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My dad has never worn deodorant. I have never once caught a whiff of BO on him in my life. The dude *loves* doing outdoor shit so he will sweat like a mf, but no stank. (He's Spanish, if you were wondering about the ethnic aspect.) I defs did not get this gene. šŸ’€


same i love my dads natural smell. its not odor or something. its a little smell. that i actually like but its not something stank.


I thought when you wrote the title it was going to be that some people donā€™t sweat. Maybe because I have a lesser version of that called hypohidrosis. I barely sweat at all. It is rather dangerousā€¦ I have blacked out crossing the street, on subways, watching sporting events, at amusement park, and other places. Not a fun situationā€¦ It would take me a long time to become stinky, but not worth the trade off on my end.


I grew up with a kid who has hypohidrosis. He couldn't play sports or do anything even mildly physical. Poor kid. Wonder how he's doin now.


I was the opposite... hyperhydrosis. Thankfully, I'm a little better now as I age.


I dont think im so bad as to be clinically diagnosable, but man mine has gotten so much worse with age and im only mid thirties. I sleep with the windows open during winter in an area that gets quite cold. I cant go further north without being in canada. And yet i wake up every morning DRENCHED in sweat. Or ill realize mid day, wearing just a t shirt in my 66 degree house, that my entire body is slick with sweat. And thats when im not doing anything physically taxing. 5 minutes of walking outside in the sun on a spring day makes me feel desperate for a shower šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Perimenopause is a thing no one talks about and it can hit the 30s.


Wow. I need to read up because this is news to me!


Dude thats definately it.


Hyperhydrosis gang!


Would it be weird if someone told you you're so wet.


Plot twist! You just replied to that kid! Of course /s, but how wild would that be?


I like your energy, as whacky as it is.


It would be pretty cool, but sadly I am a woman.


I probably have the opposite. As long as I can remember I have had embarrassing amounts of sweat and being teased for it. My palms and feet are always wet and on older smartphones with low quality screens I've had difficulty using them due to my fingertips being too wet, luckily thanks to improving screens it's no longer an issue, but fingerprint readers still are. I also have to drink extra to keep up or I get dehydrated faster than others, especially now that summer has arrived.


I have this too, it's called hyperhidrosis and I've accidentally killed 10+ smart phones because of it. šŸ„² Also, I can't really walk around without socks on. My feet slip around inside the shoes if I don't wear socks, and if I don't wear anything on my feet, I always leave wet and dirty footprints on the floor, rofl. Having to use plastic/rubber gloves in the stores during the start of the whole covid thing was uh....interesting lmao.


Haha, I have the exact same thing and the sweat pools in the gloves like youā€™re your own personal water source. I wear socks and I still leave sweaty footprints on the floor. My problem is that my hands and feet are also constantly freezing (idk what condition that is) but they still sweat copiously. I hate shaking hands or holding hands with people because of the sweat, and I canā€™t wear sandals because the sand sticks to my sweaty feet. Itā€™s such a pain, but Iā€™ve heard thereā€™s some medication that helps so Iā€™m definitely going to look into that.


>Haha, I have the exact same thing and the sweat pools in the gloves like youā€™re your own personal water source. I especially like the part where it runs down your arm and makes your sleeve wet if you happen to lift your hand, that's wonderfull...šŸ¤£


Carpe Foot Antiperspirant has helped me a LOT with this and is OTC in the USA, I get it online. Cut down hugely on shoe stank, too, although I do still wear bamboo socks with most footwear.


Their hand cream has worked well for me. It didn't completely stop my sweating but it's definitely been reduced.


Same. I hated it at school, kids laughed at me. Im scared of doing sports because I will sweat. I'm glad that my body has bloody good temperature adjusting featured but I would gladly accept it toning it down a bit.


Do you often have night sweats?


Interestingly not. I definitely need to wash before going anywhere, but I don't leave wet bed every night unless it's hot


i have hand hypohydrosis and feet hyperhidrosis. my hands are done dry but my socks are always soaking wet.


