• By -


I can walk around outside in the sunshine without handcuffs


I can ride my bike with no handles bars.


I can hand out a million vaccinations Or let 'em all die in exasperation Have 'em all healed of their lacerations Have 'em all killed by assassination I can make Andrew Tate go to prison Just because of all those sex crimes


Crazy that the Flobots foresaw Covid and the rise and fall of Andrew Tate.


no handlebars


no handlebars


I can touch grass without being under surveillance, or at all.


Just had to share, https://youtu.be/gKngS7dbrNs


This is the 2nd Flobots reference I've seen on Reddit in the last 5 minutes. It's also the 2nd Flobots reference I've seen literally anywhere in the last 20 years.


"I sleep in a big bed with my wife"


Obligatory *I also sleep in that guy's big bed with their wife*




When I was 8 I thought I could do this and I bragged to the nurses listening to my heart during my checkup. They didn’t seem impressed, so I bragged again to the doctor that I can hold my breath and stop my heart. He humored me, and listened. That’s when my mitral valve prolapse was first identified, lmao. My heart was slowing down and then backfilling itself from the leaky valve (still does) but it had nothing to do with my efforts… I wonder if he’s found a prolapsed valve? Edit: Yes, haha, butt stuff. I get it.


I’d love to have seen the look on the doctor’s face. I don’t care how educated he was, you know for one second he thought “Holy shit! This kid can stop his goddamned heart!”


"Tf kind of superpower is that? This kid sucks."


On the list of superpowers, "I can stop my own heart at will" must be among the shittiest.




Reckon we could convince him to keep practicing until he can do it permanently?


kid named jotaro


Not really because the doc would hear a murmur rather than just the absence of a beat.


OK but that would still elicit a quick, "Oh my god it's starting!"


Yeah a murmur sounds like liquid flowing when it should be a thunk and no corresponding whoosh or gush.


My murmer is a double-thunk rather than continued flowing. It's just a little fault on one of the valves. So where most hearts go ba-dump. Mine goes ba-dadump.


I imagine a slightly older doc with kids, humoring an eight year old. “Sure kid” Listening as his eyes get wider…”oh fuck” he thinks to himself.


Not the same, or potentially dangerous, but I can pop my sternum a few times a day by taking a deep breath. I did it once in an elevator with my boss and he had a look of horror on his face when I explained where/why the sound came from.


There are videos on YouTube that show you the different sounds various heart defects and issues cause. Pretty interesting. This is what mitral valve prolapse (mvp) sounds like: https://youtu.be/sH_KmHIHR70


You just gave me a new question to ask the doctor! I've always been able to do this, and in general my heart skips a beat between inhale and exhale, as well as beating significantly slower when exhaling. When we learned how to figure out our resting heart rate in gym class the teacher asked me if I was a marathon runner because of how low my bpm was lmao.


You should definitely start smoking cigarettes then. Gets the heart rate up, eventually, and it just looks dang cool. Double whammy of a good time! -P. Morris


Just FYI, the heart rate slows on exhale for everyone. I (like you it sounds like) can slow my heart rate pretty drastically and quickly at will, and my resting rate is around 42. Part of how I slow my heart rate is by focussing on my breathing, with a very lengthy exhale and a gentle inhale. The rest is more of a mental clearing? I’ve never tried to put it into words before. But, the exhale thing is just how human physiology works, I’ve read.


Interesting, my resting heart rate is between 90-100 because of all the extra beats after the pause.


Obligatory not a doctor, but: That sounds like a respiratory sinus arrythmia which is completely normal physiological phenomenon. It may increase gas exchange between your lungs and circulatory system.


I can make myself pass out at any time. I am very sensitive to that flex type pass out thing. All I need to do is take a large hard breath and hold it and I am hitting the floor.


I can vomit on command! Wanna team up?


I can ejaculate on extremely short notice. I'd love to be a part of what you guys are building.


Doesn’t seem very sturdy, but there’ll be spirit!


This is the only superhero team up I care about


Can you blow balloons? Or is that risky?


