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The candles, music, and warm bath could have just been for her. She might have just wanted to relax with some atmosphere. It’s amazing, but not at all surprising, that everyone assumes that whatever Nicole was doing that night had to have involved a man somehow. Could be she knew he was coming with the glasses and she planned to seduce him but… maybe she just wanted to chill with candles and music. If she was expecting someone *other* than Ron Goldman, that person never arrived.


[there were messages left on ron's answering machine at 10pm that night](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/hisnameisron.htm) from friends who were waiting to hear back from him to confirm plans. at least 2 people said they would just head over to his place. so if he was planning to see them shortly after 10pm, it seems to rule out that he was planning to spend the evening with nicole.


Tom Lange said that Goldman’s pager kept going off and that they found out after the fact that friends were expecting him and the pages were looking for him. It’s doubtful that he was planning on staying at Nicole’s based on that info.


And if they were lovers and he was heading to see her he would have either kept his schedule open or have cleared it.


I read this article once before and surprisingly, this upset me more than anything I’ve seen or heard to do with this whole fiasco. I’m rereading again and I feel sick.


i was working from home in 1994-95, and what that really meant was that i watched the trial every single day, followed by all the evening programs discussing the day's events. i can truly say that watching kim goldman's reaction to the verdict was easily one of the most heart-wrenching things i've ever witnessed. even after all this time, i don't think many days go by where i don't recall at least just a flash of that moment. the combination of grief & anger displayed by kim & her father over the course of the trial affected me more than i can describe. i've always been a somewhat stoic type person, but that family broke my fucking heart.


A lot of women have baths with candles etc myself included as it’s relaxing. I never got the logic that this meant Nicole was waiting for a man.


An awful lot of men think everything women do is for them. It’s ridiculous.


I agree and this is a great point. That said OJ used to hide in the bushes and spy on Nicole. One time OJ was overheard on a 911 call Nicole placed yelling at Nicole about “f*cking another man” in her home. I do think it’s entirely possible that OJ was spying on Nicole that night, saw her light candles, play music and draw a bath and assumed like many men in this subreddit do: that Nicole was having another man over. I could see OJ being triggered by this as he was in the past. If OJ was a jealous, spying ex who thinks Nicole is preparing to seduce a man and then Ron rolls up with her sunglasses: It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that OJ assumed this was all about sex between Nicole and Ron


Sadly, OJ’s assumption and abusive controlling behavior cost two people their lives. I’m assuming as well but I do think he saw what she was doing and seeing a male arrive, triggered him.


Yep. As I've said a few places before, his friends confirmed he stalked her on occasion. The fact that her entire front yard looked like a damn jungle didn't help her.


I agree with everything. I think Ron was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I agree with your assessment! He was a narcissistic lunatic who was confirmed by even his own friends to have staked out her house on occasion. She also had waayyy too many bushes and trees almost covering up her entire front of house. Looked like a jungle.


They don’t? After 68 years, you have crushed my ego!


Well you had to find out sometime.






🎯 Exactly, I was going to say that myself. Especially since she got in a fight with OJ after the recital. And the fact she finally made the decision that she would never get back with him. This poor woman was stressed out!! She needed to relax and clear her mind of the day's event. Not to mention, she has to figure out how to fully extract herself from an abusive relationship she has been in since she was 18. She knew nothing else. So yeah, definitely the poor woman needed a relaxing bath.


I don’t think they had a plan locked in that night, nor do think she was necessarily “prepping” for a man, BUT I do think overall, there was a high chance they had been “hanging out” - and not that there was anything wrong with that either.


I agree I mean they must have been quite good friends as he apparently had been driving her car.


I think they were in the early stages of figuring out what that friendship was - they clearly were/became very fond of one another over a short period of time - but sadly for them, that privilege was taken away.


You are naive. He was her milf , 10 years younger with no baggage, no body drops off sunglasses at 1030 at night


And so what if they were lovers


This was my opinion at the time. So what? They could have been doing it on the steps. They shouldn’t be murdered!!! They were divorced. OJ had a girlfriend. So TF what!


It's almost like they're trying to blame the victims..smdh


Like it gave the murderer had a valid reason??


I don't think OP was victim shaming at all, just try to get a sense of OJ's motive and if he got wind of Ron being there that night and that is why he chose that night to kill Nicole.


