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They have proven time and time again that THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about how their constituents feel. The only way we will eventually have a say is if the bill passes to end gerrymandering. Seriously, it’s our only hope.


> if the bill passes to end gerrymandering We already voted in favor of that, and the Ohio Republicans ignored the court orders to fix it (with no repercussions). Unless there's a new anti-gerrymandering proposal I haven't seen yet? But what's the keep them from just ignoring it like the last one?


There is a new one that forms a commission and specifically states who can be on it. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/citizen-led-redistricting-reform-ballot-initiative-ohio?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR37jAEbiqNuPBSsM5Tyrf_ENdURBzaGGEQPB60z3nk5rwBGEdWJ3iPUhes_aem_Aa6JtG30XAnJq3IXXbO3r8Bo2QZ9A9E1Cl7qokFlr5Jtx6E81kj59e_hJv7uN4UcHx23NmzGNQfxG-V4J0tOaZHG


Thanks! I signed up and donated


if you want to make gerrymandering illegal, make it illegal. their are currently no penalties for making unconstitutional maps. even if the citizens council gets passed, their will still be no repercussions. of you want to end gerrymandering, \*actually\* make it illegal.


I think you're right that we'll need to have a legal ban on maps with "[efficiency gaps](https://ballotpedia.org/Efficiency_gap)" below a certain metric to achieve fair voting in Ohio. [Ohio Issue 1 in 2018](https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Issue_1,_Congressional_Redistricting_Procedures_Amendment_(May_2018) was a State Constitution Amendment that 75% of the voters approved of. It did not ban gerrymandering in any way; it did establish clear steps that allow the majority party to ignore all input from the minority party, just as long as they are willing to redraw maps every 4 years instead of 10. I think we got really screwed on that amendment. Dayton, for example, had the district it was gerrymandered into in a way that denied the residents a vote on their state representative when it was their turn. For clarity, each district only gets to vote in a state rep every other cycle; they are planning to switch Dayton's district to an off-cycle repeatedly. Dayton is unrepresented in the state congress at this time, and their ability to have one is not in sight specifically because they "have" to redraw the map every four years as long as they continue to submit maps the minority party won't approve.


> But what's the keep them from just ignoring it like the last one? The reminder about how quickly they canceled lock downs and mask mandates when people showed up in fatigues and carrying guns on the capitol steps?


and now almost all of those people are in prison


J6ers? Yes - but the ones who showed at the state courthouse? I don't remember seeing any repercussions for their actions other and Dr. Amy resigning. Then going into hiding.


Edit: the only true way to end gerrymandering is to make there be a penalty for the crime. currently it is \*technically\* illegal, however there is no penalty for creating unconstitutional maps. Citizens could be bribed or pressured or just plain incompetent and make an extremely bad map with no consequences, just like now. if you want gerrymandering to be banned, actually directly ban it with penalties. so... in the meantime until a bill that only has a possibility of theoretically working passes you are just going to complain on reddit and do nothing while rights continue to be taken away without even trying? You do realize calling them and threatening their job security is highly effective right?




then do that. protest. the entire point is to do something other than hoping for a bill to pass or complaining. if you believe a protest will help, do so! i will happily attend if you get the extremely difficult to obtain permits


So... you're willing to participate, but not do the hard work? Typical.


Because of personal circumstances I am unable to obtain the permits, i have tried.


Don't need a permit to protest, that's what the 1st amendment is for


and politicians love violating that, so you need permits.


if the constitution wont stop them neither will a permit


There is currently an anti gerrymandering amendment currently collecting signatures. If you haven't already signed, please do so https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/petition/


He was supporting your thesis op


see edit (sorry for not directly responding it is a lot to type out)


They are just going to flip you the bird if they have job security in a safe district. Only certain areas will work. And it would have to be that area and they are voting the restrictions.


is your district one of those districts? and if it is what else can you do to make a change?


