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same. I have to do things by either 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 125, or 150. I'm not patient enough to go higher lol




3^3 is the perfect number so 27 obviously


I didn’t realize how unoriginal my OCD is after seeing everyone’s love for 3s and multiples of 3s and yes 27 is the best number/my favorite number 🥲


Has anyone studied this? Why the fuck do we like threes so much???


I dunno but 3 and 9 are sublime ahhhh love them 🩷


It’s got a midpoint built in. I like it because I like visual parallels (ex. Quarter dime Quarter) it looks nice and Has a non decimal center. Where as with 2 there is no center. Though visually even, it bothers me that it lacks a center. So my guess is there are two camps: Must be even split (2,4,8 etc) and must have a midpoint (3,5,7)


I think you’re correct! I also love the transition from 2 points (line) to 3 points (shape) … a neat leap!


When I was a kid, I was thrilled to learn that that Weird Al had previously stated that 27 is his favourite number. It's mine, too, so my kid brain was stoked that I had something in common with Weird Al. Since being diagnosed and meeting others who ~~know~~ think 27 is the best, I've often wondered if Weird Al is also in the OCD numbers club.


That would make sense to me!


Omg what theee😂😂


I used to wish people happy 27th day 💀💀


noooo powers of 4 >>>>


u get it


This explains why I always choose it when asked for a random number. It has good vibes.


That’s been my absolute least favourite number for yearsss now lol


and 2+7 = 9 which divided by 3 is also 3 🤤


Do not fuck with multiples of three, 6 at all, or 13


13 is my lucky number 😂


Me tooo!!


13 is the one I hate the most 😭


Lucky you, born into a base-10 system instead of base-6. 😝


For me it’s 4, but also any multi-digit numbers that can be added to make 4 (22–> 2+2 ; 13–> 1+3) or 44 for the double helping of 4’s Edit to add: 4 is my good feeling number! Most odd numbers give me the ick (13 being the exception)


4 is best! 16 is best-er Evens are okay Can't do odds at all


wait til you find out abt 64 🤩


I realized that when I tap the water off my toothbrush I like to do it 16 times.


16 is the shit


4 is Aces!


I love 4 as well!


I love 4 too!!


I used to love four but now it’s my absolute least favorite number and 8 is my bestie


multiples of three are good except for six which is the worst number ever


I disagree that multiples of 3 are good, but I agree that 6 is a terrible number.


Any even numbers but two, four, and six are great


Sorry I forgot to mention, even numbers are my fav, odd numbers not so much




3 is my comfort number but for some reason my palilalia comes in 8s. Thankful that my brain never latched onto certain numbers as unlucky, just as ugly.


3… 3 everything, everywhere, all the time


3 all day, 3 for days


Not anymore but three is the magic number aint ir


fuck all those numbers. only 4. please only 4. or 12


4 is fine (as an imperfect form of 8), but 12 is unstable, leaving doubts xD


I never felt so much at peace to see someone else understand how bad the number after ten is. Otherwise I love 3, 7, 9, and 13


Same! Like the amount of distress it brings me is unreasonable but I’m glad I’m not alone in it.


Four can fuck right off


I would upvote but then it would turn into a four…


Four can hang out with me. It's a love-hate relationship, but it's crucial for all my rituals and tics and has been known to bring me some comfort.


I like four :(




21 is my lucky number ☺️ If I'm in a building that has a 13th floor I get anxious.. I don't like prime numbers.


AYYY we share lucky number, I've never seen anyone into it too


9 is good, 3 is unlucky, 27 is the best number (9×3)


Im with that kinda, mines just all multiples of nine and needing to verify the digit addition multiple rule. I love nine, lovely number, but it's too much lmao


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏… and 👏 claps. Always multiples of 10, 5 if my OCD gives me a treat


13 is my lucky number yet also makes me worry


Also my lucky number 😋


9 is the devil for .. reasons ..


and i usually have to do things in even numbers, avoiding six


Most odd numbers 3,5, 9 especially, 15, 17 eww. I could be here all day Even numbers are beautiful like 4,6,8, I love 30, 18 beautiful, 22 is nice


5 though is a perfect center so I don’t consider it an odd number when it comes to this kinda stuff. But the rest I agree. 17 is the worst number ever. 8 is great when it comes to the even numbers mhmhm


7 is great. 9 is horrible.


Gotta be multiples of 5 or nothing.




Even numbers that are multiples of 4. Unless the other factor is an odd number or another bad number. (3, 5, 6, 12, etc.)


