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Just take out “…for a guy in a wheelchair” when calling me cute/handsome


Ok but you're still wheely handsome


Good job man! You're on a roll


You are rolling brother!


I almost didn't get the wheely joke because I was two tired


You’re *pushing* it a bit. Flip the brakes.


Y'all are ruthless😭


Yeah. You can all go take a hike... oh...


I can’t stand by while you’re all making these horrible puns




wtf people actually say that?


People told me that I was pretty for a black girl basically my entire childhood so I’d wager yes.


I've heard I was pretty fly for a white guy


Who told you that? All the girlies?


Did he get a tattoo with 31 on his arm


Really?! How do you even respond to that?!


I think you tell them they're nice for a racist.


That really would be the perfect response. 😂


“You’re pretty ugly by all racial standards”


I've been told I was funny for a woman, but for some reason what you and what the other guy said ring worse, probably because in my mind beauty is self proven in a way that nothing else is. You don't have to try or crack a joke or do anything to prove you are beautiful, so the fact that those people take a blatantly wrong attitude (black girls/guys in wheelchairs can't be cute) as granted is bizarre to me. Like they distorted reality so much in their minds, that even when they are confronted with the truth, they would just rather tell themselves what they are witnessing is the exception that confirms the rule and they also have to say that out loud, in case someone misunderstands them and assumes they believe this group of people can generally be good looking.


Women can be very funny, I think someone saying "you're funny, for a woman" (almost always said by a man) is similarly bad


You'd be surprised. People say some ridiculous stuff sadly.


I dated someone in a wheelchair, and called him "hot wheels" he absolutely loved it


I don’t mind that kind of humor, but that’s once trust is earned. I can laugh at jokes about me having no legs made by my close friends.


Hahaha haha love this


People can be so thick


A conditional compliment is a psuedo- compliment.


That's profound for a person on Reddit.


Feels like an insult to me


You’re a pretty cute wheelchair for a guy in a Reddit group.


God I hate that. I always got “you’re pretty for a black girl” like…….?????????


I once had a black girl tell me I was "big for a white guy". It goes both ways :')


Yer a handsome devil!


Some times you gotta roll with the punches


What a backhanded "compliment". Hope you are able to find people who aren't that stupid for friends.


Using a WC since 1975, humor is always a good thing to introduce you to someone. It's always nice to get a compliment from somebody for sure. When people open two doors for me when going through a doorway, I always ask the question, does this wheelchair make my butt look big, and I always get a good laugh out of that. Sometimes, it can open up or introduce a conversation. But I think sometimes it's just a matter of the person and whether or not they have a initial idea on how a person is in a wheelchair as to whether or not they will complement that person or not so it's up to the individual but it's always nice to get to know people in the middle of life's challenges.


You just gotta stand up for yourself


I enjoy being told that I’m appreciated and even though we might not be rich and we struggle sometimes it’s nice to know that everything I’m doing to try and stay afloat is appreciated. It’s very easy to feel like a failure when there’s money issues.


If it makes you feel better, for some reason that I don't fully understand the world has chosen to make me comfortable in life, money-wise, at least for now. I still feel like a failure though, in part because I picked a partner who reinforces that feeling daily. I thought she'd calm down once some stresses in life were resolved, but she just finds new ones.


That sucks I’m sorry. I certainly know that money doesn’t solve everything but it wouldn’t hurt. I would just like not not live check to check for a while and be able to cover all my bills without having to shuffle them around.


Life is too short to be unhappy when one has means.


Yeah this is a big “why stay with a terrible person “ question?


Many folks have been trapped by our culture attempting to shift towards destigmatizing mental illness. So instead of being able to simply say someone is a 'terrible person', one says they are 'mentally ill'. That makes it feel more like leaving someone because they are sick, rather than leaving because they are terrible to be in a relationship with. Plus, when one has it all except that one thing, it builds up a bunch of false hope for change of that one aspect that isn't going to go right.


>I thought she'd calm down once some stresses in life were resolved, but she just finds new ones. Experience has taught me that if somebody lashes out at you, they are simply the kind of person that lashes out at you. Her stress may have drawn it to the surface but it is still fundamentally who she is, and resolving that stress will only take away the opportunity to witness it. It's still there, and it'll come back if the stress does.


