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My OCD makes me so afraid of mind altering substances that I’ve even given up caffeine and alcohol lmao.


This is probably healthier lol


Physically lmao but I love coffee and craft beer and not being able to enjoy those things even in moderation without going into a panic spiral is no fun. Even the smell of marijuana makes me anxious now.


You have to exercise extreme caution with using these kinds of things to treat any disorder let alone OCD, as different people can have *drastically* different reactions, some of them very harmful, especially if you’re already taking meds


yea over all I would say its best to wait until clinicians find a way to harness the power. Ive lost friends because of psychs. It can definitely bring out all kinds of intense mental episodes and the stories about some people never recovering are true ive seen it first hand multiple times.


Psychedelics are better than SSRI. I speak from experience.


Speaking from experience as well. I stopped taking psychedelics because a trip sent me in such a terrible spiral that my symptoms got significantly worse for years after.


Damn that sounds terrible. Sorry that those were the effects for you. A lot of research still needs to be done. Psilocybin mushrooms have been a lifesaver for me, while LSD has given me mixed results.


shrooms are the only psychs ill ever consider doing again. That or ketamine because ketamine always made me feel amazing for weeks after. Doing acid with OCD is terrible because the first fucking thing my mind thinks is "is this really acid or is it 25i-NBOMe and I am about to overdose on a research chemical. The whole trip gets consumed with this.


yea psychedelics brought out my OCD and gave me depersonalization so ymmv when it comes to psychs lol




Are mushrooms good for ocd ?


Anecdotal but yes, very much so


Mushrooms are the only thing I would actually recommend out of those substances, but be cautious about strains some can make it way worse.


What strain and amount is good for my ocd to get better ? I have very very bad false memory ocd where My mind is playing games on me . Im not doing therapy and avoiding meds , but if shrooms do work I’ll give it a shot


Everyone is different, out of all the ones I've tried so far "penis envy" seems to have the best and longest lasting results at 2-4 grams a session. Helped me quit drinking, ended my night terrors, and intrusive thoughts. I don't recommend trying it if you have no experience with psychedelics as it can be a lot to take in and affects everyone's mind differently.


Shrooms can work wonders for treating OCD. If you get psilocybin in jurisdictions where it is decriminalized or legal, such as Washington, DC or Oregon, or some cities in CA, you can buy medical grade stuff in a chocolate bar form that's very safe.


hit my soul


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