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The second they drop a slur is the moment I'm telling them to leave.


Yep. I'm 100% with you on that.


Yup. You drop a slur, you are getting kicked out, no exceptions, no refunds.


Yep same situation for me, The second they do that they're gone. I have actually whipped one person's order into the trash can in front of them and told them to leave one time when that happened.


When I was a theater employee/manager, the Christian movies were consistently in my top 3 worst crowd movies. Thankfully that was a pre-Angel studios time, so it wasn't as frequent


I do remember working at Regal before I Switched to AMC and I'm happy to say I didn't have a single issue with them with The Chosen. Probably because that is shown by many comes from a place of true genuine passion and care rather than a place of religious propaganda.


I feel like The Chosen is more about Christianity and everything that Angel Studio produces is just more about conservatism under the guise of being religious.


That's a fascinating outlook. Never thought of it exactly like that


I think the husband was embarrassed about how his wife was acting.


Angel Studio movie bring in THE WORST customers I have ever experienced. I’m sorry fuck those zealots


Seconding THE WORST


Literally the scum of the earth. Our theater got a bomb threat from those pathetic cunts last year


What happened?!??


Our HVAC system was broken because cinemark sucks and they perceived that as us deliberately "censoring" sound of freedom. I wish all these people a pleasant go die in a fire


Ridiculous. Embarrassing.


proud of you for standing up for yourself and us!!


I once had some old lady come out pissed because "there's gay people in this movie!" Cue my classic gay voice "oh nooooo ma'am that's soooo bad! Let me just get right on that for youuuuu!". She was gone before I could even blink.


The one that got me a couple months ago was a lady who came out of *Someone Like You* (which is already creepy before you find out it's a Jesus movie) and told me "I didn't know this was a Jesus freak movie!"


Religious movies are hit and miss. A lot of the crowd is nice but a few stick out. I recently got an Anhk tattoo done and some lady got PISSED at me because she thought it was mocking the Christian cross. The look on her face when I explained her cross was a rendition of the anhk, the original cross lmfao


The Christian cross is an icon pulled from an actual torture device, not a pure symbol. It didn’t proceed from a the Egyptian ankh; it merely followed it, unrelatedly, in time.


Sorry, my wording on that was bad. Your absolutely correct though in that it wasn't related to the anhk. I did not know the Christian cross came from a torture device. Gonna spend the next hour diving into that haha.


Crucifixion was literally torturing people to death.


That is absolutely ridiculous. I’m a teacher and I teach my students about people who identify as different sexual orientations in our health lessons. A lot of them come from Christian families. I always tell my students that you don’t have to agree with how people identify, but you have to respect them. If you don’t like the commercial then just leave. That simple.




Preach. People nowadays think I have to complain? If you want to stay, enjoy the movie! If not, leave. No need to be disrespectful, especially towards minorities.


Exactly. People nowadays think everybody cares about their opinion. Nobody cares lol just leave or stay. It ain’t hurting nobody


I appreciate your courage. Fuck her. You handled that with more diplomatic aplomb than she deserved and your stating who you were without hiding was good, clean, and right. I had a woman complain about all the gay stuff inthat movie a couple years ago about Billie Jean King. I mean she was an older woman seeing a movie about somebody everybody and the world knows was gay because she’s been out for like 30 years or more. Maybe these people would not have so much ire if they had a bit more gaydar.


My upvote is for you and how you handled the situation. I am sorry you had to deal with that.


Like I'm not even mad, I was startled but my manager and I laughed about it later.


My coworker had a similar experience because the Noovie preshow with Maria Menounos even MENTIONED pride, and had a gay black man list queer black cinema that impacted his life. This family was watching IF, and this guy stood up to block the view from his children so they wouldn’t be subjected to it. Even came out to tell us, he didn’t appreciate us showing that, and that HE’S NO BIGOTED AND HE’S A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER! Tbh I wish I had seen this interaction, I was on my lunch and the manger that dealt with him is a gay man that was wearing his rainbow Disney pride pins on his vest.


My experience with the angel studio crowd has been very different, most have been nice or at least not been bad. Weirdest experience I had was a guy thanking me for working hard as "most people don't anymore."


Those comments are weird. You're like “Uhhh thanks?”


That was basically my response lol


I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself!


can’t wait to wear my pride shirt to work! i love pissing people off for dumb shit


i hope he runs far away


As a manager for the same company: the second you use a slur or use out of pocket language with staff or myself, you're getting booted. No refunds. And I have local PD on speed dial since I live in an urban area where we've had to have them out occasionally, and they respond in minutes. As a pan woman, fuck all the hate. Watch your movie and leave. God damn


Ahem. Fuck em. FUCK THEM. Well done


We have Pride decorated popcorn cartons at the moment. One of my colleagues handed over a popcorn to this woman a week ago and she scoffed "Oh for fuck sake. Do you not have any *normal* cartons?!" Lady, you're not going to catch the Gay from a fucking popcorn. I hate people sometimes


I got my trans friend to work at my theater with me pre covid and unfortunately on their first day they go this notorious couple that had this whole scripted spiel about how they will be angry if there is anything remotely queer in what they watch. I was really sick of that couple and we would always lie to them just to make them leave but I always wanted to say what you said to them. People are so fucking stupid and ignorant that we are literally everywhere and rainbow capitalism dictates nothing to our existence.


Heh, nice!


The woman was a complete ass, I agree. But saying something like "THAT community" makes you just as bad. 


As a member of that community myself, no it doesn't, and he didn't put the emphasis on THAT, you did.


Little Reddit formatting tip, if you want to display a \* put a \ before it.




Is acknowledging the existence of different, non heteronormative lifestyles about sex? Not everything regarding the LGBTQIA+ community relates to sex.




You and people like you are the ones who make it about sex. If what you quoted was genuinely confusing to you (which I doubt because people like you tend to be purposefully obtuse) then you should educate yourself so you can have a more informed opinion.




Agreed! As someone who is aroace, I am sick of all the sex and romance in movies! It really bothers me when characters in movies are explicitly shown to be in relationships, or frankly even implied to be. Oh, you have a spouse? I don't need to hear about it! You have children? Gross! I didn't need to know you had sex at some point, that's none of my business. Two characters kiss on screen? Vile! Really, what do these relationships add to the plot? Nothing! Oh, its a romcom? We don't need that kind of filth in our society! Hollywood really goes out of its way to normalize relationships and I'm sick and tired of the agenda pushing.






But saying a slur is.




Stop stalling and fucking answer: do you think saying the slur for homosexuals in public ok? Stall or dodge the question again, and everyone will know your answer.


He can't answer because he's banned. Do not argue with the shitheads in the future, just ignore and report. Thanks!


Sorry. I just don't like letting shitheads like that get away without being called out for their bigotry.


I get it, but most of them start arguments like this on reddit/twitter/other places just because they enjoy the attention. Plus the more layers of comment threads there are, the harder my job is.