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***[▶ The Post-Race Thread has been posted](https://reddit.com/comments/1d1ihrl)***


Disappointed Rain delay finish. Wish they continued it the following day. 


Glad I drove 8 hours for an extended weekend to have them call the race early.


This wouldn’t be an issue if we just raced the entire season on the west coast.


Worst time of my life. I’m so fucking mad


Worst Coke 600 ever.


Still better than Monaco


2009 Coke 600 still worse


Especially if you were a Jr. fan.


I look forward to this day every year and NASCAR went ahead and shit the fucking bed smfh…


Sorry that was a lame coke 600


Nascar wonders why its fanbase hates the people that run it, and wonder why it’s a dying sport.


Indycar waited out 4 hours of rain and got the 500 in by the skin of their teeth.  Nascar pulls the plug on the 600 because they can't race until 3 in the morning? (unaware if there is any law against this in NC). It just feels bad. 


Is there a reason they couldn’t pick it up tomorrow. You know on a national holiday where most people have off.


They've never run a race the next day after they have passed the halfway point.


Ahh. Seems pretty dumb to call of one of Nascars crown jewels and the longest race of the season over 200 miles short.


Man I get it but fuck that's anticlimactic


Monaco: Leclerc wins his hometown race! Indy 500: Josef Newgarden wins back to back Indy 500s, Kyle Larson from NASCAR was very competitive! Coke 600: we called the race 30 mins before it was going to start back for rain, CBell is winner. Larson doesn’t get to race at all.


A good recap of the day. I’m only a little surprised NASCAR didn’t say they’d finish up on Monday.


Was there even one pass in the F1 race? Looks like everyone finished exactly where they started.


Yes, just not for the lead. The “race” has become qualifying. The cars of today are so big. But the drivers stay alive in bad crashes.


It's Monaco. That happens every year.


F1 will never canceled a race halfway through due to humidity


F1 doesn’t race on ovals


But they did call a race after about 2 laps (run under yellow), and awarded half points or something stupid


The one Monday a year they can probably bring back most of the crowd and they don’t do it. NASCAR is so absurd sometimes.


I have driven out of CMS after midnight many times so they could have finished the race if they wanted to! I understand they had the jet dryers out trying to dry the track, and it is harder to dry it with high humidity, but last time I checked, the humidity is high when it rains! There is no reason I can see they didn't finish the race today Monday! They must be tired or lazy because their first priority should be the fans! If they keep running fans off like they are, NASCAR will be replaced, and a new sanctioning body will be started! The Coke 600 is a long race on purpose! It is a test of man and machines! It is a grueling race, but being so long, it gives the drivers and teams a chance to come back from a mistake! It is a race that challenges the teams to keep up with the changes at the track! The teams that may have not been great during the day can make a comeback at night! NASCAR knows that it is pricing many of its fans out of being able to attend many races! The days of getting into the infield with a carload of friends, a case of beer, and a bucket of chicken for 25.00 is over! The wealthy fans with big motorhomes are the only ones who can afford to follow the circuit! Maybe that is one of the big reasons they had to start by painting the seats' different colors to hide the fact that they are empty! Now those seats are covered with advertisements! Used to be the backstretch stands were open and filled with people! Nascar needs to think of the fans first, not last! Think about the cost to fans during these days with high gas prices, hotel prices, souvenir costs, ticket prices, food prices, and everything with inflationary prices! I have always thought, why not open those backstretch seats for less wealthy fans and their families at a discounted price and maybe less expensive food costs? They could offer those seats for school kids, military, boy scouts/ girl scouts, church groups, etc, and have alcohol free sections! Maybe they need some young blood in NASCAR to shake things up! If possible, they need to always finish the race! If I had spent my Memorial Day weekend at the Coke 600 and spent thousands of dollars for my family to attend and not see a full race, I would be pissed! If they don't get young people involved in the sport it will become stagnant! Roger Penski at the Indy 500 always thinks about fans first! They got the Indy 500 race in didn't they? And had plenty of different leaders too!


Like wtf!!! If ever there’s a time to let Monday happen!!!


Track looked like it was maybe 30 minutes away at most from being dry https://preview.redd.it/z9b640bi6w2d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b00eb0326bfce10c9eb263e9fdc3034b193026e


NASCAR is the only sport where the fans care more than the officiating body.


Can’t wait for a week of NASCAR paid television & radio analysts spewing this being the right call.


If Gluck or jordan defend this I’ll cancel my subscription happily.


I told y'all earlier the dumb fucks in the tower were gonna pull some stupid shit


Turns out it might've been the Fox tower and not the usual suspects


Nascar thanks for nothing


And NASCAR wonders why its a dying series. Clown decisions like this


Has a race ever been called for humidity before?


