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I'm also in Texas. Thank God for A/C.


*waves from self-inflicted house arrest from Florida*


*Louisiana resident has entered the chat* Currently on the floor and unable to get up. Yeah, unless you live in this heat, you definitely wouldn’t understand. No amount of water or cooling vests can help.


I’m so lucky to have been born in northern Alberta (we maybe not, Alberta does have the highest rates of MS in Canada) but I only have to put up with the heat for a few months. There is no way I would ever survive in a burn barrel like Texas.


Hmm, I wonder why it has the highest rates of MS. Like is it coincidentally or no 👀


There’s a million theories and guesses but no one knows for sure


Hot SUCKS! Gotta get outta the south.


I really want to. I’ve lived all over the place, but I’ve been stuck here for the last several years. I got to live in Alaska for 3 years and Loved it. I cried when I left.


My heat hating MS brain has been seriously thinking about retiring in Alaska. I’m interested in anyone’s thoughts.


Idk how you all can do it- I’m in Michigan and I’m dying already


Texas too. Yeah, not ready for summer.


Hello fellow Texan. If yall know any yeehaws, check on em, cus we sure ain’t having a good time living in Satan’s arm pit. Stay hydrated and cool, friends. Brings a whole new meaning to “hot girl summer”, don’t it? Lol


Southern AZ here. I'm with you!


About a month ago I was in Copenhagen and then Iceland. I’d move there in a heartbeat


I said the exact same thing today lol. Not even 15 mins into work and just pouring sweat. I'd consider moving, but in my current line of work, it'd probably be a pain trying to find something some place cooler.


Oh I feel this......Central Florida here. I have symptoms rearing its ugly head due to the heat. I try to rush to cool myself down, but it never seems to work. I'll be indoors for the summer.


I was able to get an entire set of cooling gear free of charge. It is a god send. https://msfocus.org/Get-Help/MSF-Programs-Grants/Cooling-Program I wear the items I want with the included ice packs and keep spares in a freezer/cooler bag for when they thaw out.


My regards from Greece - same sh*t here... and the worst is if you have to commute with public means of transportation where usually AC is not working.... ffffffff


Τι θα ζήσουμε πάλι...


I know this sounds crazy. I have had an ms for 27 years now and I prefer the heat over the cold. The cold causes so much pain and the heat causes more fatigue. I’d rather have fatigue than pain. I just try to keep cool in the summer, but I do prefer the summer. I’m the only ms’er that is like this. 😝


You’re not alone!! My body hurts way less in the summer months. What’s a little fatigue if I can move without pain?! I’ll take that all day


I really thought I was the only one that feels this way. I’m glad it’s not just me. I love the summer. I’m a different person in the summer. Enjoy the summer.


I got a free cooling vest from MSAA…


I’ve got a cooling vest too. It has saved my life. Sometimes I’m so hot that it just feels like a weight vest until I take it off and see what it’s like without it. I highly recommend one for anyone thinking about getting one!!


Cooling vest barely does shit in this type of heat.


I’m actually curious, because I haven’t done too much research on this… why does the heat mess us up who have MS? My family is from a small town in Guadalajara and well central A/C isn’t something viable due to unstable electricity and don’t even get me started on most used vehicles there don’t have ACs lol. They’ve been seeing 100+ degrees from sun up to sun down recently. I was just recently diagnosed, but it makes sense when I was younger I legit couldn’t get out of bed some days and my mood was horrible during extreme heat… I would visit during colder seasons, but that usually means a lot of rain and a shit ton of mosquitoes…. Ugh


My boyfriend (he has MS) and I live in GDL. The daily average this month is around 100 Fahrenheit with no A/C. It sucks so bad for me so I can’t even imagine how he feels


I’ve been in DFW the last 25 years (also spent 4 years in Alaska, never want to go back), it is what it is. I bought one of these a few years ago. https://interestingengineering.com/culture/sonys-reon-pocket-5-is-a-portable-air-conditioner-for-your-shirt It helps when I’m outside grilling or smoking. I got the Reon 2, may upgrade to the 5 when I go to Japan next month. It helps.


Indiana here. lol I never even go outside. 😂 I don’t think I’ve left my apartment since my last neuro appt. So march. Sorry for everyone suffering with the heat! Best of luck


Visiting now and this heat is horrible!


I’m the same as you the heat messesss with me so much it takes my summers away my brother is coming to visit from 3000 and I I can go to my sons cottage because of the heatcan’t do the things he will be doing


What is mass


I live in Boston, and when it's hot here it's also humid. It's always humid. That's what kills me. I can't breathe. I actually visited Tucson, AZ earlier this month and it was 90°, but it didn't bother me in the least. I could breathe! Like a weight was lifted from me. We're actually moving there soon! I know it gets much hotter there, but I'll take it as it comes. Maybe I'll have my friends ship me some snow in February. 🤣