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Imagine if this is actually the 4PM SHR announcement


So that’s what they meant when they said Briscoe to the 21.


“Alright! Wood Brothers, here I—“ “Uh, Chase…”


"We meant that we were going to toss you at Austin Hill when he came down pit road next time, we should have been more clear"


Austin Hill was that kid in school that always pulled the same girl's hair until she slapped him and then he cried in the arms of the teacher because the girl was so mean to him. Every school had one, he had to be that kid.


I'm not going to lie but I had an incident just like this today. One child hit another child and I asked the second child what did you do to get hit. The first child doesn't hit unless you piss them off and they were pissed off.


Please let him be suspended


I hate to say it, but I doubt he's gonna be suspended, but hey maybe I'll be proven wrong (please NASCAR prove me wrong).


Probably a $100,000 fine and probation.


They already have a precedent of suspending drivers for intentionally wrecking someone(Bubba and Chase), so maybe it’ll happen.


I hope they do. Screw his points lead. (Not biased)


I've never hoped for a suspension so hard in my life. The guy is just a gigantic turd.


What he should get but honestly it's a nothing penalty since they give waivers for it.


Whether you like the guy or not, Austin Hill deserves some sort of repercussion for his actions this past week on the track. He's shown throughout his career He isn't afraid to right hook someone or wreck them, throwing flagrant regard to safety out the window to have it his way.


Custer said it best himself, Austin Hill drives like a pissed off teenager. Flipping everyone off for racing near him, dooring anyone nearby if they did ??? to him, dumping people for “reasons”


It's crazy that he's 30 and he does shit like this


No one likes the guy lol


There are some "good ol' boy" fans that certainly do But those people aren't on Reddit, they're usually on Facebook


>Whether you like the guy or not, Austin Hill deserves some sort of repercussion for his actions this past week on the track. He's shown throughout his career He isn't afraid to right hook someone or wreck them, throwing flagrant regard to safety out the window to have it his way. Did you say the same when larson did the same to ross?


Austin Hill did this to like 5 different drivers this weekend. It's a thing Austin Hill does. And while ALL drivers have their moments, Kyle Larson is not known for intentionally wrecking shit every week.


>Austin Hill did this to like 5 different drivers this weekend. Cool show the footage of him doing the same thing to anyone but Custer. >And while ALL drivers have their moments, Kyle Larson is not known for intentionally wrecking shit every week. Sure. Austin is known to be a hot head. That doesn't make this incident suspension worthy


Kick him off the tour, Doug!


It needs to be a severe penalty. Where he turned Custer was by far the dumbest place you could intentionally wreck someone at Charlotte outside of the doglegs. Where he turned him, the wall angles in towards the track because of the backstretch chicane for the ROVAL layout and Custer got lucky and hit just past where it stops angling in towards the track. I'm far from the one making the decisions, but I'd say park his ass for Portland and give him a wakeup call that he can't keep having these temper tantrums when someone races him hard because he is going to hurt someone. He tried right rearing SVG coming to the checkers at COTA (after SVG paid him back for using the 97 as a brake pedal in turn 1 on the restart) and then tried running him into the outside wall after the checkers (and something had gone on between the two attempts because SVG went from the far inside of the frontstretch to the far outside of the frontstretch in between the two times that the 21 and 97 could be seen on TV) and failed both times. Add in the temper tantrum he had at Martinsville last fall and he has quite the history of it.


Then called Kaulig a team of "sissies". A team with a business relationship with the team you drive for. Imagine if someone with a normal job did that.


And then he whines and bitches about nobody wanting to help him at superspeedways


Please suspend him from Portland. Let a road course ringer drive the 21 and Austin can sit at home. Portland is one of my favorite tracks and not having Austin Hill there would just make it 100x better.


Bah God - is that Ron Fellows music???? In reality, idk who would be a good replacement if that’s the case.


Fellows is 64. It can't be your music if you can't hear it anymore.


He's got it turned up really really really loud, that's why we can all hear it


Yes, so he doesn’t screw SVG out of a win again.


I don't think he'll be suspended, but if he is, RCR should put Will Brown in the car so he can get some seat time before Sonoma. If Brown can't race, it would also be cool to see Jordan Taylor again.


Would love to see brown get the seat over Austin. Us fans would be treated to watching SVG and Brown battle it out again


However on the flip side I would find it very funny if Custer just absolutely dumps Hill in Portland on like, lap 2 lol


I remember Biffle was trying to race the Portland Xfinity race a year or two ago, nothing really came of it but would be cool if he finally did.


It would be better if Hill was suspended from Daytona


Nah, SVG needs vengeance.


If they can fine ricky 75k, they can put the foot down and suspend Mr.Hill for a race for doing a very similar thing that got Chase suspended last year.