3 and 5 are good 4 is bad the rest are mostly neutral


That's heresy to my mind


I hate 6 and 13






4 is life. 4 is happiness. 4 is almighty.


I refuse to updoot this, and make it not 4 anymore but YES MY PEOPLE


God, this makes me feel so seen. Most of the time it's 4 or 5, but more of a preference for 4. Sometimes 7.


Used to be so obsessed with 4 that I’d perform rituals on dates involving 4 or multiples of 4 (e.g. 4/4, 2/4, 4/16, 4/8, 8/8) so “bad things” wouldn’t happen. Coincidentally, I got diagnosed with OCD on August 8 lmao


Ohh I'm exactly the same, 8 is better for me, but that's because I started using it as a stronger 4 xD


That’s so real lol, I started using 16 as a stronger 4 too


5 and 10 are my good/lucky numbers, sometimes 4, 3 is my unlucky number.




I’m so glad it helped! It’s been really awesome to hear other peoples experiences for me as well. It makes it all a little less draining knowing it isn’t me being ridiculous. Accepting my OCD has not been an easy experience but hearing about others experiences has made it feel a lot less scary and made it easier to accept it isn’t my fault. Thank you for sharing!💕


16 is the best, 4 is pretty good too. 8 is on real thin ice


8 being on thin ice is so relatable but I absolutely cannot explain further


3 is my best number, 5 & 7 are also great, can’t stand even numbers :/


Oh yeah I agree with eleven, definitely not For some reason I prefer odd numbers, 3s and 5s specifically. I HATE 2s and 4s bc they don't have a middle ya know?


Stereotypical but odd numbers. I love the number 24. It just feels so even and so divisible in my opinion and it’s so satisfying. Also the number 4 is my favourite number as I feel it’s the most even number


The number 2 and multiples of 2 are ok, except for 26. The numbers 13 and 26 are cursed (by me). Bad things happen to the people in my life around those numbers. My sister died on November 26, 6 days after she turned 26 and the bracelet she made me just before passing had 26 beads. OCD around numbers got significantly worse then. and so many people in my life have been affected since then. It’s even worse with #13 and Friday the 13th. I found my roommate in our group home after she committed suicide on December 13, 2013 (Friday) and 13 is 26 divided by 2 (2 is my number, so bad 26 combined with my influence with the number 2 = 13) I genuinely would unalive myself before the next Friday the 13th because I can’t handle watching people I care about die but since finding my roommate, I can’t unalive myself. Someone would have to find me and it would fuck them up like this fucked me up. I’m not letting anyone else feel this pain 🫠


Oh boy you’ve unleashed the monster in me lmfao. I’ll try and use the actual number when I’m talking about a number and it’s effects on me, and write the number out when it’s an example relating to the previously mentioned number. Hopefully this makes sense. I’m a big fan of specific numbers and their multiples, but I also like when i can break down a number to add it up to a good one (like sixty four, six plus four is 10 which is good). I really like when numbers are symmetrical too, like 5115, or 2002 (my birth year!) For me, 5 and 10 are superior, as are any multiples of them (although really it would all just be multiples of five if you want to get specific, but to me 5 and 10 are different and magical numbers. In my weird logic, fifteen is a multiple of five, but I count twenty as a multiple of ten). 9 is pretty nice and safe for me, and multiples of 3 are pretty much always good. 2 and numbers ending in 2 are also normally good. 6 on its own is OK, with several conditions. I dislike the number 13 (even typing it stresses me out, so from now on I’ll refer to it as the Bad Number™️, which is what I call it in really life) so I dislike any multiples of it (26 being the big one, 39 and 65 being exceptions because I like multiples of threes or fives). I also dislike numbers that would add up to the bad number, like forty nine (four plus nine), or seventy six (seven plus six, which is where that six becomes conditional). 23 is also a bad number for me, but not as anxiety inducing as The Bad Number ™️, and I don’t like numbers right up next to it, 22 specifically. 24 is more OK for me because 24 is four times six, and four plus six is ten, one of the superior numbers. 12 makes me feel kinda anxious because it’s so close to the Bad Number™️, but most multiples of it of it are good. 11 is nice, but I dislike 22 as it’s close to 23 which is a Bad Number™️ for me, which adds to that weirdness that is the logic around 24 being pretty Ok. 8 and it’s multiples are meh I don’t really have strong feelings on it, except for when it is paired with a 5, which makes the Bad Number™️ so eighty five or fifty eight would be no goes, pretty much the only multiple of five that I dislike. 28 (not a multiple but ending in it) is pretty nice because two plus eight is ten, and 64 is a nice multiple of it because six plus four is ten. 7 and it’s multiples are also meh, unless obviously paired with a six, or as 14 which is in that uncomfortable space between the Bad Number™️ and 15 which is good (although I can tolerate it if I look at it as two times seven, because two plus seven is nine which is a good number). 4 is kinda an in between number because I don’t like all of its multiples (like eight which I mentioned earlier, or seventy six which I talked about breaking down to add up to the Bad Number™️). Basically if I think about numbers too much I will either really like what I notice or really really hate it, so I try to avoid numbering and counting things unnecessarily if I can. Sometimes that counting is too nice to pass up to. Like I give the people in my family kisses in multiples. For example my mom gets multiples of threes per kiss I get, my grandma gets multiples of five, and my dog gets multiples of ten per, I don’t know why the numbers assign themselves but that feels right. (With the combination of the contamination/germ based ocd I’m pretty much just blowing kisses, not physically holding them hostage while I work through my numbers) This ended up a lot longer than I originally intended it to be.