Iā€™m just now getting this issue either as a result of stress and/or a perimenopause symptom. Itā€™s so gross.


Aw, it's totally ok! I had a partner (now friend) who has this condition. She was so embaressed she would leave my place instead of staying because she thought I would think she was gross.Ā  I just told her any opportunity to take more showers together is great! But ya, she did need to watch her water intake because even holding hands would get the sweat going. She got medication (with me pushing) near the end which seemed to help though. Anyway it's totally ok.


What kind of medication did she take? Or did she go to the doctor? Please help a soul in need


Hi there! I believe she was on something called "Lithium". She was doing 0k but it robbed her of herself. She went to the doc, yes. I don't like talking about this in view of everyone, if you would like to talk just DM me.


I'm taking glycopyrolate. You'll need a doctor's prescription though


Same! It was bad when I was younger, but since I started transitioning and taking testosterone, it's horrible. If I do anything other than sitting and not moving, I get all sweaty.


I'm the opposite, hyperhydrosis. I sweat a large volume, but as long as I stay hydrated, I can take a large amount of heat for extended periods. My sweat doesn't smell, but about 12 hours into a day of perspiring things state to get funky.


Are you sure it doesn't smell? I have hyperhydrosis too, and I definitely smell.


I smell horrible as soon as I start sweating. No matter if I just showered. I start sweating and it smells. I hate it.


Prince Andrew has entered the chat...


i have hyperhydrosis .... not fun having to hide sweat stains all the time even when im cold. Or ill be driving with the ac on and my underarms, drip....drip...drip.


Ugh I hate that about hyperhydrosis so much. Having to wear black tops because you don't want to deal with immediate sweat stains even in cold rooms šŸ„² I found a brand of antiperspirant that helps lessen it by maybe 50%, which is still a relief.


I use Certain Dri, it works unless my arms are down for long periods of time, by the time i lift my arms up it just feels soaked and gross.


Antiperspirants just leave me with chalky white stains around the underarms of my shirt, so I stick to deodorant.


Geez, that sounds horrible.


Is there a cure or treatment for a condition like this ? It sound scary, sorry to hear that, hope your doing well


Iā€™ll trade you, I sweat if the lightbulb in the lamp is too warm, I hate it šŸ˜­


Honestly Iā€™d probably take you up on it. I always worry about brain damageā€¦


I think I would even still consider it, I always have to be cautious of what color shirt Iā€™m wearing, my hairline sweats so easily, and for the most part Iā€™m indoors and sweating really doesnā€™t help me much Iā€™m not usually in extreme heat.


Oddly enough, when I became diabetic, my body odor VANISHED! I haven't worn deodorant for 5 years. My pits don't smell at all! It's really crazy, but it's true. I've had other people sniff me just to confirm. My doctor said something with the diabetes changing my body chemistry some how. Just enjoy the side effect.


"Go on, make me sweat and then sniff my armpits" sounds like a great pick up line :-)


it isn't the sweat that stinks, it is a protein in the sweat that bacteria feed on and make the stink.


I had a bf (a white guy) who also had type 2 diabetes and had no body odor. I tried to get him to stink up a shirt for me so I could smell him while we were apart, but no matter what he did, his shirts smelled like they were fresh out of the laundry. I did not know him before he had diabetes, so I'm unsure whether he used to smell at one point or never did.


>I tried to get him to stink up a shirt for me so I could smell him while we were apart wtf


She phrased it in a weird way but it's not uncommon. My wife says she loves the way I smell and likes to wear my clothes (if they're not dirty) because she says it calms her and makes her happy. Science backs this up actually. Our olfactory senses are very accurate and we can tie smells to memory. It makes sense that something that reminds you of a person you love would help you be happy. Probably releases oxytocin and endorphins.