I think it can come across as wrong - the assumption that they were lovers/or forcing of this lover narrative - for a variety of reasons. But I believe for a lot that do, this Is because in their minds: - at least if they were lovers they could make sense of the whole thing - at least if they were lovers they could “understand” how this “could” have at least happened - at least if they were lovers and HE stumbled across THEM, that would then mean that he at least “reacted” (in an inexcusable and psychotic way) vs “premeditated” such a heinous crime. Would the former situation make this excusable? NO but people like to identify with feelings and emotions, especially when processing an incident such as this one (he HAD been a beloved public figure after all).


She was said to be a romantic and several friends commented that she loved candles. I don’t think they were lovers…maybe in time they might have become closer, but I don’t think they were at the time of the murders. He was there to bring over Nicole’s mother’s glasses. I think that’s all he was there for.


Candles, Epsom salt bath & music is how I relax after a long day. Many women do this without a man anywhere in sight. It’s relaxing, not seduction.


Nicole always took baths with candles. Nothing out if the ordinary.


I prefer soap but whatever works for her


This. As a mom, I NEED me time. I love baths with candles, music and a book. The last thing I went during my me time is a man.


I always do have candles, music and scented water...it's called a bath.


Her license plate was L84AD8 It is corroborated in sworn depositions of those who knew her best that she dated a dozen + different men after she split from OJ. He was a good looking young guy and she was an attractive single woman. Why WOULDNT people assume there was something romantic? And furthermore, what at all is wrong if there was?? Would it be untoward of two single people to comingle?


>The candles, music, and warm bath could have just been for her I agree. When my kids were young, my husband used to have a standing appointment on Wednesday nights. I used to do self-care those nights (facials, mani/pedi). Some weeks, though, I just needed to relax and unwind so I'd create a soothing environment - candles, music, hot bath with a glass of wine and my book.


I’m amazed at how many people find the concept of the self care in treating yourself to a warm bath with music and candles a foreign concept that must automatically involve someone else lol. Also, there was one melty bowl of ice cream. If he was her guest if he was there already there would’ve been two bowls of ice cream and if she was expecting him to arrive soon, she more likely would’ve waited to serve the ice cream with him - if I expect a guest will arrive at any minute I don’t serve myself a bowl of ice cream right then. It’s just speculation, but that makes more sense to me than thinking a bath must imply a guest. That being said Furman is adamant that they were lovers. I haven’t read enough about that to form an opinion and to understand why he thinks that. But I saw a video clip where he said had a witness who would not come forward with a story of her with Ron driving her white car passed OJ’s house taunting him to make him jealous.


I take pretty much everything from Fuhrman with a grain of salt, but the story of Goldman driving Nicole's car \[which apparently was a semi-regular thing\] specifically past Rockingham to make OJ jealous sort of tracks for me because other unsubstantiated claims put it that Goldman was trying to obtain financing for his restaurant adventure from her and she'd at one point suggested reaching out to OJ about it and him not thinking much of the idea. I believe he knew Goldman, even if not by name, as a person in Nicole's orbit. He'd seen her with other men before and listened to her talk about other men with him, which is why I don't believe any supposed "jealousy" over him just showing up there would have been so powerful a trigger so as to result in the level of homicidal violence on display in the killings. A crime of passion, such as it is, could be a single, brutal slash across the neck sufficient to kill a person quickly, but to nearly sever her head the way it had been takes not just a total lack of hesitation \[suggestive of experience and specific knowledge\] but also the use of a weapon specifically prepared to be able to make short work of bone. Any basic kitchen knife or even something specifically purchased from Ross Cutlery as a prop for a TV pilot without having been sharpened might have hurt a person really bad or killed them with repeated blows, but used by someone who didn't know what they were doing? And who'd never done it before? You'd be much more likely to mishandle the knife and deliver a non-lethal blow. And we're told both killings were committed in the span of thirty seconds or less. The only way a person would have been able to pull that off in anything close to the time allotted by the Prosecution's theory of the case was one that went in with knowledge, control, *intent* and experience, as well as a weapon that had been made ready to all but decapitate a person. *Could* OJ have wielded that knife? Anything is possible, but unless OJ had a secret life as a serial killer or a ninja assassin, I doubt it. Oh, and even talking to some Navy Seals in preparation for *Frogmen* wouldn't have qualified.


