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Teleport range is limited because of old hardware limitations that could lead to you getting teleported to areas where base parts or terrain aren't loaded.


Yep. They didn't use to have this limitation. I have a base with a 700u teleporter that goes well up a set foothills. Connects the main base to the powerstation (which is right beside a minor settlement). It was a pain to setup. The teleporter cable needed to be run down and over those hills, on an extreme world with consistent storms (this being for an AI mine)... and it needed to be done in one shot. It was very easy to be disrupted and have to restart. But it worked fine (on old hardware from 2009)... and still did last I checked. But changes over the last bit seem to have been to more aggressively optimize things to the point where things are breaking. You used to be able to line up buildings with existing buildings... now, after a bit they tend to drift (right, left, front, back, up, down), so I can't depend on that now (this seemed to start in the run-up to the Switch release). So, yeah, this could be completely broken now... especially on old hardware or low settings. But it was working when the range limit came in... and did at least for some years. At least for me. Maybe it was causing all sorts of bugs others though.


I built on a trade depot and sometimes when I load in my base has slightly drifted compared to the trade depot, but reloading the game always fixed it for me.


Just play on the Switch, that happens all the time




Why the fuck did you make that subreddit??


I saw it before they deleted it lol.


....what was it? You can DM me if it was extra gross, not much shocks me these days lol.


They created a subreddit dedicated to finding my post. For what reason I have no clue.


Lol wow, pretty unhinged.


You can use glitch building to stack teleporter chains end to end. 90% of the time you'll jump in one end and be bounced right to the very end of the chain. 10% of the time, you'll be dumped out in the middle of bum-f#"k-avania. Thinking on it, you could probably stack three or more teleporter endpoints on top of one another, then use power switches to have a switchable teleporter network. Maybe even proper freighter elevators with floor buttons. Hmm. Got some experimenting to do now.


yo i never thought of this! but is it even possible to connect more than one endpoint to the same starting position? i always thought short porters were mutually exclusive


Sort of. There is a video out there of an elevator style teleporter of this style that uses buttons to dictate your end point. Essentially you start on one teleporter with buttons next to it. The end point for the first has 3 other start point teleports glitch built into it and one of those 3 will turn on depending on which switch was activated, taking you that end point. Search YouTube for teleporter chaining and you'll find out somewhere in there.


oh that's clever but i'm unfamiliar with glitch building, myself. I'll look into it, thanks!


I thought of them as elevators


This. They’re great for vertical travel. I’ve built several bases on floating islands with stuff underneath as well


I don't mind the short range too much, but that's because most of my bases are small resource bases that have mining, gas and/or power nodes within 200u of the base computer. What annoys me to no end about the short range teleporters is that they don't face you outward when exiting one. Leading to instances of getting teleported back and forth as the back post pushes you back into the teleporter. Which is disorienting as all heck.


Not to mention the whole teleport destination direction doesn't change and it stays in the same direction as when you enter. So usually you're looking at the wall or facing the back of the teleport like some kind of teleporter tech that failed teleport 101. You should come off the destination pad in the direction the pad is facing. It's a bit jarring for sure. lol Doom back in 93 at least had that figured out, you just set a direction flag in the editor but maybe I'm spoiled. Now I want to fire up Ultimate Doom Builder and make some Doom..... or should I work on one of my NMS bases. Hmmmm.


The direction you are facing when you exit is controlled by the direction in which you enter the teleporter and the direction the end terminal is facing. You can experiment a bit and find a way to set them up so you can walk in a straight line through them and be facing “out” on the other side instead of “in”.


Yeah, I know. But if your build has a space you want to use, it can be just wrong. Indeed you have to build to the limitations, like the whole terrain edit coming back to haunt you thing. ;)


I do this. I usually code them so that pillar-on-left means to move away from the base (or around a loop), and pillar-on-right means move towards the base, and then position them so it's pretty obvious (to me) which side I'm supposed to use.


coz then they'd be long range teleporters. heh heh.


They’re great for moving you vertically Also I have an underwater base that you enter by using the teleporter on land. You could do similar things with other bases where an actual entrance might not look as nice


I use them in the freighter. Other than that I just as well jet burst.


They've hot enough distance to get around my freighter plenty fast. For my main base, by my settlement, I used just linked several. So I go through one, come out half way up the plateau, take a couple steps across a platform and into another that sends me to my base at the top.


I chain em together, so I just walk a little while to reset my Runaway Mold. I also find em useful for making Sentinel Nest bases where you can just teleport to the nodes you have to break in absolute safety. Hallways risk having Sentinels spawn in them.


What is a Sentinel Nest base?


Yknow those Sentinel Pillars? Huge, orange things with 3 nodes you have to destroy to hack it? Some people build bases around those to easily shut down Sentinels on a planet with useful resources.


Damn, that's a good idea


They are for glitch building. You can turn them into rail guns, teleporter rings,and particle accelerators capable of launching stuff so hard it hits the speed of light.


I used underground tunnels on my base to connect transporters together for an 800u crossing from side to side of a mountain. Cut out half the work as the tunnels were already there. One thing I picked up is to not let the transport cable dip into the actual base base level of the maps or you trip balls from a great height.


Build walls to keep runaway mold from running away. Short range teleport and back. More balls.


I actually got pretty good use out of one connecting my small ferrite harvesting base to the portal here, but it's also dependant on having one spot with just about the perfect view, that isn't visible from the monolith portal entrance https://preview.redd.it/nkyfj1hpsz2d1.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=e28bac6c874cca29cf62b06fab6d69dd1afaf8fb


So that when you teleport there is someTHERE there


I just we had elevators or lifts. Really keeps me from going hard in the paint on a big base. Ladders? Really?


My base is under a volcano, so having a quick way to get above ground helps.