This is the reality for many of us, keep it up mate 👍🏻




“You’re the best dad ever!” is one that never gets old. I get it plenty from my kids, but maybe someone reading this will call up their Dad and hook him up with highest compliment you can get.


Actually hearing from female friends or my gf that I'm great dad material even though I'm probably a few years away from that (I'm 26) - that always made me genuinely happy!


I'm a guy, but I got told 'I have mom-like energy' when it comes to taking care of stuff and it made my day


Harness your inner Steve ~~Harrison.~~ Harrington.


Steve Harrington was a better mother than the actual mothers in that show combined. Except Joyce, but I still give him the win for being on her level while still a kid himself.


Thanks for the gentle Harrington check.


I'll never forget one of my co-workers telling me I'd be a great dad one day. That happened 15 years ago.


I had a friend of my wife tell me a few years ago "man I've seen you with your kids at the other kids birthday parties and stuff, you're a really great dad and I admire that" sort of out of the blue. That was nice. I also one time years ago had a random old lady tell me my shirt looked nice, and the color complimented my skin tone. That stuck with me 🤣


Just randomly texted my dad, thanks!!




I was once called the best uncle ever by someone and I won’t forget that


I am always working at being the best uncle my nieces and nephew could ever want. When ever I use to hear how I would make a great dad it would depress me becuase I didn't and still don't want to be a dad, and thankfully I am not.


Thats ironic cause I was called no1 uncle chod at work, by a dood that speaks hindi. Ill never forget the day.


You’re the best dad ever!


He'd have to deserve it then


I really love hearing from in-laws etc. that I’m a a good dad.


Umm, you're the best dad ever!


Once I entered an uber and in a good mood, and my driver looked nice, I mean just moderately decent with nice clothes and a bit of cologne. I told him “you look dashing” and he laughed, saying he hadn't heard someone telling him that in years. He looked genuinely happy and we had a great conversation during the ride.


Aw, that’s so heartwarming.


"Your budget is perfectly balanced" Oh man this compliment gets me so excited I may have to wake my wife just thinking of it.


My bank likes to tell me that my debt is outstanding :)


As all things should be


Damn, that was a compliment I didn’t know I needed to hear


I’d nut right in my trousers




Any genuine compliment that isnt rooted in getting something out of me is cool.


Nice wallet sir


This part


"Hey, you're taaaall..." "What do you need and which shelf is it on?"


Hey, your bank account balance is looking really sexy today 😉


I was ecstatic when I was told twice this week that it's noticeable that I'm hitting the gym.


My 15-year-old son told me it's obvious I work out, but that I also like ice cream.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I’m happy for you. A good change in your life seems to bring all sorts of benefits ☺️


Might be the daddy issues in me, but simply hearing that efforts and hard work aren’t going unnoticed mean the most.


Any, and I mean ANY compliment from my adult child


Don't worry, your kid loves you.


I don't want compliments for compliments sake. I would like genuine compliments


That's why I always remember this time I was walking in NYC and a woman I passed said "I love your coat!". It just seemed so nice because we were just two randoms passing each other, so she obviously wasn't doing it out of some kind of ulterior motive, she just liked my coat and wanted to let me know.


I had kinda the same thing when I walked into a shoe store with some people because one of them wanted to check something out. One of the people who worked there complimented my shirt and then she even called over another girl who worked there to come check it out since she loved it so much. That's definitely one I won't be forgetting :)


As someone who likes to put effort into making nice outfits that I like, getting a compliment on it from someone else is absolutely amazing


Of course, but let's entertain a hypothetical scenario where every compliment you received was completely genuine


As long as the compliment is genuine, I don't care what the compliment is about


You are the most elegant Chicken crossing I’ve ever seen


I’ve been rickrolled




Woah woah woah.. hold the phone. Compliments aren't... A myth? Damn near thought a man was more likely to see John Cena


Yes. I got one just recently in winter 1994.


What a brilliant response.


I have a friend who gets genuinely excited for my good news, tells me i will crush a meeting, interview, etc. and is just generally supportive. It's the first time in my life I have really experienced that as opposed to someone just saying nice things because it's expected. It's honestly amazing.


