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‘Gifts’???? Those are bribes. Justice thomas raked in a staggering $2.4 million in bribes -FIFY




We know They know we know We know they know we know They still lie because the American people aren’t in power here


Well the rich are because we need Citizens United overturned and we need teeth given to the oversight committee to keep an eye on this. Checks and balances are not working and Congress with the MAGAts are not going to do anything since they’re happy with their power grab from Obama and Trump. I say Obama because they stole his seat and gave it to Trump and Trump got 2 because they said it was his duty even though Obama had a longer period to choose. McConnell should be fired and dragged after tarring and feathers. This is all his fault.


And people will still come out in droves to call both parties the same but not to vote against the one party doing the far greater and far more numerous acts of harm. Want to fix stuff? You ain’t fixing shit with a theocratic authoritarian white nationalist group taking over. Maybe hold your noses and vote for the group that wants to preserve a democratic system in which the people can actually work to fix things.


Is it 5? or 4? or 2.4? I've seen all these numbers thrown about.


I mean, does it matter? Either way, it's far over the line.


That “line” should be $0, of course, so yeah. Far over, indeed.


In my job I work with insurance agents. One wanted to send me a tshirt from the insured where I just wrote a sports tournament for him. I literally had to tell him I couldn’t do that. And this a-hole is a Supreme Court Justice.


It actually does, staying on a consistent message matters, when you waffle around on the message that breeds doubt.


Different watchdog groups are not all finding the exact same provable transactions. That's likely the cause, as it is common with watchdog groups. It's like hiring several private eyes to dig up dirt on someone. They aren't all equal & some will find things that others did not. There's also more & more info coming out daily & being analyzed too.


Considering you can get fired for taking even $20 in gifts from suppliers aka kickbacks. And yet...


Yes, accuracy is a credibility issue.


A bit hard to monetize all the gifts over decades, particularly when Justice Tom refuses anything remotely resembling transparency and accountability. Regardless, Justice Tom has been bought and sold multiple times over by a few billionaires with a regressive agenda.


Latest figure I saw is $5.6 million. Figure is still growing because data was just released and they obscured the justices' names in many instances. Remember that a lot of Thomas benefits were off the books so they won't be included. Things like child's school tuition at a premier private school, repairs on mother's property, purchasing mother's property, free rent for mother, private flights, first-class tickets, stayjng in mansions for weeks every year, etc. Those values far exceed the value of these recorded gifts. The value of the gifts alone is equivalent to a full second salary every year he was on the supreme court.


So they are all still going Nancy Drew on all the data, good to know.


Also, remember his wife got big (6 figure) bonuses paid as unearned "consulting fees", illicitly paid by 3rd parties through George Conway's ex-wife's (Kellyanne Conway) consulting business.


I recall the $4mil figure being a total amount across all nine justices. Someone will correct me if I'm mistaken.


I’ve seen $4mm over the course of the last 20 ish years. He’s set the standard for taking bribes


its over 4 million, 2 million of it has been id'd while 2 million has not.


more than 1 is no good


A real man of INTEGRITY


‘Immagrifty’ you mean.


A man sworn to conduct himself above 'even the appearance' of impropriety.


You have misspelled 'bribes'.


Doesn’t matter how we label it. They’ve proven they are above the law. The only thing that can restrict them is if they decide to adhere to their own loose ethics rules.


I can remember having to hear the disgusting details about this sombitch's *pubic hair* on a can of Coke *thirty-three* years ago. Anita Hill was at his confirmation hearing telling the world who this peice of shit really was (IS). But, of course he was confirmed by Bush I. I'll bet that the amount is wayyy more than 2.4 million, that's only what the public knows about.


was it that long ago...? wow.


The amount in gifts I got in the last 10 YEARS EZ SUB 1000$ HoW THE FUCK can anyone justify this moraly?


The judicial branch is definitely corrupt.


