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Springboro for Dayton, Indian Hill for Cincinnati, and New Albany for Columbus


Definitely fucking Springboro. The way they act, you'd think they were Oakwood residents. But no, it's just fucking regular ol' uppity Springboro.


Springboro is just Oakwood if Oakwood was built by Ryan Homes lmao


It's funny. I lived in Springboro in the late 70's. It was a one horse town. A little hillbilly. Lots of farms and fields. One school. Fighting between Springboro, Franklin, and Carlisle over who was the best town. I moved there from Oakwood, so it was very different. It wasn't walkable except "in town"


Definitely Springboro - lived there from ‘07 - ‘14. It the capitol of “credit card rich” white people.


Facts. All those lifted pickups and such. Suburban rednecks is what I call em.


Credit card rich, I love it!! 👍🏼


First comment on here... 😆😂🤣 Smh, didn't even have to search. (Well, I mean, Brock what's-his-face from Oakwood that raped that one girl, filling her vagina with dirt, and then only getting 6 months... 😡 Yeah. *Figures*)


....uhhh what?????


Brock Turner, the rapist, that now goes by Allen Turner, lives in oakwood. Edit: changed the name he goes by currently to the correct name


He will forever be known as The Rapist Brock Turner, no matter where he moves or what name he tries to hide behind.


The funny thing is, it's the Sprinboro types that give Oakwood a bad name, other than Oakwood's teens, they're straight up vile stuck up and spoiled. They just make up a ton of shit to make Oakwood sound like some HOA hell hole and it's pretty much all just made up rumors. But it's probably the most liberal town I've lived near. Springboro is where all the right wing crazies are going, same with Bellbrook.


I work in New Albany. It's a hyper commercialized new-build town that keeps its property values high because a very wealthy (alleged) sex offender built it.


They also highly regulate what can be built there. I was curious once and looked up their rules. They have whole sections on how the designs must be built in the Georgian style.


I never got sick of a fence before until I saw nothing but white fences out there.


having grown up near New Albany it’s honestly so boring for every building to look the same with different logos slapped on.


I remember as a kid when it was barely more than an intersection with a handful of buildings surrounded by farms. There used to be a little ice cream place there that we would stop at in the summer. Pretty sure that died when they built the bypass and moved 161 off of Dublin Granville Rd.


New Albany for sure. Worst parents and soccer team my daughter has played yet. And I’ve worked there quite a bit. Right in that area now. It’s like, yeah, you guys got nice shit, but the town is controlled by one of slimiest mofos in existence. I actually don’t mind Dublin. And their soccer teams play great.


I grew up thinking highly of New Albany as a “growing” new suburb of Columbus til I became an adult & was racially profiled. 👍🏾


If the movie Get Out were a documentary, it would be set in New Albany


First thought was New Albany lol


springboro and oakwood are heavy contenders lmao


I worked in oakwood schools for many years and the adults there are truly some of the most terrible people i have ever met


i worked as a barista at a coffee shop in Oakwood for several years...you know what Oakwood residents are like at 7 AM before theyve had their coffee? Wouldnt wish that kind of superiority complex on my worst enemy


Oakwood. Cops tailgate you then pull you over for 1 MPH violation because you drive a poor person car. Or , I once got pulled over in my pickup because my strict adherence to the speed limit was “suspicious”. People there are the most classist, racist, homophobic, judgmental, miserable fucks you will ever find in Ohio. It has Old money, pretension, new money posers, and boomer politics. Even the high school kids are mostly entitled fuckwads. They actually had a few Volvo cop cars at one point. Fuck Oakwood. EDIT: Just wanted to thank you all for your replies with yet more evidence. And to apologize to the Oakwood that is apparently near Cleveland?? and nothing like Dayton’s Oakwood.


No joke: it’s absolutely the real deal in Oakwood. I’ve never experienced anywhere that would question you for obeying the law.


Where tf is Oakwood??


Just South of downtown Dayton & North of Kettering.


I thought you meant the Cleveland suburb of Oakwood and got confused. Lol.


Same! I was like it's just strip malls and crappy apartments? Also I lived there for a while haha


I had a friend who lived in Oakwood and started driving 45 minutes twice a day to drop off and pick up her daughter at Yellow Springs school, because the Oakwood kids were such bullying douchebags. 🙄 (Yellow Springs has open enrollment)


You can get a ticket for doing yard work with your shirt off


If this happened, I would be strongly tempted to do yard work with a shirt and no pants.