Odd numbers evil, even numbers are good, BUT SQUARES OF FOUR ARE FUCKING YES


twelve and any number containing a six are bad. also numbers ending in twelve.


anything under 10 is uncomfortable unless it's 1 or 2 because it apparently means what "place" I'm coming in lol


Multiples of 5 and second to that even numbers hello to all odd numbers besides 5 of


Any multiple of 3 really makes me uncomfortable but 13 sends me into a panic and anything that is or ends with 4 or 8 or 2 are my safe numbers


All the digits of pi (e.g. 3.14159...) /s I have OCD, but thankfully I don't have issues with numbers and counting.


5, multiples of 5, and 7


11 is my good number. 5, 10 and 12 are my bad numbers


Odd numbers


something about odd 20's kinda freaks me out except for 25.


I’m pretty big on counting in sets of 9 (?)


33, 44, 55, 66, 77, and 88 are bad. But 11, 22, and 99 are fine


6 is a safe number. I like even numbers except 10. 5 and 7 are bad


Has to be 19 to end anything. Idk why


i love multiples of 4, dislike 3 for some reason


It depends on the scenario. Volume always has to be a multiple of 2 or 5. Other things I enjoy multiples of 3.


My best number is 8, and the most cursed number is 7. Six is pretty decent and overall I do well with even numbers.... and odd numbers that are multiples of 5, and also 13 are fine. But anything that has to do with 7 is so bad (even multiples of 7 are fine though???) But I am realizing I have A LOT of rules about numbers lol


Not so much now but in the past i would clean in prime numbers because if it was divisible by something it only counted as its factors. For example if I washed 9 times that's the same as only washing 3 times because it splits into 3 groups but 11 worked because it couldn't be split


Yesss I have eleven too


Numbers divisible by 3 & 5 are good, as are (most) prime numbers... But 2 is bad...222 gets a pass because it's 3 2s & is divisible by 3, but 22 is the worst one for my anxiety...


13 is bad, multiples of three are good, although the number 9 or any number ending in 9 is also bad to me lmao. its so weird.


Fuck 7, all my homies hate 7


2, or multiples of 2, but very especially binary numbers


i dont think i have one least favorite number, but i tend to dislike numbers that dont end in 0, 2, 4, 5, or 8. 8 is my (or my ocd's) absolute favorite though, and most of my counting compulsions are to the number 8 (or 2 or 4, because theyre both factors of 8)


24. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 are all acceptable too.


Oh I LOVE eleven. Awesome number for me. Any even, composite number that ends in zero can fuck off though. They feel unnatural.


I like odd numbers because they feel spicy to me


I'ma be very basic here with 13. 😂 I don't care as much anymore but for most my life I thought every superstition and even "if you don't send this to x amount of people..." All was real for me. I'm not sure if I have a number that don't feel right right now. I'll edit if I find out tho when I see or hear the numbers.


Love multiples of 3, absolutely HATE 7


1-4,6, 8-9, some multiples of 2- okay Multiples of 5(except any that end in 35, 55, 65, 85, 95) 12, 21, 24, 27, 42, 48, 54, 56, all perfect squares, 69, 72, 96- safe 37 is the worst number(fr once cried because I had to write it as an answer on a test). But almost all that aren’t my safe number drive me crazy, feels like the world is ending fr


10. Big fan of 10. Not multiples of, just 10




I hate the numbers 7 and 9. I have an unusual dislike for odd numbers


prime numbers with double digits can go straight to hell


I can't stand the number 9 in most cases, like whenever the time ends in it on journal entries, I gotta wait the full minute to change to the next (10, 20, 30, etc.) despite weirdly liking the number 69 as a kid for the rotational symmetry and also I associated it with the colour purple.