Imagine the story and positive publicity for the sport around what could’ve been Larson charging to the front at 1-2am after showing up late and riding out a rain delay. Could’ve been an all time storyline. What a fumble by Nascar on a crown jewel race surrounded by hype going into this weekend


Absolute sell job by NASCAR.


Pay for a 600 mile race & don't even get 400. Screwed out of a 3rd of what was paid for. NASCAR hates its fans.


No reason not to race tomorrow or at *least try.


So many different racing series were on display too today. This would have been a W for NASCAR to just race all fkn night.


I agree. I really thought they were going to get the race going, too. Such a fool I was...


If I was there I’d be super pissed. Told not to leave because they were going to get going again just to hang out in the rain and then told unceremoniously that you wasted time not going home just for humidity.


I was there and am livid.


I am pissed


Drove 20 hours for this, booked an extra day to watch it on Monday in case it rained. Absolutely infuriated


That blows 


![gif](giphy|kX8UCk4kfXJZUZ4tyE) Lights out on the 600 🙄


If they let the cars run 10 laps under caution the track should’ve been good to go.


I know I've seen them do this before, at least to start a race It was either Texas or maybe Atlanta in the mid-00s


Or even just run some of the safety trucks. I feel sometimes NASCAR relies too much on the Jet dryers and Air Titans and they forget about the old school just keep cars running around the track method.


It would have been drier than the Sierra mate. Everybody is in complete awe right now.


One of my favorite memories as a kid is that 2005 Pepsi 400 that ran well past midnight.


Of all the Sundays where potentially racing until 3 in the morning on a Monday makes sense, it's probably Memorial Day. But I get it, there are a lot of moving parts to putting on an event and at some point you have to say, you know what that's all for tonight. Sucks man. Wanted to see them go back racing. But it is what it is.


Man I swear NASCAR sometimes wants to drive themselves into the ground


Fox *cuts to a mostly dry track* fucking fucks


Why would it "not be smart" to race until 3am? At least one of the teams was smart and came prepared with an extra driver to swap out and run it like 24 Hours of Le Mans.


Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. I’ve been incredible hype for this day of racing all year and it turned out to be a huge wet fart as a Larson fan. God damn


I don’t get why we say races are official at halfway. Like imagine a football game being official only after halftime.


Baseball games are technically official after 5 innings


No, I think that's pitchers getting wins vs no decisions I think it was after the top of the 7th


Baseball games are official after 5 innings, just over halfway


Leave it to Nascar to fumble the "Memorial Day" triple


I remember the good ole days of NASCAR actually finishing delayed races after midnight, and us getting some all timer finishes because of it


I was once at a Charlotte race that finished at 2 am. It was like 20 years ago. But they used to run stuff late


People complaining about this as if this isn’t the exact same thing that has happened plenty of times before


I don't think there has been this egregious case of the weather actually moving out and then them giving up when you can see the track is somewhat drying. You've had some that have that fine mist but you could see the track was damp. Nothing ever this bad.


Just to piss us off, they show us a nearly dry track then tell us it's getting pretty late, we are just gonna dog it off. Huge L.


This one really sucks yeah, but it’s not really much different to many other times it’s happened


This also had a visually piss poor attempt to "dry" the track too


We actively saw them drying the track


It was stupid then & it's stupid now.


They got past half way and have no obligation to wait till tomorrow


Wow, it's not even past 12 am yet and they called it? That's dumb as hell. We've had races go way later than this before


Fucking hell.


being at the track…. track was definitely drying. But to tell us in the stands not to leave because they would get it going is pretty awful


That was definitely the worst part. You can usually tell when they are gonna just call it, but they had us all convinced it was still gonna happen. The visual of the almost dry track while they told us they were calling it only pissed me off more.


That’s what pissed me the most, they told us stick around for the late race , it was almost dry and then we quit.


it’s such a helpless feeling… went to atlanta last year when they called it too.


Fuck nascar


NASCAR is a fucking joke. I’m so mad


Coke 150. Coke 150 part 2. Coke 73.5. Fing joke. NASCAR turned the coke 600 from a marquee event to a disgrace and embarrassment.


Coca-Cola 373.5


Humidity? Laughs in Florida


What a bunch of pussies. They’re 5mins from home but god forbid they don’t get enough sleep before the Memorial Day BBQ


What a bunch of pussies for making the same call they’ve made plenty of times before…


I swear to God it's like the people in charge of calling races hate fucking racing.


Some of y'all are like, way mad. I get it...but damn lol. Chilllllll.


No. Fuck that. They always play these stupid games with rain. Either call it or don't. It's not hard.


