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How about we just go ahead with what we voted on without republicans trying to fuck it up like they do everything else?


Ironic that a political party that says it is for less government regulation is the one intervening here


That’s just a bold-faced lie they’ve always said to trick the gullibles into voting for them


It never has been


Not irony. Deceitful marketing


That’s only if you’re a filthy Christian.


Stop making stuff about religion. It is about sticking to what was voted upon. Make your voice heard every election year by voting the old boys network out. I do support people not just walking around the City or Town Square puffing on a J. Or while driving. I do believe it should be something you can get pulled over for. Whether or not you are driving reckless. But c'mon man! We voted to legalize it and now every time we turn around, another condition is being applied. I guess the feedback from weed legal states is to get it controlled now before it goes buck wild. But whatever.


Shut up, they make it about their faith, throw it in their faces.




Imagine voting for the equivalent of an HOA but for the whole state.


That is the best description I’ve ever heard.


Next step is to vote the republicans out of office.


Gonna be a real bitch for us simple voters to do when these greedy bastards have had complete political control in 25 of the last 30 years and twisted the districts to their suiting.


The democrats just have to do more to attract the bigots.


We just have to wait for them to die off.


Unfortunately they are making more and indoctrinating. The school voucher programs are putting innocent children into brainwashing programs.


Again, learn who supports your views and vote regardless of political party. I find they are all suspect one way or another. I certainly don't want the state to go full Portland, ya know?


They don't want it legal at all. Devils lettuce, bad. Alcohol good. They pay politicians to say it is good. When I voted on it in November I wanted it legal.


Stop voting for prosecutors for public offices


But that's why God invented the Republican Party


No, that’s why the Republican Party invented God


Underrated comment


No, that's why the ^ ^CatholicChurch ~~Republican Party~~ invented God... It is, however, why the Republican party coopted God FROM the Catholic Church....


Man invented God way before the Romans came along and added stylish robes and funny hats to the grift




I just read the ghost of Bill Hicks.


Liberals invented the Republican Party. It just flipped in the mid 20th century. I wish the Republicans were still the liberal party and we could openly criticism the Southern Democrats and their neo-confederate beliefs. They fucking took the party. The Republicans used to be the "Blue" party, and while there are many theories it's often stated that the Union army was Blue and the Confederates were Grey + Red accent. So the liberals are still the blue team.


The flip is not true. But this is. It the feed to talk about politics.


Every time I see someone say ‘the party switch didn’t happen’ I assume they’ve suffered a traumatic brain injury playing high school football. Because it’s so demonstrably factual that the civil rights movement and its victories caused racist southern democrats to switch parties. Which is why republicans fly the confederate flag and have a stranglehold on political power in the South which was formerly THE Democrat stronghold. And it happened very fast. Saying the parties didn’t switch is as stupid as saying the moon landing was fake or that the earth is flat.


Yeah, I mean, if someone wanted to add more context, it's that the GOP and Democrats had liberal and conservative wings. The GOP was just more liberal and was the party pushing the pace. But then FDR being a Democrat kinda blew that right open, and when LBJ decided to get with the times... the South jumped ship and the GOP, which had been on the outside looking in through the New Deal years, welcomed them with open arms. It took a generation for the state level political machines to turn over, but look at a map of 2012 and then a map of slave states in the Civil War. It doesn't get much clearer than that.




it's not just the Republicans, it's the uniparty.


You already can’t smoke in public places where tobacco is banned. The homegrow measures are stupid as well. Just want to give cops something to do now that they have less to enforce.


Exactly, bringing back the reasons for cops busting down the door. Got to keep those for profit prisons full.


93% of prisoners are in public government-run prisons. The For Profit Prisons argument is a distraction from the fact that Prison guard and police unions are the most to blame.


The prison industrial complex is a lot more than for profit prisons. From the phone system, to the food, to the construction, training, commissary, equipment, and more, there are plenty of for profit companies making money off of the government run prisons.