There was some "test" thing done for single folk to try and pair up. Both men and women wore some clothes for X amount of time, stuck it in a bag, then the opposite people would go around smelling said bags, if they both liked each others sent, they could then try for a date. I have also read that if you find someone's smell appauling, it is because you are both fairly similar genetically, therefore bad smell = "dont reproduce pls" \*brain\*


I watched a doc that mentioned a similar test. They purposely added siblings to the test and they did, in fact, find each other's scents unattractive.


This šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ» Whenever I grow close to a partner, I love smelling them. It's biology, baby! And a bit of chemistry, I suppose.


Deodorant companies hate this one trick...


But pharmaceutical companies love it.


Thats strange, my friend's body odour got so bad after he got diabetes I have to open all windows and wash the couch by hand everytime he visits because everything reeks.... I never told him, of course. But it's tough. It really is an unpleasant smell. He always had strong body odour but not THAT bad.


Maybe it depends on the type of diabetes?


Diabetic here same


Iā€™m also diabetic and donā€™t have an odor from my armpits at least.


My GF is from the Philippines, she has no body odor. Even if she was sweaty the whole day, I wouldn't be able to tell wether she took a bodywash or not. It takes multiple days of not showering for something to become noticable. It's way different form me, who starts smelling within a few hours of being sweaty.


Many Asians lack the ā€œbody odorā€ gene. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-without-underarm-protection/


So you're telling me that I could just do CRISPR at home to alter ABCC11 instead of having to buy deodorant?


That's genetic appropriation




Genetrification lol das funni


Oh great, they're trying to colonize our genes now!


The problem isn't the genetic altering itself, it's making sure that the treatment gets to all the cells and the correct cells, and doesn't do more than it's supposed to. So we're still at least a couple of decades off of treatments like this, if we're being optimistic that regulators will even allow gene editing like this


Dude, I do it all the time. I crossed my eyes with a housefly. Man, it's spectacular. There are really no side effects, unless you count the constant "Buzzzzzzzz" I emit, and, my newfound fear of folded newspapers and magazines.


Have my upvote. That was funny.


You would have to go back in time to when you were an embryo, but sure


So youā€™re telling me thereā€™s a chance?


The UK just gave an 18 month old a [CRISPR treatment that cured her deafness](https://www.livescience.com/health/genetics/deaf-baby-can-hear-after-mind-blowing-gene-therapy-treatment), so you don't have to be an embryo.


Very cool case. Unfortunately CRISPR is not very efficient - the mutation isnā€™t successfully made in 100% of the cells itā€™s applied to, or even in 1%. This is fine for this case because she is missing a functional copy of a protein and modifying a few cells so they make that protein is enough to resolve the deafness. Unfortunately for this situation, all of your cells have the allele that will give you body odor. Changing a few of your armpit cells to have the mutant non-BO allele will not make a dent in your overall BO production. You would need to change all of them, which is only feasible early in embryonic development.


In theory I guess?? Iā€™m no geneticist so idk if it works that way. Itā€™d probably be much more expensive than cheap deodorant but hey if you have the money, go for it! lol


Potentially illegal too, but your body, your choice.


That's BigDeo wanting you to keep purchasing deodorants


yup. iā€™m actually asian (wow there are so few of us in this thread?) and most of the people i know have this gene


Iā€™m Asian too and I donā€™t need to wear deodorant, soap and water in the shower does the job for me.


My partner is vietnamese and same. I also start to smell super quick but he smells just fine after two hours of intense training. Lucky bastard.


Ex-wife is Filipina. She has no body odor, in fact I don't think she even sweats.


Very easy to tell if she's got Hypohidrosis. Does she collapse from heat exhaustion after mild physical exercise? If not, she sweats, it's just harder to tell because of the lack of smell.


Not sweating can also be from hypothyroidism (autoimmune component or not)


My hubby is Filipino and has no body odor.


Same. None whatsoever.


Filipina here, and experimented on it. Didn't shower /bathe for 5 days before I started to kind of stink. Ask my husband.


