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Exciting last 20 laps with Bell's issues and then Blaney running out of gas. I'm happy for Cindric. I'm pumped Hocevar got 8th place and an interview afterward!


For big that was the pain for me in the last lap, at least Penske got the win. If not with Blaney, with Cindric! Congrats to Austin Cindric! And Blaney, go get 'em at Sonoma :)


I can't wait for Fox to end their stint for the season. Hopefully for next season, they can make wholesale changes that will improve the broadcast.


Penske will have all three drivers in playoffs … I bet he ran out of fuel….. come on…. You believe ….that and Stewart haas shutting down ….. nascar is not raced to see who is fastest anymore it’s their money they will do whatever to sell ….. nascar after yesterdays run out of fuel disgrace to get cindick in playoffs was horrible …..


Respectfully, you need to go back to sleep.


Am I the only one who thought the announcing at the end of the race was bad? They were all out of order and no rhythm for such a crazy moment.


It's Fox we don't expect too much


Gateway makes me miss the old Phoenix 😢


I think Brad could have won that race if he pitted when Bell did.


What an incredible race. Personally I thought this was one of the best of the year. The tire compound was great and it made for comers and goers and good strategy throughout. I had no clue who was gonna win the entire time. Brad calling his own strategy, staying out super later and driving to 3rd was awesome. Good sunday :)


Wow……you think he ran out…. No fix was on he wouldn’t make the playoffs without a win…. Look closer at what you are watching…. Stewart haas left for a reason….. ask Carl Edwards’s….. and there are a host of others ….. their money!!!!!!


Damn, If Brad could see the future and pits with Bell instead of staying out he likely wins today.


Additional stats to show how wildly random Cindric's win is: - Today was his 4th career top 10 finish on non-drafting oval tracks. - Going into today's race, he had never even finished top 5 on a non-drafting oval. - Even with this win, he's having the worst season of his career so far with an average finish of 21.8. - Over 20% of Cindric's career laps led are from today's race.


The Fords were flying today.


I would add that it’s also been a while since all 3 Penske cars had top 5 race contending speed. It definitely shows that he can run well with a good car and good team execution.


Anyone else notice that Blaney was slow for half a lap before the broadcast even mentioned it? And at that point Cindric was passing him. I was looking at the interval on the ticker going Ahhhh wtf is happening then Suarez passed him and still nothing


Yeah, I thought the delay was weird as well


Unpopular opinion maybe but I’m a Busch fan and he’s been struggling this year so I was disappointed that Larson wrecked him (not intentionally). Was happy Blaney was about to win but we all know what happened. Happy Team Penske took the win tho.


Before Blaney ran out of gas can you call that a good race? Mostly no. Blaney and bell battle was fun but that was the only real battle of the entire race.


Even Rajah said wherever you come out after the green flag stops is where you’re stuck


The first Ford win in 2024 was Brad with RFK and the first Penske win was Austin Cindric (though technically not there first time he's done that in a season). I didn't have that picked at the start of the year but I'm pretty happy about that


It’s funny because if you told me before the season started the first two ford drivers to win would not be Logano or Blaney or Buescher I would say “oh wow shr must be good now!”


Let’s gooooo! Finally an Austin Windric again!




I'm so happy.




Ayyy good looks Austin Cindric. Seems like a solid dude. And Bread with another top 3 and Justin Haley with the top 10. Good race, slow burn like others have said.


Bit of a slow burn, but pretty good race. Very compelling strategy-based green flag final stage. The McDowell/Bell lead battle at the beginning was really good too.


Solid race. It was nice to see different strategies. Good day for Brad and a decent rebound from Chris.


Fox showed Berry off the pace yet?


Been thinking. A lot of Bell's paint schemes have been ugly. That DeWalt car was not it bro. The Rheem ones look unfinished.




The Dewalt is an awesome livery


The 20 had a McCarthy Construction Logo on the hood today. Weird and random sponsor. I dont think Ive ever seen it on the 20 this year or ever.


Trailer trash


I think they are fine, especially compared to most of the field. Schemes just aren't what they used to be on most weekends à la Kyle Busch. My favorite Bell scheme was probably the one he won at Bristol Dirt. I think my second was perhaps the grey Dewalt variant that ran at a road course.


Second top 10 of the year for Hocevar and up to 21st in the standings. Meanwhile, Lajoie is sitting 32nd in the standings off a 32nd place finish at Gateway. He's almost Harrison Burton levels of bad at times and I think it's time to move on.


