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So the system has basically completely collapsed at this point, right? This is now a daily occurrence in the country’s third-largest commuter rail system. I mean shouldn’t this be an all hands on deck kind of emergency scenario for the governor and the NJT board of directors? Doesn’t really seem like anyone cares.


We are at the point the chief engineer should acknowledge the north river tunnels are no longer functional. One of them needs to close and be fixed. Path needs emergency funding to increase capacity while the tunnels are fixed. Gateway is too far out. And NJ transit bus service must be significantly increased and the area around the PABT must allow more bus parking. This requires an emergency response. Similar to what happened with the Pulaski highway 10 years ago and evening XBL lanes


This is correct. Thank you.


There are evening XBL? We need those back....


100% spot on. The longer they wait to act the higher the chances are that both tunnels will be non-operable. That will cripple both NJT and Amtrak.


Neither Amtrak or NJ transit would like to admit how bad the situation has become. At this point it’s not about blame and the time to fix the problem. It’s not Murphy fault or even Christie’s fault these tunnels are in bad shape. Could they have done started the process to fix this? Yes but it’s not the time to blame and simply take the necessary action. Enough with the press releases and simply create a plan to fix the problem and execute it. Somehow i95 bridges were replaced in a few weeks. It’s hard to believe they can’t do anything like this with the nec. No will power from what I see


I mean it is at least somewhat Christie’s fault


Amtrak owns the tunnels so I’d place the blame squarely on them and Congress. Yes Christie was in the wrong for messing up Gateway but NY and NJ residents aren’t the only ones using the tunnel. I agree a plan needs to be set in motion. At this point this is a national security risk.


Not one person has addressed anything. This is absolute insanity.


New Jersey is a shitty state and this only proves it. I tried taking NJT to work instead of driving but will be back to driving again this week. Can’t wait to get out of this hellhole for good. Absolutely shocked that no one has said anything, but I know I shouldn’t be.


They're all shitty in their own special way.


^^^ This


NJT can't help on the NEC. Overhead wires are Amtrak's responsi ikity and NJT CANNOT touch them! If NJT has to do ANY work in Amtrak territory, Amtrak coordinates this work and NJT has to get permission to even do any work there. Write to the GOV of NJ a d NY and the board of directors at AMTRAK. NJT is just as frustrated ad it's customers be ause they get the heat and blame for issues they have no co troll over. Blame the right entity if you want something done. All line going into NYP are co trolled and operated by Amtrak. Anything rail, switch. signals and cantenary are maintained solely by Amtrak. NJT is responsible for the area between the top or tail to bottom of catenary (basically all station/platform maintenance and rehab/reconstruction of platforms.


While I agree that for the most part NECs wires are indeed AMTRAKs responsibility, the breakdown last Thursday proved to me that NJTransit is also equally responsible. There's a lack of communication throughout the system, resulting in instructions by NJTransit staff for me to literally travel in circles to finally get back home. Like, I don't blame them for the fire along Secaucus tracks, but maybe don't send us to from NY to Hoboken to Secaucus to catch the NEC train if Secaucus is closed for the foreseeable future. Had to Uber home after making it back to Newark Penn as there were hundreds of people trying to fit in the two boarding doors to the NEC train.


How could you be this selfish? Don't you know our tax dollars are better spent in endless wars that no one quite knows why we're in? /s


M&E train lost power in the tunnel (still here!) and there’s a disabled train in front of us too it sounds like. We’re heading back to Penn when the powers-that-be honor us with the permission to move again.


Without these posts I'd have no idea what's going on. Literally only officially joined Reddit for this info. I held out for so long only because I didn't want to get sucked into another social platform to waste my time.... But these posts are literally the only way to get information. It's not bad enough for NJ News 12 or anything to report on this. The NJ Transit app really does suck. I have alerts set and it NEVER alerts on anything anymore for a year probably now. I appreciate all you folks posting this info!


I check this subreddit every morning/evening before looking at the NJT app lmao. Has saved me on a few occasions.


>I didn't want to get sucked into another social platform to waste my time get out while you can! they design these things to be like a black hole, once you're in their grasp they just suck you in & it's near impossible to escape until you find yourself intensely arguing over the most pedantic of bullshit. but it can be mildly fun it not taken too seriously i guess


Thanks for the info (and sorry you’re stuck). I’m sitting on a train that was supposed to leave ~25 mins ago and they said we are waiting in a queue to get out. Not sure how that is supposed to happen if there are two disabled trains in the tunnel……


Were you inside the tunnel and able to get internet?


