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If the heat makes him feel worse, probably eat more cold dishes, salads, sandwiches, fruits and vegetables, things that don’t add warmth to the body. I don’t have any food that makes my MS feel better, so these are all just foods I enjoy eating in the summer when the thought of a) cooking and b) eating a warm meal, is too much.


This. It seems innocuous but (for me) a 1 degree temp change can make a difference


Sandwiches as in Ice-cream sandwiches, right? Right?


Of course! 🍦 Popsicle salad and three scoops of chocolate mash


Some of my favorite cold foods are smoothies with plenty of veggies and fruits, gazpacho, and ceviche


If I'm not feeling good I try to eat foods that are anti-inflammatory.


I think that's the kind of food she's looking for


A quick Google search for anti-inflammatory foods is the best bet. Since there are so many different kinds, and I don't know what they prefer.


I haven't found any food that makes me feel better but I keep trying! Trader Joe's Way More Chocolate Chips Cookies certainly make me feel better mentally! The Mediterranean diet or similar is supposed to be best for us and I try to eat like that.


I don’t know what makes me feel better, but diary makes me feel a lot worse. So much worse.


Dairy foods are inflammatory. Best wishes. 🌞


K this is gold, thank you


Watermelon with salt.


*makes myself a note to have some watermelon with salt*


I recommend "Tajín seasoning" it's a Mexican spice blend that's fantastic with certain types of fruit, especially Watermelon, & also mango, pineapple & others... You can also use it around the rim of your glass for cocktails & mocktails... Try & get your hands on it, there are many sellers of it on Amazon. There's salt, lime & chilli in it, so if you like tang & a little heat too, I guarantee you'll love it.. Give it a try.


Plus tequila?


| YES !


I feel better just reading this.


My all time favorite! My dad taught me to put salt on it when I was a little girl and aside from maybe some tajin or chamoy, I never eat it without salt!


Yes! Agree! I have MS and I eat a lot of watermelon. 🍉 Also, I stopped all sugar drinks, and feel a lot better now!


Sounds interesting & yummy 🤤 Unfortunately, high amounts of sodium is associated with MS exacerbations so I’d be careful to not eat too much of that salt. 🙃


I am so grateful that I do not have sodium issues. What a beast that must be!


Source for your sodium claim, please? Thanks!


The MS specialist I see told me this, but you can google and find white papers, etc on large amounts of sodium intake contributing to the body’s inflammation. Inflammation exacerbates MS. Hope this helps.


I did a little research on this & found a few studies from the 2010s that seemed to indicate that high levels of sodium intake could be inflammatory & therefore bad for people with MS. Those studies were based on sodium found on the skin in men and mice with EAE (the disease used to mimic ms which is not an exact ms replica) & were not duplicated in further studies including the Nurses' Study & other more recent studies like this: Heras-Garvin, A., Refolo, V., Reindl, M. et al. "High-salt diet does not boost neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration..." J Neuroinflammation 17, 35 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-020-1714-y. I think everyone needs to avoid the extraordinary levels of salt in processed foods, but I'll keep salting my watermelon.


What foods does he like? My fav summer foods are probably cheeseburgers and a good pasta salad or some fruit. Not sure it makes me feel better but it tastes good. :P I have tried everything when it comes to food, meat only, veggie only, vegan, no gluten, no dairy, etc etc. Nothing has changed how my MS feels, so I just eat what I enjoy and that makes me feel better.




I agree


Any food that tends to be higher in antioxidants like berries or salmon is always good. And while he might not have an allergy or intolerance to them, cutting gluten and dairy might help as they're both pretty big inflammation foods. Also, lots of citrus, but I've always assumed that was just a me thing separate from the MS, but who knows?


I can’t tell you what makes me feel better but extra greasy and super salty stuff makes me feel worse. So there’s that


Taste and feel are different, and with MS for me having to align these two is hard to execute daily. The best FEELING food if always any lean but high protein meal (fish,chicken, and leaf veggies) after a tough workout. Best tasting is ice cream, but nothing makes me feel worse the next day.


In the summer I like to have a lot of cold foods, and I usually will make a bunch of grain or pasta salads (I know some pastas and grains are ok for me, but vary in how inflammatory they are, so pick what works for you). I will usually include cucumbers and goat cheese, and then whatever else looks great or works with my body and is in season (tomatoes, mini sweet peppers, green onions, etc). I'm never great with dairy but it seems to be harder in the summer, so goat cheese is a nice way to still get that vibe without the lactose. I always use a high quality syrupy balsamic and good olive oil and herbs.