There’s always a lot of pushback from the olds claiming you can’t put term limits on judges because the system was intended to be this way so that judges would be above corruption,bargaining, and partisanship. Well what do you call what is going on now? Term limits for everyone I say, and a cut off age of 70-75 for all politicians. Retirees who maybe cant even drive shouldn’t be running the country and deciding what’s best for generations they won’t even live to see grow up.


I got written up for accepting a cash gift of 50 bucks a parent gave me at the end of the year in 2013.


Now we know why John Oliver's deal wasn't taken, it was far too low an offer.


Lifetime appointments


A lifetime of integrity.


What a scumbag POS. The whole system needs to be burned down. Edited for clarity


All the justice money can buy!


Updated figure is closer to $5.6 million, and counting. Already equals a full second salary for his entire time on the Supreme Court.


There's a key word in the title that's misspelled - "grifts".


Bribes...those are bribes


What are the taxes owed on 2.4M?


How the fuck is this legal ?


it's not. he's stooped way below required ethics.


How low can he go?




Oh yeah a totally legitimate supreme court...


You mean bribes


How odd that Republican officials get in so much trouble. It's either - Democrats are SO devious and smart that they keep fooling those poor Republicans and attacking them, which would imply that Republicans aren't as smart, Or Certainly psychologies trend with and create problematic ideologies that trend with Modern Republicanism. Which is more likely? A devious conspiracy from the people who otherwise sound like they want everyone to have equal rights and to save the environment, or the psychology of gun nuts who talk about gazpacho police and make up stories about child sex rings in the basements of basementless pizza parlors and who attack the Capital Building? Gee, I can't decide which is more likely...


A professional grifter and a politician in a robe.


As a federal employee I always laugh at the mandatory training we get every year regarding gifts. We get shit for accepting a coffee and donut while these assholes are just taking bribes openly.


It’s INSANE to me how corrupt the Supreme Court is!!


Its almost as if a country whose whole thing is about money gets corrupt, weird.


Vote blue so we can finally fire this greedy corrupt skeevy asshole.


But it was his birthday and they didn’t know what to get him, so they just gave him cash. All above board./ssss


How is this legal?


Wake me up when we're going to organize and hold those guilty of treason accountable.


Impeach him and report him to revenue his returns have been misreported for years


Thomas was bitching about his salary and saying he might step down as a signal to start the bribing machine. It’s very obvious what is happening.


Totally independent and impartial, cannot be influenced in any way….right….


Bought and paid for, no other way to explain it.


The IRS should investigate him for tax fraud due to no taxes being paid. Corruption on multiple levels.


Gifts aren’t taxable.


They sure as hell can be when you’re talking these types of values. There is also a very valid question of whether these were actually gifts versus consideration in exchange for something of value. Edit: see IRS Publication 525.


Source for gifts being taxable above a certain amount?


Gifts above a certain amount are reportable, it varies by year. Thomas has a potential failure to report whereas gifter pays any tax owed (possible correction to my earlier post). Here’s the kicker, all these billionaires are like trump and think they’re above the law (which, perhaps they are in our broken system), so they likely wrote off the “gift” as a business expense just like trump did with his Stormy pay off. That would also support that these were not gifts. Thing is, no sane IRS agent will ever go after a SC justice, so it’s a moot point. As for the gift aspect see IRS Publication 950


Now we get to watch how absolutely nothing is done about it


That we know of.


America is now a running joke for the rest of the world democracies. I check the news each morning to see what new crazy shit is happening there, and it never fails to disappoint or shock. Get your shit together.


I heard 4 mill.


Behold! The World’s Most Bribeable Man!


Imagine if waiters made that much in tips.


And no one is doing shit about it.


This is the third time I seen this today and every time it’s more money first it was like 800 K then it was like 1 million now it’s 2 million lock this motherfucker up


I was a gov employee and wasn't allowed to take anything over $20. I guess I missed the memo that I could take what was offered and deny it. My ass would have been fired.