Yeah I'm not there and I'm angry


Bring up Austin Hill and you will get some unhinged people.


Did you say the Susquehannah Hat Company?!!


Would have rather had them call it 5 minutes after it started raining than this


Kyle Larson is gonna need a beer and some Zoloft after today lol


Called because of humidity...Nascar is an absolute joke


You seem smart


I could’ve played fallout 3 tonight, this is bogus


Been playing NV, myself.


I played them backwards. I started with 4 and did literally everything you could, played NV and understood the hype behind it finally. This is my first deep play through of 3 and I feel like I’m just rushing through it so I can go back to NV 😂


3 is the one you don't wanna rush through. 3 is good for random exploring and finding stuff.


I definitely plan on visiting everywhere on the map cause my curiosity always leads me on random walking adventures til I find stuff (starfields bland planets really sucked for this) I’m currently making my way to Republic of Dave for the Mister Crowley hitman missions. I got a soft spot for ghouls lmao


So this all but guarantees Kyle's gonna pick up the option to do the double next year, right?


I thought it was 2 year deal, not an option to do the 2nd year?,


Apparently it's like a bunch of MLB and NBA contracts 2 years, the second being racer option


Ahh gotcha, that makes sense , thanks!


Surely. I can't imagine he doesn't feel he has unfinished business. He'll be back, and god willing 2025 he can come back and actually do the double.


And as he said earlier this month, if Tony can do it, so can he


I legit think he proved he can do it better than perhaps any others who have tried. Even Smoke. The NASCAR front is a toss-up but after this 500, with one of the top two teams of the race the past half decade, and with how he accorded himself and learned today, I seriously think he could well out-perform what he did today. Like I said, the option is open, god willing he choses to come back next year and the weather cooperates.


And frankly the only reason he finished that far back was because of something he couldn't really practice, and is his biggest flaw as a stock car driver: green flag pit entry


Anyone saying just push it to tomorrow… That’s a big ass can of worms right there. When’s it okay to call it? Rain on Monday we wait til Tuesday to run 4 laps at Bristol? Huge moving target with a lot of logistics on the line. And can’t say its location based either because then you’re telling Vegas they are less important than Martinsville because of proximity.


Nah, it's nascar. They make shit up all the time. They can absolutely push it tomorrow and then never acknowledge the precedent. Just like 75 percent of the calls they make.


Dude NOBODY said call till tomorrow. It's gonna be fine in legit an hour, easily finish this race by 2-3am. Wouldn't have been an issue.


I wouldn’t say nobody because they’re in here lol It’s not the majority by any means. But it’s not zero or one.


Wtf was the point of drying the track then?! We got lights--just finish the damn thing right. What a waste.


Sub-optimal TV ratings. FOX and NASCAR wanted more.


So?! They could've put on a show just for the fans at the track.


I’m with you. So is everyone else with a brain. But that’s not how TV plays. Thankfully, Amazon and TNT will help eliminate some of this by not being “major” networks and more likely to “get the race in at all costs” compared to FOX “if we don’t have good ratings, we’re postponing or ending.”


Shouldn't be about money. Should be about THE FANS. People like us keep the sport running! #BoycottNASCARonFox


I mean the ratings can’t be worse than whatever infomercial they’ll be playing at this time slot


I remember when NASCAR wasn't a bunch of fucking cowards who weren't afraid of racing after midnight.


July Daytona 2015 they raced at 2-3AM and didn't care. What changed?


Do you think Fox had a decision and was like we can't go late because the local affiliates are getting mad because no local news on that station?


Probably the same reason they suck at what they do - they want to put in as little, as cheap of an effort as possible. And restarting the race after midnight isn't something they want to do.


NASCAR loves west coast appeal until the clock hits midnight


I'm in California! I'm still awake! Keep it going!


Just strange...of all the tracks they do this to it's the one that is the easiest for 90% of the teams to travel to and from


And it has lights. Everyone lives within 60 miles of lot and most have a 2nd home in the area


Just done like that lmao


NASCAR is a joke how do you call this with the weather out and plenty of time to race? Whatever. Fine by me I just made $200 on draftkings but what a fucking joke for the fans who paid money to see a race. Absolutely fucking disgraceful. Better refund every fan who came to see this joke of a race.


That shit is so silly to me. “Since we wouldn’t get it dry until 1 in the morning” who gives a fuck? Just finish it. Second biggest race is the year.


