet is actually better than most sonic games, yes even some of the genesis ones, and also mania


Forces is a good game


I'll co-sign the shit out of that.


Amy is the worst female Sonic character, and this includes Lanolin.


We have Sally for this calling, so Amy isn't too bad yet? Still appreciate yor opinion


Shadow and Silver's designs are very boring and are just a different color Sonic. Like, let's be honest, they both looked much more interesting in the concept art: Different shapes of the head and spikes, more fur, mystery and epicness. However, the creators themselves were afraid to make such big changes and are simply reworking Sonic’s skin in order to make a new hedgehog. In fact, we have lost more brutal and serious characters, now having just reskins of Sonic.


Yeah at least Metal Sonic has cool little details of his design and is meant to be the opposite of everything Sonic stands for so being similar in design to Sonic but with a few changes makes sense. Few examples of what I mean: Sonic is more round while Metal Sonic has tons of sharp edges on him, Sonic has an expressive face while Metal Sonic pretty much can only stare while looking angry at whoever he is looking at.


Sonic Prime's design of Metal Sonic was actually sick.


Yeah I love how instead of being the opposite of what Sonic is they decided to make it a more extreme version of Sonic’s characteristics with even more expressive eyes and smack talking and wise cracking almost nonstop


Sally Acorn would suck in the games


SATAM is by far the worst Sonic show, I hate the freedom fighters, they don’t feel like Sonic characters, also post reboot Archie is better than preboot Archie.


I also hate that Tails gets very little screen time in that show.


False, Sonic Underground is worse cuz it doesnt have Tails




Shadow was terrible in Prime Except for season 3


I wouldn't say he was terrible I'd say he was underused


Eh, he was so so


I don’t think Unleashed is very good. It’s just mid. And Colors is great. Flawed, but great. Also, Sonic 2 is better than 3&K.




is it bad i agree with everything you said except the unleashed part?


Lol. I feel like the Unleashed bit is the most controversial, so that makes sense. I just can’t get behind the Werehog, no matter how hard I try :(


tbh i dont mind it and it makes a great gameplay loop. the execution was FAR better than the concept lol


Hey, more power to you. I’m glad people enjoy it, even if I can’t.


06 is better than Forces (Edit: I'd rather taste a sour burger than a bland burger, the sour one gives me something to be mad at while the bland one leaves me emotionless. 06 gives me something to laugh and hate about it, Forces....it's just there)


That should be a fact, well said 💪


Agreed, atleast they didnt ruin Tails in that one


Knuckles’ character was still bullshit in 06. But 06 actually feels like a 3D Game and not like an easy-ass boost game with tons of 2D sections, 06 still captures some of the Adventure games’ charm while Forces just feels like the shit version of Unleashed/Generations.


Sonic is holding Tails back—Tails could have singlehandedly defeated Eggman permanently by now if it he wasn't blinded by his admiration of Sonic. If Sonic died Tails would get all of Sonic's heroic goals done in less than a year.


real because not only is tails almost as fast as sonic but also has the genius abilities of eggman, along with being very compassionate and wanting to help just for the sake of helping. bro is basically sonic and eggman but removing their negative traits and combo'd with the ability to fly. the moment tails gains more self-confidence i unironically think he might be a better hero than sonic.


100%. I really want to see a "Sonic dies and Tails takes over the world but benevolently" storyline now haha. I can see it already, Amy would help him remember to eat and force him to go to bed on time, Eggman would either get eradicated immediately (for sure if he killed Sonic) or step his game up, Shadow would be taken aback at the sheer grit and determination... I love Sonic (the character), but I do feel that Tails is presented as weaker than he should be because of him.


(Looks at Sonic Forces)


I haven't played it, but if Tails is badass in it I'll check it out—can you give me a Tails rundown?


Tails gets traumatized and gets nothing done for 6 months after losing Sonic (there’s a little more to it, but not much)


Ugh I hate that, Sonic's death would for sure turn him into Nine but good—fuelled with determination to his own detriment, plagued by (probably undeserved) guilt...


06 is a much better game than Colors.


