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What on earth of any value could Fox have possibly had to broadcast that was so important to force the call of this race? America's Got No Talent Episode 2,043?


Honestly, here in Philly by the time it was called it was around the time that the local Fox affiliate aired the 11 o’clock news 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup. Same thing for me here in Ohio. If they were that adamant about getting the news in, bump to FS1. We’ve seen it before and will see it again


I'm moving to Philly in two weeks. Is there anywhere to watch a race with fans?


I seem to remember a nbc Daytona race finishing around 3 am in 2015


I don't recall it being THAT late...


It was, they race started at 11:42pm, the race took 2h58m to complete.


After Dillon went into the fence there was no way I was getting to sleep that night.


I think I vaguely remember waking up to that thinking "wtf just happened" expecting the race to be over by then.


Huh.... I know I watched it live, just don't remember being up that late 😄


East coast time I’m pretty sure it was 2-3 am, could be wrong


It was that late. I started up and watched Dillion go in to the catch fence. Called work next day said I stayed up to late watching it. Plant manager saw me the day after was like thanks for your honesty but you can’t call out cause you stayed up watching the race.


I remember that too! It was while they were doing a big remodel of the racetrack if I remember right. Also, these fools call the race at midnight yet IMSA wouldn’t even be halfway yet in Daytona 😂 It’s a joke..


2012 Daytona 500 also ran pretty late, like ~1-2 am. I remember just slogging through the schoolday then lol


Yep. Even on the West Coast it felt late 😂


I Do remember that race and yours close to it between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning I stayed up to watch it I can't remember if it was because of weather or a fire I think it was both rain and then the dryers were out and I believe it was Juan Pablo Montoya ran in to the jet dryer and it caught fire


What does the fox say? "Fuckthisraceletsjustgohome"


"We don't want to pay our guys holiday pay"


Only 2 races left on this shit network.


Wait is the rumor now that they called it because of FOX?


Yes. That's what has been heavily implied.




My wife doesn't watch but has even commented on the stupid graphics the make for the drivers and how bad the commentary is.


Wait for the trucks after the other 2 series leave the network for the 2nd half. You think it's bad now? Wait for the split. Truck broadcasting is beyond horrible. I feel sorry for MW.


Well, this confirms that fox decided to do it themselves 


Why should fox be able to decide this for the fans who paid to be at the track? Put it on FS7 or don't broadcast it if they want but don't end the race early.


It would obviously have to be on FS8 - The Ocho.


If they could have gone ahead and brought the Dodgeball announcing team of Pepper and Cotton in to announce the resumption of the race? ![gif](giphy|PER8oVobtMcus|downsized)


> “FS7” Cool, we’ll be on the same channel as quidditch, extreme ironing, and ice knitting.


As opposed to not finishing the fucking race?? Sign me up. Hell, we're already right next to fucking bowling as it is lmao


Ah, so it's their competitor to ESPN8, the Ocho.


Better than not seeing anything. You must not like racing. I don’t give a fuck what channel it’s on.


Woah woah woah. Quidditch is absolutely on FS3. Put some respek on Viktor Krum’s name.


Why would FOX want to call the race? You think their viewership for whatever filler program they got after midnight would have better viewership than a crown jewel race? They could move it to FS1 and story would be similar.


Viewership may not have been enough to justify the cost of keeping employees at the track past midnight


I think The Fox employees at the track tend to be paid by race, not hourly. 


Except Memorial Day is a holiday and most those guys are union. I am sure there is something in their contract about holiday pay


This now sounds plausible. Why pull the plug at 11:30? To prevent holiday hours…


Oftentimes collective bargaining agreements have language about how long shifts are, pay for those shifts, etc. I'm sure there's language about weather delays, but I'd have to guess most of the employees were already into double time pay or more considering the broadcast and prep started more than hrs before. Holiday pay would likely mean at least more double time, but I'd be surprised if they weren't already paying out, and at least with the race finishing, you could run the rest of the ad packages, which is really where the money comes from.


So what happened last year when they had to run the Xfinity & Cup races on Mon? Honest question, truly curious.