Coffee makes me feel about as good as I’m going to feel all day until I have a beer or glass of wine, if I feel like it later on in the day.


>...love to know what foods seem to help you all FEEL better when you're in a minor flare. ***I'll cook him anything.*** You are a dream of a spouse. 🫂 ❤️ I hope you take care of YOU too! Lots of great advice here. Personally, especially in the hot weather, I seem to feel better with lighter, cooler foods. An ideal plate of food in hot weather to me would be cold salmon, raw veggies with some homemade buttermilk ranch, and some fresh fruit. Maybe a few crackers. We're all so different though... maybe he's the type who actually physically feels better with comfort food! (Comfort food to me is often fried, lots of butter, etc., but now that I'm middle aged it doesn't love me anymore, lol. Makes me feel psychologically better but not physically!)


I find a high protein meal with vegetables and a smoothie helps the most. This is one of my favs https://www.hungry-girl.com/weekly-recipes/crazy-calypso-salad I usually wilt the spinach just a bit though by frying in water for a bit. However a pork chop or chicken breast with some brocolli and other mixed veggies does the job too. Poke bowls are top tier too. Honestly though, one of the craziest is a beef Donair. I feel like it shouldn't make me feel better... But inexplicably it does. There's something about the nutrient profile my body loves.


Love all your suggestions but the one that stands out is frying spinach in water! I devour the fried spinach dish when I have it in my local Indian restaurant, but it's an oil bomb when I try it at home - can't wait to try to fry with water! And to OP- thanks for taking the time to ask! You can count me as one of those who love dairy but don't eat it for all the reasons everyone else has said - and I crave all the same things in the heat of summer- lean protein and lots of fruit - but every day is different but my favorite is when someone else cooks!! 😁. the only thing for me that is a total no is alcohol...


>Love all your suggestions but the one that stands out is frying spinach in water! Thanks! It's mainly just so I don't get the gritty spinach feel on my teeth!


😁 baby spinach is my go to...


A really good watermelon. I found a picture online that has been the most accurate key to finding the perfect one about 99% of the time 😅 i stick one in the fridge before i cut it and then i cut it in quarters or halves and just scoop into it like a bowl. Its sweet, cools me down, and hydrates me. Absolute favorite summer snack when i feel like crap. Here is the [picture](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/format:webp/0*UA2fDIIWIuVAsR-h.png)that helped me!


Honestly whatever he's in the mood for will probably make him feel best. You're an awesome person for asking, and for obviously being in his corner!




I love tomato soup with a cheese toastie, but SUPER buttery. It feels like a hug and sweating whilst I eat it helps me keep cool. B&J cookie dough ice-cream. The grainy, chewy cookie dough pieces make me feel satisfied when I chomp them. Jam on toast - one slice at a time, straight from the toaster so every bit is hot, crunchy and sweet. Editing to add: Waldorf salad (without raisins) it's lots of flavours and textures so I make a big batch which saves me more cooking, and just munch on it over a few days. Korean style potato salad, but once it's gone cold and not fresh. The mash is comforting and the variety of veg makes me feel like I'm at least attempting healthy. I enjoy quite sensory foods and they feel super satisfying to eat. Also, when having a flare up these are all quite easy to eat/make so I don't feel worse about myself.


Chicken and dumplings with Banana pudding for dessert. But life is short eat the pudding first!♥️


I like to keep it light- fruits and salads. The biggest thing is ice! I love to chew on crushed ice from our ice maker or the ice in my iced coffee, slushy/frozen drinks, smoothies etc. I have severe heat intolerance so keeping cool is key


I always feel so good after eating fish w a salad and rice ! Just gives me energy for some reason .


Same. Blackened? Even better


We make a cucumber & watermelon salad that’s pretty good. Dressing is a toasted tablespoon of ancho powder & lime juice with thin sliced shallots & serranos. Pumpkin seeds on top


I love all things cold but don’t go offering me gazpacho! I love crunched ice, smoothies, shakes, fruit bars, ice cream, frozen yogurt, lighter pasta dishes, sour dough toasted with a cream cheese veggie topping w/ tomato’s and onions.




Fresh water is my go to


I feel I could exist solely on watermelon and grilled halloumi


Comfort foods! I love a good homemade macaroni and cheese. Summertime foods, potato and macaroni salad, Cole slaw. A refreshing fruit smoothie and good ice cream


Mango Outshine Bars! I don’t normally drop name brand ideas but they have a great kinda creamy texture and 2 of these really cool me off. I also like big salads with just spinach/spring greens, chicken strips for the protein kick and some sugar free, fat free dressing. It’s good for me, fills me up and the protein makes me feel like I ate more than just rabbit food. You’re a good wife!