OJ put his foot on Nicole’s back, leaving Bruno Magli footprint, and cut her throat from behind. It doesn’t take rare skills to do that, especially for a guy who was told about that technique not long prior. A good quality kitchen knife will open your throat to the bone easily if the head is being stretched back and there’s pressure from behind the neck as in the above scenario. Human flesh isn’t that tough. Having been stabbed, I have some idea of how the body responds to sharp bits. (Poorly)


I’m starting to think that men cannot conceptualize women doing something for themselves and not for a lover or spouse lol


Or they came up the walk, discovered the bodies, and took off like hell.


I don’t think so but it literally never mattered to me


Agree. She was divorced. She was free to do as she pleased.


It is so maddening that she was slut shamed during the trial and by the press. Nicole was a young single woman who was entitled to date any man she pleased. OJ was banging a ton of women before, during and after their marriage and wasn’t treated the same.


It was disgusting. Shouldn’t have been allowed.


Great points. Her sexual history shouldn’t have been brought up at all. Even if she was promiscuous, she didn’t deserve to be brutally murdered, especially with her children upstairs sleeping. Thank God the police found her body before Sydney and Justin did. That is what makes O.J. did so reprehensible. He not only killed his children’s mother, he left her body outside of her home for their children to find.


So the children slept through all of it?


Yes. Sydney and Justin were deep sleepers. Nicole mentioned this in her 911 call when O.J. was screaming at her when she lived in the Gretna Green house in 1993. She said the kids were asleep and they “were like rocks.”,” meaning they were hard sleepers.


I agree that it doesn't matter. I took OP basing it off Furhman and then trying to find motive. Not that it was wrong but that OJ was jealous and psycho. That's what I took from it. If OJ stalks her, he's already there and dressed in black. He sees a guy show up, he thinks because his kids are there that he gets a say in her business. He thinks this is the guy and loses it. I don't think Nicole is to blame in any of that. I've always thought the drug angle. I've read multiple times over he was a low level distributor. And, also... nothing wrong with that either. Yes, I know about the glasses. And yes, I don't think either of them deserved to die for what they were up to. Regardless.


Furhman shouldn’t have brought it up either. But he’s a bigot and a dirty cop, so I’m not surprised he did.


Yeah. For real. Who puts that in a book when you can't even prove it? "I'm not saying he said it was Nicole, but I mean... come on, now." Who raised this guy?


Ron was not a drug dealer. There was no drugs found at the crime scene, no drugs in their bodies, no signs either of them was a coke user such as nose damage and there was also no drugs found in ron‘s apartment. All there is, is nasty people on the internet spreading vile rumors about a man who was brutally slaughtered because he was kind enough to return a pair of glasses.


This is the answer. It doesn’t matter.


Right. Either way, they ended up dead. Most jealous exes assume any person their ex is talking to they are also fucking. That’s sort of the nature of jealousy, especially the kind that leads to violence. Whether that’s true or not doesn’t really factor in.


It mattered to L/E who would have tried to figure out why he was there in the first place, and whether his being there was the motive for murder.


I don't think they were lovers, but I can see where OJ would think they were, with Ron showing up late at night, freshly showered & handsome. When I worked full time I would take a luxurious bath every Sunday night to prepare for the week - bubbles, candles, wine, music. Had nothing to do with a man.


Like 50 years ago ? 🙄


Maybe they were flirting and maybe it might’ve happened in the future, but who knows. I doubt it was gonna happen that night.  Nicole was seeing Marcus Allen at that time and was having a fling with Rons friend Mike Davis, the “Brentwood hello guy.”  Also, according to Kim, Ron was seeing someone. 


Ron was seeing Andrea and was planning to introduce her to the family that month. He had recently broken up with his long time girlfriend Jacqui.


How was Nicole seeing Marcus Allen when he had just gotten married the year before? I understand adultery, but it doesn't mesh well.


They were having an affair. 


Ok so here is my question about the bathtub thing. Everytime it's mentioned it seems like people think OK had knowledge of it and it was part of why he decided to complete the act. But I have two issues with it, first being that Bundy is a three story duplex. I own a three story duplex and decided to see if I could find a floor plan for this one. I only found one for the first floor. In my opinion, the killer is unlikely to have known about the scene in the bathroom so it is irrelevant, just an extraneous piece of knowledge that has created speculation that had become a part of the lore. My other is, if this caused him to be so enraged to murder where they left lit? One excuse I've heard for him committing these acts was to "protect" his kids from her lifestyle of drugs and sex. Leaving candles lit on a house where your kids are sleeping puts them in immense danger. For the record, I think he did it because he didn't want to lose control of his obsession and, in his mind, property.


