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That’s great! The right doctor makes such a difference. That’s so nice you could help welcome her to Tysabri. It’s always nerve wracking to switch meds. We have to stick together!


I'm just wondering, why are you still on a DMT at the age of 62, and Carol at 76 if you happen to know? I am about to turn 50 and have been on Ocrevus for 6 1/2 years and my neurologist said usually by 60 you no longer need to take a DMT. Thanks for sharing and glad you had a nice conversation with Carol :)


My neurologist doesn't believe that age has anything to do do with stopping DMT'S...he has MS himself so his knowledge is not only from a doctors perspective but a patient's as well


Thanks for the information, really great to see someone with MS that is also a neurologist working to help us all fight it!


Out of curiosity, when was your neuro diagnosed? As a kid? In med school? After? So cool to see a warrior actually treating the disease! Talk about a rare and wonderful thing!


He was diagnosed in medical school i believe, his name is Vincent Macaluso, he also has written a book about being an MS patient and an MS doctor


Aww! That's so nice meeting someone you can help out, isn't it? 🥰 Also Tysabri virgin here (and DMT virgin as well as been diagnosed a month ago) I am about to get my first shot next week. Pretty nervous as I have a phobia of needles 😬 but excited too because I hope that it will help to feel better. Really hope that the side effects will be gentle on me. Please wish me luck🍀


You will be fine, I have had no side effects...just hydrate well the day before (Gatorade is my go to drink) pee before your infusion...takes 1 to 2 hours so bring a book, iPad, headphones, I bring a small blanket...wear a short sleeve shirt as the may use your arm for IV, you will be fine 🙂


Many thanks, I will do that. My appt. is 1.30 so hydrate in the morning too I guess? Gatorade-like stuff helped me a lot when I was suffering from symptoms like dizziness (I felt like a droggy: I was very thirsty and dizzy etc 🥴 lol) so that's a great idea! Thanks


Yes, you can eat and drink normal the morning of, also my doctor recommends 2 tylenol and a Claritin before


Great, thanks, cheers to that🥂🙂


Just to follow up: got my first Tysabri yesterday, I'm all good, thanks for your useful tips👍