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I’m pretty positive they’ve mentioned a couple of times how they’ll never review any New Japan shows.


I wonder why. Other than maybe accessibility. 


It’s because NJPW (or their parent company) are extremely strict on copyright takedowns, so it’s pretty much not worth the hassle for them to record and edit it all for it to get pulled down within seconds.


They are so damn strict that a many NJPW Youtubers quit making content because of the constant copyright takedowns. They are so aggressive with it that they would issue copyright takedowns on videos using pictures from events, not screenshots. Hell, their parent company did a copyright takedown on their own official NJPW YouTube channel.


Such a stupid decision on their part, do they not realise how big WWE is rn largely in part to its huge online presence where you can watch so many matches in full, or key moments from the weekly shows 30 minutes after they happened? No wonder nobody besides mega smarks care about NJPW anymore, they make it so inaccessible.


In the latest review they said it's because NJPW will copyright strike them to oblivion


I think they’ve mostly mentioned that there’s a lack of bollocks in their shows, as well as the fact that they have said that it takes more than just the prospect of seeing a good match to get them interested.


Wonder if they should look into that one story arc where The Great Muta impregnated an idol with his poison mist, and then she laid an egg. I think a sumo wrestler hatched from it later on. I have no idea how long of an arc it was, or if it was even NJPW. I just remember it happening.


That was in the now defunct HUSTLE promotion. Which, weirdly enough, was an attempt at a Japanese take on the WWE “sports entertainment” style. The Sumo wrestler in question was actually Akebono. Fondly remembered for his all time classic match against the Big Show! Now that’s something I’d love to see the lads review.




Not that I’m an expert in New Japan but it also seems like all their big matches involve like 10 years of backstory and character lore you need to know to be able to fully understand and explain the significance of this match and I can imagine it would be annoying for Jay to have to do all this research into like Tanahashi v Okada so he can do a segment to explain the feud just to have nerds umm actually you for all the stuff you left out or all the references to previous matches you missed in the match itself


Didn't Jay say real early on that Survivor Series 97 isn't gonna happen? Or just 97 in general.


Because montreal screwjob is done to death.


But not by them. Don't really care if others have done it, don't follow other wrestling peeps.


It was the Capital Carnage '98 review. It was the first Tattoo For Review™ and V1 said something like "and they picked the one show you said we'd never do." Then there's a pause and Jay coyly says, "I mean, Survivor Series '97" and they all just laugh.


One of the best years in wrestling with loads of bollocks. They'd be crazy to not review it. 


@manufacturerunited59 YES! There is so much that happens in the time between Summerslam 97 and Survivor Series 97 that the Screwjob itself would be the afterdinner mint after the buffet of content from that timeframe.


It would be cool if they do SS '97, but that does mean they have to cover the Screwjob however there is a way round it. When "that moment" happens, Just have the boy's rant into oblivion about how over done "the Screwjob" spot is, I mean let them go for it.


Jay said HHH reign of terror was when he was his Smarkiest and a bad time for him as a fan. So don’t think they’ll do it. I would love to see that though, there’s a lot of bollocks in the RA era.


I feel like they should do JBL's Reign of Terror. I think Jay dropped out of wrestling when it started and came back around the time it ended, there has to be some crazy stuff he missed in that year


I’ve been suggesting that for one years. I fell off wrestling right before JBL won the title. So many terrible matches from what I’ve heard. 🤗 Warms the cockles and sub-cockles of my heart.


We're definitely due for a modern WWE arc


I would like them to cover one of three Christian's One More Match Shawn's Farewell Tour Nexus arc However I would like them to cover WM 40 in a Brucey Bonus


Focusing on Christian’s One More Match would be hilarious because that would put the Summer of Punk as the side attraction.


Summer of Punk would be cool despite the timeline being incredibly weird.


One More Match/Summer of Punk would be great, just for Main Event R-Truth.


I want a Mr America arc


sidenote: it's kinda funny to think of something that happened about 15 years ago as being "modern". (no hate, I'm in my mid 40's, the early 2010's still feel somewhat recent to me as well)


I kind of agree but I think Jay said he doesn't want to do modern WWE because it's like "getting blood from a stone" in terms of enjoyment. Personally I think an NXT arc would be cool. Like a Sami Zayn chasing the NXT title, Undisputed Era arc if they want to go longer.