According to the search results, Ohio was the first and only state to sell an entire state-owned prison to a private company for operation. The key points regarding private prisons in Ohio are: - In 2011, Ohio sold the Lake Erie Correctional Institution, an 11-year-old state prison in Ashtabula County, to the Corrections Corporation of America (now CoreCivic) for $72.7 million.[1] This was the first time a state had sold a public prison outright to a private company. - As of 2022, there were 1,918 inmates housed in private prisons in Ohio, which is 6% of the state's total prison population of 46,540.[5] - From 2000 to 2022, the number of inmates in private prisons in Ohio increased by 241%.[5] - While Ohio sold the Lake Erie prison, for most other prisons the state has taken the approach of owning the facility but contracting out the management and operations to private companies.[4] - In 2016, the state was criticized by some for being the first to sell a public prison to a private operator as a cost-cutting measure.[3] So in summary, Ohio pioneered prison privatization by outright selling a state prison to a private company in 2011, and as of 2022 had 6% of its prison population (1,918 inmates) housed in private facilities, a 241% increase since 2000.[1][3][5] Sources [1] Ohio selling state prison to private company for $72 million https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna44359808 [2] Are private prisons work in Ohio? - Dayton Daily News https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/benefits-from-prison-plan-disputed/8oY9BnZV3ypqyIikl4e3bN/ [3] The DOJ Is Ending Its Use of Private Prisons: But What About Ohio? https://www.acluohio.org/en/news/doj-ending-its-use-private-prisons-what-about-ohio [4] [PDF] Ohio Issues - Fiscal Pressure Pushes Prison Privatization https://www.lsc.ohio.gov/assets/organizations/legislative-service-commission/files/ohio-issues-fiscal-pressure-pushes-prison-privatization.pdf [5] Private Prisons in the United States - The Sentencing Project https://www.sentencingproject.org/reports/private-prisons-in-the-united-states/


I used to be a corrections officer. Your wrong even the public prisons make ungodly amounts of money for people that run them. Their funding and grant money are directly proportional to the size of the inmate population. [Though you are right about the unions]. These are big reasons why I left that career


It's not just in public, though. " It would eliminate all public smoking and vaping, even if a private business wanted to allow their customers to consume cannabis" That's according to this: [https://www.cleveland.com/open/2024/06/should-marijuana-home-growers-have-to-sign-affidavit-promising-not-to-sell-capitol-letter.html](https://www.cleveland.com/open/2024/06/should-marijuana-home-growers-have-to-sign-affidavit-promising-not-to-sell-capitol-letter.html) So much for marijuana festivals. Or that "puff and paint in a 420 friendly studio" I saw on Facebook. Alcohol you can drink in bars, but marijuana you're supposed to stay at home with like a leper?


I am hugely in favor of legalization, but the people smoking weed and cigars on restaurant and bar patios are the worst. That shit is thick and has an extremely strong odor. Keep that shit to yourself.


I mean this just turns into people who own their homes being allowed to “legally” smoke. I’m in an apartment building that doesn’t allow smoking in downtown Cincinnati, what is someone like me supposed to do in this instance?


Do what everyone else does. Put a fucking towel under the door and open the windows. Lol. Good point, though. Maybe don't live in a non smoking building if you are a smoker. When I smoked cigarettes, I would have never rented a non smoking apartment without a balcony.


Get a smoke buddy on Amazon. It's a personal filter and they work very well.


Edibles and tinctures?


I agree. Legalization is wonderful. But I don't want to live at a Phish concert every time I go out.


Lol. I almost feel like there should be an exception for phish concerts. Imagine going to a phish show and breathing in clean air. It would feel so wrong.


People still going to phish concerts? What’s the average age of their fans lol 50-60…


I have no idea. But everyone knows what a Phish concert smells like.


Stay home


Your thought on people setting off stink bombs on bar patios?


I'm not a big bar person anyways.


My outdoor garden is already doing very well. Fuck em.


My outdoor forest isnt going anywhere. fuck em indeed.


I lost my home grow operation in a boating accident :(


Let’s make all priests sign pledges not to rape little kids.


i'm cool with both — I don't want to smell either


Stop breathing then


# Call your Representatives!


If it's legal to grow at home, the government doesn't need me to sign anything first. I imagine this piece they want signed will be ignored by a very large amount of people.