Popsicles are my go-to. Especially the Outshine fruit bars.


The best part about summer food in my opinion is being able to grill and cook outside. Preventing the house from heating up inside from the stove. Lots of meats, fishes, and vegetables. I love nothing more than a bunch of zucchini, onions, and peppers layered in some good ass oil and spices and just thrown the grill.


I find that too much sugar makes me feel worse, but also I crave salmon, potatoes, and beef sometimes. Perhaps not related to my MS at all, but a meal of salmon, coconut rice, broccoli, and red onions is a meal I never wanted before MS so 🤷🏼‍♀️. But yeah, I think beyond “healthy diet” recs, it might be more individual.


I know this answer is a little off the mark, but just feeling good enough to actually want to eat in the summer is a win. The best advice I can give is to get a good hat with a wide brim. I'm learning it isn't so much the heat that knocks me out in the summer, as it is the sun. Wearing a good hat extends the time I'm feeling good by 3x when outdoors.


i've tried it all, vegan for 7 years. and HEALTHY/CLEAN eating vegan. i'm now back to eating meat and i feel better than i have in a long time. i have strength and muscles again which i think helps with my energy levels. i thought a lot of my old symptoms were from ms but it turns out it was from lack of nutrients that i wasn't getting from the vegan thing. i just eat what makes sense. veggies, fruit, fish & lean meats. 80/20. i sneak junk in and it's fine. but i do feel better eating "clean" not sure it's made a difference with progression! i've had flairs and progression on all diets. doctor says a lot of the studies and books on ms and diet have been debunked so i think it's just trial and error with your own body




Hi, MS warrior here, diagnosed 20 years ago with (RRMS) Current DMT (Tysabri or should I say, Tyruko) as it has now been changed to this new "Biosimilar" medicine, for which I had my first Infusion just yesterday. No adverse reactions thankfully, so all's well👍🏾 Am I happy with this change, no "not really 🤔" but hey, what can one do, one is at the mercy of the medical professionals who are treating me for this condition... I guess the question is "why change something that has been working for decades" but I guess we all know the short answer to that is "money!" Anywho... I digress... Back to your title question 😉 Personally, most of the foods that make me feel good & are comforting, hearty, winter meals, like your braised meats, short ribs, beef cheeks etc, with polenta or mashed potato. Roast chicken, lamb or beef dinners etc... However, since we're entering the summer months, I'd opt for different types of salad. Salads are one of, if not the most versatile of meals you can make IMHO. There are so many variations... You can have your standard leafy salad, with different varieties of leaves. You can have various typs of cucumber salads, fennel salads, tomato salads. Panzanella's, Caeser's the list goes on... Or, even warm salads with various roasted veggies, asparagus, brocoli, sprouts, sweet potato, pumpkin, baby potatoes & much more, just get creative with it. When I make a salad I go by this recipe... 1. Base Salad Greens 2. Fresh Veggies 3. Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruit 4. Grains/Bread, my pic (Sourdough croutons) 5. Cheese/Creamy Stuff, if u do dairy, or use an alternative 6. Protein of your choosing... Eggs, Fish (fresh or tinmed), Steak, Chicken, Tofu, Tempeh, whatever. 7. Dressing, the possibilities are endless... And again, I have a template I usually go by... 1. Base Flavour - Prominent flavour profile of your dressing. 2. Aromatics - Herbs, garlic, ginger... 3. Sweet & Spicy - Honey, chilli pastes & oils etc... 4. Acid - Lemon/lime, vinegar etc.. 5. Oil - Olive, Avocado etc... 6. Adjustments - taste & adjust to your liking. You can always further garnish your salads with nuts & seeds, pomegranate seeds, raisins etc... Oh, and I have to add Chocolate, good dark chocolate to the mix of my favourite things to eat, that make me happy & a glass of full bodied red, or a glass or two of a good aged Irish or Scotch Whiskey, always goes down a treat after a good meal... Or, a nice sparkling wine, or rose, or nice cold, semi dry, crisp white wine on a summer afternoon is always a nice accompaniment to a lovely salad dinner 👌🏾 PS... Sorry for the long-winded detail 😬 😉 Happy days 😊


Light, vegetable-centric food makes me feel better. In the summer, I make gazpacho often with fresh tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, & onion.


I've found that it hasn't been one single food but maintaining a healthy lifestyle for months that seems to be helping.


Light food that digests easily and is free from refined carbs like sugar or wheat or white rice. I also feel a lot stronger with more energy when I eat liver but liver and other filtering organs need to be organic or you’re just eating poison.


