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Hyla II was my first “home” planet, it’s gorgeous, has some beautiful lakes, and my base had pretty chill big dino dudes peacefully wandering around That planet will always have a special place in my heart


Eridani II is a beautiful tropical world, habitable conditions with nice animals and .80g's, my second choice would be Nesoi


I shall fire up the grav drive!


Nesoi is awesome. My go to home on any play through. Love the forest there. The mod for thicker vegetation makes it perfect


Fun fact is that Eridani II is also planet Reach in Halo. I always make sure to put an outpost there in respects.


if you love ringed gas giants, Archimedes V A is great. has some beautiful pink trees too


Toliman II.


Why do I recognise that name? Is it an artifiact system?


Londinion is there. Nuff said




I decided my retirement should be spicy.




Nemeria II Actually i prefer much colonised the whole system, gotta have at least 12 Bases spread throughout it


I'm nowhere near that advanced but I'll check out the system.


NG6 here. I’ve done a full circle and I’ve set up my home in Jemison, across the lake from New Atlantis. I’ve build a network of linked outposts so I get all my resources there. And the view of New Atlantis is awesome.


That's where I have my ship builder outpost. It's very convenient to pop over there from the Lodge, etc to do some quick work on my ships.


I do have one there but not really touched it buildwise yet. I want something remote.


I have a little question for you. Do you need to have e Helium extraction to fill your spaceport for resources? Or you just constantly add hellium3?


I use a moon with He3 as a ‘logistic center’ in each of the systems I have outposts in, and I link those ‘logistic centres’ with inter system links. In the case of Jemison, all my resources are linked into a logistic outpost jn Kurtz, and from Kurtz to my home base with a in-system link.


Thanks you!


I think you can do both but I’m still a bit of a newbie re resource management


If you want to dive into resource management have a play with this https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/kYfHGeCUdg I've built the full thing, just as a project but just for generating xp and cash the vinadium reactor rods are all you need.


Cool. I will check it out and hope my brain holds up.


Rover, wanderer Nomad, vagabond Call me what you will But I'll take my time anywhere Free to speak my mind anywhere Never find anywhere Anywhere I may roam Where I lay my head is home


Most likely Archimedes V-A but I've been trying for literally hours to get to the universe where you can recruit yourself and haven't gotten it yet.


If you save right before entering the unity, it's before the 15% chance for an alternate universe. There's also mods and console commands to up your chances or outright choose which universe.


Earth with the mod making it livalbe again


I can't seem to get that one to work. It keeps killing my sound. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.


Disable all creations load into the save. Then exit. Then quit the game. Then open the game and enable creations and load into the save BELOW the exit save with no creations. As when u load in when all creations off it bugs the game making the exit save with all creations off very buggy. This is how I fixed the sound on my xbox.


Hey, thanks for that advice! I appreciate it. I'll give this a shot. I've tried just about everything else, and nothing seemed to work.


Yeah. All of them! I have so many living quarters on my ship.


I’ll stick with my ship for my home. In the words of The Littlest Hobo: “maybe tomorrow I’ll wanna settle down. Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on.”


I am old enough to remember The Littlest Hobo


I don't stop improving or building new characters long enough to settle down.


Freewheeling Space Ace.


Codos, probably. A nice lake home with a view of Akila at night. I have my ship building pad there for now, on an island in the middle of a lake so it looks like the pad is floating, lol.


That’s cool. Is the staircase connected to the beach still?


I think it's like barely in the edge of the water, lol.


Not yet. Less than 100 to go before 100% survey the whole Settled Systems.


This post is giving me some great ideas. Thank you all.


Yes. I have a list of great suggestions to check out now. Hours of exploration.


Rana 3. Flora, high level fauna to hunt, nice lakes, already built two gigantic outposts there


I will put it on my list. Thank you.


Shoza VII-c, but my first outpost bugged, started a second, then Build Anywhere came out and I'm about to test that out...


I’ll have to see if it’s on Xbox


My dream home is on Nesoi. I’m also partial to Nemeria IV-a and Schrodinger III.


I I think I’ve been to the last of those three but I’ll check them all out.


Can you set up an outpost by your Dream Home ?


It is possible but I haven’t done it. I’ve read that there’s a minimum distance req like with other POIs.


The moon of Kreet in orbit of New Atlantis. I like the desolation. Plus I'm in a giant crater.


Whatever planet you're on. Prepare yourself for war! (Jk)


I stick by my Ixyll II plan on the sandy beaches next to the safe blue waters south of the Elos retreat.


I'm still working Unity Jumps.


Syrma VII-a. It's a beautiful, forested world with slightly lower gravity and mostly harmless fauna. It's the planet where "Vlad's Villa" is at. I found a perfect spot just a short jog from a civilian outpost so I can buy all the supplies I need. It's also independent space so I can store whatever contraband I feel like hanging on to and never have to worry about getting scanned when I pop into system. It's a great place to live.


Syrma VII-a. Good choice, Vlad


I actually found a spot on Jemison far to the north of New Atlantis where I've built my vacation home with a view of snowy mountains from a temperate climate.


I had a nice hilltop place on Jemison in my first run but it was a poor effort. I hadn’t really got to grips with outposts back then.


Toliman II. That’s where my storage outpost is. Hunting Terrormorphs is pretty fun


Couple of people have suggested this. Will check it out tonight.


What is this “end game” people speak of?


I guess I just mean when you’ve done everything, been through Unity multiple times, have all the resources, unlocked all the outpost skills and feel like putting some time into building your one big outpost.


Unity 🤔, got that quest a couple hundred levels ago. Must’ve slipped my mind. Seriously though about your question, Bardeen & Bohr are my 2 vacation outposts. One more serious then the other. Bardeen was a museum but the load times and crashing got annoying so I remodeled it down from 5 habs to 2 +1 bathroom military hab. Plus Bardeen occasionally gets ouchy rain and sun. As far as Bohr, weather is always safe so I have a sleeping hab but built an outdoor hangout area. I also have “a place to wait” outpost on the planet under the Den. 1hr resets all the vendors, I believe it’s 1=56. It’s a storage area really, for all the crap I’m in a hurry to drop and go back to hunting outlaws. So that’s like a vacation stash house. The observatory has changed everything for me though as there is so much friggin room in there for building. (Though they need to fix hanging posters on the walls) My end game, for now, is seeing how long I can stay in OG universe. It’s fun hearing stories about other’s NG+ games though. Good luck finding a forever home, so many to chose from. I’m excited to build an outpost wherever Shattered Space takes us.


I stayed in my first universe until about lvl 84 as I really didn’t want to give up my ships. It’s fun starting over though. You realise how quickly you can get money and good weapons with what you’ve learned.


Kind of looking forward to building me a big space-RV and parking it wherever the mood takes me.


Codos! You get a huge Akila rising.