He’s getting beat by his rookie teammates almost every week. He can’t even hide behind the “well bad equipment” excuse anymore.


Hocevar has some really good moments, he's looked real fast at times. Have had a lot of fun watching him.


It's annoying because he (Lajoie) thinks he's so good, too. At least, that's the impression I have always gotten regarding Lajoie's impression of himself.


I think Lajoie has the charisma and confidence to attract sponsors and woo the occasional owner. However once we've gotten a couple rookie drivers to compare him too, things start falling apart.


The comparison to Ty Dillon vs the comparison to Hocevar is stark


I can see how he is attractive on the corporate side. I'm just not a fan, personally, outside of a few schemes on the cars he has run. And yes, Hocevar is showing that the problems at Spire might have been more than just the cars.


He has a podcast though, 5 year contract extension.


This was a good race. The end.


Perfect description. Was it the best race ever? No, but there were interesting strategies and a few heartbreaks. It had decent enough passing for the Nextgen (honestly, still the worst part of the race, but it could have been like the All-Star, so). Plus, it had one of the best multi-lap battles of the year so far.




https://preview.redd.it/p0h9rasgi94d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eabbf2919b2cf6fa3ea4ce0501a4245eefb5fb4 Fun day at the race..glad Gateway will be back next year


I'm trying to go. Not a super far drive, could be a nice little day trip.


I live really close so i go every year. WWTR may not be that flashy but they really do a lot with concerts and other stuff on the midway to make it a really fun weekend.


Need to keep it on ge schedule for sure




Felt that was a good race. Comers and goes. Strategy. Big drama for the finish. I'll take a Larson Top 10 after how bad the weekend looked. Congrats to Cindric. He really needed a W. Top 10s for Haley, Hocevar, and Dillon 👀


It’s shocking that Dillon and Hocevar are the best finishing chevys today


I need someone, ANYONE, to go through all the Fox broadcasts from this year and make a compilation of all the mistakes made by the production this year. Yes it would be a very long video


Good luck- you'll still be working on it this time next year, they make so many.


Ellyproductions on youtube made a video sort of what youre aiming for.


I nominate you




Iceberg, you listening?


Wasn't able to watch this race but I just know that there no way Austin Cindric won a non-plate Nascar race on pace?! Austin Cindric? Something obviously has happened in the last laps. Don't want to be mean be he is terrible and anyone who pretends otherwise is just being kind. Austin Cindric. Lost for words. I would sooner believe BJ Mcleod won a race.


Austin Dillon top 10 alert. Officially top 30 in points


Not many Dillon flairs on here. Can I ask what makes you a fan of his?


First race I watched was the 2018 Daytona 500. Been a fan of his ever since


that's a hell of a race to pick for your first one! Dillon always seems to win in weird fashions lately lol


Yeah that’s what it seems like. Honestly thought he was really good after winning the Daytona 500. Very quickly realized he was not


I've never had anything against AD. he's not a bad driver, he's going to take what the car gives him and put it there. As in if he has a 20th place car, he's finishing 20th-22nd, he can't wheel it to a top 15 or so. If he dropped down to Xfinity or trucks he'd make a good living there


Yeah he’s a solid driver. I feel like if he drove the 29 or another RCR number he would be a lot less hated and would be viewed as more of a Paul Menard type


Jeez isn't know he was that low


Yeah it’s been a miserable year




Really good racing in person. Broadcast just doesn't do a good enough job showing the racing in the field. Gateway is a tough track. Glad to have it on the schedule


Being a Blaney fan is rough sometimes. Just has some of the worst luck, but I think this is a case of poor pit crew execution once again fucking him. 


I still don’t understand how no one notices the car not getting full on the last stop


The races where hms is non-existent are always good it seems like. What a wild last few laps


The biggest meme of this race for me was Austin Dillon. I say this with no true hate, BUT it occurred to me today that Austin Dillon isn't a race car driver but a guy who's job is race car driver. Today he drove the car to it's potential, nothing more and nothing less. His pit crew got him track position and he just held it. He didn't do anything special, flashy or much at all noticeable because Austin Dillon knows how to drive a race car competently. He has enough talent to be competent in good equipment at this level (most times) and that's to be noted and applauded, but this man doesn't have the instinct or precision skill of someone who is a race car driver to find those extra tenths.