Honestly for me I’ve noticed higher protein things tend to make me feel better if I’m feeling worn down. Seems like proteins and fresh produce do to trick. Cold options like salads, protein smoothies/shakes, fresh fruits and sandwich wraps are all my go tos when I’m feeling a lot of symptoms. Not “low carb” but carb conscious because a big bowl of pasta or bread make me wanna just curl up and sleep off the food coma 😂 that said, a lot of people get a burst of energy from heavy carb meals so I think it’s probably just person preference.


Lemon water. I used to feel so foggy after 7pm. Now I can work until 10pm and I'm fine.


I try for cooler foods during the hotter days. Salads are my friends during the summer.


Fresh cut cold fruit, salads, [spicy cold silken tofu](https://thewoksoflife.com/spicy-cold-tofu-liangban-dofu/), ceviche, extra dirty gin martinis 🙂


I really enjoy smoothies and ice cream. I know dairy can be inflammatory, but it’s my weakness and I enjoy it.


Rice seems to help with my gut issues, and applesauce is always soothing.


Sushi 😊 perfect after a hot day 🥵


Excess salt makes my symptoms worse, so non-salty foods are good.


I love fruit salad, salads and smoothies in summer. Oh, and good old fashioned chicken and vegetable soup.


Just wanna say ty


OP Best thing I can suggest is find what works and what he likes. Sometimes what we like isn't what's good for us. I've just eaten things I like and F how it makes me feel. Not everything is gonna HIT the same way with foods for all of us.


If I'm overheating, frozen blueberries are a God send!


I understand some folks think diet isn't correlated to MS - but I disagree. If I follow a strict diet I have less inflammation, more energy, more clarity, consistent bathroom trips, etc. I cut out red meat entirely, I don't eat ANY processed or packaged foods, no gluten whatsoever, low sodium, no sugar aside from eating fruit. no dairy. Sounds exhausting but it's worth it.


Intermittent fasting made me feel better. I had covid so I wasn't eating much anyway. I was still kind of fasting once the covid was gone and I found that my energy was up and the brain fog was gone. Then I started eating regularly and felt bad again. I think I'll experiment with it plus changing my diet to see if that was what helped.


#COFFEE! Black coffee OR mixed with some salted (grassfed) butter to get a kickstart of fat. I love how the salted butter makes it slightly creamy and reduces the acidity. (I know it's not a food but others said things like smoothies and gin sooo I thought it is fair!)


Staying away from anything “inflammatory or processed” honestly helps more than I care to admit. And during the summer I love a good slushy, ice cold gatorade, and always have fans and ice packs around to stay cool. If I’m having a bad pseudo flare day I usually just have to eat some veggies, stay cool, and literally go to bed at 8:30-9pm and try again the next day.


I find fish is easily digestible and soups.


Watermelon. No cooking required :)


Anything from Yotam Ottolenghi. U should Google his recipes. They are colorful sexy delicious food with a focus on the Levant kitchen. Mediterraan but more from the Lebanese, Palestina side. Skip diary. It makes your hubby shit a lot.


Lion’s Mane crab cakes are my favorite and I always feel really great after eating them! https://pin.it/6yTr25D4F




MS is an inflammatory food so foods that are anti inflammatory in nature are a good move.


Huge amounts of cauliflower. E.g. chop up half a head of cauliflower and simmer in tomato sauce with half can chickpeas. Eat it all. I feel so good afterward. 


Gluten, refined sugar, and dairy all make me feel awful now so I avoid them as much as possible (which stinks because I love pizza) Cocoringa is a healthy hot chocolate made with mushrooms and that's great for inflammation. Clove tea can help with nerve pain. I also take these supplements during crap gap and it helps a lot: https://a.co/d/3AiFsmS The mushrooms in there are supposed to help with cog fog, inflammation, and overall health.


It's always a good time for breakfast. I'm partial to toast and cereal. Frosted Flakes are the best!


Plant based food. I also eat meat but, I notice how light and comfortable I feel when I eat veggies or the veggie option of things, so I now prefer it.


Oh! Also my nutricionist mentioned blueberries as a "good food" when it comes to MS


air fried radishes with just a tiny bit of oil and salt!


Try the superfood Kachva, it helps me immensely and tastes super! Kachva.com these are shakes you blend, they are a bit pricy but they are loaded with like 47 superfoods! The chocolate is amazing! When I don’t drink it I feel a difference in my symptoms. They are loaded with the best stuff on earth and you can make pancakes or chaffeld out of the powder too!