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Child’s birthday! If it gets to the point where you’re going to a doc, it’s really awkward to not know the date


After some posts I’ve seen, I provide several emergency contacts: 3 sets of neighbors and my (non local) parents in case shit really went down. Also my/husband’s work locations. And get your nanny’s emergency contact in case she is ever incapacitated. Our kiddo has some severe allergies so we made a list of what to do in what order for that, also. Better to over communicate than under. If there’s anything weird about your house (like, does one burner get super hot super fast? Does your microwave burn food if you don’t put it on medium? Mundane stuff you don’t think about anymore since it’s so routine but someone coming into your home wouldn’t know.)


Ah, good idea to add the neighbors too. I'll have to think what is weird about our house. I'm sure there is plenty but its hard for me to think about it with a fresh mind!


Their doctor!! Baby was having an off morning and then woke up from a nap burning up - took her temp and it was 104°, dad was in court all day and couldn’t be reached, mom left her phone on her desk during a several hour long meeting. Called both of them and texted them a few times asking for guidance. Ended up going through their medicine cabinet, picked up older siblings old prescription, found the doctors name and called to make baby an appointment. By the time mom got back to her desk, I had already talked to the nurse, had baby in a just below normal body temp bath so now temp was down to 103°, and mom was able to meet us at the doctors office. Was definitely trying to keep my wits about me and not panic, but it was so scary to see the baby that lethargic and have a temp that high and not have access to mom and dad OR know who her doctor was.


Good call! Added doctor by name and the office to the emer. contacts sheet. I also have now added location of fire extinguisher, first aid kit, etc to the docs.


You also need a legal release giving Nanny the ability to seek emergency medical attention for your child. I’ve never needed one and hope I never do but it’s good to have.


Also, not sure if you have a garage code or a front door code, but making sure they have those. The number of times I’ve left for a walk and almost locked myself out 🫣


Ohhhh, we don't have a door code, but you've made me think, we need to get a key made for her.


If you have a balcony, please make sure there's a spare key out there. Once my toddler NK accidentally locked me out on the balcony!


If you didn’t know this- If you hadn’t found the number, and you’re in the US, doctors here have a responsibility to treat. You could go to any ER or urgent care, explain the situation, and they could start treating the child while you continued to try to reach the parents. What a scary situation to have been in! I’m sure the parents felt awful for you too.


It's also worthwhile, especially if you're in a fairly populated area, to actually specify your preferred ER/Urgent Care. Many cities you may have several ERs within a small radius and there may be reasons (insurance, history, reputation treating children, whatever) you'd prefer your child go to one over another.


I for some reason had it in my head that it had to be their doctor, but this is good to know! On that note, OP! Make sure you either leave a car seat home for your nanny in case of emergencies (unless you plan on leaving a car with a car seat for her). You might want to schedule some extra time in tomorrow morning to walk through installing it in her car for both your peace of mind and hers or his. I’m pretty comfortable with different car seats by now, but it’s the last thing I would want to worry about in an emergency. Also also maybe give her a heads up so she can tidy up her car a bit if necessary lolol


Def give warning so they can tidy up their car!! Gosh, my car can be so horrendous sometimes 😂😂


lol on the off chance NP tell me they are coming home early, there’s a 99% chance it happens to fall on a particularly fun day for the kiddos and the house is a disaster. I tell the parents “pls know that the current state of your house is in direct opposition to how happy your kids are”… same theory goes for my car lol when I’m putting in 110% every day with the littles, my own life is not at all under control


Ooh that's a good idea. We have a spare travel carseat in our garage but mostly she takes him in my car with our main carseat. Might not hurt to show her where the temp one is and how to install it in case I'm out with the car and she has to take him out in an emergency


- Office numbers to reach parents at work in case they can’t answer phones - Home address for emergency services in event of 911 call - CPR & choking flowcharts in easy to spot locations - Pediatrician name and number - Nanny’s emergency contact


I’d suggest making a copy of your health insurance card for her incase she ever needs to take NK to the doctor.


I have a form for medical information and a signed permission for administrating medication when needed for when they’re sick. This includes an emergency contact number for closest person to reach to take over if parents are not available and doctor’s numbers.


