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Peak laziness mixed with a dash of entitlement. Others like it loud


Movies are supposed to look and sound a certain way too. If I get a sound complaint I will go check but most of the time the sound is totally fine and that's just the guest's personal preference. I will never just "turn it down" because a guest tells me to. That's not how it works. (Edit: ONE exception I might make if an auditorium has ONE guest, or it's a single group. If they come out and ask about the sound being turned down, I may sometimes make an adjustment based on how nicely they ask. I will mention that I CAN do it, but only because they are the only ones in the auditorium.)


When the lights went down and *Saw X* was just beginning, an absolutely trashy ass woman and her kid came in and there was some kind of issue with her D Box seats which were right next to mine. She proceeded to stand up, whip out her phone, look up the theatre’s phone number on google and CALL, right there in the row, during the opening scene, talking at full volume about how she needs someone to come into the auditorium and fix her issue. Rudest and laziest idiot I’ve ever had the displeasure of encountering at the theatre (she was awful the rest of the movie, to no one’s surprise).


Nope! We had people try that. We told them to get off the phone and come to the box, or they would be removed.


The Inside Out 2 parents have been the most annoying to serve, honestly. The kids have been okay. Poor kids 😭


For sure, I feel bad for the ones with parents who walk in 10 mins after the movie starts thinks they will get decent seats and surprise Pikachu face only front row was open (and that was if they were lucky some shows were basically single seat selection only even half an hour before showtime). Of course I'm the evil villain that won't let their kid see the movie because they just cannot watch a movie in the front row the horror!


No brains. I get wanting to buy in person, but read the room of the age we are living in. And the parents are just...slow. My line will keep growing and growing because the parents are acting dopey and then choose to use the moment of payment to ask asinine questions or decide to have the kids start dividing money. You're supposed to be the mature leader. Act like it. Please. And then they get upset at me if I start sacrificing pleasantries for the sake of efficiency so the other people they're holding up with no remorse can be attended to.


Preaching to the choir, I always laugh (and cry a little) internally when the parent will look at the kids asking them where do they want to sit and spend 10 mins arguing with the kids that the place they picked wasn't good enough and proceed to disregard and pick something else. Like we could have avoided this unnecessary hold up if you'd just done that initially.


Volume complainers are one of my biggest pet peeves. It is a cinema, people go **because** it is big and loud. Like yea, screw everyone else in there, right? While I'm at it, do you want me to make the screen smaller too? Turn the lights up? How about I de-butter everyone's popcorn.


Of course there CAN be times the volume is too high or low for whatever reason. TENET was a great example of a movie that legit was too loud at our location, and we reprogrammed our sound cues to let it play lower. I get that. But as I mentioned above, if it IS being played properly adjustments will not be made, and guests do not get to dictate the sound level to us. I also cringe at when ONE person thinks they can just have something done and doesn't realize other people are there and will be affected. It was like years ago when I yelled at someone on the bus who thought the AC on a bus was too cold for HIM (in the middle of a summer heat wave no less), so he was going to go downstairs and tell the driver to turn it off. I did talk to the driver and he thanked me for doing that, but he then added he wouldn't turn it off because it's HIS bus and he wanted the AC on.


Top Gun 2 was the same story for us. At our standard 5.0 it was way louder than any other normal movie at that volume. And I hear the studio wanted it at 7...


"Oh could you? That'd be lovely."


The worst is when they have their kids being their own money, stand in line for 20 minutes and then finally when they get to the register ask the kids what they want with their $4 and go back and forth explaining to the kids that they don't have enough money for popcorn soda and candy. God help me. If you're bringing your kids or your kids and their friends, pay for everything in one go and then ask for the money back later


Oh yea. Had that happen quite a few times. I just go “huh? I can’t hear you! Hello? There’s something loud there.”


Management needs a backbone, she should have been removed for being on her phone. Of course that will never happen, but just once I’d like to see someone uphold some fucking societal standards. Bring back shame!!


Gotta respect her for buying the seats next to her, seems like she learned from her mistakes in the past


I worked for a very busy theater in a big city for four years and people did this ALL THE TIME for other things too like to complain about noise, broken chair, etc. To be fair it was quite a large theater with two stories so I see why people with mobility issues would do this lol.


Happens regularly. I tell them politely yet firmly that the theaters are a no cell use area, and that we can't control the volume (previews are always loud) ans that it'll auto adjust. I love it when they tell me, "Don't tell me where I can and can use my phone!" Only to get ejected due to what, them using their phone during the movie!


When Wakanda Forever was playing we had a lady threatening to sue us for playing it so loud. It was set at around 4.5. She wasn't even watching it in our PLF. Nothing came of it but I was just confused af because that's already pretty low 😕.


We have a regular who asks us to turn down the thermostat in his theater and we literally have a list of replies to say to him, all them are basically "we'll make sure it happens" and if he comes back to ask if we did we just tell him yes, he's really rude and smells awful so we don't really like interacting with him. + it's too much trouble to do that for one guest