>I wonder if he’s found a prolapsed ...moral compass


>I wonder if he’s found a prolapsed valve? I'm sure after being in Romanian prison his heart valve isn't the only thing prolapsed.


why are americans so obesesed with prison rape


Revenge fantasy that hasn't worked itself out yet, since we had quite a long period of time where it was crude humor that spread as a positive thing since dehumanizing criminals is the goal of too many people. People think of criminals and think they deserve whatever they get, often not even bothering with why they're in prison. So this idea of prison rape being justice is a sick power fantasy thing people have, because they genuinely don't think past it very far beyond the laugh. Hopefully it's on its way out, since I've started seeing it called out almost every single thread (like you here). It's insane that people hope for prison rape and are cool with it existing, even though it's inhuman, cruel, and often falls on literally innocent inmates. Idk, people should really just sorta not be ok with it existing just because they'd be alright if it happens to a monster.


Because it happens so often. Like an enormous portion of total rapes in the US happens in prison to inmates committed by other inmates or more alarmingly by guards. The US writ large lets it fly because in the US being branded a criminal is quite literally being branded as less than human. Doesn't matter if the crime is as serious as homicide or as light (and completely bullshit) as failing to pay a ticket for jaywalking. The second you're in a prison the US as a society writes you off as having no value and doesn't care one iota if you get raped or killed in a correctional facility. Non-Americans bang on about healthcare, but I'd argue the absolute nadir of the US's human rights abuses is our prison system/modern day slave pens


I never said it would be non consensual.


Tbf he did make a video saying he would rather sleep with a trans woman so... he's not that against dick


Oh whoa! Well you got me beat. I was born with a Ventricular Septal Defect. Which means… Suck it Emo kids! I have you beat with a **literal hole in my heart!**


Dwight: Through concentration I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will. Pam: Why would you want to raise your cholesterol?


So that I can lower it again.


Well, it's in Europe so I'm pretty sure he's giving himself [Eurythmics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeMFqkcPYcg)


Well, the song does say "Some of them want to abuse you." And that someone's name is Andrew Tate.


Who am I to disagree?


Here comes the pain again, pressing on my chest in agony......


He having a panic attack and trying to gaslight himself into him being an Ancient Kung Fu Jedi Master. Next week he'll realize he's was Jesus all along.


It's true. Actual picture of him making his heart skip a beat: https://i.imgur.com/n08A8NO.jpeg


Would be nice if he tried to skip 9000 beats


Bragging about heart palpitations. Sounds about right.


He stopped talking about himself after a mere 2 remarks. His tweets remind me of those absurd tinder bio’s were people make outrageous claims like “a priest and a medical doctor have both confirmed i have no soul and cannot be killed” except they don’t expect anyone to believe them.


I heard he invented the question mark.


Chestnuts are lazy.


The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.


His childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons.


When he was 14, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved his testicles.


There’s nothing like a freshly shorn scrotum - it’s breathtaking


Damn, we really don’t see enough of AP represented on Reddit


In the summer we made meat helmets


He once told a girl he coined the phrase “pardon my French.”


That's George Santos


Found my next tinder bio!


Dwight Schrute energy. "I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will. "...why would you want to raise your cholesterol?" "....so I can lower it."


Also his chess elo is apparently like 1600, so his chess claim is complete bullshit.


I don't know what that means, but I'm guessing it's bad.


1600 is well above average. On chess.com 1600 is probably about 98th percentile. Also I’m 1500 and am capable of playing blindfolded fairly competently so I could definitely see his claim being true if he is actually 1600


Ok. So he's actually pretty good, but he's claiming to be Gary Kasparov level, which he isn't? Edit: Oh is his elo of 1600 complete bullshit and likely much lower?


If he is 1600 then he’s actually pretty good. But that’s nowhere near Kasparov level. If he spent the rest of his life only playing chess he probably wouldn’t reach Kasparov level


Kasparov was 2815 at his height


And the Elo ratings today actually reflect a higher skill level than they used to. A 2000-rated player today is better than a 2000-rated player in 1990, for example. So you almost have to adjust Kasparov’s rating upward to make it a fair comparison.




It actually just means we're a lot better at chess. Turns out being able to turn on a computer and play against someone at your level instantly somewhere in the world allows for a lot more improvement than only learning from your small park chess club and books.




I do think he is pretty good player. If you consider the track record of his father. But he is clearly not anywhere near Magnus Carlsen.


No-one can ever beat the ture master though Gavin from 4th grade


His *father*, an International Master, was nowhere near Magnus. Tate, nowhere near an International Master, is about as good as the third best kid at your high school.


