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these are the moments when we should be allowed a free pass to cuss out a customer


Spoiled weasel fuck


You a Marcus brother/sister? Cause those look like Marcus cups.


Yep a Marcus brother my friend and all I can say is Deadpool is going to kill us all


Their loss, considering how expensive concessions can be. What a terrible combination of wastefulness & rudeness!


I was once working usher, waiting for all the customers to leave, an old lady walked up to me with a mostly full tub of popcorn. Looked me dead in the eye and said "I paid too much for this" then just dumped the whole thing right in front of me. I was flabbergasted I have never encountered that level of audacity. She was old and this was quite a few years ago now, so I'm sure she's dead and I assume no one misses her. I wonder if your customer was a relative. Side rant: I once got in a fight with the GM because she insisted we should refer to customers as "guests". Like guests don't do this kind of shit.


“I paid too much for this!” Yet she still decided to waste it on an attempt to punish someone who has no control over prices




Years ago when I was working at a theater, I told some old asshole customer go fuck himself. It got me fired, but to this day I do not regret it one bit, and posts like this remind me exactly why I never will.


What a piece of shit for doing that.


I would not be able to not retaliate


It always throws me for a loop when I see this. Because they probably also complained about how expensive everything was.


That's an automatic ban


Should’ve made them clean it up themselves 🤣🤣


Hand them a broom In all seriousness I almost got into a fight a couple hours ago. Ushering rn and some guy made eye contact with me and left his shit "Sir I am not your mother I'm not here to clean up your trash. Please take it with you there's a trash can on the way out" "Your job is to clean up my shit!" "No sir that's not my job, and even if it was, did your mom not teach you to not leave a mess?" "Don't talk about my mom I'll do whatever the fuck I want" "Well I'm sorry that you weren't taught basic respect, however I'll help ya out. Don't leave trash in a place that doesn't belong to you" Proceeds to act like he's going to hit me in an attempt to intimidate me ig? Honestly I was hoping he would lmfao. A lot of these customers have never been punched in the face and it shows


Good on you! I wish I would have had the courage to do that when I was working at a movie theater! Like I don’t get why ppl are so lazy and disrespectful like that!


Fr. I'm just over it atp lmao, the entitlement just keeps getting worse, especially with kids movies. The religious movie crowd can be assholes, but NOTHING touches super Mario bros. That fucking movie landed me in a psych hospital for a month from the amount of stress LMFAO Honestly waiting for the day I snap at a customer and fight them. Personally, I think we should get 2 free fight passes a week. A lot of the customers have never been punched in the face or dick before and it shows.


Fr i still have nightmares from working the premiere of that movie. For some weird reason the theater I worked at decided to do three special midnight screenings for the premiere of super Mario bros and we were understaffed to hell and I think I didn’t get to go home until like 3 am that night ughhh. Haha fr that would be so nice! Would teach these customers not to be so entitled. Did your theater also have super disrespectful PDA couples? I remember one of my coworkers told me a story where one of their friends had walked in on a couple having sex when she was trying to clean the theater 😤


We had close to 10k people in the first weekend, which for my theater is every seat was sold for every showing damn near. We had to call in enough ushers to run 3 2-3 man crews because of how bad it was. The ONE night I closed concessions I didn't leave until close to 4am. The PDA is bad. I personally have caught atleast 7 couples full on fucking in the theaters. Teens really think their sneaky by climbing up into the screen in our upstairs theaters (the locks are broken). Like uh hello I can fucking hear you?? Our trash compactor also seems to be a fan favorite spot. Why on hell anyone would fuck there (AND THATS COMING FROM ME OF ALL PEOPLE) I couldn't tell ya. I will say I do have some really nice regular customers who make the job worth it.


What a cunt


Look at all that thrown away money


Sorry, no free re-fills.


I’d be like “that was on camera let’s go talk to my boss”


Wouldve lost my job expeditiously


I believe you


I had a family yesterday that had a kid taking popcorn and towing it to catch with their mouths missing multiple times making a mess. And they just let them do it as I was preparing to clean. It took the grace of God for me to not lose it


Eugh the cheese on the carpet. They are NOT seeing the pearly gates.


Fucking LOVE cheese spills. Right fellas? 🙄


Pieces of shit.


How old was the person and this was before they even took a bite???


I've had someone do that to me too! Right after another person stared at me while smoking in the theatre


i deadass would’ve given them paper towel and a broom and told them clean up your mess