Here’s the best way to approach JBL’s reign. If you think the finish to Big Show v JBL in the barbed wire cage is awesome, you’re gonna love it. If you think it’s awful? You’re gonna have a bad time. I’m very much in the former category.


>Jay said HHH reign of terror was when he was his Smarkiest and a bad time for him as a fan. So you're saying it was Jay's Black Reign era?


If you mention "Reing of Terror" to Jay on X, he'll block you. (not really)


That would actually be hilarious if he did though.


Unless I'm forgotting something it's also it's 1 of the 2 timeframes (after the mid 80's) they haven't covered yet (the other one being the early 2010's).


I want them to review Ric Flair’s Last Match so bad.


That's definitely a Brucie Bonus worthy happening.


But, it's not happened yet...


I think Jay has said he flat put refuses to review true/core attitude era stuff because it would mean making the 1,000,001st "MONTREAL SCREWJOB: **EXPLAINED**" video to ever exist. My words, not his, but thats what I remember. No Attitude Era because I don't want to have to go over the screwjob. Of course this was I think the Wrestlemania 17 review, back when they did tatoo reviews. The've done attitude adjacent stuff since so I don't know how true it still is.


They should do it and ignore the main event completely.


Then what's the point of the doing that show/timeframe to begin with?


Because it would be funny.


The Sunny video was bad enough, I don't think I'd want them to suffer through One Night in Chyna.


I don't think V1's marriage could survive a review of One Night in Chyna


It can't be that bad. I mean, I'm not looking it up. But it can't be that bad. 


It's that bad, I remember drinking at a party in college and that was put on the main TV by the guy who lived there as a means to say "it's 2am now and I'm wrapping up, everyone get out of my house"


It’s pretty bad. Worst 4 hour 3 round session I’ve ever had.


I haven't seen it but I've seen pictures of Chyna naked and... It's not for me.


*Turn that off and don't fucking touch me*


Don’t think they’ll ever do a NWO story arc since it’s been done to death


Waka wah hey hey


I can't imagine they'd ever do an XPW review, both because of footage issues and the content getting stricken down, but I'd love to see the lads trying to sit through *any* of those shows.


I think they mentioned before they weren't interested in true OLD-school wrestling with the flabby guys putting each other in locks for 20 minutes. It would be interesting to get into the proto-history of modern wrestling, but I don't think there's enough gaga to keep them entertained.


Doing Andy Kaufman in Memphis might work for true old school


I'd love to know where this 20 minute long headlock thing started because I've watched a ton of old wrestling and never once, not ever, saw a dude do anything close to this. Modern wrestling has *far* more boring rest spots than classic stuff. Smarks will never admit it but Vince and the WWE have done an amazing job at brainwashing an entire generation of fans into believing their bullshit that everything was stupid and boring and gay until Hulk Hogan's red, white and blue ass showed up.


https://youtu.be/yvv1wvegguA?si=L65oH-t8FNL4ntA1 50 minutes of collar and elbows, body scissors, and headlocks. The most exciting thing is the ring announcer announcing the time every 10 minutes.


I hope they go easy on TNA and AEW episodes for a few years


Yeah, the TNA stuff is hard to watch. The last few episodes (including the new one on Patreon) have taken me a couple of sittings to get through. Just very minor league.


Probably most of the blood era as YouTube hates it now. So that’s all ecw and wwe up to pg era. Unless you want whole hours of moxley vision.


It’s a shame we won’t get Global Impact, I actually have that dvd.


Never said but I’ve been asking for damn near as long as I’ve been watching them to do a “reign of terror” era review from like 02/03-05 like they did with the hulkamania era so I assume that probably won’t happen


I mean they say they won't do 1 night in Chyna but they did Sunny Side Up and my personal least favourite review Girls Gone Wild. Then again Chynas dead so


Given that they did Sunny's porn film, I'm sure Chyna's wouldn't be off the table *were she still alive*. The fact she isn't is I'm sure the blocker here, it would be disrespectful.