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I think it's a common fantasy to get an unexpected "glow up" and suddenly be noticed and desired by those that were previously out of reach.


Which is such a bizarre concept, but I guess not for the zillion 80s movies that feature it. Like, why would I have romantic interest in someone that didn’t notice me until I conform? Blargh.


If you're non-conforming by choice, sure. This fantasy is more for the folks who *want* to be conventionally popular, but don't have the resources, knowledge, and/or confidence to pull it off. It's the old Cinderalla routine: fairy godmother takes you under her wing, gives you guidance in style and poise while also supplying necessary resources like clothes & makeup (pumpkin-carriage optional).


My dream girl is wearing glasses, no make-up, an anime t-shirt, and fuzzy sweatpants, so I don't know either.


It's a classic movie trope, and it does happen in real life. Some people just "clean up" really well. Best I ever saw was a 10th High School reunion. Timid little mouse of girl in high school that no one ever even noticed walked in to the restaurant and conversations stopped as people slowly recognized her. She was now confident, poised, stunning.


I was kinda a slob in HS but I had a little glow-up afterward and lemme tell ya, yeah it happens but the people who notice or treat you better afterwards are straight up garbage lmao


Buying things will change your life! A new games console? It will change your life. You will be different and happy. A city break in Oslo? It will change your life. You will be different and happy. A bit of lipstick and a new dress? **It will change your life**. **YOU WILL BE DIFF--** This is not a lived reality but a marketed one. Movies reinforce the message because of course they do.


Plain Jane Superbrain in Neighbours wrote this script [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H6jfYZcIHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H6jfYZcIHk)


I once met a friend from work for happy hour. She had never seen me outside of work before where we wore these really ugly, and on my body type in particular, incredibly unflattering uniforms. When I cane to the bar we were meeting at she was sitting at an outdoor table so I just walked up and sat down at the table with her. She exclaimed "Oh my god, you came up to me and I didn't even recognize you at first and you were just this beautiful woman who looked right at me and smiled and it literally made my heart flip! I had no idea how you looked in your normal life!" I wasn't wearing anything particularly exciting, just a maxi dress and had my hair down. I think sometimes seeing a person, especially someone you know, looking very different than what you're used to can just be a real surprise in a good way regardless of gender.