Leaving candles in the house puts the kids in immense danger? Are you kidding me? The candles were in Nicole’s bathroom, the kids were asleep, she went to answer her door. FFS, get a grip.


I was reading Cora Fischman's deposition the other night, and she states that Nicole did not find Ron attractive but that he was "verbally seducing" her, and that Faye Resnick had told her that Faye & Nicole wanted to have a threesome and were considering Ron to have it with, so Nicole had planned to sleep with Ron on the night of the murders to see if he was any good in bed and if he would be a good candidate for the threesome. Faye says in her book that Ron and Nicole were not sleeping together but that they would have eventually. Obviously this is all unverifiable info and a lot of people consider Faye to be unreliable due to her drug addiction, but i found it interesting that Cora spoke about it in her deposition and it wasn't all just things she had been told by Faye, but some by Nicole and some by another guy whose name was redacted. So my best guess is that they were not lovers and had not had a prior sexual relationship but that they may have had plans for a romantic encounter on the night they were killed. I think it was more than just a friendly guy bringing back a customer's glasses for sure.


Didn't Cora's husband told OJ at the recital rumours about Nicole & Faye that prompted OJ to say that he's 'going to get her good'? This connects with what he wrote in the book about Charlie telling him that something bad is happening at Bundy. His words were: "whatever is going on there has to stop". So, I am speculating but maybe this is what drove him over the edge. He went to Bundy in a rage, and when Ron showed up he must have felt that all the rumours were true - whatever he heard, I assume drugs and orgies.


Yes, I think that is correct about Ron Fischman. I can really see the whole thing playing out how he described in the book. He hears rumors he doesn't like, gets really worked up. Goes over there with an intent to yell at her, scare her, etc. Gets there, sees the scene which appears to be romantic-looking. Ron walks in, confirms his suspicions (in his own mind), and he loses it.


This is how I also see it. But I am curious on the specifics. Did he stab her before Ron showed up? Or did they had a talk first? In the book he says he and Ron started 'talking a bit loud', then Nicole got out and told him to gtfo, after that 'Nicole fell' and he and Ron got into it. But how did she get her defensive wounds on the hands if she was unconscious the whole time? In Tom Lange's doc they say the first stab that Ron sufferered was in the leg and the angle suggests that OJ was bent down at that time, presumably on Nicole's body.


But why bring a knife? Did he truly have other intentions?


One of her friends had said in a documentary I watched that she was always scared of him "slicing her up" or something like that. I can see him thinking he was going to scare the crap out of her and teach her a lesson, so he brought the knife to appear more menacing. Then he completely lost his temper and ended up going on a stabbing spree.


Nicole’s sister said Nicole was always afraid of knives. OJ knew this too. He was a spiteful shit


Who's to say he brought the knife with him? The knife could have been there at the house and he grabbed it and used it. Or Nicole could have had it on her because she was scared of a possible intruder or to confront O.J. I saw it said that O.J. had on a previous occasion slit Nicole's tires. He could have brought a knife with him to slit her tires again. As far as why he was wearing a knit cap, gloves, and dark clothing if not to come and murder Nicole: He could have gone there just to spy on her and dressed that way to do so without being caught. He also could have intended to scare her - either by being in disguise and acting like a robber or something or by just appearing after initially being hidden - which would explain the clothing. If he hadt he knife on him, it could have been just to scare the hell out of Nicole. He also could have been intending or have it in him to physically assault her, with or without a knife, as he had done to her in the past, but had no intention of murdering her or anyone else, yet flew into a rage in the course of time there observing and interacting and altercation, that turned literally murderous. I am of the opinion that O.J. did not go to Nicole's home with the intention of killing her or anyone else who happened to be there. I just don't think he was that stupid. It would have been such a dumb plan the way he went about things that would have easily put him in the position of getting caught. It doesn't seem like he would've gone through with it, planning it and executing the plan, knowing that. It makes sense to me that he rather went there with other intentions, but lost it and in the heat of the moment murdered Nicole and Ron.


EXCEPT. FOR ONE THING. At the time of murders I do recall it had been widely circulated that O.J. had recently been trained by a navy seal in knife wielding/throat slitting in preparation for a movie role. Which of course never happened for obvs reasons. No. I think Knife was on him.


Everything Faye said in her book turned out to be true. In fact, most of it had already been leaked to the press before she even wrote it.