They also tailgate you if you’re black in an affluent person car.


Hudson 100% it's not even close


Hudson won’t even allow ice fishing prostitution. Definitely most stuck up




Underrated comment! 😂⬆️


At least we got rid of that guy!


Fair. As a NE Ohio transplant I'll add that Chagrin might be in the running as well.


I had to take my wife to an appointment at the Chagrin branch of the Clinic the day they had a Black Lives Matter protest. I have never seen anything more embarrassing in my life. People boarding up shops and mounted police. There were like 200 high school/college age locals having a parade. Absolute buffoonery.


They must have been terrified 🤣🤣🤣


You should have read the Facebook comments. Horrible. Also a fun fact is that one of the school districts appealed the integration ruling of brown v board. You can fact check me but I went down a rabbit hole once and read all about that and the chagrin falls park. Wild


Came here to say Chagrin Falls, elitist & entitled


Hahaha. Came here looking for Hudson. Did *not* take long to find. Lol


Social worker in Summit County here. "Hudson parents" are dreadfully entitled.


I teach pre-k in Hudson. The level of wealth is insane and the level of entitlement tends to match that. Many of these kids have literally been conditioned to believe that being poor is a character defect. We're reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in prep for our Wonka Day we do at the end of the year, and have been using it as an opportunity to show that being poor is not the same as being a bad person. Most of their parents are lovely for the most part, but the unconscious entitlement is real.


They even beat out Shaker Heights.


Shaker Heights can get really sketchy in some parts. I don't get the snobbery.


The not sketchy parts are insanely affluent


When my now nine year old was little I worked in Cleveland and drove through shaker square on my way to work. She was the most fancy dressed toddler I knew, thanks to that goodwill. Almost all of her clothes were high end or designer, and I bought them for about $2 a piece.


Pepper pike?


Oof…yeah, this is 100% true


I’m at 40 year old white guy that works in insurance, even I get the heebie jeebies in Hudson at dusk. I thought my Columbus plates were going to get me a talkin to.


Sad given the towns history in civil rights and abolition


John Brown is rolling in his grave :(


Sad to say a lot of Ohio veterans are rolling in their grave with how some people act, you could probably run a power station for all of Columbus based on the shame and centrifugal force of corpses rolling in their graves


This was going to be my vote. 


Hudson resident here and...yeah. Though I will say that all of my neighbors are wonderful people, but then I don't live in one of the McMansion developments either.


First town that popped into my mind.


Grew up in Hudson, this is 100 percent true. Couldn’t wait to get out of there.




Definitely. Their Mafia stays out of prison, unlike those dirt bags from Youngstown who get caught.


It’s a strong toss up between there or Poland for Mahoning Co.


Poland. Especially the village. The village council is fighting against having a beer tent at an event this year because it’s “family friendly” and blah blah even though there was beer last year by the same non-profit group to raise money. It’s a whole thing. Might’ve been on the local news. Oh and the Walgreens that was built, the DRAMA. And the little garden area in the middle of town….check the clock tower..the 4 for Roman numerals is wrong.


That's called a watchmaker's 4.


See only a Poland snob would respond that way /s


😆 Not a Poland snob, not even from the Youngstown area, but did date a girl from Poland when I went to YSU (I was one of the few from outside of the area who actually went to YSU and lived in the dorms). I am a watch geek, though.


Springboro, and I live here (the poor side near Franklin). There is a literal exclusive magazine that not every address gets (I don't know why?) that glamor features a different Springboro family monthly. I don't know if it's exclusive to Springboro but I had never seen such a thing before I lived here and I find it weird.


Any place you can get "Sundowned" without even being a minority. I'd nominate Indian Hill.


Indian hill would get my vote as well.


I don’t feel like Indian Hill is that bad, it feels to me like a bunch of giant houses in the woods. Terrace Park is worse, IMO. Dublin is pretty stuck up as well.


I worked in landscaping for years and spent many days a week in Indian hill and honestly most of the people there keep to themselves and don’t bother anyone. They just have big ass houses and huge yards and generally were the nicer clients I worked for. Hyde Park and Oakley is a lot worse in my opinion as they acted like they had Indian hill money and were much more likely to be Karens.