My district is Cleveland. I will definitely be acting in a strategic way to make it better. They are going to regulate it like alcohol minimum. Vote blue in November is a starter.


great! any help people can contribute is greatly appriciated, i just specifically posted this method as it is the easiest and can be effective in large numbers, and people on here usually do not want to do much.


> You do realize calling them and threatening their job security is highly effective right? Do you realize that it isn't very effective at all? How many calls do you think our politicians received before the citizens got fed up and took it upon themselves to create legislation that would enshrine women's rights into our Constitution? How many calls do you think our politicians received about marijuana before the citizens took action to legislate themselves? Sorry, phone calls to these politicians are no longer effective. Maybe that was an effective tactic 50 years ago, but it is no more.


have you called them?


I don't need to call them to know it's not effective


the point is to do something other than complain on reddit or vote and hope.


Do you see me complaining? I don't vote and hope, I vote and donate. Literally made a donation yesterday after finding out on Friday that Biden's student loan forgiveness program has forgiven 20k of my debt.


And you think that is more effective?


Than making a phone call to the opposing ~~candidate~~ party who clearly has no interests in my needs? Absolutely.


i honestly at this point do not believe what i say in any capacity will change your opinion. just please do your best man. thats all i can ask for.


Regulate like alcohol. That's what the Citizen initiative that passed said. If we want to ensure the Bill that passed does not get over regulated by those that oppose it we need to vote and speak out as has been encouraged. Using cannabis at concerts and festivals won't stop, it's always happened in certain venues. The affidavit for homebmgrowers is ridiculous. Do we make home brewers sign affidavits? What will the affidavit give govt. Permission to do? Will we have to agree to home visits and plant counts? How about this, if someone is violating the law around blackmarket sales or bootlegging, the violation is enforced on an individual basis like other laws. Blackmarket sales are already covered by current law. To me, the affidavit says that home growers will break the law so we need to keep an eye on them. This is over policing of something that should be the least of law enfornents concerns. So yes I have and will continue to speak out against govt. Overreach.


This is on point. There is no public safety issue with the new law. Only a government revenue problem. The same thing that happened with the lottery funds is trying to be done here. The tax burden in Ohio should not shift from the richest landowners and business owners to the people who need to smoke weed.


I’m gonna smoke regardless.


Yeah, legality never stopped me before, and if the price is exorbitant I'll just keep getting it illegally.


Literally what is still happening in New Jersey.


That ain't gonna do shit. You have to vote these people out


then help campaign against them. the point of this post is to do something other than complain on reddit or voting and hoping.


You have to convince the people who voted for them to vote for a democrat. These people's pastors told them to vote republican. Go talk to the churches and see what happens.


Thinking Republicans give a flying fuck about people complaining is silly. They tried to make RAPED victims have the rapist's baby, you think they care about your feelings about smoking something they'd rather completely shut down.


>Tell them you are an influential member of the community with an important job. Don't do this. Just be yourself. Politicians and their staff typically know when you're lying.


you overestimate their intelligence.


Did something change or is this just click bait repost trash?


The proposed change to worry about is that you would have to sign an affidavit if you grow at home, which would put you on a government database.


That's right. They also want our ID put in a data base when we buy at dispensaries. Medical patients already have their info in a data base.


A recreational database would only happen for those whose sign the affidavit if the senate changes go through.


From what I understand, in the proposed amendment there is language about how much one can purchase at a time. To track how much an individual has bought they enter your ID into a system monitored by Cannabis Control.


I have not seen any indication or proof that a cross check system will be in place. This limit will be a law, and it will be enforced at the point of sale, but there will be no system linking dispensaries. Michigan, and many other states have limits too, but in reality, you just go to another shop that same day. This would be a very complex system and how would it work if you went back in a few days? The ID check is simply to prove that you are 21. Maybe I'm wrong, but there's nothing I've seen besides the wording of the limit law itself.


