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you're thinking way too hard about this


no question about it. i medicated and had some "thinking" time. I have no clue why that popped in my mind, but here we are.




You ever just wonder things and ask others what they think? You know, thoughts? Act like you’ve never been high


been there haha love it


There’s no limit on the edible beyond the limitations of confectionery. So yes that cake could get made. It would taste terrible and the texture would be awful but there’s no THC limits on the edibles. 72oz of total volume. It’s the solution for home growers. Grow too much flower, put it in butter/oil/tincture and you’re good.


I think I read where they were changing it to where you can keep all of your flower from your home grows. I think that's smart because if they're going to allow you quite a few plants I don't think they should be able to say okay you got to throw the rest of it away. Lol. I could be wrong about that but I believe I read it.


I sure hope so!


I believe you’re correct. I had forgot about that.


> where you can keep all of your flower from your home grows. This has already been changed it's on the patient rights and responsibilities letter and on the website with the statute linked. https://oklahoma.gov/omma/patients-caregivers/patient-rights-and-responsibilities.html > Possession Limits - 63 O.S. § 420, OAC 442:10-2-8 > > At one time, licensed patients can legally possess: > > • Up to 3 oz. (84.9 g) of marijuana *on their person* > > • 6 mature marijuana plants **and the harvested marijuana** > > • 6 seedling plants > > • 1 oz. (28.3 g) of concentrated marijuana > > • 8 oz. (226.4 g) of marijuana *in your residence* > > • 72 oz. (2,037.6 g) of edible marijuana > > • 72 oz. of topical marijuana


You are correct, cause if one grows the plants right. You can easily get a lb or more off of 1 plant. They said just keep the extra and don't give it to people in simple terms. Since their legal wording is confusing to us lamon folk. In the past you could be charged with 1lb for having a seed in your car or whatever scenario you happen to have been popped in. So I don't think anyone really considered these parameters before setting the rules so to say.


An edible with 50% concentrate content would taste awful. Most edibles are around 0.5% or less THC by weight. I believe that OMMA limits batches of edibles to 1 kilo (2.2lbs in freedom units) of concentrate.


> I believe that OMMA limits batches of edibles to 1 kilo (2.2lbs in freedom units) of concentrate. I've never seen that anywhere in all my years.




Fair enough!


I work for a processor, so I’m pretty familiar with these rules. Unlike some companies, we dont view the rules as suggestions.


so a chocolate container with half inch chocolate walls filled with 2.2lbs concentrate. If created by a processor, sold by a dispensary and then you can legally carry that around as a medical card holder. masquerades as an edible, use the concentrate any which way you like. now I need to find a processor for the task!


I guess so, haha. I don’t know if they would even mix together right in such a ratio.


These are the thoughts I have when I take a 50mg edible at work


Man I wish I could help you but I don't have all the answers but I do believe they usually don't pick at you too much. Like if I got pulled over and I had more than an ounce of concentrates and the cop wanted to be a dick I don't even know what they could do. I wish I knew but I absolutely don't.


pretty sure as a cardholder, over the limit would be a fine and confiscation, that's about it, unless you are carrying multiple ounces or pounds, then they'd probably try to pin you for intent to distribute and what not.


72 oz goes off of the net weight of the edible. The package will say how much the edibles weigh. If you buy 12oz drinks, you could buy 6 of those drinks. RSO goes off of your concentrate limit, 1oz. You are also correct that the way the current rules are written that you could theoretically have a million milligrams of thc in your edible as long as it’s under 72oz. Oklahoma isn’t known for their ability to read and write laws coherently.


someone commented a batch size limit is 1kilogram of concentrate. so yes, the math is there, 1kg of 95% thc distillate would be 950,000 mg of thc, pretty darn close to a million milligrams. ain't that something.


Ahh thank you for the knowledge!


Edibles are classified at the Dispensary level via “metric category” I’m sure there is a small dispo somewhere in the state that buys from a small processor that makes FECO and claims it’s an edibles.


That's all I do with it. Goes right under my tongue.


>Just curious about how the laws are written, seems pretty poorly written to me The laws ARE written poorly, because lawmakers are not that informed about cannabis. Sometimes they are lobbied by interests about how they should be written, sometimes a draft gets shoved in their hand written entirely by someone else and they can't present it well (this has happened before a few times, no hyperbole in this statement about that.) When a law passes OMMA goes back and writes rules (the bill typically has some sort of "OMMA shall promulgate rulee" language in it) in more detail that go into the OAC / [Oklahoma Administrative Code](https://rules.ok.gov/code) (this link is searchable for rules for state agencies as set by state law but they are more detailed) And then OMMA's rules (this is a very long document but searchable as well) are just [over here too as a pdf](https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/omma/content/rules/June%201%202024%20OMMA%20Emergency%20Rules.pdf), pulled off their website. This changes every year or so every time the laws change, but it takes awhile/several months to a year behind the laws being passed because of how their [rulemaking](https://oklahoma.gov/omma/rules-and-legislation/rulemaking-process.html) works. FD: not a lawyer just trying to explain and no worries if while on an edible this did not help whatsoever lol edit: the regulations for edibles under OMMA's purview (not what someone would make at home that's just "you do you" although there are laws against sharing and OKLEG has been trying to pass bills to further re-criminalize/rollback provisions of SQ788) ... start on pg 54 of that pdf of those omma rules.


helpful? surely. it's all good for the conversation.


Yeah man, you can have 3 ounces of flower, an ounce of concentrate, and all those edibles and you’re still legal. It is not combined… think of it like a checklist… not an amount..


If I claim the flower as edible flower can I have 72 ozs of flower? This is sarcasm


There is no thc limit, it’s based on how much the edibles actually weigh lol. They weren’t thinking with that one. Most packs of gummies are anywhere from 2-3oz.


So you can take a pound of rosin and put a drop of coconut oil on top and boom. Edible


exactly. where's the crossover point from concentrate into an edible? That's what I'm trying to find out, is there a magic proportion of thc vs non-thc ingredients when the product gets classified as an edible.