Pretty sure it was the Fischmans and OJs team doing the leaking. They were trying to create a narrative that Nicole was living a “dangerous life,” and that’s why she was murdered.  Read Cora’s deposition. The only people who knew about Nicole and Faye’s affair was Nicole and Faye, and then Nicole told Cora about it. Cora says Faye was very upset that Nicole told her about it bc it was Faye’s “biggest secret” and so she was forced to address it in the book. 


Occams razor to me says they weren't planning a date ad hoc or not; Ron Goldmam just saw a chance to ingratiate himself with a pretty girl and took it.


Can we get a link her deposition, would love to read it.




Damn, that was exhausting. She constantly contradicts herself. She’s so far up OJ’s ass.


While there may have been some discussion regarding a threesome or a one night stand, the issue with the “try out” romantic encounter being “planned” for that night is: - the lost glasses were clearly a mistake/accident - they weren’t even her glasses, they were her mothers - they had been found on the curb or something IIRC - R.G. wasn’t asked to find and/or return them by N.B.S. originally. He volunteered after a colleague mentioned it to him - R.G. had post work plans that evening with friends. - R.G. didn’t let them know he was going over there or that he might be delayed due to a some sort of dalliance. They continued waiting on him after he didn’t show. Taking the above into account, IMO it was not possible for C.F. to have known that there was some sexual tryst planned for the night in question. IMO, she is less credible than F.R.


If OJ thought Faye and Nicole would eventually sleep with Ron (or even just Nicole) I could see this triggering his insanity


Cora/Faye = Such B$. He was returning the glasses. She was getting ready to take a relaxing bath after a very busy day.


Cora was under oath for a deposition. I have no problem believing that the bath was just for Nicole but I also don't think it's a big stretch to believe there may have been some potential between them for a more-than-friends relationship




I read part of Cora’s deposition too. Who do you suppose was the guy (name redacted) that introduced Ron to Nicole? He seems to be someone who would know more but has never been mentioned before.


Thanks for the link. On what page is that information on?


We’re did you read this


He was driving his girlfriend’s car and her keys are what was found at the scene. I believe he was just a nice guy doing a favor. Clearly that’s not what OJ thought


i feel like we have this conversation once a week lol. i don’t think they were. but i honestly don’t think it really matters. she was a single woman, she could do whatever she wanted. i also think it’s perfectly normal to have a self care night for yourself without it needing to be for her and a man. she deserved a self care night after all.


Doubt it. Ron had a girlfriend. Nicole did that for her own relaxation (candles in the tub, soul music playing, etc.).


I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. Nicole was divorced and free to do what she wanted. I think OJ absolutely thought they were lovers though.


Ron was driving his girlfriend’s car. Her kids were in bed, she’d just had a long day. It was rather late. My first thought would be she was tired and wanted to unwind. That should be the only thought actually


Even if Nicole wasn't attracted to him, I guarantee Ron was trying test his luck that night. No chance he would've volunteered to return the glasses after work if there wasn't a gorgeous blonde waiting for them. Wrong place, wrong time. Poor guy.


He also went home to change his clothes before heading to her place


He was planning on going out that night and was to be meeting up with friends/co-workers right after he returned the glasses.


And shower


That cinches it then.


He had plans with friends. Kim Goldman interviewed the friend on her podcast.


“Poor guy” yet you had no problem smearing him 🙄


Not true at all. When you have regular customers that are good tippers, running a quick errand like that would be common. According to THIS THREAD he was going back out anyway.


i can't imagine caring. they didn't deserve to die.


Reading the comments Ron was gay.. he was driving his girlfriend's car.. he was bringing Nicole her sunglasses.. it was Nicole's mother's glasses. Staff at restaurants don't normally deliver items left behind. True. Whatever the reasons he did and he died horribly. Nicole was no longer with OJ. If she was meeting up with Ron or whoever... so what?? That's a pretty gruesome death for getting on with your life


Too bad OJ didn’t have a shit when he was having affairs on Nicole.