Ok. Good to know




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What I saw is 10 day supply is ounce of flower, 10 packs of 100 mg gummies and 10 cartridges. I get objecting to limits I guess? But you can go to same store next day and buy that list again? Or to different store same day? I think Ohio prices are going to be biggest issue for anyone halfway close to Michigan


Ohio links all of the shops together meaning they can track what you buy. That doesn’t happen in Michigan that’s why you can go from shop to shop and keep buying til your hearts content. Michigan is supposed to limit your buying to 2.5 oz’s.


This is how republicans think they get their way. Make it so cumbersome that nobody uses it and it will die on the vine. That’s fine I’ll just keep giving my $$$ to Michigan.


Yup. You ever play "Count The Ohio Plates" in the weed-store parking lot? We drive an hour into Michigan and there are still as many OH plates as MI plates. Someone should show these out of touch old rich men how much revenue Ohio is losing to Michigan. 🤦‍♀️


Someone said they’ll let you go out and come back in if you’re at limit which explains signs I saw last round “law requires you to take purchase to your car.” Everything in Michigan has evolved over time too


Michigan dispensaries have never been linked. Therefore you can shop back at multiple stores and reach your 2.5 oz limit and go back in. The only thing Michigan tracks is how much you buy during an individual purchase. So each persons limit at time of purchase in the store is 2.5 oz. Never tracked how many times you went back into said store or a different store. There is not a limit on when you can buy again. It’s always been like that. In OH they limit you to what the law says your Dr can prescribe which is the 90 day BS. Two completely different species has nothing to do with evolution.


Michigan changed potency limits though. Someone was trying to tell me you can only buy 10 mg gummies while I had a pack of 20 in my hands. Are there even any limits anymore?


They used to have different limits on Medical products vs rec products. So for example a medical Gummy could be 20 mgs. While the same exact product has to be packed different and manufactured different at say 10 mg to sell it in a rec package.




“It will eventually improve” is not a phrase that is known to the knuckle daggers in the GOP. They are the party of regression. If it was up to them, there would be jail for anyone who’s ever thought of lighting up. Vote them out, they don’t deserve to be paid at all when they only serve themselves


Ok thanks, so you could break that up too and get less of all 3. Didn’t consider possibility they’ll keep you from going at all until 10 days are up. That’s plenty for me, especially because everyone will have same easy access. Does seem it’ll all take a while to work out. I do want that first legal Ohio experience but I’m happy with Michigan


But republicans hate regulations




It will be 0% to Ohio from me if I keep shopping in Michigan. When will these Republican dipshits learn that they are competing for my tax dollars. I will happily keep giving my money to Michigan. As it stands now Ohio will have to be a better deal overall in every aspect to get my $$$ from Michigan because I’m a petty asshole. Michigan has a SUBSTANTIAL lead due to their knowledge gained from years of experience. Go to a Lume dispensary sometime. It’s like an Apple Store of weed. It is a luxury experience. Quality product, selection, environment, knowledgeable staff, exemplary customer service. They set the bar VERY high.


They love hypocrisy more.


You're making a lot of speculation. You might he right, but don't state that things are going to be a certain way when no one here knows the answer to that question


Exactly. People are in here talking about a proposed bill that hasn't been fully passed. When rec starts the limits will be set by the bill that we voted on. The rest is all just speculation


So when you buy are they taking you’re name down off of your ID even if you pay cash? I’m not getting how they track your purchase.


Michigan scans your ID to buy


They then also let you just do multiple transactions back to back and walk out with as much as you want. Source: did just that and walked out with well over the “single purchase” limit.


These rules are all so fucking stupid. If people wanna buy weed let them buy it ffs. Yet I can walk into a liquor store and buy several handles, enough to literally kill me nobody fucking cares about that.




Alcohol is a drug.




What do you mean? Alcohol is definitely a controlled substance lol. Otherwise anyone would be able to purchase it under any circumstance and legally use it in public without a license from the state. You also wouldn’t get cut off at bars or denied service at stores for being drunk.