Oakley/ Hyde park are absolutely the worst, along with Montgomery, terrace park, and mariemont and Madeira, for real Karen land. I do home repair and remodel, have landscaped as well for years. Indian hill residents are typically down to earth and pay well and have extremely realistic expectations out of the caliber of people they hire, be that cheaper labor or high end stuff.


As far as the stuck up attitude goes, West Chester beats Indian Hill by *miles*. Indian Hill people are wealthy and know it, and tend to keep to themselves. West Chester people think they're what Indian Hill people are supposed to be and suck all the suck.


Powell and New Albany and Upper Arlington are all more stuck up than Dublin


Definitely leaning towards UA being the most stuck up. But New Albany folks are sniffing their farts in the most stuck up contest.


I’m not terribly familiar with the Columbus area, just had an ex girlfriend from there that fit about every stereotype


As someone from Dublin, it's pretty widespread economically. Some people have a whole lot, some people don't. Did she go to Jerome High School?


She did go to Jerome!


Jerome High School fits the stuck up Dublin stereotype all day everyday that the rest of Ohio thinks all of Dublin is.


There aren't enough places to interact with residents to get the stuck up attitude in Indian Hill. It's practically all residential. You'll get more attitude in Montgomery or Hyde Park in Cincinnati. Probably Dublin for Columbus.


But you probably won't get thrown out of those places. Montgomery and Dublin are used to seeing riff raff like me at various local businesses, and HP is a neighborhood of the City proper, no chance you'll get escorted out of that.


What does that mean? 


Get your ass out of town before the sun goes down. Google "Sundown towns." They were a real thing.


Still are.


They still are a thing. In a real big way.


So I saw one of these towns 15 years ago in western Kentucky. Gist is there is a piece of wood with statement on it say if your skin is darker than the color of this board, you better be out of town by sundown.


It's really sad to hear there are still so many imbeciles who don't realize we are all human. We can learn so much from each other and share ideas and cultural experiences, building each other up instead of tearing people down.




New Albany Rich pricks dont even let mcdonalds have their proper colors


Hudson McDonalds is like that, all brick and fancy lol


Hudson by Akron. Silver Lake by Cuyahoga Falls. Maybe Bath too, also by Akron.


Silver Lake is the worst lol.


Make sure you don’t go 1mph over the speed limit! lol


Agreed on all counts


Pepper Pike for sure. Bratenahl and Gates Mills for runner up.


+1 for Gates Mills probably being the only place in OH where your home must be painted White


I take photos for historical societies and [Bratenahl](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-VFMlUWXDv6t-MA13AHd5R4BwWmje3J_) is just straight up old money. Cops there 100% profile on skin color though.


My husband was waiting for a bus in Bratenahl back in the early 90s. Just sitting at the bus stop with a brown paper bag with his lunch in it. A bunch of police cars pulled up. Cops demanded to know what he had in the bag, and wanted to know I'd he had stolen a TV. Said there was a break in nearby. Yeah, he stole a TV, shrunk it down to the size of a sandwich with his magic shrink ray, put it in the bag. and was taking it home on the bus. Sure. Sad that little has changed with their cops since then.


Literally just saw a 10tv news story about “The Bratenahl Tax” the other day. Something like 80% of their traffic enforcement income comes from fines imposed on people of color. I might have to edit that statistic… but you get the point.


Gates Mills is the creepiest, most cult like, Stepford Wife style, horse jumpingest, single stop sign having, pop up out of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere, scarlet letter wearin, [church](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pRJjoN5Tkgx0XB4K60Xq7oMUgzVsFWHW/view?usp=drivesdk) full of children of the corn town I’ve ever seen. I don’t know a single person that lives there. Never even met anyone. So I feel bad for talking shit but… Drove through on my way to my daughter’s swim lessons and had to go back just to take photos! That place gives off major Dystopian Horror Film Vibes! Jordan Peele’s head would explode.


Ive worked on a couple houses in Gates Mills, the people were a little uppity but they were nice and seemed pretty normal. Lakeside by Marblehead has an actual cult and some of the judgiest stuck up people that I’ve ever met. There’s a lot of people over there that have summer lake houses they’re at for the summer only and they’re absolutely unbearable people.


New Albany gets my vote


Having grown up and gone to school here while being from Johnstown (my mom was a bus driver for the district, so I was able to go), fuck new albany and it's school district. I made good friends there, and met my wife there, but the politics in play in that school are fucking diabolical.