Do you guys even know what a hot take is? These comments are like lukewarm at best Anyways I think the Knuckles gameplay in SA1 is actually pretty fun


You've got a pretty cold take there yourself.


i've seen a few hot takes and only around like 2-3 real scaling takes. can't expect too much from reddit. and oh my god yes knuckles/rouge gameplay is so fun, and dare i say very replayable when you remember the emerald shard locations (or just get lucky). i remember as a kid replaying them a few time to see how fast i could complete the level haha. ~~i wrote that before i realized you meant sa1 but i would do it in both games so...~~


The original THE END fight was better than the final horizons one


might be the scaldiest take so far but i respect it


Shadow's story in 06 is as dogshit as the others, and his characterisation is bland as fuck.


But the cock kicking scene


the WHAT


Come again?




Arguing over tiny details like what Sonic’s exact shade of blue should be or the shape of his spines is a waste of time because most sane Sonic enjoyers won’t let little things completely ruin their experience. That being said, Sonic’s lack of a top speed run animation in Heroes and Rivals looks wrong. I am a hypocrite for being bothered by this.


I’m also bothered by having no top speed animation in those games, especially considering they’re games about a character who goes fast


I guess that makes sense, especially since it’s standard for there to be one and everyone else in the game has one.




Zavok is the best written sonic villain


can't tell if this is serious or not but if it is then very based ngl but i do think he has potential if his portrayal in IDW is to go by. just think the rest of the deadly six bring him down.


Upon rewatching lost worlds cutscenes I see zavok as a very cool character, he wants to destroy sonic’s world not only for revenge on eggman for enslaving and hurting his family but to also absorb that energy so he and his family can become stronger to prevent this from happening again He also does cool thing like he stays very calm when first meeting sonic but as soon as he mentions that they captured tails sonic gets angry and zavok smirks knowing he got to him and then he hits him with the news that they plan on turning tails into a robot just to hurt sonic even more The last thing I’ll mention is how he manipulates sonic, when zavok sees Amy die from the planets energy being sucked up he taunts sonic saying “you’ll be all alone soon” knowing it’ll make sonic feel extra hurt since he’s the one who didn’t listen to tails and caused this whole thing to happen in the first place Too bad team sonic racing just made him an eggman lackey but with Ian Flynn now as head writer im excited to see what he does with zavok since the idw arc with him was very good


Aight I'll come out swinging as hard as I can. The Chaotix should've stayed back on the 32X where they belong.


Wow, that's really scalding take. I like it!


Shadow is cashcow. His only good depictions are in SA2, '06, and Prime.


Ships and shippers are awful and if you disagree... Ky-


Ya youre right


read this in sans' voice and it made the comment funny af lmao




Can I have the keys to your house? I promise I didn’t kill anyone


Idw is better than Archie. Boom should be brought back. Lost world was a good game.


ABSOLUTELY AGREE! BOOM SHOULD BE BROUGHT BACK! WE NEED THE REAL STICKS! WE NEED STUPID KNUCKLES! WE NEED DAVE THE INTERN! https://preview.redd.it/vaj3i91f077d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d8228044153c0bde56c0538eba00c0bd7b6f45e


first two are a bit cold imo but the last one i def agree with. never understood the hate for lost world... at least gameplay wise. looks like a gold mine for mods too.


Ah, okay, but thank God someone else.likes.lost world


thought of some more takes that the majority of people won't agree with teehee; i see people saying shadow should've stayed dead, but i'll go a step further and say bro shouldn't have been created as a character in the first place. bro's existence has actively harmed the series and let's be real, if he didn't exist knuckles or even metal sonic or jet would be more relevant as sonic's rivals characters (which they should because they're all goated and underrated compared to shadow) also, tangle is overrated, and so is whisper x tangle. ngl i got pissed off when tangle suggested naming their new group the diamond cutters when she should've known that shit would've irritated whisper... like what was girl thinking?? (probably not at all lol)


Sega keeps making Sonic not go after Amy because they tease the thing to sell games. They want diehard fans of the ship to play the story in order to find sonamy moments and milk them to infinity, inspiring more people to buy the game and experience the scenes themselves in 1st person. And I find it infuriating. It’s not like I give a fuck about it, but at this point it’s clear it’s not for continuity and/or character preservation, but for the usual hype-building fever. They make leverage on what could happen but never actually does, leaving it for the next time






Most of Sonic Colors‘ gameplay was not great even before Ultimate. Precise platforming fucking sucks The visuals are still great though. And I think the writing isn’t AS bad as people say but it’s also not toooo great