That's the point. It's a opt in mind of law where they have a reason to bust you even tho you didn't do anything wrong other than NOT sign. Like you could not sign and grow and not sell and still get a warrant because you're growing without signing.


I’m sure they’ll circumvent tax money so that it goes to police or some worthless fund cause so the state can reneg on their fund duties . Like lottery helping schools, state cuts their obligation


Oh, you know it's going to police and prisons.


Ya! A police state!


I mean a portion of the tax is literally going to the police. Did you guys even read the legalization measure?


Yes and they’re trying to give more money to police and prisons than what the passed legislation allocated. Are you even following what’s been going on?


Given that these guys didn't even know tax money was originally slated to go to the police my point stands.


It wasn’t initially slated to go to prisons as they stated, so your point doesn’t stand


FIrst they eliminate home grow then they raise the price and those that have a medical card are soon to get bent over and screwed without any lube. The Recreational people will come in one day and buy out their supply and leaving them dry. You go in the next day only to find out they don't have anything and definitely not in anything over 2.83g for $50+ . Screw these asshat clowns and fuck their party as a whole. None of them are worth the pot they collectively piss in. They are even against their own party. They think their base is dumb too and do not realize they are fucking them as well with this bullshit. It was passed by both Republicans and Democrats AND Independents. Corrupt pos need to stay the hell out of our lives and our homes and our day to day. They are not qualified to scrape shit off the road let alone craft laws that nobody asked for. Literally nobody except their fellow politicians and their rich friends in the Cannabis industry. IF they cannot have it all or control it all then they do not want you to have anything at all.


That pricing is wild. I have been paying $220 for 28 grams for a decade…and can pick what strand I would like. This is such a fucking waste of time. We voted for this to be legal and these guys are too busy jerking each other off to even understand what is happening. I’m done caring if I’m going to “get in trouble”. It’s easier to get fent than weed in some cases. Not cool. Not fucking cool.


You can get $100 ounces in Michigan, I can get $200 ounces on the black market all day too. The prices are way too high


I'm all for banning public smoking, but we already have a public smoking ban that isn't enforced. I can't figure why they want to fiddle with home grow other than to flex their power.


For many of these folks any use is a moral issue, so restricting it in any way is saving folks.


The home grow affidavit is a real issue. Public smoking ban is fine.


So you have to register for home grow huh? So down the road if the packyderm party finds a way to make weed illegal again they'll be out in force checking to see if they are still growing.


Wolverines! 😎


I do appreciate that they’re adding autism and opiate addiction to the list of medical allowances. I also agree that product that’s been remediated for mold should be labeled as such. The public smoking, delta 8, and grow affidavit need to go though


I love Cincinnati and living here but man, the state of Ohio can go fuck itself. But im pretty sure this bill has no chance to pass. The house knows we dont want this bullshit.


I smoke in my front yard. I smoke in the meridian away from people. If there's an issue, stop wearing frangrences as well.


For real, stop wearing too much cologne and perfume people!


Yes this!! It makes me sneeze and nauseous. Anytime i smell strong cologne/perfume, i wonder what they’re hiding.


Marijuana is way worse than perfume. I and many others would much rather smell perfume/cologne than marijuana. Many places ban people who smell like it, because it's so bad.


I've never in my 35 years of life have heard of someone getting banned from smelling like weed, besides one or two on the news in a major city.


I’m tired of this smell shit. Yes flower has a distinct “skunk” smell. However, I’ve smoked carts without people even noticing on many occasions, edibles, tinctures, etc. I personally think that the kind of cologne/perfume I can smell across the room is way worse then smelling some weed, but since that part of our argument is opinion, I digress.


Not all skunky. I find it to be a sweet smell, but not typically something I prefer. Ironically, I grow hops, But I enjoy the smell of them. I know the smell isn't for everyone, I get that. Same reason I don't like smelling cigarettes when they are lit. Family has smokers and i never understood why it's enjoyable, to me, it just turns me into a lump of shit and I didn't like the feeling.