Powell is a close second




Had two friends grow up from there. Major park there has a disc golf course - solid 18 full course, built into the park. Both good people - one was the angriest hippie I'd ever met though. One told me he had people (who weren't playing) walk up to him, and ask him "if he actually lived there" or if he had "just come to Hudson to play". Literally got shade from a local, while being a local, for playing a public, often used course. So silly.


Which is crazy because that is so antithetical to disc golf culture as a whole


Hudson springs is the shit


Any town with a Yours Truly is to be avoided. See also Chagrin Falls.


What's wrong with Yours Truly? Though, none of the current locations compare to the original. The cottage fries just aren't the same.


They changed the cottage fries at the original but Solon still has the old ones!


O M G. No, I love the cottage fries.


I thought the tiny one on Chagrin Blvd was the original, it’s still there.


Lol, but Calvin and Hobbes


Upper Arlington.


There’s a saying in Columbus.. how do you know someone is from Upper Arlington? … they’ll tell you.


They are likely wearing clothing with the Scioto CC logo on it so they don't have to actually tell you out loud.


Only south of Lane.


Pretty sure it just radiates out of Scioto country club (obviously not crossing the River)


This is the correct answer




Upper Arlington


Chagrin falls


Village of Chagrin Falls can't even follow ADA. They knowingly violate the Americans with Disabilities Act and don't even care. They'd rather spend their money on trivial things than make the place accessible.




I grew up in Upper Arlington and currently live in Hudson (heck, I had dinner in Chagrin Falls last weekend)… I’m feeling attacked, lol.


How's that Ivory tower??? /s




Scrolled too far for Jackson township.


No doubt it's in the top 5. Grew up there. The township just recently installed cameras at a lot of intersections. Not because of "progress" but because those rich fucks systematically ignore traffic signals. They suck. Eat my whole ass, Jackson Twp.


I'm with you. Went to Perry, live in Canton. Jackson and Glenmore people are the worst in Ohio. Jackson police are a sham, too. They do whatever the richest people pay them to do.


Grew up and went to Springboro Schools. Man is it a bubble there. Didn’t really understand the real world till I got to college and so on. I coach athletics there now, and holy shit has it gotten so much worse. Majority of the people are so stuck-up and snobby. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a super nice and safe place to live. But the people are so exhausting.


Its funny to see springboro be one of the most popular answers bc i went to school in centerville and we all despised springboro kids and their sports teams for how mean and entitled they always acted


Oakwood and Springboro are both pretty bad


Hudson, Aurora, Canfield, Poland.


::cough Ottawa Hills cough::


Having lived in Wood County or Lucas County my entire life, yes. Perrysburg is the stuck-up place for Wood County, but OH beats it for the region


Bay Village, hands down


Dated a girl with a house on lake road overlooking the water. Went to a party full of rich bay snobs. I never saw her again. Not for me.


Can confirm


You mean "Bay".




Oakwood and Springboro are both pretty bad




I’m from a small town in NW Ohio. Moved to PBurg for about three years. My direct neighbor (local surgeon) got his new Benz stuck in his driveway one morning. He was struggling albeit without leaving the car and rather jamming in drive and reverse over and again. I took the time to grab a shovel, walk over and dig, and then push him out. He didn’t say a word to me during this or anytime after. Not even a wave or gesture of thanks. We never spoke a word in the time I lived there. I moved my half hillbilly ass back to the much less affluent area that I am. I will never move again!


Got asked once if I "lived in Perrysburg or was *from* Perrysburg."


I wish I could upvote this a hundred times


In central OH, it’s New Albany and Upper Arlington


Please, it’s Oxford.


If those kids could read they’d be very upset


Judging by the comments, it sounds like all of Ohio.


Please, I'm from Akron. We're trash and we LIKE IT


Pffffft, Bro Canton is coming for that king of trash throne.


Scrolled the entire list and didn’t see Powell. I’d go with Powell, New Albany, Springboro, and Madeira.


Vermillion Ohio, for some reason, this city is nothing but snobs. But what I can't.... understand is why they have nothing. Or Lakewood, Ohio , Ricky River, Avon, Avon Lake,


Beavercreek , Oakwood , Springboro , Bellbrook (All Dayton Area)


Bay Village. For some reason they think they're better than everybody else. Not.,


Toss up btw bay and rocky river for the west side


Powell is up there


…Dublin. It’s Dublin.