Yeah I agree there’s often useless laws surrounding substances that people just ignore anyway.


Case in point, all this nonsense about threatening to revoke liquor licenses over people smoking weed at the bar. Like everyone’s been doing that the whole time lol.


I loved the official state of Michigan response when asked why they were dropping total daily purchase limits. " Tourism" 😁


Yeah, I spent like $900 in Monroe yesterday 😂😂


Haha for real I walked out with over a dozen carts, hella edibles, and several ounces of flower when I was in Ann Arbor. They also gave me a bunch of free shit which was cool.


I spent $400 in Mackinac two weeks ago.


House of Dank is the best. I got really good clones from them


I’ve been hitting Uniq, but good to know. 


Michigans dispensaries are not linked through the state system. Ohios are as they are in most States with competitive licensing.


They only accept payment in cash or debit and yes before they'll even show what they have available they enter your id into the system.


The state will not track sales. You can just go to another dispensary the same day and buy more.




You can just go to another dispensary and buy more the same day. The store may put you in a database (for discounts, etc.), but the state won't know.




Find me something that proves otherwise.




The dispensaries are not going to cross check with each other. You buy from one, then go to another. Just like Michigan and every other state that have purchase limits and are under the federal controlled substance rules.


they track that. the whole point of this is to make sure medical patients can still get their meds, so rec will be limited for a while, as it should be, bc the med program>rec program


Whatever you select is put into the dispensary system. Based on your id being swiped they will know what you bought and track the weight.


I purchased some with a foreign DL and it went smoothly but apparently it was some loophole strain that wasn't very potent and not medical grade. This was in May Edit: they always tried to scan it even when they saw it was not American. But really they just care about the age and expiry date


kind of silly . you can buy as much alcohol as you want.




You just go to another dispensary the same day and buy another 10 day supply. And another. Etc.


10 days = ounce.


that is how it currently works yes, however their have been multiple senate bills proposed that have a decent likelihood of going through that would effectively make cannabis illegal again in most settings, along with the amount of THC content you are allowed to have be basically nonexistent.


Key word in the title is "proposed" as in not yet finalized or passed but currently a likely possibility.


Yes. The house likely won't pass this as is.


so people on here believe that 1) your representatives introducing the bill will ignore you and will do nothing if you contact them 2) The bill that they vote on will not pass as is even though it is facing little or no direct community resistance. got it.


not clickbait or a re-post, you can look through my history. i am just tired of people on here complaining about issues and then doing nothing about them, and then when you tell them to do something about it they go "thats too hard :("


Have there been new reports and new changes? Last I knew, issue 2 was moving forward as voted for. I know there is always the need to voice concerns consistently, but this post has just like such a day late and a dollar short vibe to it.


key word "proposed" changes. as in changes that have not happened yet but politicians are trying to pass.


How threatening do I have to be?


I don't condone violence but they don't give a single fuck about your words.


Our state government is a complete and total failure. I'm going to keep my money going to Michigan.


so you are going to do nothing to try and fix the issues because you have access to resources the majority of us don't?


Mine is term limited and on his way out. He literally doesn’t give a shit about constituents anyways.


I'm fine with not smoking in public, because drinking in public has long been illegal. I can even deal with having to sign a stupid form to grow my own. But \*this\* is some \*bullshit\*: " It would eliminate all public smoking and vaping, even if a private business wanted to allow their customers to consume cannabis" \*No more marijuana festivals\* No more puff-and-paint, like the drinking and painting some particularly nice bars do. Nothing. It should be allowed in establishments that want it, not relegated to your f×cking house. That is officially the most bullshit law I've ever seen. Far be it from me to wish death on anyone, but some obituaries I read with relish.


Wishing death because you don't get exactly what you want. Seems like a rational response. Derp


Learn how to read, bud.


