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Let me guess, some kid colored a rainbow or has same sex parents.


nope even dumber- they're worried about making israel sad >"Maybe that’s the emergency we didn’t define,” she said, referring to Bradford's motion at the last board meeting to pass the policies as "emergencies." At the time, Bradford suggested pro-Palestinian protestors at UNC-Chapel Hill, who removed the American flag on campus, as the impetus for the policies.


It’s both.


'Small government Republicans' strike again. If it weren't for double standards, they'd have none at all.


Small government and Free speech Republicans. -Get it right homie.


“It is quite disconcerting to be part of a governing body that has such disrespect for its professional staff, its student body, and each other,” Kraybill wrote to WHQR. “I worry that teachers will feel so censored that they will leave the district for surrounding counties, that more families will line up for scholarship vouchers to attend private schools, thus perpetuating the financial deficit we are facing, and that new businesses will decide not to set up shop in New Hanover County because its school system is not a welcoming place for their employees’ children”. That's their goal.


What in actual Jesus Jihad Donald Trump fuck is this? I'm an art teacher not too far from there but fortunately federal. I don't even know how I would do my job under these guidelines. I guess the kids would just draw the American flag and school mascot. Are the only colored crayons they will be allowed to have red, white, and blue?


Thanks for all that you do, but please stop giving them other ideas.


No red, they might draw a star with it and that's too communist


True but then they also can't make a confederate battle flag.


Why are these pieces of shit so hell bent on destroying the livelihood of the community?! Why do they want to create impoverished people with every deficit they can manipulate? To be clear, this is all a consorted effort to diminish the value of a public education, their children will be victims of this policy, and y’all, THEY DONT GIVE ONE SINGLE FUCK. They *want* the downfall of public education, they want people to suffer. Why?! What have the children of North Carolina ever done to you conservatives?!?


The cycle is thus: They campaign on *The government is broken, vote for us!* with a slightly quieter background chorus of *We'll privatize it! This has never ended badly before!* If they get into office, they do everything possible to ensure whatever they've been given power over stumbles and ultimately fails to effectively carry out its responsibilities. Come the next election, a core component of their rheotic will be... *The government is broken, vote for us!* with a slightly quieter background chorus of *We'll privatize it! This has never ended badly before!* It's the never-ending cycle. At least until the hypothetical date where they actually manage to destroy whatever they've been sabotaging. Right now, the goal is to make public schools function as poorly as humanly possible, while shoving as much of their political rhetoric as they possibly can into the curriculum. The idea is to gradually push people into private schools and normalize them being the way to get a basic education worth a damn. Plus or minus attempting to turn the people in school today into a new generation of loonies. In the longer term, the goal is to disestablish public education and turn it into a corporate hellscape where access to education is entirely dependent on how rich your parents are. Because the poors get ideas above their station when they get all that book-learnin'. Relentless cynicism is pretty much the only way to talk about the GOP agenda on education in this state without going stark raving mad trying to 'understand their perspective' when there's nothing *to* understand, so I apologize for the dark tone.


Oh no I completely agree with you. I don’t have much faith in none of it. Almost all the teachers I know here are conservative, they vote for this shit too. It’s baffling.


This is the republican way. They claim to not want to indoctrinate children while doing everything they can to indoctrinate children.


“Sponsorships”. Who exactly is a sponsor for an elementary school classroom?


mcdonalds, pizza hut, us army, samaratins purse


“Samuel Alito Foundation for Gender Issues”


Sounds like a good rule to break.


Mmm freedumbs!


With every new thing, it's smh and or wtf and I've been around for a very long time. Sigh...


I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. This is very clearly baby's first fascist regime.