Sounds like you had a problem with it and you found a solution without government intervention. Big daddy corpo and mommy government will tell us all what we’re supposed to think about this here soon no worries.


Lol. I don't smoke hops though, use it for beer. Do they even have anything remotely close to marijuana? I know they are cousins in the family and that's about it


People who smoke or have smoked are way more likely to enjoy the smell of it because of the association with it. For others, not so much. I guarantee if you asked the mass population, people would rather smell perfume/cologne than marijuana and even cigs.


The people who don't smoke weed seem to be people who *really* need to smoke weed.


You're getting down voted and I'm not sure why... I'm a teacher and when a kid comes in with too much Axe spray or body spray on, I am one of the few people in the class that notices. When a kid comes in smelling like pot because their parents run a dispensary, everyone notices and is strongly effected. It's awful in a small room with 30+ kids.


It's okay, I don't mind getting downvoted for it. I completely agree with you though, and even though your situation is different it still holds true that it's distracting. Cologne and perfume are bad too, but I doubt it's anywhere near the same or worse than smelling marijuana. I'm curious, do you have moments where someone comes into your classroom smelling like cologne and perfume as bad as marijuana? And did it have the same effect on you and other students?


I have never had to send a kid to the nurse to change their clothes for a body spray, but have had to send a kid out for smelling like weed. Also, if a kid has too much spray on, other classmates will get on their back about it being overpowering. Pot lingers differently (especially in a small room with no AC in 90 degree heat), and because we're in a state where it's legal, kids notice but don't say anything. They just suffer in silence. One time a kid in gym broke a bottle on his shoes, and the whole second floor was just Axe body spray. Still wasn't as bad as the kid who hot boxed his car before school and walked in the class high as a kite. I can make one kid leave his shoes in the hallway and others kids will get on him for being irresponsible. I can't do anything but speculate and wish the room had a window for the high kid.


The whole affidavit thing seems like such a waste of time. Not to many other laws we are supposed to follow but also sign things saying we promise we won’t.


They made collecting rain water illegal. I wonder how many (all) of them have investments in cannabis so they make sure to profit as much as they can. The civil war we need is shooting these greedy bastards.


Vote blue straight ticket in November


This has no chance of passing and is a moot issue yeah?


Did you forget that you’re in the state where the legislature invited crazy and un-credentialed people to speak as “experts” on the Covid vaccine? Those viral videos that became famous all over the world of the nurse claiming it made her magnetic (and failing to make a key stick to her) and the other woman claiming she was receiving 5G signals in her brain? Those are from Ohio. And our legislators gave them a standing ovation.


3rd offense for getting caught growing without writing a promise note to the state is a felony


Vote blue


Anybody that supports these conditions can go play in traffic.


lol keep putting republicans in charge.


Well good thing for them I've been a criminal for years smoking wherever whenever I want. Nothing better than blazing a fatty walking through the park or walking downtown. Nothing has stopped me before and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. They can get bent


The home grow ban is so stupid, it's just a way for corporations to maintain profit margins. However, i think all smoking should be illegal publicly, not just marijuana. I can't believe this hasn't happened already. Idk why anyone wants to smell cigs or marijuana, it's just gross.


https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/smoke-free-workplace-program Here you go.


We already have a smoking ban lol it’s not enforced


There is no home grow ban.


The next Colorado or California of the Midwest


How so? I find it very doubtful that Ohio will resemble those markets at all. This will be a highly regulated and costly market. I doubt it will ever resemble Michigan for sure. Too many people like rules in Ohio




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fingar-Bangar: *I will make it a* *Point to smoke even more in* *Public if this passes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


Can we please ban stinky people in general, be it tobacco, low-quality weed, or even nasty dog smell or just BO? I'm tired of having my gag reflex tested several times a day at work!


All public smoking should be banned, of any material.


So, should grills and bonfires be banned as well, Karen?