That was unavoidable so Fox had to give them holiday pay.


The problem is that filler program on Fox is affiliate owned so they have to buyout the time from the affiliates to extend the broadcast window. Similar they have to payback sponsors that bought FS1 timeslots if they flip it there. All so a fraction of the original viewing audience can see the race end in the wee hours of the night.


Quite the opposite actually


It really doesn’t make sense that fox would call it. They get more money for more advertisers and would have higher ratings for a nascar race than whatever they play at 1am.


lol, no they didn’t. This was CMS and NASCAR.


Not sure what was going on last night. The track was drying, they had several jet dryers just sitting at the end of the pit road not doing anything. The pavement in front of the dirt track on the way back to the car after they called it was drying already. Just weird.


The race probably would have been finished around 230-3am, that’s just too late. Teams would have had an 18 hour day, fans probably that long too.


I’ve worked 18 hour days without a choice and survived just fine. And as a fan, I’d be totally fine with getting an extra few hours with my ticket.


Watching a full race but not getting back to the hotel til 3 would have left me much happier than I how I feel right now.


Last year they ran xfinity after cup (Monday rain delay) and it didn't start till 10 pm! I was at the track from like 10 am until 1 am it was great. This year was terrible I've never left a race mad until yesterday. Seemed like they thought it would keep raining and when it stopped they realized oh shit we have to act like we're going to try.


Would you have been fine and safe driving to your home 500 miles away or spending another $200 on another hotel night?


At least it'd give fans a choice if they wanted it. Leave now and listen to the rest of the race on your drive home, stay and figure out logistics later. I've been to many races where I stayed in the parking lot and slept a few hours before hitting the road.


Fans wouldn't be forced to stay... Those who couldn't afford it, or were tired, could just leave.


Not to mention a relief driver who'd raced 500 miles at Indy, and probably pushing the limits of his circadian rhythm.


I can recall a handful of races that went on till 3 o’clock in the morning because of rain delay, so please don’t start with that crap


I’ve worked a 17 hour day in ARCA getting paid $50. 18hr days suck but that’s racing


I don't know why the race was called. I would have thought NASCAR had complete control, not the network of FOX (assuming they were the ones who called it). FS1 could have aired it on Monday, not like they had anything to show in the morning except their radio shows. Looking ahead forecast wise, the weather looks like the occasional rain shower on Monday. This cancelling the race is going to be a big stain and point of contention for many. Tin foil hats are already being made.


Im not convinced it was only FOXs plan to call the race. Seemed a bit fishy that they had like 5 jet dryers out on track and so much conflicting information of the tracks condition that I dont even know if progress was made or the track was actually raceable. Calling drivers to cars doesnt mean much and normally means 30ish minutes from getting in to pit road is dry while the cars roll around the track but then again Harvick had the information before the actual race winner did so what the fuck are we even doing


Could it be the main fleet of jet dryers and air titans were at Indy and not available to dry charlotte in a quick manner. I know when I go to Sonoma or las Vegas, their nascar trucks, dryers,and other equipment say Texas Motor Speedway even though Vegas has their own. Interesting to think about.


It was already an official race. There wouldn’t have been a postponement.


Why won’t people understand: RUNNING THE REST OF THE RACE ON MONDAY WASN’T AN OPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah NASCAR has bent rules before but there was no way they would bend or break one this blatantly.


I mean, they've dried the track late into the early morning before.


There were multiple posts from the track that showed the surface was fairly dry around midnight/12:30. They could have raced


It was drying well before that. NASCAR just didn’t put all the effort into like they normal would which was weird. Heck the wind was even help dry the track. 


I'm guessing that FOX pulled the plug




Sorry man just sick of all the DARFS who just disagree with whatever NASCAR does and think they could run it better than Jim France and Elton Sawyer.


It’s not that deep. Even the drivers were questioning the decision. Second biggest race of the year, behind the 500, home race for teams and industry … it should have had a lot more leeway than any other race and it didn’t. People have a right to be frustrated, especially those who spent money to see a 600 mile race.