The 69 thing is exactly why I like them. I loved it before I realized the sexual nature attached and never really stopped liking them. Even as 96 I still like how it looks. Hence my username.


3 has to turn to 4. IF I DO IT 3X ONLY SOMETHING BADS GONNA HAPPEN 😨 And when I see 52 it means i have to try harder. There is no explanation for thwt one 😭


The word “eight” or any five-letter word used to do that for me 😬😱


13 is bad, 18 is good.


I dont have any number-related OCD but I do have strong preferences * Prime numbers = bad. 2 is an exception, 3 is alright, but 5 is pushing it, and 7 is not good. 11, 13, 17, 19 are awful! * Highly composite numbers are the best numbers. 2 and 4 are a cold start, but 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 are wonderful. 60 is beautiful, as are 120, 180, 240, 360, 720, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520. All must bow before the glorious 5040. These preferences apply when numeric choices are needed, like image sizes, audio volume settings, etc. They don't so much apply when counting things, like steps, objects, words, etc., hence why I dont think this is number-related OCD. my ocd just makes me shit at holding onto relationships 🙃 among other things


3 and 9. I have to do things 3 times, and if I go over it by accident, it’s 9 times. Because it’s 3x3, which is awesome


5 is my bad number. 9 is good.


That's me with the number three, fuck the number three


I used to have number compulsions. I would get extremely agitated if I didn't do anything that wasn't a multiple of 7, especially 14.


4 is good. It used to be 5s or 42(21 was acceptable) until I spent too much time with my friend, who has a bunch of OCD manoeuvres around 4, and it rubbed off on me.


if i see 27 its bad news but if i see (or type, or say, or write) 28 then it fixes it


17. edit: not a fan


8 is the best single digit and 18 is the best 0-20 but not for any particular reason. I do love 4, 8, 16, 18, good solid even numbers that fit just right




3 is so good. I love 3.


Big 32 fan


7 good 6 bad (religion based) Multiples of 5 are okay unless they add to 6


I like even numbers, I hate all odd numbers except for 3


i hate 5 and and any number that starts or ends in 5. except 54 cause multiples of 9 🫶🫶


When I’m adjusting anything that displays a number, it has to be even. Car radio, fridge water dispenser, etc. The only time it wasn’t was when I had a padlock on my old job’s work locker with password 1111. Angel numbers don’t make me feel icky. But adjusting the sound volume to 11 or filling my water bottle to 11 oz would feel icky. Edit: spelling


i try to avoid seeing 444 on the clock because I've always tended to get delusional over angel numbers


Number 9 is just awful. If I post a comment, message, or anything really, and the clock is for example 12:09, I'll wait for a minute to post it. It's crazy how certain numbers can make your anxiety go through the roof.


5. i had weird number superstitions as a child and 5 was luck. i still always tend to pick things in fives lmao


3 is my safe number


Fuck 7 forever 


i also don't fuck with 11, 13 or 17. odd numbers are very safe other than that.


Holy shit I just realised the number thing is an ocd thing...Ever since I was a child I kept seeing a specific number and it still keeps happening, as if its everywhere around me (frequency illusion definitely plays into that aswell) and I was so scared of turning the age that number represented because I thought I'd die or get pregnant accidentally or something. omg its not a thing. that's quite freeing to realise actually.


My kid uses 11 a lot too. I can't give him 10 minutes it has to be 11 minutes. He's 6 so I don't know if he's OCD but this made me think of him.


i live by multiples of 4 and 8. y’know how some of us need to keep the volume at a multiple of 5 or 10? for me it NEEDS to be a multiple of 4. multiples of 8s are best, but any multiples of 4 will do just fine. i blame minecraft for this…!


if it’s not a multiple of 5, absolutely not. but especially 7 and 9


I actively avoid the number between 22 and 24 to the point that it’s ridiculous. Last year was easily the worst year of my life and I swear I know fucking WHY.


3 in sets of 3


11, 6, 13. I like 10 but can't do anything 10 times in case I accidentally do it 11 times


Get 17 the fuck away from me. So much wrong with it


Numbers that end in 1 are bad, numbers that end in 2, 4 or 8 are good and everything else is neutral.


