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Sort of. I have had so many people try to use regal gift cards even though we’re a small chain (not regal). It amazes me that people don’t understand that gift cards are company specific.


Or a fandango giftcard "I was told I could use this for movies!" "Yes on fandangos website but unfortunately not here/on ours" "But I'm here now!"


Customer: Well how am I supposed to know this won't work here? Me: Well you know how card says AMC and this building says Regal on the outside.... I'm former Regal and we got AMC cards all the time, and this was when the nearest AMC was like 500 miles away


I managed a small, family-owned theater in Pittsburgh for about 7 years and our name was incredibly similar to a theater twenty minutes on the other end of town. There was a decent amount of confusion, to the point I’d have people who’d bought to the other theater at least once or twice a week.


Yeah there’s 2 major theaters in my town, yesterday had 2 different groups come in to the wrong theater. I feel so bad when I have to tell them they’re about a 20 minute drive away from where they’re supposed to be.


We’ve got an AMC less than ten minutes from us, and way too many people come in our theater with AMC tickets. It’s almost like we don’t have a massive sign out front that says our theater name. If only we could have something like that, if only.


My location is a former Cinemark that closed in May 2020 and reopened this past April as a local theater chain in Ohio, and yet people still mistake it for a Cinemark. People have pre-purchased Cinemark tickets for our theater without realizing they're buying for theaters located in Colorado and Illinois.


We would get people with gift cards for chains that weren't even in our state. And then they get mad when you can't accept it. Like I wonder if they take BK gift cards to MacDonald's too


We have had people arrive with tickets from another theatre in the city or another part of the country....ALL. THE. TIME. It is always the fault of the guest as our online ticketing has you confirm location several times.


I had someone double down once. Back when the tech wasn't as good as it is now, when you booked online, you'd have to come in and go to a counter to pick up the tickets you booked (you can now just show a QR code) Had someone come to my counter. "Can I pick up my tickets I booked online. Here's my reference number" "I can't find that booking. What name was it under?" *gives his name* "There isn't a booking there today all day for that name" "well this is ridiculous! See, look at my bank account, you've definitely taken my money" "are you sure you booked with the right cinema?" "what kind of question is that?! Do you think I'm stupid enough to book the wrong cinema or something. Of course I booked the right cinema!" "do you have your confirmation email you got when you booked?" "oh for fuck sake" Visibly annoyed now, he takes out his phone, finds the confirmation email, his demeanor changes and he walks off to the automated ticket machines. Not even an apology. Twat.


I have people coming in with AMC vouchers and gift cards all the time. We are 45 mins to an hour away from the nearest AMC


Yup. My location is a former AMC, former as in it hasn’t been an AMC since 2018. We’ve occupied it since 2020. Yet people still get us confused alllll the time. “Here’s my number for my stubs card!” Or “what do you mean I can’t use my AMC gift card here?!?!?l” Look around do you see ANYTHING anywhere in this building that says AMC? Because I sure don’t. 😐


Worked at Carmike for years and it was the only chain in town. Then Cinemark opened up. People confused them all the time.  And for my first few years we literally had four of our theaters in a two mile radius. We were the largest of all of them so people always assumed we had all the movies. It wasn’t true though as they usually put all the Disney/kids movies at the mall and one of the others was all independent movies.  


I work in a city where we are the ONLY major theater chain for like 30 miles and customers will still come in trying to Use gift cards or the loyalty programs from other chains, some that aren't even in my state. Personally i find it hilarious 99% of the time but there's always the random person who acts like it's my fault that they can't use their stubs card at my theater.


Yeah all the time. I'd say it's about 3 weeks before the color purple premiered. There's a private screening of the movie at a different theater that's 10 minutes away. I swear everyone from that showing showed up at my theater. I was like so annoyed and bewildered that everyone got the location wrong.


Some people would try to use AMC or Cinemark gift cards on us. Do they just think every movie theater is an AMC?


Yes. There was one day I was working as an usher, and our door person was relatively new. I was walking by and she asked for help since the tickets weren’t scanning into the iPod. So I took a look at the ticket on the customers screen. Not only was it for an AMC (I work at a Regal), but it was for an AMC theater 2 1/2 hours in a different part of the state.


I’ve had people get tickets for the wrong theatre. Sometimes it’s the AMC down the street sometimes it’s the AMC and hour and a half away. One time I got a regal


There's another theatre on the street we're on and people who use Fandango get it confused all the time. Or they choose the wrong location of Regal. It happens multiple times a week.


I hadn't had a bad mix up like this until recently when I had a couple come to our theater expecting to come to a concert, only to find out they in fact purchased tickets for a venue an entire state over with the same name as ours. The lady was not very happy, but thankfully took it out on her husband and not us.


We have a Regal literally 3 minutes from us. I remember this one time when I was ushering, this dad who had an IMAX ticket for Avatar 2 uttered the F word in front of his son when I said that his ticket was not for our theater. And then we have people thinking we have stuff AMC or Cinemark (which is NOT EVEN in our area, the closest is another state away) has. It was the worst with the Inside Out memory orb popcorn buckets, which I always say “I’m sorry, we never got those in. The only Disney movie we’re getting stuff for is Deadpool and Wolverine.” (which is true, as we are getting 5 items for it, one of which is a cup we’re already selling).


I wonder if some people don't know Deadpool and Wolverine is Disney, and get mad at the concept of it being so.


I had a lady give me a Regal gift card one time, saying it gave her my theater's address. I told her to look around, showing her all of the Cinemark logos. I don't even have a clue where the nearest Regal is since Cinemark pretty much dominates my area with only 2 AMCs that I know of around.


I've had so many people buy tickets for different AMC locations but it gets me when they do it for other theater chains that are across the city


We get people with gift cards and tickets for the AMC in my state (there’s only one and it’s 2 hours away) and then get mad at me when I can’t refund it. I can’t refund your money from another company


My friend's wife used to manage a now-defunct Carmike Cinema and given the location was in the heart of a major tourist district, she would get loads of patrons asking her on a daily basis if they were a Regal venue and if their Regal rewards could be honored.


All the time, I work in an amc and get people with regal tickets all the time and I feel so bad for them cause we are so far from regal. Though this one time I had a lady ask if we could refund her tickets since she showed up at the wrong theater, and I was like "...no???" And she was super pissed for some reason.


I had someone buy a ticket for an AMC in California. I work at a Cinemark in New Jersey.


i work at a CMX and there’s an amc not far from us and the number of times people have thought we were an AMC is insane