The 600 has been cut short before. The 500 has been cut short a lot too. That's just how life works. After halfway if they don't think they can get the full race in that day after a delay after halfway, It gets called. Not any deeper than that


Why couldn’t they run the race today?


Because the race was over 50% complete.


That's their own rule though. It's not like they're forced to follow it. I think it should have to be in the final stage no matter the race for it to be ruled that way. I mean all rules are made up, as are exceptions. If Kyle's waiver is a new exception that I agree with, why not still finish the race after halfway?


Then why even have a rule book? Shit just change the rules every damn week based on whatever. I know you clowns think NASCAR has no credibility, but if they just threw the rulebook out weekly they truly would have none.


I'm with you on consistency, but nascar does every so often seem to do just that if it's beneficial. You can have credibility and have some flexibility in special occasions is all I was really getting at. I think most fans are just let down by how yesterday went. I mean with the weather and larson not getting to run a lap in the 600.


Okay, well the angry ALL CAPS comment I’m replying to implies there’s some sort of scheduling conflict or something. “IT CANT BE RUN ON MONDAY.” The 50% rule just states NASCAR *can* call the race official at that point, it’s not a requirement. Certainly not a rule where they “CAN’T RUN IT ON MONDAY!!” If there was any race I’d think we’d try to push to Monday and actually finish, it would be the longest race of the year, which is a crown jewel, and also happens to take place miles from the race shops and homes of most drivers. Not like they’re staying an extra day somewhere across the country where flights and logistics needs to change.


B cUz hALf WaYy!!! DuRr!!!


So are ya'll still unhappy the race will be on a streaming service instead next year?


As long as production quality is clearly better than Fox, I’m ok with it. Shouldn’t be too hard to do considering how dogshit Fox has been this season.


Was gonna say, you could clear that bar by tripping over it lol




The only thing I’m worried about are viewership numbers, but other than that, I’ve never been more ready for a new network/streaming service to cover NASCAR, especially one with Dale Jr one of the leaders behind it. Besides, with it being streaming, NO MORE worrying about TV windows, pleasing local affiliates, or other nonsense BS like that. Bring it. 


Considering how many folks have Amazon Prime, I can't imagine the numbers being worse than FS1 or USA numbers right now 🤷‍♂️


Viewership numbers will likely be higher than anything on FS1 or USA. Might even rival OTA networks numbers.


I pray to whoever is out there that holds true. Otherwise everyone is gonna jump even harder on the NASCAR is dead train.


Only people that likely take a hit are the 'old heads' that aren't internet savvy or people who live in more rural areas that don't have internet access (the required speeds) for streaming.


I'm fine with a streaming taking a crack at it. Just as long as we get good coverage and a respectable post-race show. If I see an exciting finish or an emotional win? Don't run off my screen just because you have to show a bowling or poker tournament. Heck, do what SPEED did and actually have the winning driver up at the table talking about the win after the confetti has fallen.


I’m not mad at all by it! Better access for fans, better production, sign me up! I have to listen to the races unless they are on Peacock because I refuse/don’t have the money to spend $65+ a month for streaming or cable. Put all the damn races on Prime and Peacock, let’s fricken goooo!


I think it could work. I’m an MLS fan and the Apple TV deal is nice in that the broadcast is so much better than what we had on fox and even better than the local broadcasts we had. Yea it sucks ti pay for extra streaming but at this point it’s whatever as long as I can watch the shit and not worry about the terrible cable networks I’m fine.


No they’ve moved their outrage to the next thing


Fox stopped showing me the race at 10. They switched to local weather before the rain delay in DC. Fox (and local fox affiliates don’t care about nascar).


I saw that but it was about possible tornadoes and such.


They did switch back after 20 minutes, and it was a legitimate reason. Too bad we didn’t get to see the last few laps of green flag racing though.


Yep fox completely cut nascar in my area. I was pissed


Fox not running ads for 2 or 3 hours might have had something to do with it. 🤷🏼‍♂️ And not wanting to pay people holiday wages. People forget… the networks that pay billions of dollars are in control, not NASCAR. I could hear it in Mike Joy’s voice when he gave the call. He said it like he had a gun to his back.


that and nobody in the booth looked amused at all giving that call


Could they not have been amused because it should've been called an hour before it was?