3, 7, 13, 21, 31, 45, 59, 70, 75, 90, 95 (anything that has a 6 in it sucks except 16)


squash normal sable upbeat late marvelous straight yam frightening rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


8 is the best number. I will say eleven feels better when you call is one teen


I couldn’t comment or like the first time cause there was 4 replies and 44 likes…I’m sure we guess my number lmao


You may not want to watch Stranger Things…


Nice to see a fellow 13 enjoyer. I don’t have any serious bad numbers, but 13 and 5 are my good ones(plus multiples of 13. Multiples of 5 are acceptable but less so)


not me having a 333 tattoo😵‍💫


I don't want to say bc I'm worried saying my numbers or the ones I avoid will ruin the good ones


Odd numbers. I hate when I end on an odd number.


Good: 1, 7, 9, 11, 17, 19, etc Ok: 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, etc Bad: 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, etc (and any number with a 6)


3/6/9 etc. are too sharp for my liking but 4 is perfect to me


5, multiples of 5, 13, and 3 are my happy numbers with 5 and 3 being compulsion numbers. Not a fan of 7


6 or 26 is my favorite. Even numbers are good and anything that ends in 5 or 0 is acceptable. No odd numbers or prime numbers. 😂


I usually have a tendency to pick 32 or 7 and most prime numbers


2,3,6,8,11 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 I'm not really bothered by them anymore but when I did I hated those guys


Anxiety number: 6 and all its combinations: 6, 66, 666, 6666 and even within decimals (6.66) and those decimals ending in 6 (247.6) Comfort number: ✨5✨


2, 4, 8 and 10 and on occasion 5 and 6


best number is 8. if i cant get to 8 ill go with 4.


Good (necessary): 21 and all variations with 21 as in 12, 42, 121, 421 etc. this includes dates. There are no inherently bad numbers but odd numbers are far superior to even numbers. I never set alarms or anything on 0s or 5s. Always should be like 3:27. Alarms should not be 12s or 21s however. What’s amusing is I waited my whole life for 2021. I turned 50 that year which meant I was 49 (nice odd number) most of that year. Instead I almost died and spent months in the hospital. So much for that.


me and the even numbers, especially 4 and any multiples of 10🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝me with the number 3, 13, anything with a 3❌❌❌❌


7!!!!! But 3 is okay too because it’s super odd (one on both sides and one in the middle). 2 is very bad


6 is the worst, any 3s or 9s


I try to avoid any numbers that are not multiples of either 2 or 5 as much as possible. I feel safe with multiples of 4 except 4 itself, like 8, 12, 16, and so on. 8 is the best of all.


3 raised to any power (3, 9, 27, etc) controls my entire life


0358 are my faves and if I look at the clock and it ends with one of these it’s fine but if not I have to make sure I look at the clock until it is!! Or I keep looking until it’s one of these lol


My trigger numbers always change. My first trigger number was 8. Now, I like 5, 7, 15. I am ok with 3 most multiples of 5. I am so triggered by 4 or anything with 4 in it. I played Silent Hill 4, and it was very scary, so I now associate 4 with it, haha. 27 also triggers me because of the 27 club. I also am triggered by 9 because of the Revolution Number 9 by The Beatles. Gosh OCD is silly...


3 is my number 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27 etc... I was gonna stop at 9 but can't stop until it's a set of 3...


I like 1. 3, 5, and 7 endings are always good. The number 9 is okay. Multiples of 10 are great. No ending in 1, 2, or 8. It's too even.


i love 7’s so much and how 9’s multiply


From childhood to about 20 it was even numbers were good, odd numbers were awful and caused anxiety. One Head trauma later and I now like multiples of 3.


2, 5, and 7 are good!! 🤣🤣😌😌😌 Edit: 6 is horrible.


Triple 6 I don't like. And 9 with two ones after it I don't like either. My favs are 3 and 11


it has to be four or eight or five but not six


23 is good, 22 is bad. It applies to dates as well. The movie 23 fucked me up.


The number 9, but 10 and 8 are both good to me


Evens are good unless it’s the tv volume which has to be an odd. Six is bad, nine is mostly okay, and three is on thin ice. If any of those three are repeating its Bad News. There’s some specific stuff but that’s the basics


i always count to 20!


9 is my anxiety number


7, 12, 9, and multiples of 3 or 11 are my enemies but 2, 8, 28 and multiples of 5 are safe


Mostly 10, 20 , 4 and 5 . Though With a specific door at night it’s 22.


They don’t make me happy though. I’d love to get rid of this. Counting is a nightmare but still feels safe . Hate it all