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Fellow Brit here, when a country has a long history of colonialism, bloody violence and theft it kinda damages the reputation forever and people poke fun Can’t say I blame them 🤷🏻‍♀️ just brush it off


Honestly I was surprised to see a Brit getting sensitive, I thought the only times Brits get offended are when people interchange UK/Britain/England or when they're Welsh.


True, but do you think it's selective as Japan seems to be the only country almost exempt unless your Korean. Maybe even Spain, Portgual, Belgium and the Netherlands too


Trust me, there are more Asian countries that do not like Japan's past than just Korea. Edit: changed Japan to Japan's past because even most Koreans these days don't have a distaste for current Japan.
























Most people on Earth live in a country that was once conquered and or colonized by the British. Shitting on the British is one of the few sentiments that transcends national boundaries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_that_have_gained_independence_from_the_United_Kingdom


It's mostly banter. Try being black, Muslim or trans if you want to experience real hate.


Being made fun of for being a subject of the modern iteration of the most destructive colonial regimes in modern history is just something you are going to have to muddle through.


France has entered the conversation.


r/2westerneurope4u would be happy to explain it to you


Stereotypes are earned, not given. Also worth remembering, being offended about something someone else says is a choice. Unfortunately for many people it's the default choice. Britain was a menace to the rest of the world for hundreds of years. It is what it is big dawg.


Laughing in French


Guffawing in Irish


I dunno, I think the British kind of got off easy because of the Nazis.


Mostly good natured ribbing from Americans, sometimes meanspirited, because we also tend to get it as good as we're giving it from your side of the pond.


Every country has their own thing. People have plenty to say about the US, full of fat, loud, gun-happy rednecks 😄 Also, school shootings.


They hate us cos they ain't us, also cos we subjugated their grandparents


Do you remember the expression: “the sun never sets on the British Empire”? Yeah, that’s a lot of enslaved people giving up their freedom and possessions to the crown. If it makes you feel better, lots of people simp hard for the royal family. Maybe the numbers even out in the end


If you actually were British you'd take it as banter.


I'm British, I think it's hilarious and I lean into it.


The internet is majorally Anglophone hence you'll see more critque for large Anglophone places. Despite there being countries with a similar history I believe not being Anglophone helps. Also it's more so aimed at ethnic Brits who live in Britain rather than Brits in general.


HEy man, as much hate as the USA gets for ... well lets use colonialism as an example, as the old tv anti-drug PSA went "I learned it by watching YOU!!" and they aren't jokes.. you did steal a lot of stuff. I mean, the british museum is pretty great. e.g. for me it was such a surreal thing to see, say, the rosetta stone. Its been in every history book I'd ever had in school since... whenever "social studies" became a subject in school. To see it in life hit me in a strange way. It was a real thing! I mean, I suppose one can argue we're all humans and nation lines are arbitrary, but, you took that thing, and it wasn't yours. And... your food is bland. Or at least a lot of the traditional things are gross and bland. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about cornish pasties and steak and kidney pies, but there is a lot of gross stuff you people eat. No wonder curries are becoming your national dish. Plus I gotta say... pretty egocentric of you to whine "what have I doonnnnnneee?". This is all to say... speaking as a citizen of the USA, we get a LOT of hate as well (Some is certainly justified, some is not), my advice to you is: Suck it up. Rub some dirt in it. Walk it off. Whining about it on the internet won't make it stop.


Simple. More people speak english internationally so english media and people are just more visible. Hypothetically, If the worst people in the world were Slovakian, would the layman be able to distinguish them from Czechs, Poles, Serbs... so on? No! But brits are easy to recognize and travel more outside their borders than Americans do. Also Americans that travel outside of the USA tend to be wealthy and better educated types. If poor americans want a holiday, they usually go somewhere else in the USA because it's real big. Poor brits will plague all coasts of Europe and then some. Holiday season begins in Spain only when the first brit falls from a balcony.


It doesn't help that you are such a bad tourist.


Have you been to the British Museum? I think if one day all those "national treasures" would be given back to their homeland then everyone would see you guys as real gentlemen.


"Oi, mate, you are the true hero! Cheers!"


I mean... welcome to the internet. Everyone gets made fun of, and it has to be of something. And british teeth do suck. Source: my teeth.


It may be banter, but also, England fucked over (and continues to do so) Latin America, South Asia, Africa, and Ireland. And some people are truly mad about all the stolen stuff in the museums. However, the whole west is guilty of that, so it’s weird Britain is the one taking the whole blame. I’ve been there and yeah, the food is shitty, but the drinks are good!


ENGLAND rightly deserves it. ENGLISH people who blink their eyes in surprise at the judgement of history are products of a school system that teaches them it was a good thing their ancestors went out into the world and stole everything they could put their grubby, eczema encrusted mitts on.


Suck ya mum


Ha, ha. You mugs are run by Tories who hate you, and are about to trade it for Labourites who hate you more.


Sounds like a skill issue honestly


You Brits have it made. From your tweed to your wellies to your rapeseed oil…we are all just jealous. Please let me live there. ♥️


You just might not have seen it... As a British expat who moved to Amsterdam, I understand this sentiment completely - yes no one's perfect, but most of the tourists that are drunk/high beyond control are British (pissing publicly, harassing girls, shouting and fighting etc)


Try being an American.