If the baby is ever going to be in the nanny’s car, a letter in the glove compartment explaining the relationship of nanny and baby and your name and phone number, in case of any emergencies Do you have pets? Any info about them is super helpful A spare key hidden in the garage in case of any inadvertent lock outs Pharmacy info, number and address- in case she takes the baby to the doctor. There are 6 CVS stores in the town I work! Location of thermometer and baby medicine and syringes in your home Non-emergency phone numbers for police and fire department Wildlife department phone number maybe - a rabid raccoon was in the yard fighting with the dog once and I had to call Dentist - in case there is an emergency


My NF provided me a list of all doctors, local emergency and non emergency police and fire department information, as well as addresses. Secondary and even contacts if the secondary doesn’t answers and dire circumstances numbers (ie bosses, schedulers) if I really need to get ahold of parents. I’ve recently seen an experience where a nanny was believed by some individuals to be kidnapping a child and the child was physically removed from her care until the parents came and provided paperwork(a situation with a black nanny with a white NF). Another nanny recommended a notarized letter to prove the relationship and employment. I thought this was a great idea especially since I am sometimes primary caregiver when NF goes out of town.


Number for poison control. If you have pets then their vet info would also be good. Where they can find the first aid kit. If/when they can administer meds (Tylenol, benedryl, etc) and the dosing information would be helpful. Someone else mentioned spending time going over the car seat installation. I’d add checking how they buckle NK in and going over basic safety stuff (no bulky coats, making sure a mirror is attached if you prefer they use one, not leaving NK in car seat to sleep, etc). Also get their car info (make, model, license plate) and verify they have insurance.


I had a family provide the pediatrician info and also the order of succession for emergency phone calls. If they have allergies tell them what the reaction is bc anaphylaxis is different reaction than a rash. With my current family instant ice packs help bc one is accident prone. I have extra clothes for both kids the older one is more if he has texture issues or he got soaked at mini golf. Also telling your nanny the communication preference. Where your spare keys are or any codes. Also to make things less awkward the WiFi password is helpful. Maybe where the electric breaker is or if anything tends to trip it like ac and microwave


Has you given anyone medical authorization for your little one? We signed the form at the doctor that says grandma can take our son to the doc. This way grandma and Nanny can go together for the ocassional appointment. 


Good thought. We haven't done that, but it's worth thinking about.


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I would add spare key if your neighbour has it, they could lock themselves out. Any medical history of the kids that emergency services might ask. Doctors numbers names. Emergency contacts, any medication you are happy for them to administer. Permission for taking media to share with family and not share on social media. Administering medicine form including permission for first aid. Nanny's emergency and permission any medical history to share with emergency services in case of unconsciousness. The others came to mind have already been suggested


Where any spare keys are located


Yep our guidance is 1. Try me first as I wfh and nearly always have phone on me 2. Try husband next, if he doesn't answer call the office and they can get him 3. Depending on the situation I have 2 emergency contacts (my mom and sister), the nurse hotline, the pediatrician, and the pediatric urgent care we use. A copy of his health insurance card is in the wallet we give her with cards for outings (membership cards, credit cards etc)


A permission letter stating that I'm able to make decisions for health care until a parent can be reached in case of emergency.


I’m a little paranoid so void what you don’t like; I provide a paper for each child that contains each child’s DOB, their pediatrician, their known allergies, brief medical history if any medical complications, current VAX status, closest emergency room that I prefer, our pharmacy, our dentist, their identifying physical markers (incase ever lost or kidnapped), 3 extra emergency contacts outside of my spouse; 1 for a family member incase something happens to me and my nanny can’t reach me or my husband, 1 for a trusted neighbor, and 1-2 local trusted mothers who can step in to get the kids if nanny has an emergency and can’t reach me. I also provide a sheet for misc things; our physical address, the gas company, maintenance company, non emergency line for fire and police, our vehicle information (make/model/license plate #) incase I’m in an accident and unidentifiable, the location of our emergency “go bag”, an emergency cell phone, and then a note of basic codes for the house.


Also, copy of insurance cards & emergency cash/card.