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The Australian electoral system is so much more superior. America looks so clownish to us.


I mean hey, at least we have one party that isn’t full of xenophobic racists. That’s more than can be said of Australian politics.


Even Kamala, Biden's own VP, criticized him for his support of segregationists in opposing busing in the 70s. Biden gave an impassioned plea that busing would lead to a "racial jungle". Do you really think someone that uses that kind of phraseology is not, at least partially, racist? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/girl-senator-harris-vice-president-biden-spar-desegregation/story?id=64007842 Or what about when he paid his great compliments to Obama in 2007? "I mean, you got the **first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy**" https://edition.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/


Harris then immediately walked back her statement lol, because: 1) The vast majority of Americans, not just racists, hated forced busing. 2) Harris herself opposes forced busing. But sure lol, Biden’s gaffes make him racist, whereas the actually racist immigration rhetoric—which is then baked into policy—from all of Australia’s parties doesn’t count. By all means, criticize Biden, but it’s hilarious to think that *Australia* of all places has the moral highground on issues of race.


Thanks for the context, I wasn't aware about that. Perhaps you're correct in stating they're gaffes. I won't say that Australia isn't racist. There is a lot of casual racism towards immigrants. We probably also have one of the worst records in the developed world when it comes to our treatment of asylum seekers. Those issues aside, I still believe we have a far, far better electoral system.