These things are all true, but then again most western countries\* have done some pretty shitty things in their history. The British were a world superpower for a long time, so they mainly had the opportunity to do more shitty things in the world than others. Also, the Brexit was just over the top. That being said, I absolutely love some parts of the UK. London is a fantastic place to visit, and people really know how to have a good time there. The Cotswolds are lovely, especially when there is a bit of sun. British people I've met have been absolutely wonderful. Pretty much every British pub is terrific, in its own unique way. Of course some places are dreary, public transport is awful (outside of the London tube), some cities are just depressing, etc etc. So no, I don't think people actually hate the British. I think they hate a few of the things they've done in past centuries, and it really would be a good idea for them to get over the whole Brexit thing and rejoin the EU (with no special provisions this time) - although we realize it will (unfortunately) take some time to do such a complete turnaround. \* *I also come from a western country.*


Part of Identity Politics is treating individuals as if they themselves do not matter at all as individuals but only stand for various intersections of identity. You are not a person, in other words. You are a matrix of various identities, and the degree to which one or more of those identities falls on the oppressor side of the oppressor/oppressed binary, you will be hated.


Their food


It really depends on who you talk to and how you engage with them. I'd recommend avoid toxic online communities generally. By all means make yourself aware of British history- the good and the bad- but don't hold yourself accountable for things you, or indeed your ancestors, had no part in. (For example, mine were factory workers and agricultural labourers who led tough lives.)


Well, do you have extremely bland food, is your country known for stealing everything they can, and did your country rob and pillage the entire world as best they could with no regard for anyone else's culture for centuries? They don't hate you as a person, but if you're proud of that, then you're a bit of a shit person.


I'm not proud of it, I'm actually ashamed that our government has done that. But like, why make fun of the British citizens tho? It's honestly our government's fault.


The same reason Americans get so much hate for it. The loudest and most well known Americans are all assholes who are patriotic and love licking the boots of the government as a pastime when we have nothing to be proud of. It's not an exclusive thing you deal with, I've been online for decades and I've gone through years of british people calling me McDonalds KFC hamburger pigfat gun cowboy. It doesn't make it right, it doesn't mean you deserve it, but as an American, I know actual Americans who wear nothing but bald eagle T shirts and eat at McDonalds religiously and won't shut up about guns and unironically are proud of being the world's bully, and I deal with the fallout from their existence because I'm around them and am powerless to stop them from being gross. Also, it's nearly the 4th of July, which is the big holiday where everyone gets extra patriotic because it's the anniversary of the day we said fuck you to Britain and left.


I see the monarchy as “Wild and Wonderful West Virginia”


Look, I know it sucks to be a red coat and all, but trust me, we all hate Fr*nce way more. So keep calm and carry on. At least you aren't them.


It depends where you go in the world. British people are extremley hated in in United States and Canada mainly due to their accents, colonialism, food, the monarchy , their tv shows. They are the most disliked nationality and country in both the United States and Canada. In other parts of the world Brits went and colonised they obviously are not going to be popular and going to be very disliked. other parts of the world is general indifference or don't care about them. It depends who you are interacting with. Americans tend to dominate social media and this website reddit so obviously you'll see huge Anti British feeling when Americans are around.


Well this is bullshit. British people aren't the most hated in the US or in Canada, not by a long shot. Get out a bit.


You wouldn't understand but if you think British people are popular in North America then you have another thing coming, I listed the reasons to why they are most hated nationality in North America by far.


From your profile I can see that you're British. So am I. Lived the first 30 years of my life in the UK and have lived in the US for 15 years. You're absolutely wrong. To be honest you sound like you haven't lived enough to really understand what you're saying or experiencing. Too young or haven't met enough people. Just because they take the piss, it doesn't mean they hate Brits. They're just taking the piss. As a Brit you should understand that deep in your bones. Like the way Southerners and Northerners take the piss out of each other.


Since when did Americans hate British people for their accents and TV shows? Loool


Do you live under a rock or something?


I've met many Americans and Canadians and what you're asserting simply doesn't tally with experience.


Kinda ironic that Canada and the US are hating because of colonialism, accent, food, and TV.


Well not really. Both countries were both former British colonies due to the fact there is huge anti British sentiment in both this is not surprising. Also Americans and Canadians both find British accents horrible and disgusting, the food to be the worst on earth, the tv to be crappy and lets British culture is massively looked down upon. Also did I mention everyone hates the monarchy too. Theses parts of British culture make British people extremely disliked.


It’s ironic because the three countries have shit food, still engage in colonialism in very violent and overt ways, and have weird accents for someone who’s not from there (as all people do because that’s how accents work). But with tv, well, British tv has been far superior in the last decade or so (fleabag, lovesick, derry girls, Sherlock).


Which countries ate these? Brits have the worst food on earth, the hated and disliked accents, the ugliest people, worst climate  worst history, horrible monarchy, crappy tv shall I go on? Brits don't do anything well. Nothing and you wonder why they are so hated by everyone 