Keanu Reeves is a terrible voice actor (based on his previous work) and the only reason he was casted is because of pure brainless fanservice and cash grab instead of him being know to have a versatile voice that actually fits the character, which by the way, absolutely doesn't no matter how much you try to hear anything that sounds remotely like Shadow in his deep and raspy 60 year old man voice (he's 2 years younger than Jim Carrey, let that sink in) In fact, I blame the fandom for this, because after Sonic 2, most fans if not everyone began fancasting and wanting him to get the role based solely on the stupid idea that it would be really funny if Shadow was played by the guy who plays John Wick, because apparently Shadow was just a furry miniature version of John Wick this entire time In other words: the beloved actor who played a mega popular but still mediocre and cliche edgelord character playing a character that is commonly misinterpreted as a cliche edgelord by many because Lol >!It should have been Robert Pattinson, and no one will change my mind about that!<


Nobody knows how to actually write Sonic as a character anymore. Including Ian Flynn.


Well, I wouldn't say that. At least the authors of Sonic the Comic portrayed the characters very well, showing them as brave heroes with their own shortcomings, and some even had a criminal past. Like, no matter how much they scold Sonic for his selfishness and impudence, he still saved the planet more than once, and was even able to defeat a literal god. Amy turned out great too, and I would never have expected Amy with a CROSSBOW to look so cool! Here she is not some crazy Sonic fan, but an independent person who even solved the problem on other planets and in other times. Knuckles... It's just literally Knuckles. Not the best, not the worst. Although at first Tails was shown as a fool who was lucky, but then he truly became a hero and defeated his enemies with his ingenuity. Eggman is just like Knuckles, just Eggman and just a villain.


lowkey kinda agree but it's more so because sonic is like Spiderman where he has multiple interpretations and has "soften up" in terms of portrayals. Pre (+ kinda post) Archie Sonic and some of Sonic the Comic!Sonic are my favorite verison of the character but they can't exist anymore because they're more "edgy" and thus can't appeal to the masses or some generic shit business will tell you.


My go to for how Sonic is should be written usually hovers somewhere between Sonic OVA and Sonic X. A character who is *actually* abrasive and a bit of a punk. Who lets his actions speak for him more than his words. I think you're pretty spot on, tho. Those rough edges have been sanded down over time to make him more of a typical hero type. Culminating in him basically being a cinnamon roll in the movies. This is just really ironic to me given that the whole pitch for Sonic was that he had attitude. He'd tap his foot and get annoyed if you didn't do anything in the game and would eventually just leave. We've just lost that somewhere. I get trying to leave some of that 90s edginess behind, but we can update the character while still leaving that "sort of an ass with a heart of gold" angle intact.


Even though Shadow the Hedgehog is the ultimate life form he doesn’t have anywhere to go and he makes friends with his colleagues in the Arc I hadn’t play SA1 until recently and before that I had noticed Big the Cat replaying SA2’s level City Escape. But I used to wonder who that was and what was he doing there? https://preview.redd.it/m5c3itxzs67d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=088134bbad527f7cee6e5604f5d68db65482ab6a


Boom, Forces and Secret Rings are worse than 06. In fact I think 06 is a bit overhated, at least narratively. People act like it's "too serious" completely ignoring just how hard SA2 tried to be cool and serious, sure SA1 leaned in a more serious tone but 2 took it to the next level. 06s story isn't perfect but it at least has some substance and tries to be something


Shadow is 99% carried by his design, he’s always been a big pile of cliches


But then again the design of a hedgehog is just a big pile of quills to keep enemies away


funnily enough this was the original take I was thinking of putting up instead of the sonamy one lmao. His design is kinda cool but outside of that and his goated "I will fight like I've always had" line bro is kinda boring when it comes to rival characters and the archetype in general.


I consider Jet as a better rival to Sonic because he’s basically him without heroic qualities. Also what’s your sonamy stance exactly ?


Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is better than Sonic Superstars.


The Snapcube fandubs are not funny. They have like three good bits across all of them total.


Tbh the ones post the 06 ones straight up don't make me laugh at all. All of them also somewhat fall into the "written by vivziepop" humor for some jokes




I think the fanbase hasn't explored Big the Cat's potential as much as they could


Exactly! IDW creators too btw


Sonic Forces wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. It couldn't be. It could've caused my Switch to evaporate into a poisonous mist, and it STILL wouldn't have been as bad as people made it out to be.