Love this type of positivity. Way to go friend!


It took like 40 years to experience that (including from my spouse...) but I hope everyone gets to experience it. It literally makes my day and makes me feel invincible. It also has helped me be more positive and supportive of other people's accomplishments as well. All in all, it's a great positive feedback loop.


What’s this ‘compliments’ thing you’re talking about?


You guys getting compliments?


Na, she falls asleep.




Compliments was this thing I vaguely remember would happen from time to time before 40


Ok now you’re just making stuff up. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that Bigfoot is real or the earth isn’t actually flat.


Yeah, I always found it hard to believe. And when you tell people they look at you like your crazy!


Pfft people are crazy. Like compliments are a real thing. Yeah ok.


Those received without a back story. Even just a totally out of the blue “Oh wow, that T-shirt looks smashing on you” would land alll day.


I give compliments like these to strangers, any gender, any age. I’ve been wowed by someone’s eyes or smile, told them things like “that’s a blindingly beautiful smile you’ve got there” and just kept walking. I’d like to believe I made people feel nice when they get those.


One of the 20-somethings at work looked me up and down and said 'Dry Marsupial you're such a cool Dad aren't you?' I think about that a lot. I'm 40 and I've got two children, so I'm pretty certain it wasn't a backhanded compliment.


I often receive theses, as I'm choosing my clothes carefully. As men, we really have to earn the compliments.


Just once I'd like to be told I'm doing a good job at work. Genuinely. Not just out of obligation to say something. Managers nowadays say "appreciate you" or something similar in such a passing manner it's as if it doesn't register in their brain. It's just a mouth movement with some sound. Current day employers really don't understand how shit they treat their employees.


I care mostly about compliments coming from people I know would say negative things straight to my face. Like if my buds who were calling me fat face for years aknowledge I put some work in the gym means more then people who are nice just to be nice. I lost years ago 40kg and heard from my childhood friend "Yo, so finally you can jump without creating an earthquake. Good shape mate... you're still ugly AF" And this meant more to me then any person at work saying nice things etc.


Why does this sound so British to me?


This such a guy thing 😅 my husband recently lost 50 and so many comments on his photo he posted were along the lines of “great work, still ugly” all from very good guy friends and he loved it lol


Any at all. It took me 27 years to get my first compliment from a girl.


Guys call me good looking but I wish I received it from girls tbh, now it just feels like it’s just guys being nice to each other


wouldn't it be the same from a woman though? just girls being nice to you? not trying to be a smartass or anything but why does the gender matter if it's a genuine compliment?


>wouldn't it be the same from a woman though? No. Not the same. >why does the gender matter if it's a genuine compliment? I get compliments from men sometimes where they seem to wish to be more like me. A similar comment from a female shows not that she is imagining being more like me, but something different.


ahhh okay i can understand that perspective, thank you for explaining!!


My thoughts there would be that a compliment has more “weight” to it when it’s heard from someone you admire. If you are wanting to be found attractive by women and women compliment your appearance, naturally this will validate you more than hearing it from a guy. While hearing it from anyone is always great, it’s just even nicer to know that you appeal to the people you would like to appeal to. Ya know?


If it makes you feel better, you might just be good looking. As a solidly average looking man, nobody tells me I'm good looking


My favorite is when people tell me they like talking to me/like coming to me when they need help/trust me Basically if someone tells me I'm more significant to them than some other random friend, it makes me really happy.


This is going to seem like I'm being sarcastic and I'm not, but the only compliments I can think of in real life were all sexual or sexual attraction related. I wish I heard any compliments about more innocent traits than the bedroom by anyone. See? Sounds like I'm kidding, like why am I such a stud? 😄 But I mean it in sincerity, I can't think of anyone in person who complimented me in general about something non-sex related and that makes me a bit sad. Though I'm reflecting on the sutuation, not fishing for online compliments. My notifications are off, I wouldn't know about or see them if anyone was like "Here's a compliment!"