Big difference between that and tobacco/weed smoke


You didn't make the delineation. Do you only consider people's personal cannabis and tobacco smoke to be detrimental to others' health as "burning material?" What about gas ovens and stovetops? Do you consider manufacturing pollution to be the same as a cheech having a chooch?


False equivalency.


In your mind, but I can't read that shit without you putting in the effort to communicate. How is it a false equivalency in your reasoning?


you sound fun


Think it’s a fear thing, wooo drugs, but but we do want the tax money


I can't say I'm terribly concerned with any of this. I didn't think I could smoke pot anywhere I want. I can't drink a beer anywhere I want. I didn't expect to be allowed to sell my weed that I grew without a license like a dispensary. The delta-8 people can figure out their own problems, I'm not interested at all in what they're pushing.


Read the article, there's more concerning issues in the bill. It's tucked in between reasonable things, but it's obvious they're just trying to get control from the business end so their buddies can haul in the profits.


The only thing in the article that comes close to bothering me is the need to tell the government I'm growing my own. Everything else is not a problem for me. What exactly don't you like about it and why? Maybe I'm just missing something. I'm perfectly willing to believe they're up to no good with this, I just don't see it myself.


I think what you're missing is seeing this through the eyes of people who aren't you.


Maybe you're right. So what is the problem, from your perspective? I'm sincerely trying to understand the issue but nobody will tell me exactly why they're upset. I voted every single time to legalize, starting with Obamas first term. We fucked ourselves way back then and it's taken this long to get back. Tell me what's wrong and maybe I'll agree.


I don't need you to agree with me. Read the article and if there's confusing bits, look up what they mean. But to summarize, there's a part of it that could easily lead to just a few companies that own/own the right to produce flower and other cannabis products, making it open for higher and higher prices. No, I will not go back and find the part and bring it to you. As far as the other attempts, too often they result in additional penalties for non compliance. Currently, anything less than 100g is a misdemeanor and a possible $150 fine. This doesn't cover cops who are hoping you don't know the law, but it's still - technically - very lenient. Moot point now of course.


I appreciate your response. I'm sure you've got much better things to do with your time than educating me. I'm sorry if any of my questions or statements offended you, or anyone else, on this thread.


Homegrown limitations first and foremost


Why are they calling it the hemp bill? The hemp plant is not a marijuana plant.


Yes they are the same species. One has been bred for industrial purposes breeding out most of the thc. The other has been bread for high thc. It’s why there’s type 1, type 2 and type 3. It’s also why the loophole in the farm bill was successful. The difference is basically legality that’s it.


The hemp plant doesn’t get you high. Hemp is legal.


Did you read


It’s a misnomer to call it the Hemp bill. Some even consider Ruderalis to be a different species from Sativa and Indica. It’s been around for centuries. It wasn’t bred (not bread, lol) from the other two.


Will regulate the issue till it dies. Devine does not want it to come out. His “family, child” image is against it. Doesn’t matter if the voters passed or not.


Smoking in public was never supposed to be legal. It is supposed to be the same as alcohol & it is illegal to drink in public. It is not right some of the things they are doing or trying to change but it should still not be a public accessory. 6 plants per person per house is ok because you can have them in multiple stages of growth to guarantee your own supply but making people register their plants is absolutely ridiculous. That's like asking us to register our tomatoes. They are getting too nitpicky about the whole thing. I Don't like that they are having medical & recreation out of the same locations. Michigan did that right and made sure medical patients can still get their medication. The dispensaries are telling medical patients to stock up so they are able to get their medication. I know this from personal experience & as someone who was able to get off of all of my heavy pain medication & rely mostly on medical marijuana. I am majorly pissed about it. But they are also giving diabetic medication to overweight people & we can't get our insulin. It's a stupid system all around & the politicians just want their money no matter how it hurts people




In regards to home grow, they're also insisting you self report everything you grow with escalating fines and misdemeanors for failing to do so. You can definitely home brew without having to worry about that bullshit.


Sounds like a bunch of whiny ass law followers. Oh, I must wait and do whatever the Democrats tell me to do or I'll blame it on the opposition. Geezus Christ, get a fucking life.


Is the only you have to agree not to sell it?