"Far be it from me to wish death on anyone, but some obituaries I read with relish." Oh...I can read bud. Can you?


“Far be it from me to wish death on anyone” meaning they wouldn’t do that. “Reading an obituary with relish” meaning they aren’t *mad* about it. Which is totally different than “wishing death upon someone”. We good?


Of course we are good. I read it differently. I actually agree with you after reading it like 10 times. It's like double negatives, they always fuck me up.


you seem like a great person to be around


Oh, I'm the bad guy as opposed to wanting people's death. Gotcha


I see you have learned how hateful this group is lol


It is bizarro word wtf


again, you seem like a great person to be around. read what you type before you post if you want people to like you. you give off the same vibes as ThatVeganTeacher.


>call your representative. ...so they can laugh in gerrymandered supermajority all the way to the bank.


Ohio is a criminal rightwing MAGA government for the foreseeable future. Time to leave.


Michigan seems nice.


It’s fine I like the Michigan road trip and I’d rather give them the money anyway


so you are going to do nothing to try and fix the issues because you have acess to resources the majority of us don't?


Yeah man the worlds fucked why try


Yep and I’m a petty asshole.


My rep introduced a bill to ban artificial turf in Ohio . PS he owns a lawn care company


Actually there’s some thought that is contributing to cancer; there’s a documentary about soccer goalies getting cancer possibly from the pebble rubber on the Astro turf. (Maybe a doctumentary, maybe just some soccer coach who noticed a pattern)




Can someone explain? I thought the amendments didn’t pass


There have been more amendments proposed.


is there a link to read them?


Yeah, that always works…the gerrymandered GOP doesn’t listen to their constituents.


There will be a law that the budtenders will adhere to that limits your quantity at that time of purchase at that dispensary, but you can just go to another store and buy more, like Michigan. There will be no system that links the stores to cross check. Your ID will be checked to be sure you are 21, but that's it. The intention is to leave enough product for medical buyers, so it's basically a deterrent to hoarding, but in reality, very few rec buyers are going to jump around from store to store in one day. If I'm wrong, someone please show documentation of a cross checking system. Simply showing the law that you can't buy more than a certain amount at one time is not proof. And then how would it work if you went back 2 days later? What is the math for number of days supply then, since you used up 2 days supply, etc.


It's a waste. The intern will open the email or letter and throw it away. There will be a half-hearted attempt at informing the representative of what the intern is seeing and the representative will ignore it and ask how the law banning the use of the word "fetus" and replacing it with "unborn child" is going.


Bill number and sponsors/supporters?


As if they care what you think. If their market research shows they’ll get an extra point in the polls they’d legalize eating puppies.


What do you do when you do not have one like in District 6? Call nobody? We literally have zero representatives. smh Ohio is a backwards State and corrupt af. Our Federal Government does jack all to fix the corruption and have known about it for decades. Also our "Representatives" are the ones that are currently trying to take away what we all voted for and passed..... so yeah what good does calling or contacting our Representatives do?


the point is to do something other than complain on reddit or to vote and hope. contribute to ending the corruption.


lol. Just grow your own. My god. I have like 3 pounds just sitting around. Been growing since the law passed. It is ridiculously easy.


Anything you recommend to get started?


tons of info on the internet. Just need a grow tent, light, cheap ventiliation system, seeds and some good soil. I have so much marijunana now I just give it away to people.


have you seen the proposed changes that would make it where if you do you get put on a government list?


I'm pretty sure most of us are already on various "government lists"


Better rush out and get some more tin foil. Is that like project 2025? Get in your shelter.


Love the honesty here. I think I will screen shot this and send it to my representative so she ignores all the people against it. A liar deserves nothing. And you clearly are not an important member of your community. So between the 2, it's no wonder your rep ignores you.


you seem like a nice human.


Lol buncha dorks


You have seen your username, right?


thanks for being oh so helpful im shure your a very fun person to be around <3