I don't care too much about the specifics being noticed but the style in which i get complimented. I would like to be complimented like how girls get compliments from others, especially how girls compliment other girls. Tell me how cool and cute my choice of clothes and accessories are, tell me how aspects of my physical appearance are cute, hot and sexy they are for you. Appreciate the details of my being. Maybe even throw in advice on what would suit me. Let me feel pretty and SLAY too! I get so excited when the girlies in my life compliment me like I'm one of them! I feel like men's options of compliments are too often focused on merits for doing something and rarely about who we are as human beings. " Good job being useful!" juet doesn't do it for me. I understand for a lot of women its kinda frustrating that their appearance gets put forward a lot and their merits get ignored or diminished because of the compliment style; I guess the grass is greener on the other side type of deal here for both sides but still.


This made me sad so, Ahem, all men on here. Your shirt is very handsome


Just a compliment in general


Nice bro


"You are not that big of an asshole"


"You look so hot, I want to f\*\*\* you right now" or similar would be nice.


You look so fucked, I want you hot right now




“Nice penis!”


Your a good dad. Its a constant worry of mine that I'm failing as a farther.


If you’re farting on them you’re doing it right. That is part of being a father. Or farther.


Any compliment in this economy would suffice, but when someone compliments an insecurity I wonder if I should even be insecure about it. Then I go down the rabbit hole that all insecurities are just figments of my imagination.


Absolutely anything really 😅 I very rarely get compliments and I have been working bloody hard on myself!


I personally like getting legit compliments about my clothes or style , when someone actually recognize a brand i have on or knows about a certain something always feels like a good noticed


Plus, it's something you put effort into, instead of a physical feature or something.


Great question! Compliments can really make a day brighter. Here are some types of compliments that many men might appreciate more often: 1. \*\*Appearance:\*\* Comments about their style, hair, or general look can boost confidence. "You look great today," or "That shirt really suits you," can go a long way. 2. \*\*Personality and Character:\*\* Acknowledging traits like kindness, humor, or resilience is often valued. "You're such a thoughtful person," or "I really admire how you handle difficult situations," can make someone feel seen. 3. \*\*Skills and Talents:\*\* Compliments about abilities, whether it's their work, hobbies, or talents, are always appreciated. "You're really good at what you do," or "Your cooking is amazing," can validate their efforts. 4. \*\*Effort and Hard Work:\*\* Recognizing the effort they put into their tasks, relationships, or personal growth is encouraging. "I see how hard you’re working, and it's impressive," or "I appreciate everything you do for us," can mean a lot. 5. \*\*Emotional Support:\*\* Noticing and appreciating their emotional support or presence can be very meaningful. "You're always there for me, and I appreciate it," or "I feel so safe and supported around you," highlights their importance in your life. Remember, a sincere and specific compliment can really make someone’s day, no matter what it’s about!


Thank you chatgpt


not a compliment but i would also love to receive flowers.


I would personally prefer If no one ever talks to me but that’s just me


"I'm really impressed that you caught that fish in that picture on your dating profile" or "That's a great unsolicited dick pic" or "I really like your white jeans"


Nice dick, bro!


Yep always hearing how shiny it is or how much to the left it points but never just a solid nice dick bro! But you can’t choose your coworkers so 🤷‍♂️


"I'd take you over the bear."


"You are a valuable person that deserves living".


Literally anything........


My looks, all the time, everywhere. It's nice of course, everybody wants to be beautiful but it also gets old fast and after all these years, I still struggle to take the compliment. I don't know how to answer and feel uncomfortable. Other compliments I get regard my singing which I value MUCH more. When I was doing my research at the university, the compliments I got from my work rank first in the compliment-department. I felt like I deserved with my good work. The looks I mostly get from genetics and sports training, academic work requires way more work and talent.


I don’t need to hear it more often because I want it to be genuine but hearing my daughter say “thank you so much for _____, daddy”. Pretty good feeling. Never gets old.


None. My gf makes me feel great all by herself. I don't need more.


I wish I had more compliments for helping others. I’m always happy to share my food, do labor, pause my stuff to help those around me but it’s not really recognized by anyone. That’s okay, I just wish it was more seen instead of just being someone people know they can ask for help for stuff


You’re a DILF!


I notice you trimmed your nose and ear hair today! Or, um, you sure can hold your beer! Also, You stink a little less than usual, are you wearing deodorant? Sorry ladies. I'm taken.


I wish people complimented my hardwork more. 