It’s tough to be Dublin since they hate parts of Dublin more than anywhere else. Imagine 8 year olds taking smack about other kids because the high school they will goto is number 1 out of 40 in the metro area and the other kids will be 4, thats Dublin


Honestly a bit surprised not to see Dublin pop up more often in these responses.


STRONGSVILLE. just drive thru it. You'll see what I mean.


Dublin. They've got Luxury car dealerships there. Anything more than a typical Ford/GM/ general vehicle dealership is stuck up to me.




Since I’m from Dayton, Oakwood has my vote. It’s where I first learned about DWB (Driving While Brown/Black) and EXP (Existing While Poor). My kind is not exactly welcome there. I just moved back to Ohio last May after being gone for 25 years (I live in Columbus now) and I’m very surprised to see Beavercreek and Springboro mentioned so much here. When did they become so stuck up and why?


Mentor. I don’t know why people feel like their shit don’t stink. Other cities don’t have the same attitude like Mentorites. I see people saying Beachwood, Rocky River, Hudson….those are kind of “earned”. Those cities have malls that are still thriving or schools that are doing well, Mentor’s mall is dying, the school system is terrible. Having lived in other NEO cities, including Mentor, fuck Mentor.


My brother lives there, close to Mentor on the Lake. I used to put Mentor on the Lake when I would send mail, because I know it made him furious!




Tipp city


Tipp city is CRAZY snooty for being a slightly better vandalia


Excellent t-shirt slogan!


Heart Mercantile needs to workshop this t-shirt.


Canfield or Hudson.


Granville. It's become a bedroom town for clueless yuppies who work in Columbus and think they're hot shit new money. They all move out when their kids hit senior year of high school. Property values are artificially inflated by the corrupt fake green space the township created, making the local taxes insane. I grew up there and the school system is fucking brutal to kids with the justification "it's preparing you for college", but they're just adults bullying kids. College was nowhere near as awful as Granville high school.


Jackson Township 90210




The menonite mafia


Yes. Everything bad about snobby, thats the Mennonite Mafia.


Came here to say Bryan, but archbold may have them beat.


Beechwood or Brecksville


Can confirm. Born and raised in Brecksville and the level of uppity, uncultured, racist, homophobic Republican vibes is insufferable. I hate driving though it to get to my mom's house in Sagamore.


I’m sure there are plenty but one that’s close to me is Jackson Twsp right by Massillon. People are assholes and they’re raising their kids to also be little racist assholes, I mean there was literally tik tok footage that went viral of teen girls being overtly racist and laughing about it and pretty sure a mom was encouraging it or some shit. Guess that’s why their mascot is a polar bear, everything has to be pristine white with those rich fucks.


You haven't met lakeview, where it literally depoends on if you work directly for honda or if you indirectly work for Honda. no seriously the tornado recovery for example literally everyone that got relief funding has been a honda employee so far and apparently there's "nothing wrong with that"




+10 to hudson


Definitely Findlay or Perrysburg. Perrysburg just screams pretentious neoliberale and Findlay is a wannabe city that thinks it's about 10x better than it really is


North Canton. They feel they're too good to be considered just Canton, and the North is pronounced Noth with a long 'o'. For no reason. It's a dry town full of alcoholics.


I was born in Canton but moved to North Canton in my twenties. I definitely got the "stuck up" vibe from lots of the people when living there although not so much anymore. But I have to correct you. North Canton hasn't been dry for years. You can buy alcohol anywhere in the city. And I lived there for over twenty-five years and never heard anyone pronounce it "Noth", not one time.


I live there now and have never heard “Noth” once


I've never heard Noth in the 50+ years I've lived in the area. NC is pretentious af tho.


Only if by North Canton, you actually mean Jackson Township. JT corrects you if you say you’re going to belden village, and call it North Canton. Or if you call their school district ‘Massillon Jackson’. They hate being associated with their zip codes (Massillon, Canton, North Canton)


The strip fucking blows. 50 shitty restaurants side by side. Other than like, fatheads it's all huge corporate chain garbage.


Everything about that place is overrated. Just like Jackson township


Jackson is a poor man's idea of a rich town and a rich man's idea of a slum.


That is a perfect description!


Pepper Pike.


Jackson township