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Real. We got absolutely reamed tonight. I don't think I stopped moving once for the last four hours of my shift.


I'm coming off of 3 days of usher shifts at a theater with 18 auditoriums, 10 of which are dedicated to Inside Out. PLUS today had multiple early kids movies for $1 so of course the local YMCA type place brought in 200 kids with no warning and that was just how the shift started. It was so packed that we had families taking groups of kids to see Bad Boys because they couldn't get into Inside Out, which makes no sense when we have Garfield and Planet of the Apes still but i kind of respect it. Just imagine being 10 thinking you get to see Riley's new emotions but instead you get gun fights and a new fear of alligators 🤣


New schedule came out and I saw that they've got me as the morning usher by myself almost every day next week. Gonna be hell cleaning up after all those kids.


On Monday we got caught with our pants down. we ran out of ice, soda, nacho cheese, pizza, tenders, dogs and jalapenos. Like, you waited 50 min in line just to find out we only have lemonade and punch.


Really doesn't help that the movie is 1 hour and 30 minutes and we got one hall that has 7/9 theaters showing.


We’ve got 10 left😭😭