I have no idea if the 1600 is true or not. I was just answering based on it being true


Is there really such a huge differnce between 1300 and 1600? Cause Im close to 1300 and barrely know a french defense and like 4 moves of danish gambit


Ye I’d say there is quite a significant difference. I could probably beat a 1300 with minimal difficulty but a 1600 could probably do the same to me


I look at each 100-Elo increment as almost an order of magnitude better. I’m around 1000. I can beat most 800s without much trouble, but a 1200 player is going to beat me 98% of the time.


Elo calculations work on win probability. As a 1000 a 1200 will beat you about 70% of the time (or more precisely, if you played a lot of games the 1200 would score about 7 points out of every 10 with some number of draws).


Not necessarily, having a strong memory doesn’t mean you’re good at the game.


I imagine him having to restart his mental chess match every 21 moves. His openings have to be pretty solid by now.


Very true. There are a lot of players who can memorize the most popular variations of their preferred opening, and then they blunder through the middle game. But having a strong memory does help you play chess better. Many of the top GMs are clearly aided by their ability to remember each move from hundreds or even thousands of games from decades ago. I saw a video recently where Hikaru Nakamura did a breakdown of his chess match, and he referred to parts of games he played in like 2010. Apparently that’s not uncommon for a top GM these days.


He did competitive chess as a kid because his dad was a pro and he sucked.


In his defence he never said he was any good, just that he could remember his moves. Maybe he just moves all the pawns form left to right one step at a time


Knight in, knight out. Repeat. At 21 moves, I can't remember whether the knight is in or out. I'm a chess master, clearly.


He should go for two minutes…


Maybe even, 20? Go big or go home, broseph!




How is it he's allowed to tweet daily from a Romanian prison cell?


*HE* doesnt. He has someone else do it


This is even funnier because it’s just some simpering, ballwashing fanboy making him sound like he’s Bruce Lee and Rambo combined.


I had to look it up because I thought you just came up with a word combining "simp" and "whimpering" on the spot and I thought it was genius. Turns out "simpering" means "affectedly coy or ingratiating."


Sounds like you just learned one possible word origin for “simp.” And I don’t say this to mock you, we all learn everything for the first time *sometime*. I just have to laugh because it reminds me of a buddy in high school who *insisted* that he invented the word “radical” by combining the words “rad” and “cool.”


>Sounds like you just learned one possible word origin for “simp.” This would actually make more sense in context, presuming the slang usage of the word. It actually comes from simpleton though, which I now find extremely disappointing lol.


Back in my day, the word "simp" always just meant someone who's simpering and obsequious. Calling someone a "simp" just meant they were, in general, weak and whiny and disingenuously eager to please others out of either cowardice or desire for a reward. So imagine my surprise the first time I called someone a simp around a group of Gen Z and found out the word has subtly shifted in definition. (I meant to say that Harvey in Stardew Valley was unappealing as a potential marriage match because I percieved him as exhibiting the qualities mentioned above; that's not how the other members of the discussion took it.)


*ballwashing fanboy*. that is going into immediate rotation.


Idk what he specifically is doing, but I know there have been people who posted while incarcerated by giving somebody else the password to their account and sending messages of what they want posted. Could also be that this prison allows some level of internet access.


Given that he was a professional social media scumbag before he was arrested, I expect he had a number of assistants that all had access to his accounts to keep up with the posting, replies, etc. Presumably they still have that access, so they can either make stuff up in his "voice", or he tells them what to post when they meet him at visitation hours. Sure, maybe he's got a smuggled cell phone in his cell, but I think the safest assumption is that some of his staff weren't arrested and are still doing their jobs.


I've been 87 days out of jail, lol. I bet he can't beat that.


I sleep in a big bed with my wife


I sleep on top of a pile of money, with many beautiful ladies.


I understood this reference!


Anyone can make claims when there's no way to verify


Exactly what I was thinking 😂 it’s literally so embarrassing that men get swindled by this clown




It's not all that embarrassing for the naive teens and young boys that he's fucked up. It is deeply embarrassing for the men.


It's especially funny if you consider these as his superpowers. First superpower - plays a game in his own head, but gets lost. Second superpower - can make his heart skip. But only once, and it doesn't work on anyone else. He wouldn't even match up to The Shoveler from *Mystery Men*.


Lol I love your take it just makes him so much more pathetic!


I play chess, often with people. I speak from experience when I say that people who talk like this about chess are, in my experience 100% of the time so far, shit at chess.


I too can imagine 21 turns of pushing all my pawns forward one piece at a time, bow before my immense genius lest i make my heart skip a beat by pure force of imagination!