Gragson wrecked the fuck out of the entire field at Road America a couple years ago because Sage Karam had the gall to race him a little hard. He lost some points and got a fine when a suspension was 100% justifiable. So unfortunately the hand of justice is never consistent.


True. But that was also before Bubba, and they have seemingly started cracking down harder on this sort of thing.


Fine Hill $75,000. He damn near took Custer’s life. Ricky’s actions would have resulted in a bruise at worst.


Park his ass


I hope they make an example out of him. That kind of temper tantrum shit can't happen in NASCAR.


Hill needs to be parked, but we know the dipshits in upper management probably like what they see because it makes the sport look like WWE on wheels.


If he isn’t parked, while I don’t advocate it, I wouldn’t be sad if someone decided to wreck Hill this weekend


Does humidity factor into the decision?


Summoning a suspension: ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)


Maybe it’s just me, but Austin hill comes across as a condescending, narcissistic, entitled prick most of the time. Never heard him take responsibility for anything and it’s always someone else’s fault for an accident and never his own. Austin’s attitude makes Kyle Busch seem likable and level headed.


> Maybe it’s just me... It's not just you...


"Maybe it's just me" It's not. Any sentient being, between humans, land animals, sea animals, other sentient beings, agree with you.


This guy is dangerous when he wants to be. He is shown he doesn't have good judgment when angry. We've seen this in the past with other drivers such as Ty Gibbs wrecking people for the win or Carson Hocevar flat out wrecking people multiple times as well. The difference here is that Austin Hill hasn't learned from his mistakes and continues to do so. It needs to stop and you need to make it hurt him so that he learns a lesson. But even then I don't know if he'll ever control his anger.


I can’t believe I’m defending Ty Gibbs but what Austin Hill did to Custer is way worse than anything he’s ever done. The situations aren’t even really comparable.


I really thought Gibbs was going to bring his silver spoon attitude to Cup, but he's pleasantly kept his nose clean and out of trouble for the bulk of his 1.5 years so far. So I'll hand that to him.


I thought so as well but he has definitely chilled out since he started racing on Sundays. He has been pretty fast this year as well.


> but he's pleasantly kept his nose clean and out of trouble yeah nah, the incidents just aren't getting air time because it isn't when he's been up in the front. He's been really testy with a lot of drivers especially when he's mid-pack.


I hope Hill gets suspended but I won’t hold my breath. The guy is a gigantic Mountain of Shit 


Fuck yeah fine and suspend his ass


MASSIVE $25k fine incoming.


What Hill did is similar to Kyle Busch and Ron Hornaday at Texas. Suspend Hill and let him watch from home.


Send him back to the swamp for a week please.


He better be suspended for what he did on Saturday


Austin Hill 🤝 Santino Ferucci Having only a handful of fans, most of which only root for them because of who they drive for.


If they do, they need to go back and look at Busch wrecking Stenhouse. NASCAR either needs to look at EVERY instance of a driver dumping another driver or look at none. Picking and choosing which incidents to look at is ridiculous and makes it VERY obvious that NASCAR has a bias towards certain drivers in this matter.


Something something bull’s ass and butcher’s word. Look Austin has been a loose cannon getting more and more explosive over the years. He needs to be humbled a bit and sat down for a week. Also maybe not given a waiver costing him a run at the championship. The second part may be overkill but I would then hold the waiver over his head until the end of the regular season. If he has another outburst then deny the waiver.


Excerpt from the RCR team meeting this morning https://preview.redd.it/q5lenokca93d1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f553255c2f9c11d983ab8b069b35f92c27ea7f4


Ok I’ll ask the real question here, since we are on the topic. If he gets suspended, he getting a waiver? (ducks)


Yes he'll semi-automatically get one since NASCAR is making him sit.


I mean why so long? It happened now 3 days ago and still no word, it isn't even that borderline. lol


memorial day


They don't usually announce enforcement actions until Tuesday after a race weekend, and with Monday being a holiday, that's likely pushed back a day.


Good, I hope at the minimum they fine him harshly


I doubt Hill gets suspended, but that fact he did it under green makes it worse


The NASCAR officials making that decision should be careful. They might get assaulted on pit road.


Honestly, I'm surprised it took NASCAR this long to comment on it. I remember when Kyle Busch wrecked Ron Hornaday under caution and NASCAR was swift.


I guess Larson waiver decision is also on Wednesday?


I wondered whole time after that happened how they would justify, not parking Hill after that dumbassery!


I dont know if we should start suspending people for every on track wreck thats one guy wrecking another


It's the actions after the caution that matter the most


Honesty since nascar is consistently inconsistent i kinda expect a penalty. But there really shouldn't be


Wow nascar sucks