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I'm not familiar with her body of work, I'll have to study some film on her




She'll still intercept Daniel Jones lol


she has great closing speed


Daniel Jones has thrown fewer picks than Jalen hurts each of the last two years


I mean Hurts wasn’t injured for most of that period but technically yes.


Now compare playoff win stats. 


That’s why I brought up 2022 as well. Jalen hurts had the 4th most turnovers in the league last year. If Jones was healthy all year hurts would’ve likely still had more picks and fumbles.


Subtly changing the goalpost from picks to turnovers, I see


Lmao that’s a pathetic argument but okay. Still would’ve been fewer picks.


Hurt’s career int% is 2.2. Jones is 2.1. In 2023, Hurts was 2.8, Jones was 3.8. For their careers, they are basically the same, on picks, but Jones was notably worse in 2023. Jones threw 6 picks in 6 games, Hurts threw 15 in 17 games. Jones was also worse on fumbles, with 4 in 6 games vs Hurts 9 in 17 games. For their careers Jones has 46 fumbles in 60 games. Hurts has 36 in 62 games. And Hurts has nearly 200 more rushing attempts than Jones.


Jones doesn’t throw too often. Because, you know, he sucks


to be fair, he also has nobody to throw to and spends most of his time on his back with large sweaty men on top of him...


Funnily enough, the first interception of the 2023 season for Daniel Jones was a pass to Saquon Barkley who couldn’t hold onto it and popped it up I don’t have an exact memory on this but I feel like multiple interceptions were easy passes that the receiver didn’t hang onto


People (eagles fans) are downvoting this but it’s the truth. Look at the highlights on the week 1 cowboys game, in the first quarter Jones dumps it off to Barkley who takes some steps, is hit, pops it up, and it’s counted as an interception. That’s legitimately the truth


Fine but she would definitely run Jones down from behind and make the tackle


She gets through the giants line no problem lol


Can’t get tackled by a defender if you let the grass tackle you first ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If by grass you mean "crime against humanity" and tackle you mean "all the connective tissue in the leg to rupture"


I mean yeah, Jones also played less games last year and had only 2 passing tds,


The point is eagles fans criticizing Jones for turnovers is the pot calling the kettle black. How do you guys not get this? I’m not saying Jones is better than hurts.


I’m pointing out that your point was Hurts has more turnovers than Jones in 2 years which is true but at the same time Hurts played more games and he throws the ball downfield more, which is also true. It’s like if someone said Hurts has more TOs than Ridder


How many games has he played?


Hurts had the fourth most turnovers in the league last year. If Jones played every game it still would’ve been fewer than Jalen.


And to show for it he won one whole game last season! If we extrapolate his 6 games out to a full season he wins the same number of games that Tommy Cutlets did!


We’re talking about picks not wins. Because wins are a team stat and picks are a QB stat. I feel like that should be obvious but can’t expect much from eagles fans.


Really? Because you just mentioned wins, seems like that's exactly what we are talking about considering we've both mentioned them in three straight comments now. I get it though, I'd disassociate from reality too if I was stuck being a Giants fan so there's no shame brother


What are you fucking talking about? At no point did I mention wins. That philly reading comprehension really on display here


You've just mentioned wins for the second comment in a row, with me mentioning them in this one we are now up to 5 straight comments about wins. Can you unironically not count or are you just too upset to read what you're typing on your own device?


Oh you’re actually brain dead nevermind good luck out there


You're really comparing 5 interceptions in 2022 to 6 interceptions in 2022? And 6 interceptions on 160 attempts in 2023 to 15 interceptions on 538 attempts in 2023? The difference in 2022 is miniscule and Jones' interception rate in 2023 was so high he'd have had more than Hurts if he'd made 480 attempts.


This is a new level of copium even for giants fans. But y’all got so few things going for you in the last decade I’ll give it to you. You’re technically right.


Jesus y’all are so dense. Read the rest of the thread. It’s literally the pot calling the kettle black. He was only slightly better than sam Howell lmao


I did and you sounded more slack jawed with every take. I would have chimed in myself but other people who actually look at the whole stat line and watched the games already did. Enjoy your incredibly cherry picked stat and I’ll continue watching my team in January again this year.


Lmao okay kiddo! 👍


Not fair. Hurts is a runningback


lol come on, Jones only played 6 games last year. Averaged 1INT/game


If you squint really hard and turn up the brightness... it still looks like shit


Can someone please make a version where she’s chasing Daniel jones naked and he falls all on his own?


Sure she's not a Full Back?


Did you see the closing speed on her,


She knows a hitable hole when she sees one.


unrelated do you think Losing Kelce is a big loss


There's no replacing a first ballet HoF, potential GCOAT. The minimum I'm expecting is that Jurgens won't be an active detriment. He was hand picked with Kelce's input in the drafting process to be his replacement, we have a good track record with drafting Oline, and our OLine coach does a pretty good job of coaching people up. He also had the benefit of playing RG next to Kelce and learn how he operated in game while also *on the line* instead of sitting on the bench and watching tape. Ultimately, it will be a loss. It would be unreasonable to expect it not to be, and it would be unfair for Jurgens to expect that of him. How big of a loss is really a shot in the dark, but I'm cautiously optimistic.


If he is 10% of what kelce was would that be sucess in your mind


10% of Kelce is a bad center, realistically.




Let's get it


I don't get it


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I was trying to find a decent image of her, so i don’t have to mark it NSFW


I mean fuck it, can she tackle and stick to defensive assignment?




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Someone gonna get blown up!


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Don't harass me Auto-bro


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Stop harrasing him bro, it's not that serious


Why come to a meme war and be a snowflake?


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