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They have a different aesthetic from the typical band. Their music is very very poppy and catchy. Their lyrics are kind of off the wall but a lot of them have an overt type meaning and then a secondary meaning thats more relatable. They seem to be very respected in the music industry as they have toured with everyone. If this was the 70s or 80s they would be one of those workman like professional musician bands where they crank out hits but never hit number 1.


They're fun. That's all, they're just fun. Some folks might think they sound awful, others might think they sound f\*cking magnificent. And that's the same with ANY band, so there's nothing to explain. If it's not your thing then play something else. Why should others need to justify their preferences to you? Let them have their fun. Go eat a f\*ckin' cookie...


I enjoyed Meliora but not much else from their catalog. But they’ve got an interesting vibe and great theatrics to go along with it, they certainly can play and have created a strong cohesive theme to their output.


Very true about the image and vibe. The music is just so not on that level as they have managed to rise on, but that is just my subjective opinion. Apparently there are enough people who dig it and that’s wonderful!


Road House was way better.


Fun music, fun aesthetic, fun theatrics, and a giant middle finger to the Catholic church. Plenty enough for me. If it ain't for you, move on.


Some Ghost songs are so catchy you will have them in your head for weeks.


They wrote catchy music, have fun lore, super nice fans, and put on a heck of a show.


See we came late to this party to comment. I will build off of yours. I liked the dance macabre a lot when it came out but never listened to the other songs. I don’t get the story line that revolves around the band. A couple days ago the wife and I did go to the movie theatre concert not knowing what to expect. It was amazing and one of the best movie experiences I have ever had. It was a little over 2 hours of just good music, fun and an amazing show with front row seats.


I don’t get it either, they just stole metal music imagery, and sing about satan. So I guess its still cool in the scope of anti-christianity, but much more accessible that f.e. Black metal. Nevertheless shitty group with zero musical innovation and prowess. In my opinion.


They have a unique sound but the latest release ( Impera ) kicked it all to the curb ; it just sucks...


Arrangements are so Swedish, so ABBA-ish, if I'm allowed to say. That country has its own musical stamp you can not mistake it for anything else. Apparently, it has something to do with this phenomenon. The guy has toured with some huge acts, and received multiple awards... crazy. :) I'm not sure that he just kept creating music and all of a sudden it popped up; smells like a massive marketing work beneath it. But have to investigate tho in order to discuss it properly


‘Set in medieval times, when the bubonic plague spread death across Europe, Ghost’s fourth album is a sociopolitical allegory for our own time.’ What aren’t you getting!?! It’s obvious!