No I don’t so I’m sure I heard that he was going to give her glasses and go to hang out later with his friends I’m sick and tired of people trying to excuse OJ murdering her because she might’ve been dating Ron (for some reason some of them think she was still his wife) She was a single woman free to do whatever she wants


I don't think anyone is saying that it was ok for OJ to murder her if she was having a relationship with Ron. Where do you get that? I also don't see anyone saying that she wasn't free, as a single woman, to do whatever she wants. I think OP was just asking for opinions/speculation on whether they were involved.


sorry I should’ve made it clear that I’m not talking about this post specifically I’m talking generally there’s a lot people on Twitter and tik tok supporting oj and they bring up that she might have been dating ron or the fact she let him borrow her Ferrari and they use to it to justfiy oj murdering her


I don’t think it matters one way or another, but Kim Goldman interviewed one of Ron’s friends on her podcast, and that friend said that Ron was supposed to come over to her house and hang out after he dropped off the glasses with Nicole.


I don't care if she slept with everyone in the restaurant. That shouldn't have happened.


I am a female and I do candles and bath alone. Very normal for women to do this


Facts: Ron had plans to meet a male friend at a bar that night. His pager was going off when they found his body ( the male friend wondering why he hadn’t shown up). Ron was driving his girlfriend’s car and those keys are on the ground at the crime scene. Also on the ground are nicoles mother’s glasses in an envelope with writing stating who they were for. Ron was at Nicole’s to drop off the glasses. While he may have hoped for a quicky (sex) with Nicole, there is no indication that was the plan.


Yes I do remember this. He did have plans to meet a male friend that night. the friend has since been interviewed multiple times, in multiple places.


No. There has never been any evidence to suggest this. I don’t know why it is so hard to believe that two attractive people can have a platonic relationship.


My inkling is yes, but what difference does it make? It doesn’t matter if 10 men visited that night, Nicole (and Ron) didn’t deserve to die period.


I feel like if that were true, someone like Faye Resnick would have come forward ages ago. I see in comments down below that some of Nicole's friends think he was flirty with her, but no actual relationship is confirmed. It's possible in the sense that anything is possible, but I never liked the tone of it: it just seemed like a salacious, "tee-hee" throwaway comment to push the idea that no one should feel bad that they were murdered since they were just a couple of Hollywood sleazebags.


In her first book Faye resnick said they were not lovers but she thought they might have been in the future they did not have


Dating after a divorce hardly makes anyone "a sleazebag." No need to deny the obvious just to protect someone's honor when it's not even necessary.


>Dating after a divorce hardly makes anyone "a sleazebag." Right, but would that have mattered to people who were buying copies of Globe magazine with "RON AND NICOLE WERE LOVERS" emblazoned on the cover?


Who cares? NO ONE is saying it justifies murder, for heaven's sake!


According to Kato , Nicole was seeing someone named Keith and Ron drove his girlfriends car to Nicole’s to drop off the glasses. So it is unlikely .


I don't care whether they were in a relationship or not. Nicole was allowed to have friends and lovers, she was allowed to be financially independent of her ex-husband, but OJ couldn't stand that she was finally at a point where she was going to be free of him. It seems like Goldman had a valid non-romantic reason to drop in that night, and OJ's rage and jealousy were so out of control, he had to be the last man standing.


No I don’t. I’ve never thought that


Even if they were hooking up they were two consenting adults. They didn’t deserve to be murdered.


I don't think they were lovers or friends with benefits. I think Furman was partially correct, except for one big detail. I feel OJ **thought** they were lovers and that was why he killed them that night, not that they were actually lovers. I've always felt OJ was attacking Nicole when Ron showed up and Ron was killed trying to help Nicole.


I don’t think they were lovers, but they probably would have been if Ron and Nicole had not be murdered. Nicole seemed to be dating around a lot at that time because she wasn’t Mrs. Simpson anymore. From O.J.’s perspective, if you’re seeing someone you used to love living footloose and fancy free without you, that hurts deeply, particularly if you still roll in the same social circles. I completely understand why that would mess someone up mentally. It definitely would mess me up, so much so that I’d want to move away, but neither of them could because of the kids. It doesn’t justify murder and it’s not meant to negate the myriad of bad things O.J. did to Nicole before the murders (beating her, belittling her, treating her like a trophy wife, having serial affairs, stalking her, etc.). I’m just saying that even a normal person would be driven to some pretty dark mental places, let alone a malignant narcissist and abuser like O.J.


He was in a relationship with Paula. It's so fucked up that in his mind he could date and fuck others, but Nicole couldn't.


Yep. He wasn’t exactly husband of the year material. I still need to read Paula’s book. I’d love to know what her relationship with O.J. was like. She got off easy, all things considered.