The biggest meme of this race for me was Austin Cindric I say this with no true hate, BUT it occurred to me today that Austin Cindric isn't a race car driver but a guy who's job is race car driver. Today he drove the car to its potential, nothing more and nothing less. His pit crew got him track position and he just held it. He didn't do anything special, flashy or much at all noticeable because Austin Cindric knows how to drive a race car competently. He has enough talent to be competent in good equipment at this level (most times) and that's to be noted and applauded, but this man doesn't have the instinct or precision skill of someone who is a race car driver to find those extra tenths.


The biggest meme of this race for me was Austin Cindric I say this with no true hate, BUT it occurred to me today that Austin Cindric isn't a race car driver but a guy who's job is race car driver. Today he drove the car to its potential, nothing more and nothing less. His pit crew got him track position and he just held it. He didn't do anything special, flashy or much at all noticeable because Austin Cindric knows how to drive a race car competently. He has enough talent to be competent in good equipment at this level (most times) and that's to be noted and applauded, but this man doesn't have the instinct or precision skill of someone who is a race car driver to find those extra tenths.


You know, it's not that unfair of a comparison. I was just thinking that Tim Cindric being suspended for hijinx in IndyCar and all of a sudden his sons car pops off lol. Also if this became some kind of memeable copy pasta joke and it caught on I would probably eventually die from laughter.


He did win a Truck, and Xfinity championship. He obviously has some talent. 


Lots of meh drivers have done both of those things. That doesn't mean anything more than to compare him to a regular person. Also equipment goes a long way


Don’t disagree with a single word said


If you're really a Dillon fan then it's amazing you said this. I'm not trying to insult the guy more make an observation. Does it seem like he has the fire of some of the more passionate racers? Because I never get that feeling from him.


I think he loves racing don’t get me wrong but I agree that he does not have as much passion as other dudes. He definitely won’t race into his 40’s like so many other drivers do, but I believe he will always be involved in the sport I’m one of like 3 actual Austin Dillon fans on here


It's weird because I used to hate him but for some reason today I flipped and it's just like damn man, he just doesn't have the chops to drive that 3 car. It's just a bad fit. Like the guy grew up in it and maybe it was the path of least resistance but hearing you say that makes me think he's just a guy who got a huge opportunity and just wasn't up to it. I'll always be salty about his 2018 500 win because that stunk of dirty to me.


I think the 500 was a fair move. Last all of the biggest race you are going to do anything to win


Agree to disagree, I felt it was attempted murder on Amirola.


Yeah that’s fair


Has it been discussed how Blaney seemed so surprised he ran out of fuel? I feel like fuel usage wasn’t even discussed in the last 30ish laps and everyone was so shocked when Blaney ran out. How does that happen?


What I don’t get is I thought there was a fuel switch they all had when the main tank ran out - basically a couple laps in reserve before really being out.


He most likely already flipped it. And the reserve tank maybe gets you around once


His reaction at the line was the only reason I thought otherwise and he was coasting that entire last lap


I had the same thought. I thought he’d be on the radio yelling he had to flip to the reserve and clearly wouldn’t make it to the end but he must not of


Pit crew fucked up again and apparently didn't get close to filling the tank. 


He should have been 10 laps to the good based on what Larry said. They rushed the pit stop and didn't get the tank full trying to get track position. At least that's the popular and logical consensus.


Shouldn’t they have known he wasn’t going to make it and he was going to have to conserve? Feel like it wasn’t mentioned once


Why are they always in such a hurry?


Could be that they intentionally put less fuel in and miscalculated by 1 lap. It *is* a bit odd he ran out where he did.


They can't measure that closely with those cans. They may know they need a can, half a can, etc. They know if it was full and they did a full run and have half a run left roughly what to add, but not down to the lap. That's just bad luck.


Fun race. I liked the differing strategies and how they played out. Don’t always need a late yellow for big drama at the finish. Also, it feels like Brad is going to piss pound the field the rest of the year


Just needed a car to blow up and 1 to run out of gas when he should've been good for another 10 laps lol. That race was shit


-larson and bell fan


Blaney's luck this season... Good car at Texas. Dumped. Good car at Darlington. Got put in the wall. Good car at Charlotte. Loose wheel. Good car today and... yeah. When it rains it fucking pours


Don’t forget the Atlanta finish!


Yeah, I was thinking this is an even bigger heartbreak for Blaney than the ATL finish. I mean, both my wife and I thought he had yesterday’s race in the bag.