My ex (Filipina) would sweat in the gym or the kitchen and not a single whiff of body odor, even if I put my nose directly to her ā€˜pits.


Filipina-Chinese here, and experimented on it. Didn't shower /bathe for 5 days before I started to kind of stink. Ask my husband.


Did you feel gross? After 24 hours I just feel dirty and need a shower even if I didnā€™t go outside/sweat much


Not really. I feel fresh for at least 2 days, then my hair starts to get greasy at day 3. By day 5 I look like human excrement, but still smell better than my 24-hr unshowered husband. And I never grew armpit hair. Idk if it makes a difference.


Filipino here. Love training. I havent owned a single deodorant in my life!! And I sweat like a mf.


My husband has very little scent at all. Thereā€™s no scent of him on the sheets or walking into his closet and smelling him. Even when heā€™s sweaty & gross, he doesnā€™t stink at all. He is not of Asian descent.


I am German/British Isles ancestry and my dna tests confirms I have this trait. And I sweat like crazy too.


same, exactly. German/English, I sweat a lot, have crumbly white earwax, and no stink


Interesting. My spouse is German/English/white bread and doesnā€™t stink at all, and Iā€™m German/Dutch and I reek like an abandoned fish market within hours if I forget antiperspirant. Deodorant on me is akin to putting up rice paper to stop an F1 car. Iā€™m not even that sweaty, apparently I just smell bad. My spouse once brought home a work shirt that hadnā€™t been washed in weeks and said ā€œthis thing smells pretty bad.ā€ It was crusted with salt and couldā€™ve *walked itself to the washer*, and it barely smelled at all. As someone whoā€™s had my fair share of embarrassment over BO, I hated them for that (jokingly).


Yes. I am Norman English, Dutch, British Islander, and Saxon. Maybe itā€™s the double dose of Frisian but if I canā€™t find Mitchum I order it by mail.


Not husband but same. I could go days without showering and you'd never know it. Haven't ever used deodorant, and have none of those green or yellow pit stains on shirts. I forget what gene it is but some small percentage of us have this super power. Deodorant companies don't want us to find each other and marry - we would breed stink out of the species.


it is a variant of the ABCC11 gene. And it also gives us dry white and flakey earwax.


Hmm. I have never compared my ear wax to anyone else's so I don't know if this is considered dryer or flakier than average.


well white and crumbly vs yellow/brown/red and wet/smelly if it looks closer to salt or sugar then you are one of the unicorns!


I can't imagine brown/wet/red/smelly stuff in my ear. Gag!


Same, he is half Mexican, half white. Weā€™ve been together for almost 13 years and I have never smelled body odor on him, not once. Man doesnā€™t own deodorant either.


My husband is the same. I envy him. I reek if sweat I don't shower.


I sweat but unless I don't shower for days, I have very little odour. I still wear deodorant/anti-perspirant because others will smell you long before you do and I don't want to take the chance.


i finally took that leap and no one noticed.


I'm one of these. It has actually caused relationship problems before. I guess people like their partners to have a scent. I've been told I smell like nothing at all, even when I absolutely should. I'm also about as white as they come, weird stuff.


It makes sense that people's partners tends to smell good to them because it's a sign you're attracted to each other and are genetically compatible.


He doesnā€™t smell good. He doesnā€™t smell bad. He has no odor.


Wow! Interesting. I would like to meet him and see myself. I have never met a person without a smell before. Most people, even these ones with a subtle or mild smell, do have a smell. It can be good, bad or average - but there is a smell. Having no smells sounds humanely impossible to me. Are other people agree with you too? Some people have a better sense of smell than others. If 10+ people agrees, it must be true.


Iā€™ve never asked anyoneā€¦but I canā€™t, say, take a shirt that heā€™s worn and smell him on it. My closet smells like me. His closet smells like clothes. He might smell like his soap or his lotion, but an identifiable unique-to-him smell? Nope.


