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I have tried to increase my weight since I was diagnosed at 16 years old 9 years ago and well, I still weight almost the same, which is not a lot, I'm like 120lbs... but I'm not really tall at all. I think I have been experimenting appetite loss with tecfidera.


I’m jealous of you all! Diagnosed 7 years ago was 200, highest was 230 at the beginning of this year, 220 now. Have been as low as 180 since diagnosed. The kicker, I’m only 5’2”. Such is life. We all have our things. Just working on getting more active, eating less processed and less added sugars.


It was like 26 for me


I was about 200lbs healthy, after getting sick and in the hospital I was around 160lbs. After treatment (steroids) I skyrocketed to 230lbs, then relapsed and dropped down to 150lbs. This was in about two years time, I am a healthy weight now but it was a lot of work and discipline to maintain. I remember the sight of food would make me feel physically sick and on the steroids I couldn't get full.


I was almost 90kg, now I am barely 70kg, rip my muscles


I have lost alot of weight in the last few years but MS has affected my colon so I am afraid to eat as much as I will be in the bathroom...I do see a gastro an I am on meds...10 years ago I was 140, now I struggle to maintain 110


Yes- from anxiety around MS alone I lost 10 pounds around diagnosis and did not have weight to lose. These days, I still struggle with it and absorbing appropriate nutrients.


I had numbness in my mouth a couple years ago that basically felt like I was shot up with novocain on the left half of my jaw for over a month. I lost about 15 pounds because eating was annoying. I’d bite my tongue and not even know it. Ugh, glad that resolved itself fairly quickly.