There are more people than you might think who can play the game blindfolded the whole time. It is not common but it's not hard to find people who are good at it. Magnus and Hikaru are great at it, Levy from Gotham chess is pretty decent just to name a couple. It's super fun to watch in my opinion, and Hikaru had a handful of premove checkmates while blindfolded which is just mind boggling to me. These people at the top level just live and breathe chess so well that they really can visualize and track all the pieces


Oh, I'm aware of people who can play blindfolded. I played *go* with a guy who after the game started replaying the game we'd just played from memory from the beginning so he could comment on the moves and give me critiques, and I just about fell on the floor. People who can do that stuff are impressive as hell. I'm just saying that in my experience the people who talk about how awesome they are at e.g. blindfold chess and offer as proof something that happened inside their mind as opposed to any number >0 of blindfold matches that they played, are shit. Maybe he's super skilled and I am wrong. I'm just saying my experience.


Well kinda, you could ask him to recreate the round 20 board state; he should be able to do it immediately, perhaps there is a way to verify if the board state is even possible at move 20 or even at all? He should be able to do this multiple times with different boardstates.


I read a pretty interesting article 20 or so years ago about memory, skill, and expertise that used chess as their evidence, mostly because chess rankings are recorded in such a detailed manner. The authors of the article noted that, aside from a few incredibly brilliant players and a few like me who are too dumb to really get it no matter what, the vast majority of players get better and more "expert" at the game on a linear scale compared to how many games they've played. Not won, just played. Much of the article was based on showing that humans have the capacity to hold 8 to 10 pieces of information in their heads at any given moment, but that the scale of what our brains consider one piece of information broadens and deepens as we gain expertise. As chess players get better, their memory storage changes regarding the board, from being able to remember and plan ahead one piece ± 8 to 10 moves, to being able to consider each piece and their possible moves as one piece of information (thus being able to concentrate on 8 to 10 separate pieces, either theirs or their opponents), to being able to consider a snapshot of the board on a single turn as being one piece of information, on up to being able to hold entire played/finished games as one piece. The highest echelon of players could see a game around the halfway point and not only finish it playing both sides, but they could work backwards and note the most likely moves that got the board to that setup. They couldn't do that if the board was arranged randomly, so it wasn't just guesswork. It's simply a level of expertise the human mind is designed to reach and keep up with in any task we do repeatedly and mindfully. Which brings me to my points 1. This isn't some mystical swami crap like he's trying to pretend it is. While yes, if true, it is impressive to have played enough chess to reach that level, it still just signifies average intelligence. If he was playing multiple games of chess by mail with other grandmasters and *winning,* that would be a sign of genius. Especially if he didn't have a board in his cell. 2. No matter how boring you thought my comment just was, it was still ten times more interesting and informative than anything this twat-waffle has ever said, written, or thought.


Or just play a game with him where you say the moves. Blindfold chess is a real thing and it’s pretty cool.


I claim that Andrew Tate isn't shitting in a bucket. He can never get the hovering bit quite right, and always misses the bucket with the vast majority of the deposit.


All of his shit comes out of his mouth anyway


I think he should practice that stopping his heartbeat thing, see how long he can keep it stopped.


Lmao good point


Isn't Andrew Tate that insecure rat fuck who claims to be an alpha male but he can't fold a fitted sheet because of his receding chin?


What if you have a chin but still can't fold a fitted sheet? Asking for a friend.


I have multiple chins and still can't fold a fitted sheet.


Fuck sakes.


Brontosaurus problems 😔


r/rareinsults or r/brandnewsentence


"Through concentration, I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will."


Why would you want to raise your cholesterol?


So i can lower it




Actually... Completely expected office.


"With supreme effort and iron will I can constipate myself for up to thirty days. Can you do such a thing? Do you understand now?"


This guy has become a parody of himself.


Right? r/iamverybadass personified.


His picture belongs next to “cringe” in the dictionary.


I also have mental illness, but I'm not in jail. Feels like I'm winning bud.


Only 2d chess tho. Not impressed.


yeah i can play one move of 5d multiverse chess with time travel in my memory


Yeah well I can do 2.


I can do 2 but with one hand tied to my back


I’m not surprised, he’s got nothing but time to play his dumb little imagination games.


Probably spends all day rehearsing. 3 hours of deliberation and - "I know, I'll say I *DESTROY* the insects! Yea, can't wait for the lawyer to show up."


Bragging about being bored.