It would be interesting to hear if other people are agree with you and how good sense of smell you have. Everyone I have met so far have a smell and all men I have met have a strong smell to them. Seeing something that's very different from the usual would fascinate me. Most likely I will never experience that in my lifetime because it's extremely rare. Maybe as likely as seeing conjoined twins.


Iā€™m Japanese, after my dad died I went to smell the clothes he was wearing so I could smell him. They didnā€™t smell like him, they had no strong scent, I even smelled his shoes. Nothing. I went on vacation in March and I borrowed his luggage and when I opened it I got this huge whiff of his scent, something I thought Iā€™d never smell again. I just stuck my head in the luggage and breathed it in. His scent was more of a mixture of the products he used than body odor, but my dad had great hygiene and showered daily, he also used deodorant. Oh and I also donā€™t wear deodorant but I do perfume and I get complimented on my scent all the time!


A few months after my Dad died, I went into his closet and the minute I opened it I got a huge whiff of his smell. And like you said, it's not really a "body scent" but more of a combination of the products he used like soap, deodorant, shampoo, and his cologne (Paco Rabonne). I almost cried when I got that smell. šŸ˜¢


I was packing the morning of an international trip when I opened his suitcase and just devolved into a puddle of tears, it was the day after my birthday and was the most amazing giftšŸ„¹


I would smell my momā€™s pillow after she died. It was both a peaceful but melancholic feeling, but it helped somehow.


It does help, just a comfort thing, proof that they were here with us


:( glad you have that experience. Forgetting is bitter sweet. Read frieren. Its a manga and anime. Its helping me a lot with grief, closure, and solace.


Fun fact, there is a correlation between body odor and ear wax consistency. People with drier ear wax just don't have strong BO. That being said, if you get on a packed bus in Japan in July, there will be a slight sour smell in the air. But that does not even come close to the level of depth and rankness of BO that I have come across in the states.


both come from the same variant of gene ABCC11. They don't produce a protein released with sweat that bacteria consume which makes the stink.


yeah, I am japanese no BO, have the dry ear wax thing and cant drink alcohol


Chinese American here! Nobody in my family uses deodorant. Itā€™s a genetic thing


Same! I started working out and thought itā€™s just what ur supposed to do, travelled to Asia, couldnā€™t find any. And then forgot that ur supposed to use it because i donā€™t really need it.


Lol yeah i always got weird looks when i say i dont use it. unfortuntaely this gene is not common knowledge


anyone who complains is just jelly


Theres also the complete opposite! I used to work with a poor dude who had some condition where he would sweat 24/7, cold or hot, no matter the situation. He lived his life perpetually sweaty and smelled terrible despite showing multiple times per day and trying all sorts of different deoderants and powders and medication and such. And when I say sweaty I mean it ran down his face in rivulets while in a comfy, air-conditioned room. Super cool dude though. Did his best to control it.


i also sweat a lot but I don't have the stink. Sweating a lot and stink from sweating are two different things.


My mom, siblings and I have no body odour. We have that flaky earwax too. So we have that gene I guess.


Today I learned my ear wax is somehow related to the fact that I donā€™t get BO.


yep, the lack of stink and the white dry earwax is a huge clue... :)


I wouldn't say I have no body odor, but if I don't do stuff that causes odor, like exercise or drinking alcohol, I could go several days without bathing and nobody would know. My wife on the other hand smells like a foot if she doesn't use a bunch of hygiene products every day. Genetics are weird.


My wife is Asian and is this way. Can exercise and sweat for three hours and no smell.


I am half korean and luckily got the "no body odor" trait. Past relationships always complained that even after hiking and camping they would smell my pits and the verdict was "You smell like hot Tide, you suck!"


Did they want you to smell bad?


Yes and no. I can go over a week without showering and no one will notice since I don't smell bad. Not only that, but I've actually I've been told that I smell good! But if I do a really heavy cardio that generates A LOT of sweat then I can generate BO, which I assume means that different bacteria has somehow started to propagate (tho I'm only assuming it's bacteria that makes people smell). Edit to add: I'm Chinese. Also I believe it's not all Asians and has to do with a specific gene.


