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Do not advocate for or threaten bodily harm, violence, self-harm or harassment. Or show someone being tased.


I have nightmares that I forget to return a rental car. What did he think he was doing? There no scenario where he could keep the car. Is he trying to say he’s a sovereign citizen and has “rights”. That he can make up the rules as he goes along without any authority except in his head!


And I used to worry about the return of library books…


I’ve had those too! I wonder what they mean!


Probably that you have a library card


I used to manage an Enterprise, it took a lot to report a car stolen. You had to have a log of trying to contact the customer and their cc declining. This is the exact type of gibberish speaking dude that we would have to report on.


You should've worked at Hertz - they can report a car stolen before it's even been picked up!


I’ve done it. They had my card on file and just kept charging me, no issues.


Chevy Guy on tik toc has had his rental cars stolen and sold out from under him before, it's nothing new unfortunately.


Dude literally says "I'm not gonna let you (arrest me). I'm not gonna let you touch me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me." Then dumbass says he didn't resist arrest. 🙄


Then he said to the cops later “I gave you options.” This is a growing trend amongst people today. People now believe that in order to be arrested, the cop must first convince the suspect of why and how they are under arrest. That’s why he keeps asking “why” when they told him to get out of the car.


He didn’t resist arrest, he declared his resistance to arrest. They failed to heed his declaration.


....cuz that's not how that works 🤣


“My man, my man” “They running a scam” Narrator: they indeed were not his man and there was no scam being ran.


I can’t believe I watched that whole thing. This guy was literally just talking in circles without saying anything coherent. I wonder if he has some kind of mental disorder, or if he knows he’s full of crap and is just trying to get out of trouble.


I was a cop. I've had people try to convince me to let them go all the way to the jail. Then as we stop in front of the jail sallyport, they go, "OK, I'm good. You can take the cuffs off." Like that's going to happen.


Naw, he thought that he was gonna be able to tell them it’s a racket and they would say ok and just let him go.🤦🏽‍♀️


Dude turns into a 2 year old the second he gets arrested 🤣🤣🤣


You're fabricating it! I didn't fight you. You fought me!


Am I the only one wondering what happened with U-Haul and why that case was dismissed? Because it seems to be the catalyst for this guys delusion that he can pay a short term fee to rent something and keep it forever. Also, “I drive by there every day” as a secondary defense….what????


Often times, the DA is reluctant to take these cases. They are afraid that someone during the process the rental car company didn't do everything correctly. It's not unusual for them to be dismissed. Also, the rental companies will sometimes want to drop the cars once they get the car back. It's very frustrating. Source: I'm a retired cop.


It’s very sad because then you end up with someone who faces no consequence and believes they’re right.


Yep, I hated rental property cases of all types with the exception of tool rental companies. Those were almost always one day rentals and you had to go back to the store to extend it. Those were simple. The funniest was a company rented to own engagement rings. A guy rents one and gives it to his fiance. A couple of months later they call it off and she keeps the ring which she is allowed to do since it is considered a gift. The guy tells the store and they demand he continue paying and he refuses. They want me to arrest him but I can't since he isn't failing to return it and he doesn't want to pay for something he no longer has. The DA tells them to sue. They had to rethink their business model.


Ha! I have a client that’s a jeweler and they started offering this financing option for people with 3rd tier credit (they also offer lay a way but there’s no instant gratification there for buyers even if it is affordable and interest free). It’s essentially rent to own, which gets the finance company around usury interest rates. It has some caveats in the contract regarding ownership of the ring before payoff and our state is not one that recognizes an engagement ring as a gift strictly speaking until the marriage occurs. There’s some type of language after that in which they try to retain the right of ownership. At the end of the day the contract is between the finance company and the buyer, but it seems like a risky business for them overall. I know in other rent to own businesses the good contracts make up for the bad, but renting to own jewelry seems like a shitty business model as an accountant. I’m sure you also really enjoyed how he was beginning to devolve into sovereign citizen arguments - but he got no traction on that so at least he backed off of that argument quickly. If only he had the damn binder they give the people they indoctrinate. Too bad. /s


You fabricated this license I'm holding! I'm wondering what word he's trying to say....


The level of patience they had was admirable. I could never be a cop.


For real. Their ability to keep a straight face was equally admirable. How many months was he dragged through the courts?


that also happens if you rent from Hertz and also return it


Always get the printed receipt and have them email you too. ALWAYS


Came here to say this


I’m generally very critical of the cops. But this guy? Whatta prick. If he appeared before the court and I was the judge, I’d shut him up quicker than an open window in a hailstorm.


"I'm not letting you touch me!" Has that ever worked?


If you’re calm reasonable and coherent they can go easier on you. (Still probably going to be in hand cuffs at this point, but you don’t end up tased and dry heaving on the ground.) This guy was none of the three.


Crying like a bitch 🤣


If your car is stolen, good luck. They will file the paper work. A company needs to get back property, they are on the case!


Haha I happen to randomly be watching this YT video before coming inside to eat and scroll reddit 🤣🤣🤣


As a kid I thought this is what happens if you don’t return your books to the library


Theft and whole slew of other charges. Ain’t no judge in their right mind would agree with this idiot. No, he lied to himself.


This is what happens when you rent a car from Hertz, you don’t even have to do anything wrong- hell you didn’t even have to pick up the rental to get traffic tickets.


"known to police" Code for "he's got the cops called on him before."


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It's really satisfying hearing him cry. 


"I gave you options." Like, no asshole. You don't give the police options. 


For every cool video like this… there are 10 times the amount these rental companies claim theft for people with real extensions that were paid. It’s unreal most of the time. Thankfully these people had their paperwork squared away.


Those were the most polite cops I've ever seen. 


Why didn’t the rental car company have his credit card? Just keep charging that and let them go after him. Guy is clearly mentally ill. It never should have gotten this far.


Not defending the guy but they didn't need to keep tasing him. He was lying on his arm and probably legit couldn't move it, and he wasn't armed or likely to hurt them. Tasing isn't harmless and can seriously fuck you up.


Always one in every crowd.


Ehhh. Don't steal stuff and then resist arrest. Lol


It was taze him, crank his arm or baton him. While I get your point of view he could have got much worse


What’s up with these 17-minute videos?