Right? They basically admitted that they could've dried the track, and we know there were still some fans at the track, and many watching on TV who would've been willing to wait because tomorrow is a holiday Also they knew it would take a couple hours to dry the track as soon as the rain stopped. If they weren't willing to do that and continue the race, then that decision should've been made 2 hours ago


Especially to take so much time drying the track. Like when did they think humidity would be an issue? It was probably going to be a late race anyways… so shitty to call it


Exactly. Makes me feel like race control just wanted to go home to something. Why not get the race in if you can? Mike said it was possible and that it would just be late, so why not finish? Waste of peoples time and money.


Yeah literally. it was of course a risk that they’d call it but it seemed like they were committing to drying the track and that hearing no news was good news… but guess not. I feel for the fans who waited at the track. I’m at home and I’m annoyed, I can’t imagine waiting around there just for it to be a waste of time


Shit organization. Wonder why I tune in anymore


Disappointing but y'all need to stop bitching and moaning. This is the rule, and has been for ages. Its almost midnight, past half way, with more rain coming.


There is no more rain coming until like 6am, thats why everyone is pissed


What more rain is coming?


I was gonna throw up if I watched any more filler material anyway!


OT but Shoutout to the flagship ABC station in NYC for reporting on Indy and Larson's double duty attempt.


Typical NASCAR L. That was pathetic.


On to the next weekend now


NASCAR handing JGR another bs win, I wish I could say I was surprised


This is just so dumb. There's no way the humidity was going to make track drying last another 2 hours. This is a coward move by NASCAR to drag this out to the end of the TV window and then pulling the plug. Show the track and how wet it still apparently is you cowards.


The TV window ended at the top of the hour, but its still fucked they called it.


NASCAR on major network TV. Can’t win. If this was on FS1, we’d still be “trying.”


Move the damn race over now then. Such BS.


That would be too easy.


It took this long for them to realize “gee this one might be going a little late”??? If you were gonna call it, why wouldn’t you call it two hours ago when it was pouring rain and it at least made sense


Ugh getting tired of Mike Joy's fake positivity knowing dam well fans got screwed. The same guy who defends commercials and poor camera work


What a disappointing day to decide to watch NASCAR for the first time in 15 years


The REAL winner(s) of today/tonight's race is the FANS Thank you for hanging in there, whether at the track or watching on TV


lol they’ll be lucky to have fans after hyping up this shit show product




NASCAR is so soft these days. Why are they so scared of a late race


Just finish it tomorrow. FFS, I NASCAR back to when they finished races and did whatever it took. Now they give up at the first opportunity.


Feel bad for Larson, didn't get to do a single lap at Charlotte. Hopefully he get's another shot next year.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTLhoDUdLALkXBe) Me hearing the news they called it after staring at my TV and watching commercials for 3 hours


I cracked another beer for this ?


Bet ya won't chug it


NASCAR just refuses to have races finish after midnight


Fucked up day of racing that I was pumped for has come to this.




Mother Nature screwed us this weekend 😭


at least they got all of the Indy 500 in, even if it had to run in the evening and they were racing the darkness cause Indy got no lights.


That’s true. I think for me, I’m just upset that Kyle Larson wasn’t able to run 1,100 miles today. Maybe for next time but we’ll have to see




Larson is cursed today lmao


I literally just went away from the tv for an hour or so to come back and watch the continuation of the race because they said so multiple times and I come back to this I have not been this whelmed in many many years Well I guess the only positive out of this is that I get to sleep for 6 hours, other than that...yeah this one was rough, probably one of the most forgettable 600s ever...


Good thing none of you are NASCAR officials. On and off t-storms all day in Concord tomorrow. They'd get the track dry just in time for it to get soaked again. Rinse, repeat. Calling it was the smartest thing to do in a lose/lose situation.


One of those just call it already people.


well that sucks, i guess the humidity excuse makes sense, it gets fucking wet and sticky as hell after rain in north carolina oh well on to next week i suppose, not worth dwelling on this that much, least i can go to bed at a decent time lmfao


I swear to god some of you REALLY need to read a book on how evaporation works.


Bubba would’ve easily had a top 5 if they went back going. Fuck this shit man, this years been awful. … I’ll be back next week of course, but needed to vent 🙃


If it helps, Bubba jumped 3 spots in the standings.


That does help a little, we got some solid stage points and had better luck than usual. And who knows, maybe he would’ve been involved in a wreck had we gotten back going. I’ll take the good points day at least.


Everyone is booing this shit


As they should be.


lmao even C Bell sounds completely shocked it got called


Ok Nascar, wasn't like it was the one weekend in the season nobody has anything going on tommorrow. I'll go watch college softball waiting out the Cardinals delay. Ya know, cause baseball has this new technology called lights and dryers


Thank god the 500 saved today’s racing


So perfect that they basically just waited for the family on the car to head home to announce the win is official. That's precision stuff. Very nicely done.


this is a fucking embarrassment