Yeh exactly this, "up to move 21" is so meaningless. How far into a game you can visualize a board depends entirely on the line, if it's simple, if you've played it a lot, etc


When your illness is comparing yourself endlessly...


Underrated Comment


He should work on the heart stopping part.


Try to get up to a hundred


We used to play that mental chess game on marching band trips when I was a kid. It’s not particularly impressive, but then nothing about Tate really is.


He thinks cooking is only for the poors so I can't even imagine what else he thinks is difficult grunt work.


Prison is humbling him I see. Jesus what kind of narcissistic psychopath is this guy. Tone it down rapey McSextrafficker.


Maybe so, but I can live my life without sex trafficking women...


Why do you get a phone in jail?


He gets visits. But even if he didn't, I'm sure his contacts can enter his mindset by running headfirst into a wall a few times.


You can't bring anything with you to a visit with the exception of pictures that have to first be reviewed


They don't mind-wipe the lawyer on the way out, you know.


From what I’ve heard he’s getting someone on the outside to post these for him. Not sure on a source but that makes sense


To contact your attorney? When I was locked up we could lease tablets that only ran on secure prison network and was heavily supervised. If you had enough money you could rent them indefinitely. You could also make monitored calls and texts. The only ones they couldn't access were the attorney-client calls.


Astral projection, duh!!




Gotta be someone else doing it or he'd be getting strip searched and put in a room with a camera with a toilet that doesn't flush untill he shits


I am certain AT can do none of those things.


I sleep in a big bed with my wife.


I have a consensual relationship with a woman, who I keep as an equal human being. We're not the same, Andy.


Doesn't matter how many moves you can play in your mind when you lost after 7 moves


This guy is fucking delusional.


Remember that this is the same idiot who claimed that reading books were a stupid waste of time, I pretty much doubt that he can even play with marbles.


Everything he tweets sounds so much better if you imagine it in the voice of Cotton Hill. Just waiting for the Romanians to shoot his shins off.


I'm confused. It sounds like it takes him 87 days to plan 21 moves in chess. Am I supposed to be impressed by that or something?


Also, if he's just playing in his head, how does he know that he screwed up the positions? It's only at move 22 when he thinks, "damn, why does black have 3 queens?"


Bless your heart! And if the allegations against you are proven to be true you will have all the time in the world to further perfect your skills.


I guess getting caught for human trafficking was on move 22


Who tf is is liking and retweeting this cretin?!


Bot von Bottenstein Botty Galore James Bott Harry Botter Botman Robot Robobot Botferatu The Termibotter Botrick Botman Boton the Botfessional Bot and Botty Botty Boop Bots Bunny Boteye Teenage Robot The Bottles Botolf Botler Botanica SpongeBot Boten Anna Jonas aus B.O.T.T.R.O.P Joe Boten Pol Bot Jacques Chirac (Bot) Nabotteon Botaparte George Bottington Gandalf the Bot Botto Baggins Botold Bottenbotter Tom Bott Bot Simpson Bertie Botts Simon and Garbot Giselle Bottchen Harald Bottooth Judge Bott Tyrannosaurus Bot Botaham Botcon Botamin Franklin The bot legion. This was done without the help of BotGPT.


He learned to stop his heart at will as a defense mechanism. It's like those animals that play dead so predators leave them alone.


Stop that heartbeat, man!


I can win chess in my head. (My opponent uses bongcloud opening)


I don’t know about his, but my heart has one vital job and I’m not going to interfere with it.


I can make up shit too


I wanna see him win the repeated heart skips challenge


That knuckle dragger can't count to 21 without taking his shoes and pants off first.


Cool. I've smoked weed and touched a woman with concent. I win, loser.


All his tweets sound like they're written by Dwight Schrute.


My buddy is an A rank professional chess player. He said anyone who says “they can see X amount of moves ahead” in a chess game are full of shit.


I hope they keep him.


Also, the bottom of his chin is further back than his teeth.


Can he stop it for ten beats or is his mind too weak?


This reads like 'I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will' and 'I can retract my penis into itself'


I betcha he can do anything that's restricted to within his own mind inside a jail cell. The problem is that he thinks the shit happening entirely inside his own mind with no practical basis in reality makes him an alpha male genius here in the real world. The worse problem is that a lot of young men can be convinced he's awesome by tweets about random, useless shit he imagines.


I was hoping being jailed would prevent him from twitting. What’s up with that?


I can remember 1,000 moves in chess! You just gotta move the horsies around in circles.