Yeah. At first I was on the side of calling it because of fatigue for everyone involved, which is valid, but further removed from it I can see plain as day that FOX be FOXing. No reason to not run it today.


Is anything ever NASCAR’s fault?


A lot of shit is NASCAR’s fault. They make whackadoodle calls all the time, but I don’t believe that this was one of them.


IF Fox was actually behind this than this should be the last year they have any rights to the sport full stop. Nascar should buy out the contract and start shopping around. 


I'm thinking it was a mixture of both parties. Overall the whole situation just sucks.


Pretty disappointing... especially when nobody has to work the next day. Those people paid to see a race and they got about half their money's worth. Half ass by nascar I say.


Only two more Fox races to go


Fox is a joke. Think of how much of the actual race was missed with rapid-fire commercials and piss-poor production. Then the sanctioning body just decides to call the race even though it is *clear* that the track is ready. This is bush-league stuff. If I was in the stands I would have been furious. There was a film crew following Larson, to boot. What an absolute joke.


NASCAR is kindve a shit show right now. We all collectively see how difficult the weather has been, but look at what Indy did for an example. If you had called the race right then and there I’d kindve understood as making a decision for the good of the attending fans. If you don’t do that you are now committed. Well, nascar was not.


Indy had an all-day window and didn't have an official race. NASCAR did.


Can you please stop trying to make 'kindve' a word?


Contractions are so helpful though. I don’t want to go back to a world of people saying “kind have”


Yeah but in your context it reads as kind of. I have never heard kind have used together. Kindve isn't a word or a contraction.


I was trying to make a joke. “Kind have” isn’t a thing



This is the facts. I was there. They brought the dryer out and the spots around the front stretch wouldn’t dry at all, so they moved to pit lane and it would dry either.


The decision to call the race when they did is looking more and more bizarre.


There’s no way a full 1.5 mile track and pit road would be ready for racing in 15 more minutes from that amount of rain in ideal conditions. 


15 minutes after it was called. The rain had already stopped over an hour earlier. They had already started drying the track. Certainly not every last bit would have dried up, but the track itself was nearly completely dry when the race was called.


I figure Fox pulling the plug is just another baseless internet rumour. Regardless, I wish they would have attempted to finish the race.


Now I’m even more pissed. I went down for my first 600 and we waited the entire delay for it to get going again. Their reason sounded like bull shit but now I’m more pissed. I’m ok if they truly couldn’t get it dry or if rain came in to the length and extend that they wouldn’t be able to finish but this is just garbage. Every fan should be compensated in some way if the entire reason was fox.


They could still run the race if it’s not on TV. it’s not Fox’s fault.


To everyone who insisted Fox would have no say in holding the start of the race if Kyle was running a bit behind… NASCAR serves the TV partners. Period. They’re the ones who are forking over the cash to make all this work. Heck, they’re a HUGE reason we have the playoffs.


Was that fox’s last broadcast race of the season?


I was at the coca cola 600 and you could see the track getting dry so I don't know what nascar was saying but they fucked the fans the ones at home watching and the ones that was at the track your 2nd biggest race of the year and you couldn't finish it because of humidity and the race would have went into the we hours of the morning fuck outta here with that lame ass excuse I guarantee you if that was Bj McCloud or Corey Lajoie or any low team nascar would have finished the race


This is absolutely NASCARs Fault for Not continuing it. FOX had no clue they would call it. Why would FOX want to studio Rainfill for an hour and a half plus for the Race to just be called.


You can’t make it up.


This is Sinclair getting their revenge for nascar obviously going woke /s


Wanted to see Larson drive...He had a good chance to win that race.


i just dont understand why they couldn't postpone the race, done it plenty of times at other big events literally did it for the Daytona 500 this year


They simply don’t postpone races that have met the minimum number of laps to call a race. They never have and never will. Daytona hadn’t met the minimum when the race was postponed.