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There is a planet that's mostly cherry blossom trees. I have several screenshots for loading screens from there.


I found that one once but can’t remember for the life in me where it was


Archimedes V-A is it iirc. Love those trees


Thanks! Time to go build another outpost!


That one is top tier and with desolation mod (not on creations sadly) there is nothing on it but nature and whatever you build.


The volcanic biome on the planet is amazing too, thanks for the recommendation


What does that mod do? I assume it makes things desolate, but planet full of cherry blossoms doesn't sound desolate


It makes it so POIs only spawn around the settled systems on breathable planets, while reducing the total amount that spawn in a landing zone. Then, the further you go from the settled systems, the less you find, until there's nothing at all on the edge of the map (I think the base game is kinda like this anyway, it just reduces the density). The outer edge of the map can still spawn POIs, but it will only do it when triggered by missions. E.g. mission boards. So basically, if you think it's ridiculous that there are POIs literally everywhere and the galaxy is infested with pirates and spacers somehow, then this mod changes that.


I shall have to download it, thank you


Also my bad, it’s in creations now so you can install it in game.


Do you know if you can use creations and stuff from Nexus together? I can't go to scanning flora and fauna 6 times lol


This post has a ton of good planets for pretty vistas and trees. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/dL9MWZjcTo


A swordsman lives on a planet in a system named after Omar Khayyam, and his job title is a Japanese word. He drinks American bourbon, eats Nigerian food, smokes Egyptian cigarettes and listens to rap in Provençal. He is the most interesting man on Khayyam II…and probably the only one not bleeding out from a puncture wound.


This is a fascinating portrait that I now want to make happen in game!


Looks like a beautiful place with amazing foliage. I was sold until I saw all of the gravity 😭


What’s wrong with the gravity? It’s only 1.05G. I’ve surveyed planets with over 2G.


Would be a nice combo with the luxury homes mod.


That’s the only mod I’ve ever bought and I’m not regretting a second of it. One of the 2F buildings is literally perfect for me.


What are your graphics settings / mods? Holy shit


Combination of medium/high at 4k. I think the picture without the UI might be at a lower res though because I copied it from a discord channel where I dump all my planet notes. Might have been running a mod called Neutral LUTs to fix colors/remove haze for these screenshots. There's a similar color filter remover on Creations now.


Also looks appropriate for your average CAN-uck enthusiast.