Yes. Itā€™s a specific gene https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/ear-wax-and-body-odor-its-genetic/


East Asians


and native americans and 2% of caucasians


My wife and I are both half Korean, I have very light body odor even after a day of hard labor, but my poor wife.... She's smells like bad onions sometimes after she works out so I guess she didn't get those Asian genes that produce little body odor. My son is now a teen and the poor guy didn't get it either bc his armpits stink.


My (white American) husband is like this. He doesn't wear antiperpirant and he's in a construction trade, so he does get pretty sweaty...but his sweat doesn't really smell. I'm jealous as hell, cuz I use antiperspirant and will STILL come back inside from checking the mail smelling like wild onions.


Wild onions šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I feel you sis it fucking sucks


My wife says I do not smell bad when I sweat.


My partner has the no b.o. gene (and whatever with the ear wax). No Asian ancestry. I love it so much


Yep dry, flakey ear wax and no musk 42m of German/British isles ancestry. DNA test confirms.


He has Dutch/Irish from his paternal side!


I think so but itā€™s fairly rare. My ex said none of his family ever used deodorant cos they donā€™t smell. Bruh. His 15 year old sister absolutely stank of BO. It was awful. My ex definitely did get BO too. I had to gently tell them that it wasnā€™t true and that his sister might get talked about behind her back if she didnā€™t start wearing something. I think some people genuinely canā€™t smell themselves and donā€™t realise they smell bad. That said, people without it do exist. I just wouldnā€™t take their own word for it every time.


1000% I had a friend who swore she ā€œdidnā€™t need deodorantā€ because she ā€œdidnā€™t smellā€, but that was not true at all. She had seriously rank armpits! The worst part was that when someone told her she smelled bad, she didnā€™t believe them! I think she just couldnā€™t smell herself. There are way too many people in this thread saying they donā€™t smell for me to believe it. Iā€™ve been in public lol


I used to have bad body odour when I was a younger teen. No matter what I did, no matter how much I showered if I did anything that meant Iā€™d slightly get warm, Iā€™d stink. Now as a 30 year old Iā€™ve not had body odour for about 5 years, no idea where the change has come from. I barely wear deodorant, I only really wear it if I go to the gym, just incase and even then it doesnā€™t. Even after depressive spells where Iā€™ve struggled to shower for days/weeks it doesnā€™t happen! I like to think I got all me stink done as a kid lol


Most East Asians luckily has the genes which make them have lesser BO. The gene is called ABCC11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19710689/


It is absolutely NOT true that all Japanese and Korean people have no body odor I have worked side by side a couple Japanese people in restaurants over the years, and they smell just as bad as everyone else when they sweat all day, I promise you There are certain 'human beings' (of ANY RACE) that don't have the same level of odor as others, sure, but that has little/nothing to do with race, and comes down to the individual and their genetics


>It is absolutely NOT true that all Japanese and Korean people have no body odor 80-90% of east asians have the gene.


Yes we do! I have no body odor! I also have ADHD so I tend to forget personal hygene regularly. So it's really been a godsend honestly.


I'm not diagnosed for adhd but I still get too overwhelmed in my head by the thought that I somehow avoided taking a bath today even though I didn't want to.


Yes. In some people, mostly Asians for some reason, lack the ABCC11 gene. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-without-underarm-protection/ I talked to my sister about it and we both agree that we probably lacked it. Weā€™re both Asian. We never really smelled and I know growing up, I didnā€™t do a good job of using deodorant. I use deodorant now regardless because I like the fresh smell but wasnā€™t using it much growing up.


I am part of the lucky 2% of Caucasians that have it.