Just got done watching the race, I’m gutted for my guy but that was a great race in my opinion, yes it was hard to pass, but there was a lot of varying strategy and a great late battle for the lead that ended in dramatic fashion for both drivers.


It can be hard to pass, but the best cars all seemed to end up at the front at the end when it counted. Felt like old school nascar with the long stages at the end and part failures. All things considered we had a deserving winner. Can’t ask for much more in a race!


I agree it felt like an old school race, we even had a couple of underdogs get top 10’s on speed.


I know quite a few love to pit Blaney against Cindric, but a little interesting tidbit while listening to both of their radios: When Bell was battling Blaney for the lead, Cindric actually came on the radio and told his spotter to relay to Blaney to suggest running a different lane to defend. Cindric’s spotter was all confused and had to double-check if that was for Blaney lol.


Gateway just announced they will be back in 2025


Good, sign the track to a five year deal. We need variety on the schedule.


I hope so. If I were president of NASCAR, I would immidately sign WWT Raceway to a 5 year extension (2025-2030)


That’s the second time Austin cindric won a race at the expense of Blaney


At least cindric had nothing to do with this time. Still weird it happened twice


Fans are still going to be pissed at Cindric because Blaney lost.


I'm not. I hate Blaney lost, but I don't mind if Cindric won.


If I had a nickel something something


It quickly turned into WTF Raceway for Blaney


Manufacturer wins among the top 3 series. Chevrolet 23 - Ford 2 - Toyota 15. ______________ Cup race #15 : Chevrolet 7 - Ford 2 - Toyota 6. Xfinity Race #13 : Chevrolet 8 - Ford 0 - Toyota 5. Truck Race #12 : Chevrolet 8 - Ford 0 - Toyota 4.


Literally doubled our win total today!!!! ![gif](giphy|b0eOVeZUIDAPBtmXTi|downsized)


One race shy of halfway, and Ford's only two wins have come from Austin Cindric and Brad Keselowski. Just like everybody predicted!


I’m speaking Blaney to RFK into existence. Tired of Penske’s BS, and it feels like overall they really don’t care about NASCAR as much as they used to. I don’t care that he just won a title with them


Haven't they won the last two championships?


I’d love to hear this story. Seriously, he ran out of gas. Just shut up.


What Penske BS has there been?


They have been slower than dogshit for 2 seasons now. Their only saving grace is the 12 went on a run at the right time to win the title.


Ryan Blaney is literally the defending champion.


I mean, 10 next gen wins is solid. RFK has 4. Not sure how that move makes sense.


Not to mention having the last 2 championships, with Blaney being the defending champion. People have to find a new team to dog now that SHR really is shutting down.


I agree with you, but name a team that doesn't get dogged on. It's everybody.


Did Fox ever tell us about Bowman not having brakes?


Bowman didn't have brakes? Was he letting off super early into the corners? And how the hell did he get into his pit box?


Your guess is as good as mine. [https://x.com/Alex\_Bowman/status/1797398567658635289](https://x.com/Alex_Bowman/status/1797398567658635289)


Fox coverage is getting worse by the week. They miss replays multiple times.


They're coverage sucks but now they're also running out the clock with a few races left and no crown jewels left to broadcast


Idk if you watched xfinity face yesterday or not, but they cut to commercial within like 20 seconds of the race ending. So fucking stupid


Yeah watching the most epic burnout likely in xfintiy NASCAR history while on side by side commercial laughable


No. Don't even know if they said his name at all.


They mentioned the top 10 streak once early on, but that’s it


Why didn't the 12 team put enough gas in it? Are they stupid?


Well they didn't bother to tighten the wheel last week so


Maybe they pit too quick.




OUT OF GAS! Looks like Blaney needs the Weber propane fuel tank scale thing….


[My feelings after the past 7 weeks](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/804/617/d5b.jpg)


Tonight when I get home I’m going to put on my Ryan Blaney 2023 Championship jacket and crank one out while crying in the mirror.


[While listening to this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_DVS_303kQ)


You got a championship at least. I could deal with any future amount of bad luck for the 11 of that was the price of a chip


He’ll never win. You know why? Because you called it a chip. It’s a championship. Not ship and certainly not chip. Now, get off my lawn!!!!




Out of curiosity, what row is that?


Sec 22, row 29. Great view, just couldn’t see the two Cody Ware spins out of two due to the tour busses parked over there.