Lol just a big LOL


"Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta." -Injustice Thomas


People like the guy and give him free stuff. It happens all the time. /s


You couldn't pay me to do this to anybody: regardless of race, religion, nationality, or ethnicity.


They are all corrupt. We do need to pass term limits on everyone whom is in any government position and also, an immediate dismissal for being paid off in any way on or off the books. Investigate everyone and immediately dismiss upon proof of guilt.


This fat prick and his fat wife are being BRIBED! It's right in there...fir everyone to see!! Jesus Christ. He's a God damn terrorist.


Where is the ethnic investigation


I saw a different post yesterday that said over 4 million


Proof, the Courts for sale . Deals a deal this is why these corrupt judges cannot recuse themselves.


It’s also also why the Republicans put these people on the courts.


Quid Pro Quo the judge


Why the fuck did I just sit through a mandatory ethics training where I was told I could literally be fired for accepting a chocolate squirrel and this bitch is balling in an free RV worth as much as my house?


Okay, if I have an island an private plane then I expect to be able to fly my friends over at some point that doesn't bug me all that much. Why the hell is he getting his RV loan paid off though?


There needs to be an easier way to get these asshats kicked out for such blatant corruption.




Another puppet out to gain wealth and a place in Heaven according to the Heritage Foundation Trump is nothing but a puppet to the Heritage Foundation. Look into Project2025.org. They lay down a plan to dismantle branches of the government. Restrict and impose laws against women's rights, all LGBT rights, and enforce this country into a Christian Nation. Check any social media of Project 2025. If you can read on their plan of Day 1 in office. It's not a conspiracy. The Heritage Foundation will state their purpose with pride. A 30 min YT vid https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=d4ROPvULhPKMnLN6


I thought it was like basic law 101 to never send a gift to anyone involved in law? Or is that only if they have grounds to sue you for damages?


I thought it was like basic law 101 to never send a gift to anyone involved in law or it could be a conflict of interest and they’d have to recuse themselves from anything even remotely related to your cases in the future? Or is that only if they have grounds to sue you for damages bc it’s an admission of guilt? Can a lawyer eli5? What’s up with this and why’s he chillin about it?


Let’s cut the shit. Justice Thomas took millions in bribes. There I fixed it. Fuck humanity is stupid af


And I don't think he's done yet! 🤔


It’s cool guys, they’re not bribes. The SC investigates themselves and determined that because none of these gifts were explicitly presented as bribes they can’t be bribes. The ONLY way to bribe a SC justice is to explicitly say “this is a bribe” and since that didn’t happen then it’s cool /s


Meanwhile.... politicians rake in $100s of millions through insider trading and "gifts" from lobbyists.


One time, a company I deal with sent me a pair of socks with their logo on it. I had to hand it into HR because we aren't allowed to accept any gifts. I work as a shipping manager. I am held to a higher moral standard at my job than this man and the decisions I make barely affect anyones lives.


Oh sure but if I go get lunch with one of our customers or external advisors I have fucking compliance up my ass.


They are from really good friends :), you don't get millions in gifts from your buddies?


I am sure he thinks he deserves it for reparations


He really enjoys hanging out in Walmart parking lots like regular people


One article: $5.4M, another article:$6M, another one $2.4M. There’s a serious journalism disease raging in this country. It is ONE value that needs to be reported and it varies by over 100% between the articles.


Ok, as much as I'm disgusted with the behavior of these justices, the reporters have to do a better job too, in one article it says 4 millions, in another article says 5.2 millions and in this article is 2.4 millions, I get that there's millions in probable bribes, but come on get your numbers right, so that no one can claim fake news.


Now do Pelosi trades. She's made like 200 million trading on insider knowledge. Both are wrong, in my opinion.


They are all wrong. And nothing will be done about it


They are. But one is tearing apart law and taking rights away from people.