I agree. I don’t think it’s bad, just very average.


1. Archie is not canon. No matter how much the creators of Archie themselves tried to improve the plot in the comics, and no matter how fans tried to justify Archie’s canonicity by explaining it as a “restart of the universe” - Archie is no longer canon. IDW comics are canon now, and you shouldn't expect Archie characters to appear in IDW. 2. Mobians do not have to have the same body structure, or look identical, like the NPCs in the final battle in Sonic Forces. What I mean by this is that they can look exactly like animals without having to stick to the confines of what Sonic looks like. Like, we already have Vector, Scruffy, Big and other characters who are already Mobians, but do not follow the same concept, like Lanolin, Tangle, Mimic and other IDW characters. 3. Sonamy is more logical than Sonaze. Like, the whole franchise was trying to show that Amy is trying to confess her love to Sonic and sooner or later he will accept her. In Sonic Shogakukan, they are technically already a couple. At the same time, Sonaze doesn't go beyond just holding hands, which can be not romantic at all. 4. The characters are no longer as old as the official wiki assures us. Like, for me the franchise follows a clear line: Classic era - the childhood of the characters Adventure and the dark era - the teenage period of the characters Modern era - adult characters And yes, this even applies to Charmy and Cream, who became at least 13-14 years old in the entire franchise.


Holy shit you're my favorite person I agree with all this


Oh thank uuu! I knew that Sticks fan is good fan!


Archie was never stated to be canon (?)


Me sorry to admit, there are still hardcore Archie fans in the fandom who still believe this is canon ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


As a hardcore Archie fan I do know it's in its own canon from the games, just kind of wish it kept going after it got good


mania sonic sprite looks meh. specifically sonic. the blue isnt even the trademark few shades of blue sonic uses. i would even go so far as to say that that sonic, is not sonic, but santiago the impostor. making the sprite that colour was not the right way to go


HAHA! HAHA! SANTIAGO LOOK! CLASSIC SONIC BECAME MORE BRIGHT BLUE COLOR! SANTIAGO HAHA HAHA! Seriously, this is the stupidest fan quibble to ever exist in the fandom. The creators simply redesigned Classic Sonic in 3D for Sonic Generations. Like, Classic Sonic was bright blue before. So Santiago has always been in the franchise? From its very inception? https://preview.redd.it/i7coewykr67d1.png?width=239&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6610e1879fdbb8dfd83ee31f0d809340718083d


but its like, waaayy too bright blue also i was specifically te spriet


The SA2 fandub has made me grow real tired of SA2 as a game.


Metal Sonic is far more deserving of his own spin-off/Stand alone title than others like Shadow or Silver. Being one of the oldest still-relevant characters in the franchise, and by far the most overlooked/underutilized, having many other characters frequently replace his already shrunken role in the franchise. Probably not THAT hot of a take, but it's the best I've got.


Shadow should’ve stayed dead.


mild take at best but i agree with it anyway.


Any and all sonic ships are astronomically fucking stupid


I don’t have a problem with fans shipping characters and having their own head cannons, I just don’t want it appearing in the games


nuh uh, knuckles x master emerald is peak shipping.


bro those uncanny ships are high on something 💀 I can only tolerate the "plain" ships like Sonamy and Knuxouge


Nah not Sonic X Chilli dogs


nah not even just sonic ships, but ships in general don't mind headcanons or what-if's but shipping brings out the worst in communities for no good reason and especially stupid if the ships being argued about have a 0% chance of being canon. arguing over pointless stuff at that point.


Ice cold


Yeah true, but there’s too many shippers for this series and they’re all insufferable people usually


Rouge Fans are more annoyin and horny than Daisy Fans


Uh, based! This is just "slay girls" who loves her aka SLAAAY thing, or "nerd boys" who wanna fuck her. Both sides is so bruh.


Lost World has the most slept-on soundtrack in the entire series


It’s not my favourite Sonic OST, but I can still acknowledge that it’s very well composed and fits the game very well.


Lost World’s OST is really good. I agree.




All these opinions I'm here are mild AF, now me? I genuinely fucking hate SA2


I love SA2 speed stages but everything else is astronomical dogshit to play


That's not that hot either. Lots of people hate this game, they're just probably not on this subreddit