Nope. Ron was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time


I don't think so. I believe the account that he was just looking to go out for drinks with the bartender from Mezzaluna that night. However, I'm a man just a few years older than Ron was when he was murdered. I really would find it hard to believe he didn't have hopes of soon getting to "hit it," to use the parlance of our times. Maybe returning the glasses would give him some brownie points. I feel this sounds insensitive and I don't mean it to, as I also think he was just being a good guy. I'm also sure the thought had crossed Nicole's mind a time or two. So no, I don't think they were established as lovers, but I feel like something casual probably would've come. However, it's obvious that OJ assumed Ron was the new man, whether true or not, and that gave him even more rage.


Yes, I do think they had a personal possibly sexual relationship and there was nothing wrong with that. They were both grown ass adults. Unfortunately, an emotionally unstable person saw things differently. I know that they were close enough that Ron did not want to wait on Nicole’s table that night. He gave it to another server because he was not comfortable waiting on her. My source for this is a documentary I just watched about the murders. Actually one of many documentaries I recently watched since OJ died. Hard to believe that on June 12th it will be 30 years since their murders.


I do think they were lovers or FWB’s. How else would he know where she lived? I’m a regular customer at a couple restaurants but if I left something there they would call me or hold it for the next time I came in. No one is going to send their employee over on a busy night to bring me my sunglasses. That was weird also. It was late in the evening when she killed. It’s wasn’t like she needed those glasses 10pm at night.




I’ve always believed they were, and honestly why not? Both were single (at least, I’m pretty sure Ron was).


There was probably a flirtation there but I feel like it was unconsummated.


She was divorced. Why wouldn't she have men coming to see her if she wanted them to?


Ron was just bringing the glasses back. Nicole had a boyfriend named Kieth


Friends with benefits.


I think Ron was just a decent guy doing a nice gesture, he thought Nicole's mom would need her glasses, it wasn't out of his way, just being a gentleman.


Possibly, but not that night. Ron was supposed to go out with his friends. They kept paging him throughout the night trying to find out where he was.


Yeah- waiters don't drop glasses off. They turn them into the front desk. They were probably having a booty call. Not uncommon. Has noting to do with anything. Nicole and OJ were divorced. He was dating someone and they had moved on with their lives. OJ had no business being at Nicole's house.


He wasn’t a random waiter, they were good friends. 


There’s no front desk at Nicole’s - she lived in a condo not an apartment.


Ron was a stud ..who wouldn't




Yep 🔥




One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that the envelope containing Nicole's mother's glasses said, "Will pick up." and yet Ron was personally delivering them. I do believe they had a date that night. Nicole was done with OJ and moving on with a younger man (at least for a fling). She made it obvious that night, not letting him join the family for dinner, and that enraged OJ.


I noticed that too, and I think I read somewhere that Judi had called the restaurant about the glasses, they found them, and then Nicole called back and asked to speak with Ron. That's when it was assumed that they arranged for him to bring them to her instead of someone picking them up the next day.


Ron had plans to go to a club with friends. So I do believe he was just going to drop off Nicole’s mother’s glasses and leave. Mezzaluna wasn’t that far from Nicole’s Bundy condo.




Absolutely not!




Perhaps they were dating .


Nobody knows.


No, I think he was hoping.


Why did OJ bring a knife!!!!!


Well that's the question, isn't it?


It really doesn’t matter…but if you knew Ron was bringing the glasses over, wouldn’t you wait to run the bath, candles (maybe not), black night gown thing until after the package was delivered. Again it doesn’t change a thing.


Nicole’s friends and family all said she took baths frequently and lit candles literally every night. She was big into new age/zen/etc stuff and had candles all over her house. The two aren’t related at all. The police were never able to find any evidence that Ron was anything more than a friend.


No I wouldn’t wait


I don’t think she was waiting for someone other than Ron, or else they would’ve found the crime scene. It wasn’t found until about 2 hours later, when OJ was flying to Chicago. It’s possible that Ron was coming over to return the glasses *and* sleep with Nicole, or he may have just been returning the glasses. The best way to tell would’ve been to check the phone records, and ask friends and neighbors if he was visiting her condo a lot. If he would frequently come over at like 10 PM, that’s probably more than friends. But returning the glasses that one particular night doesn’t mean much imo.


No, not yet. I think there was definitely an attraction from Ron though.


Oj said Nicole always had candles...interview.."if I did it" his words..for her overhead...he said..he rhought.




Who knows? All three people are dead.


Whatever their relationship was, it's irrelevant to what happened to them.