I spent time in CS classes in college. I wish more people didn't have body odor


I have encountered people who claim they didn't have body odor but I have always been able to detect an odor. Usually it is a very weak scent and so subtle most people would dismiss it as being a human scent. I would be very intrigued to encounter a person I could not detect a scent from. Now the biggest thing that needs to be settled is if we are discussing body odor that originates from the bacteria on the skin or from the secretions of the body's oil glands.


I live in Japan, land of no actual deodorant, and I must say, MOST Japanese people have no b.o., but some do, and it's just as bad as westerners. Worse because of the lack of effective deodorant. Packed trains in the summer are ROUGH.


My bf who's albino doesn't smell. Me I need to shower every day or I stink


I guarantee some East Asians have bo. Terrible BO


Ageee. I have met two who smelled average and below average, so being an Asian is no guarantee for smelling good. Many Asians takes longer time before they smell, but it doesn't apply to everyone.


Yep, here in Japan I definitely smelled some Japanese men (mostly overweight ones) with terrible BO while riding the train.


To a human nose, maybe. Or at least very little. Having no body odor at all, though? I don't think that can exist. A dog will still recognize their smell without any trouble.


Dog peer review


we're talking about "BO" that people get under their pits and in the groin when bacteria feed on a protein that is released when you sweat. Some people don't produce that protein which causes a lack of that stinky smell and, as it turns out, makes your earwax dry and white.


My Japanese friends donā€™t have body odor when they sweat. Apparently it has to do with them having less of a certain gland that Westerners have.


no, it is a gene variant. They don't produce a protein that bacteria eat that makes the smell. And 2% of westerners have the gene, like I do.


As a teen, not stinking is a blessing. I never have to buy deodorant. And people always enter my room thinking it's gonna stink, but it's not. When i compare it with my brother who's 1 year older than me, it's really clear how much of a difference the human in the room can do to the smell of said room.


Some people lack the rancid B.O. capabilities that come with active apocrine glands. Their sweat lacks the oily, meaty, oniony thang. Their scalp can still smell musty, and they can still smell bad. Just not like that typical ā€œonionā€ and ball sweat/gooch sweat/underarm smell that people often reek of in summer. Itā€™s a different stink. Less active apocrine glands. Not completely scentless. My husband never wore deodorant, and as long as he showered, he smelled just fine. Lucky. We should all be so luckyā€¦


Right here. My smell is usually what I cooked or smoke if i went out.


I have very little body odor. I only use deodorant when I go to comic con and thatā€™s just in case. My husband says i donā€™t smell. Iā€™ve asked my kids what scent reminds them of ME and they canā€™t come up with one and say I just donā€™t smell. Itā€™s weird.


Well yeah I couldnā€™t smell my parents either, not when I lived with them.


_Price Andrew enters chat_


Iā€™ve known more than one person that believes they donā€™t have body odor and donā€™t use deodorant. But they definitely have body odor.


I think every person has a scent. Sometimes it's just a matter of if the scent is strong and if you enjoy it or not. I dropped this in a comment, but I'll drop it again. https://www.sweathelp.org/home/news-blog/476-stress-sweat.html#:~:text=So%2C%20the%20reason%20stress%20sweat,bacterial%20growth%20leads%20to%20odor. Stress affects your stickiness. Some people don't stress much, so they'll be less stinky. Also https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1688704/ This would imply that there are some genetics at play underlying what you determine is a good or bad scent. My over all point here is scent is a quality that everyone has. Stinkiness is a quality a person experiences. They aren't the same in all cases.


I'm Korean and I just finished a stick of deodorant I bought in 2017. I don't really need it even though I sweat a lot but I thought the smell was nice


No. Everyone have a smell, but not everyone smells bad. I have met a few people who can go hours and even days sweating and without showering, but still doesn't smell bad to me. But that's very rare. I have only met two persons like that in real life. One Asian and one white/Nordic person. They probably would start stinking after a week or two, but they just uses way longer time before they starts to stink compared to most people. The vast majority of people needs to shower regularly and wear deodorant. Most people smells average - which isn't that good - in my opinion. A lot of people smells bad too. Better safe than sorry.


itā€™s related to the earwax sticky vs dry gene. sticky earwax=smelly person most asians have dry earwax and no body odor. my spouse is not asian but has dry earwax and absolutely no BO


It is in their DNA. It generally goes along with the dry ear wax gene.


me, and two of my kiddos have the gene that is related to no body odor and dry earwax. we rarely have to clean our ears, and when we do, there pretty much nothing on it.