“Hey thank you, that really helped.” It sounds more than “Thanks.”


you look like you workout


I don't want compliments, I just want people to leave me alone.


Couple weeks ago, was helping one of my colleagues with something and he told me I smell nice. Wasn’t that big but felt good for the rest of the day as I’ve been experimenting with perfumes recently. I’m not really big on fashion or perfume so kind of feel like i don’t even know what my ‘style’ is so felt like a confidence booster hearing that.


Genuine, spontaneous compliments are great! A lot of men never get any compliments (I get plenty from my partner, but others), but it can sometimes save our day with a simple compliment about a small thing you notice.


It would be nice to hear thanks for efforts made as the only bread winner. 


nice cock


It’s huge!


"You're pretty good at that"


Something that genuinely interest people in you. My boss looked at my battle jacket (a jacket with loads of patches from your favorite bands or other stuff, sewn by machine or for bonus points by hand. It's a relict from the metal scene if you are not familiar with it). It's the very first workplace where I feel comfortable enough to share anything personal with others. So I wear it every day. He asked me: "did you put them on all by yourself?" Me: "jup, mostly by hand." Boss: "that's so f'ing cool. Everytime I look at it, there is something new." He listens to blues or jazz. And I almost f'ing cried. EDIT: my boss again, but this time I gave the compliment. I was in CC with him and a company that asked for a sponsorship. The company was really nice and very professional, which is rather unusual for small companies. After the business chat was done, he complimented their appearence abd their professionalism in a seperate follow up mail. I saw this and I really liked that he did this. So I told him: I found it really cool from you, that you told them this. Many would only think it but on their side there is someone for sure who loves to hear this. You should have seen his grin and how he turned red.


You are the most handsome lottery winner.


Damn that is the biggest cock that has ever been in my pussy and mouth


your penis tastes lovely!


I don’t wish to have this one said more often, however a few months back I was dealing with depression and received this compliment twice in a two week span…… “You’re a great father” It came from two older men in my neighborhood. They didn’t realize how much it meant to me at the time. Raising kids is tough and your family really does not tell you this. Changed my mindset a lot.


Any compliment will do. Literally anything.


I compliment men whenever I get the chance, and it's genuine or I don't open my mouth. Men need to be and feel appreciated for just their gender sometimes. Women get so many disingenuous compliments we don't even pay attention to half of them. I know this question was posed to guys, but js.


I love it when my wife calls me strong


I don't need a compliment, but my brother in Christ PLEASE don't ask me to do something just because I'm sitting down. 😮‍💨


I don’t want to be told I’m doing really well and got a good job and earn a lot of money. That’s not a compliment to me, that’s an expectation I’ve set myself. Like… I don’t get complimented for putting my shoes on the right feet so I don’t want to get compliments for getting a good job. I want to be told I look good without the ‘even tho you’re short’ or ‘for someone who’s short’ (I’m 5ft 9 btw so not even that short)


People don't realize that 5'9 is pretty much average for men


My first reaction was none. Then I reread complaints to compliments. My second reaction is you compliment a man by respecting him.


I think most men would like to hear that they are wanted physically. The problem is, most men will then want to have sex. If you could tell a man that you are turned on by them and want to have sex with them, but somehow the man doesn't try to have sex and instead just says thank you, that'd be neat.


Why would you tell a man you want to sleep with him and then not sleep with him. I am genuinely confused. That's like telling a waiter that you want a steak and then not eating it. Most women these days never tell a man they want them physically, if anything women will reject men and then wonder why he didn't "try harder." Now you're saying you want to be able to tell a man that you want to fuck him and he just says "thank you." TF? My sister in Christ.


I mean, it would be nice if you could tell a guy you like his t-shirt without him thinking you want to have sex with him. But literally telling them that and expecting them to not want to do anything about it? I’m also very confused. Unless she has a kink for rejection.


Any,. Men hardly ever get compliments.


"Hey great cock!"


"that was some good dick" I know she enjoyed herself, but I really appreciate when your mom says it out loud.


Why does always have to be in the retirement village common area though?




Any at all would be nice


I would love to get more compliment on my body, cause i never felt very comfortable with it.


You're breathtaking.


You’re appreciated


I have nice hands and feet, i wished someone complimented them.🥲