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I personally would lean towards the Kodama due to the higher base damage + 10% bonus vs humans. I would recommend removing burst fire and using full auto on it.




Right, as a burst or single shot, I'd just sell it. But full auto this will be an incredible weapon


Wait, do you not have the weapon mods skills?


I do, the comment I was reply to said to change the gun to full auto, I was agreeing.


Wait I prefer burst fire. Higher DPS. Is there a reason other than "aiming sucks and is for suckers" that you prefer full auto? I mean, I don't eschew full auto, I love a good Magshear when I'm surrounded... but for taking opponents down with aimed shots, a kodama fully specced out (esp. with skip shot) on burst fire is a people eraser.


To clarify, are you defining DPS as damage per second or damage per shot? As damage per second, a fully automatic Kodama comes out ahead. Using an unmodded, no effect Advanced Kodama: * Full Auto Damage: 54.1 Fire Rate: 170 Accuracy: 68.3 * (170/10) x 54.1 x 0.683 = 628.16 DPS * Burst Fire Damage: 73.8 Fire Rate: 120 Accuracy: 69.9 * (120/10) x 73.8 x 0.699 = 619.03 DPS A fully modded Kodama's recoil and stability is very manageable hip firing. Though not necessary but if specced into Targeting, the accuracy is even further boosted when hip firing. As a CQB weapon, point and shoot is absolutely viable on a full auto Kodama and will quickly end any threat. In practice, both burst fire and full auto, ADS and hipfire, Kodama's are gonna melt regular mobs so it really just boils down to someone's preferred playstyle. That said, the OP's Kodama also has 2 chance on hit effects, and that makes a high rate of fire from a full auto even better. It doesn't matter much on most mobs, granted, but on legendary mobs it definitely makes a big difference. I took out the final boss in the Vanguard questline using a full auto incendiary Advanced Kodama with 1.5 drum magazines on Very Hard before the difficulty option update. The thing was on fire almost the whole fight.




Kodma. But am currently an ex Kodma owner in favor of the magshear


Magshear is love. Magshear is life.


https://preview.redd.it/cur9icqvd88d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=18d81e177017a8ea573a8a8f4b11bcb822595b9f I wish I close find better perks for one.


I actually found one that was better than the CF one. When I picked up the CF one I was like, “Nagh, mine’s better”. I’ll have to find a pic of it from an old NG+ run, but the best part was the extended mag. 150 rounds in the Magsheer is king.


Was that Kryx's gun the revenant? Pretty sweet gun. Still using it at 110+ level.


150 round mag would be nice


Ummm... the Revenant (the CF one you find on the Galbank ship) has the extended mag perk. [Proof](https://starfield.fandom.com/wiki/Revenant)


https://preview.redd.it/ahpchvltgd8d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c9a73026de14c060545f06d56e3774420f17ac This was my absolute favorite magshear. It shredded everything fast. I called it the Hurt Feelings Report. Edit: if cornered had been anti-personnel or extended mag, I may have stayed in that universe Edit2: skip shot on a magshear is god tier


Kodama. I wonder if you get double lacerate effect on it with fléchette barrel as well as the lacerate legendary?


I believe it does. At least, the bleed seems quicker. I would prefer to have a staggering along with shattering for it to be a real beast.


Kodama is overall the better option However... space P90 go brrrrr


It does go brrrr lol it’s honestly such a fun gun in the beginning of the game


Kodama has the better stats. However, I’d still use Grendel. I just love the look of it so much. It tickles the Stargate fan part of my brain just right


Grendel myself


Ooooh you’re the first one to not say kodama


I like the extended mag and shattering


At full auto with extended nag, crippling is giving you a lot of extra 30% hits. This is one of the nicer Grendels I've seen. They quickly get outpaced after early/mid game, but I might keep that one


The Kodama, but really you can’t go wrong with either of these guns. You got absolutely blessed!!!


What a nice find! I'd love that Kodama


Definitely the kodama.  Anti personal is a great effect


Kodama is probably the better option, but then again the Grendel is really fun to use


Definitely Kodama


Concussive. Especially when using phased time, its hilarious watching your enemies flip around like jellyfish.


Kodama for CQB and stick a scope and semi-automatic on the Grendel for more precision work.


Get yourself the "legendary recycler" mod, let's you take the effects of and reinstall them on other weapons, like a master weaponsmith "should" have been able to do.


Bethesda should just add the ability in game to add legendaries, whether it costs 10 astras to choose your own or even 500k credits


I mean, maybe, but this mod does all that in an incredibly lore friendly way, including making "legendary cores" a item drop and detachable/installed mod


Yes but it's a mod and I can't get achievements if I use it when dlc comes out


Cant say for certain, but im pretty sure just like skyrim and fallout, you can just disable them and load up the save, as long as the area you're in doesn't rely on modded content?


I'm on series x so I believe it counts as modded once you've used a mod


I'm on series x too, and I haven't tested it yet, but thats the way skyrim and fallout worked, though I did make a hard save before modding just in case, I imagine it'll be just the same.


After using any mod your subsequent save files will be flagged (M) for modded. Same if you use console commands. I went back 2 whole NG's with my main when I decided to go back to a non-modded save, even though I was just using console commands.






I’d go with the Grendel but I’d change it to semi auto, but you really can’t go wrong with either


I love me a kodama, but it's gotta have extended mag the way it chews through ammo


Kind of lucky?! I’ve seen maybe two legendaries total on weapon racks and never two on the same rack


Is it even a question? At three times the damage the Kodama is by far the better weapon.


For me it's Kodama over Grendel every time...


Grendel with a scope and semi automatic receiver with some penetration rounds mixed with that assassin perk is one hell of an introduction to a firefight


In my armory they'd be staying right where you have 'em. Nice trophies but I don't generally use either of those weapons.


Depends on if you're spec'd into pistols or rifles


They're both rifles


Oh, right. I missed the stock


It notes the weapon type under the name there, stock or not Kodama is still a rifle




I’d use both and just switch to the other when your clip runs out.


The odama. It has lacerate and you can add to that with flechette rounds. Absolutely brutal stacking effects.


Kodama fuckin rips


There is also r/starfieldmods


Kodama on burst fire is one of my favourite guns in the game!


Without a mod to buff underpowered weapons like the Grendel, the Kodama is pretty much always better.


Kodama is my go to in this case. I’m not a Grendel kind of guy


Huh, I did not know that you could click on the rack like a container. i always grabbed the weapons directly.


I had one that was extended mag, increased fire rate, and volatile rounds. The thing was a beast.


I personally like the Kodama better. It was my main auto rifle until the later part of the mid-game. I ended up replacing it with the Varuun rifle because it's just OP lol


The Kodama


Get yourself the creation that lets you transfer rarity mods from one item to another, and put the grendel mods on the kodama. I think it's called legendary mod recycler. Shattering is one of my favourite rarity mods, and extended magazine on the kodama would be fantastic. Up to you if you prefer crippling or lacerate on the kodama, crippling is probably the easier one to trigger though, especially if you go full auto as you're going to hit limbs even when you're not trying. But yeah, for pure vanilla the kodama is better overall even if the rarity mods are a bit more situational. I usually don't leave enemies alive long enough for lacerate (bleeding) to make much of a difference, and concussive can either not trigger, or when it does it makes your life harder (target falls down behind cover where you can't hit them), though I guess it could work well in combo with lacerate if you can trigger both (leave them bleeding on the ground while you go after someone else).


Kodama. If only the Grendel was a Beowulf


Neither. I'd just use my beowolf if I wanted full auto but I like single shot weapons with 200 damage