I haven't showered in almost a year, I take baths with baby wipes. Now I'm being very serious, I don't have a partner of any type but I do have a mother and a daughter naked very close to me and never one complaint. They don't care about my feelings, lol so they would have told me. I work close with people and never had a complaint.


I worked at a hotel and we had a lot of Chinese groups come in by the bus load. There was an odor.


Yeah Iā€™m mixed and have this and the earwax thing. Iā€™ve never had the ā€œBO smellā€ in my life, even in the middle of summer. My friends always tell me I smell good bc I just smell like laundry detergent and soap. I actually thought that was normal and that most people were exaggerating their funk until I went away to college - woof! šŸ˜…


Not in the punk community


I had a black person ask me why people smell like wet dogs when they get wet and sweaty. I may have gotten wet and sweaty. šŸ˜³


Itā€™s super common among Asians. I have a close friend who told me once that if I ever smelled BO on him to tell him, but that means something is wrong and he needs to go to a doctor. Dude doesnā€™t need deodorant. Iā€™m jealous. Iā€™m in Team Apply 2x Daily over here.


I think odor is basically gas released by bacteria who thrive in warm moist spots


That is often said but there is an identified gene/lack of gene that confers a lack of musk. My ex-boyfriend would shower and scrub then one hour later be musky. I have the the no musk trait and I can go 2 days with nothing. And I sweat like crazy. Maybe my chemistry kills said bacteria? But I think there is more to musk since it often starts with puberty. (northern european ancestry here)


thatā€™s very interesting!


I'm not sure about the science, but in my anecdotal experience, people that use steroids often tend to have a stronger sweat odor than others as well. Not in the poor hygiene kind of way, but the ammonia/cat piss-like smell that sweat can have seems to be turned up at least a couple of notches. For this reason (combined with it increasing after puberty), I've always assumed there to be at least some link to hormones.


I'm 100% ethnically Korean and no body odor. Even after working out and soaking my clothes in sweat there's no odor. I didn't realize it was a thing, I just thought it was normal. I wish my kids inherited my genes (they're only half Korean) because my 13 year old stinks all the time.


I grew up and lived 39 years in Hawaii, and I married 3 Asian women. This is not true about Asian people. Asia is a very big place and encompasses great variation in peoples. I would say, though, that people with tropical ancestry (which includes some Asian people) tend to perspire less, and so they will tend to have less body odor that's due to sweating in humidity. However, some of the people that are commonly called Asian are not, in fact, Asian. Filipinos are a good example. They're Pacific Islanders by genetics, linguistics, and culture.


Username checks out.


My ex husband. He could sweat for hours and nothing. No odor whatsoever came from this man unless he was farting or hadn't brushed his teeth yet in the a.m.


No body odor? or have you gone nose blind? Find out next time on Dragonball z!




There's a scientific American link in the comments. Some Asians and most Koreans lack a gene that produces a chemical that bacteria feed on to produce armpit body odor and wet earwax. These people don't have BO and typically have dry flaky earwax. Just like there are some people who don't get tartar/plaque because they don't naturally have bacteria that converts the food and saliva into that. Humans are weird.


I expire with in a couple of hours of a shower and a dip in the most potent perfume known to the human nose


Yes, ninjas. "To avoid being detected when sneaking or hiding, they avoided foods that might lead body odor." https://www.iganinja.jp/en/about/igaryu.html#:~:text=For%20health%2C%20ninja%20avoided%20meat,might%20lead%20to%20body%20odor.


Yes they do! It is a gene I reckon.


They thin they do.