No. Nicole was tired after a long day — daughters school event at which OJ gave her death stares noticed by everyone then she went out to dinner with her family to celebrate the daughter’s recital. Goldman came over to return the expensive glasses Nicole’s mother had forgotten at their table. He arrived there fairly late, and he had plans set with his friends for that evening and weekend. It was totally horrible circumstances that he was there when OJ showed up angry AF after staring at Nicole with death daggers in his eyes at the recital. And as others are saying women often use candles as part of a bath setup to feel more relaxed etc. The idea that this was for a man and that OJ was some poor dude reacting to his ex wife sleeping with some new guy is just offensive af. OJ was a vicious DVer; the most dangerous time for a victimized spouse is during and soon after a divorce. O.j followed a very predictable pattern. Also note that people focused On Nicole “cheating” when OJ had multiple women in his life including his girlfriend. Of course that was totally acceptable 🙄


No way. Waiters from restaurants personally deliver sunglasses to customers’ houses all the time! Nothing to see here.


The kids were home with her, so no. I don’t think the bath was for Ron- that wouldn’t make any sense


She was ten years older and sort of a MILF. He was probably tagging that on an occasion.


Any one else here read Juice: The O.J. Simpson tragedy in the book one of Nicole’s neighbors stated that they often saw Ron playing with Nicole’s kids and thought that she and Ron had adopted the kids. Evidently they were seen on dates at Cheesecake Factory and I know Ron bragged about driving her car according to his coworkers.


She was wearing a negligee or slip when she was murdered and expecting him to come over. It doesn't matter.


No, she was wearing the same black halter dress that she wore to Sydney’s recital earlier in the day.  She wore that same dress to Justin’s graduation a few days prior. 


Got it. Didn't realize that.


Why would Ron go home and shower first if he was just dropping off glasses?


Because he was going out to a club to meet friends after work


This is a great point. I've left things at restaurants before. I've never had my server deliver them to my house. The lingerie. The candles. One thing I never really heard confirmed was that Ron sold powder. In 1994, pagers weren't really everywhere yet. Drug dealers and doctors. Has anyone else ever heard that? Who knows.


This makes a lot of sense




I'm sure he was fucking her. I doubt they were lovers though. FBWs


There is something odd about going to a stranger’s house at night to drop off glasses. I don’t know if they were lovers, but I think one or both was pursuing it, even just casually. Nicole knew OJ’s behavior and she may have only been able to have casual encounters.


Nicole’s condo was on the way to Ron’s actual destination that night - his co workers apartment where they had plans to meet and go out for drinks. The prosecution mapped it out and it’s literally right on the way there. So him dropping off the glasses isn’t weird at all.


Who the hell cares honestly?






They had some relation going on I think, but I think OJ did not do it by himself.


I think it could've been very possible! It's also hard to prove, because one of Ron's friends said he made plans with him that night as well. Could he have been lying to the friend, and using him for cover? Sure, but we don't know that now, because he was murdered.


I always thought so, but it doesn't matter now nor then.


They were friends and hanging out for about 6 weeks


He parked on Dorathy. Not in front on Bundy and not behind her condo. if it was a stop and go he probably would’ve parked on Bundy and dropped them off and would be back in the car in 30-45 sec. I think he went over with the hope that it might turn into something else. If she was planning on sex she would’ve already had been bathed and likely wouldn’t of had underwear on under the skirt. She had black panties on. I think he parked on Dorathy probably for 3 reasons. Hope for a quickie, he had been advised by her to be a bit stealth because Oj would freak out, or parking on Bundy might not be legal or customary(no idea). But again, if it was quick hi and bye he would’ve parked on Bundy for the 45 sec he would’ve been there. My brain says that Oj was set off by seeing Ron but the evidence doesn’t show that. Evidence shows he stabbed Nicole in the throat a few times and hit her on top of the head. That could take 5+ seconds. 5 seconds that Ron could have fled out the gate. I believe Oj roughed up Nicole first attempting to kill her and Ron came up and said “hey hey hey” then got butchered.




Anyone ever see or read the layout of Nicole’s condo? Would the master bath candles or even the tub itself be viewable from the yard/windows?


Is it a common misconception that he was gay and a black belt in martial arts?


No. I don’t think there’s any evidence of that. Fred and Rons sister have been very open, and always said they were not. I think if she was waiting for anyone that night, it was Marcus. Which makes me wonder why her phone records for later that night have never been released.


Kim. Sorry. Forgot her name.