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From what I have seen on here, everyone says, it’s not linear. I believe it’s probably different for everyone, there are so many variables. In my case, I was forced to stay living with my cheating nex for over a year, because she had me financially in a corner and unable to get away without losing everything. So, when I left, I was over most of the emotional shock before I even left, i felt so free and exhilarated. I did have some roller coaster feelings of wanting to go back and wishing for a Hoover (24 years together), but I know I would never speak to her or respond to anything ever again. I am only 3 months out and in therapy and doing great considering the circumstances. I would guess you will probably go through some changing stages, just stay strong, the hardest part is over, you got out, now just stay focused on yourself and stay no contact, you deserve better!


thank you so much!! this actually helps a lot see it in a bigger picture