It’s spotty but yes I usually have signal in most of the tunnel. We must’ve been close to the exit too based on how long we were moving. Now on a comfortable Boxcar bus home. First time trying it but if they had a monthly pass I’d ditch NJT completely for this.


Who is your provider? T-Mobile is awful in the tunnel 


I’d like to know as well, T-Mobile is usually dead in the tunnel


Verizon. I’ve also noticed tracks 1-6 tend to be dead spots, but on tracks after that I’ll have service when boarding.


What is the boxcar bus?




Impressive that you have phone service in the tunnel


Power loss in the Tunnel. I’m sitting on the 5:52 Dover train and we’re backing up, back into Penn Station


Ugh i’m sorry that’s so annoying.


It’s happening every day now. And it’s not even so hot today


atleast you got a seat. I came standing all the way


We can thank former Governor Christie for giving back the Federal grant money to build a second Hudson tunnel in 2010 for both NJ Transit and Amtrak to use to make President Obama look bad. That tunnel would have be well on its way to completion now.


They turned my train around to go to newark. Just when i thought it would be a clean ride. Fuck these people


Yep. Was also thinking we’d get a break from this hell. Shame on me!


Can’t even blame the heat today lol


Blame the wind lol


So fire last week. Air this week? Flood or earthquake next week?


Next week would be fine since it’s the grand ceremony of the fare hike after that nobody knows


The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse shall greet you each day


Is this now 5 out of the last 6 weekdays where there have been suspensions due to “overhead wire” issues?


Just scrolled through all the angry texts i’ve sent in the past week cursing NJT & can confirm I have been redirected to the PATH on 6 of my last 10 trips to/from the city.


The conductor on my train demanded we activate our tickets, went through and scanned everyone BEFORE announcing we were going to be held at Penn Station due to that power outage


Same here. What a joke.




This is no way to live


Yep I’m sitting on NEC in the tunnel and they said power outage and no idea when things will get moving again


It’s crazy that this happens daily


Booooooo…. wondering if I should jump ship for the PATH


This is making me question my life choices.


Whewwww wtf


Why can’t they stop all trains at Newark and then cross honor tickets with PATH? That way, they can fix those century old tunnels and goddamn worn out wires


You know, 30 years ago this was standard procedure. Very few commuter trains went all the way into Manhattan everyone switched to PATH at Newark. During rush hour, PATH trains left from Newark literally every 30 seconds.


Think this situation calls for the good ol' PATH to Newark transfer? I'm supposed to take the 6:47 to Rahway (delayed).


100%. Wish I left earlier than I did.


Caved and took the bus! I didn't see trains moving in and out of Newark too much and I got nervous. Hope you get home safe!


I did! Thank you :-)


I was in 3867, the 525 outta Penn. The tunnel lost power temporarily, but came back online. Guess that was the precursor to failure. Happy to see I was able to make it out of there, sorry some of you got stuck! Amtrak is falling apart.


I was on the 550 out of Penn. I got extremely lucky and made it through without a problem thankfully. seems like it went to shit right after.


Yeah I was on the 6:01. We boarded on time and they collected tickets immediately. Should have known that was a bad sign. Then they told us about a power failure in the tunnel and we'd be sitting there indefinitely, but not to worry because we're 1st in line when things get fixed. Then about an hour and 15 mins later, we started moving but now somehow we were 3rd in line. Got to Hamilton around 8:20. Good luck tomorrow!


It doesn’t even surprise me anymore. lol What a messed up, sad state.  Time to take the bus, or maybe even drive. Which is what I guess they want people to do so they can get more toll money.  Something is seriously wrong with the NJT train system. 


The bus is even crazier


last 2 weeks been so shitty


So basically if you take the NEC you should find another way to Newark and go from there… annoying to have to transfer but it’s better than the alternative


That’s good to know. I was wondering if that would work


It’s not a fail safe, but since most of the recent issues are the stretch from Newark to Penn station it’s your best bet


where is the money




And there’s a good possibility you’ll come home to no power.


Was fine today. Quit ya hitching and pay the fare or it will never improve.