If you're not a member of Ryan Blaney's pit crew, this comment isn't for you. If you are apart of Ryan Blaney's pit crew... I hope each and everyone of you crack smoking, pill popping, cocaine snorting, heroine shooting, meth eating, acid dropping, alcoholic baby monkeys suffer a minor incontinence tomorrow. The minorist. So minor the actual inconvenience is how annoying how minor of an in inconvenience really is. Maybe one of you gets your shirt caught on every single door handle you pass through the day. Maybe one off you has to sleep with the blanket half on and off, because with it on you burn up and when you take it off you freeze. But to the gas man, and I mean this with all my heart, I hope you have the absolute worst shit of your life. The shit where sit there, completely naked, sweating bullets, static coursing through your veins, praying to the poo gods that you survive this.


Somehow the minor incontinence typo makes this even better


Yeah that's totally what I was going for when I misspelled it on purpose. Don't laugh at I'm serious!


I get it you’re pissed. A lot of Blaney fans are upset. Many are even angry at Cindric as if he was the one sabotaging Blaney.


I'm not mad at Cindric. I'm happy for Cindric. I'm a Penske guy through and through. But it's on site for every single member of Ryan Blaney's pit crew.


Blaney’s crew messed up big, no question


Legendary copypasta material right here.


If you're not a member of Ryan Blaney's pit crew, this comment isn't for you. If you are apart of Ryan Blaney's pit crew... I hope each and everyone of you crack smoking, pill popping, cocaine snorting, heroine shooting, meth eating, acid dropping, alcoholic baby monkeys suffer a minor incontinence tomorrow. The minorist. So minor the actual inconvenience is how annoying how minor of an in inconvenience really is. Maybe one of you gets your shirt caught on every single door handle you pass through the day. Maybe one off you has to sleep with the blanket half on and off, because with it on you burn up and when you take it off you freeze. But to the gas man, and I mean this with all my heart, I hope you have the absolute worst shit of your life. The shit where sit there, completely naked, sweating bullets, static coursing through your veins, praying to the poo gods that you survive this.


Ok this is the third comment mentioning copypasta. Do your job boys and squirrels.


r/NASCAR copypasta?


Not until people make it such


Well, this is saved in my meme folder


That actually makes me happy


Somebody read this comment on Stacking Pennies, please.


Hallelujah, holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?!


I chugged the entire bottle


Is this a copypasta? Cause this shit is hilarious lol.


This is way too personal to be copypasta lmaoo


I was thinking that too lol.


Can confirm, is personal. Source: Me. Edit: Thank you for the award.


calm down


Found the gas man.


*Holy shit*


No no no. *un-holy* shit.


Demonic shit.


did anybody else get 50 points from checking into the xfinity race? still never got mine


I just submitted a request for it after noticing I didn't receive mine either


I just got credited with it 30 minutes ago after submitting a request last night


so you submitted a request? i ain’t gonna lie they kinda little bitch’d me with the send proof of activity stuff lmao


Yea they are really stubborn with it


Justin Fucking Haley with a top 10 in a RWR car AGAIN. Get this kid in a 3rd charter at RFK.


That is Blaneys seat


Yeah, sure.


Petition to get Cody Ware kicked out of the family.


Imagine if that second seat had a competent driver in it that was both competitive but could also provide information to help the performance of the team. Edit: sorry, Kaz Grala isn’t too bad, but lacks the experience to provide a lot of information. I was thinking about what if one of (any, really) the SHR drivers ended up at RWR that could actually help the team out with a little more experience.


“Okay, Cody, NASCAR has allowed you to come back after you strangled your girlfriend. Let’s play it nice and easy, let’s not make any waves, let’s run all the laps…. And he crashed twice in the first 20 laps. Jesus Christ.”


Not even on strategy either. Just talent


Him and carson have bright futures ahead of them. Both out preforming bad equipment.


Unbelievable, really. Poor Corey Lajoie is going to be yeeted soon


Guys had plenty of chances not to suck. Is what it is.


I agree. I like Corey, but he's not meant for cup.


Same. Likable dude for sure. But hocevar is making it painfully obvious that CJ ain't the guy. CJ = Corey. I'm several beers deep on vacation. Apologies.


Corey would be a great pit reporter and runner of the 62 beard Motorsports Chevy at superspeedways like Parker Kligerman did.


Exactly. Haha, enjoy buddy