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The guy probably has an ownership stake in a grow operation and homegrown would cut into his profits.


This is the answer right here


Yeah it was the same shit they tried back in like 2015 or whenever. They had a legal weed bill on the table but it only gave the growing rights to 2 farms in Ohio. People voted no because there was a campaign of billboards telling stoners it was not good for stoners.


I voted no because of that. I have no problem with people using weed, but I did have a problem with there only being a select few allowed to grow it. And you know the legislature had close ties to the couple of farmers/landowners where it was to be grown. It’s always about the money.


it was 7 politically connected mega firms if i remember correctly, excluding all other entrepreneurs and home growers


John Boehner (remember John 'crying on the House floor begging Republicans to pass a fucking budget' Boehner?) was/is a member of one of the groups that were trying to carve out their own weed empire in OH


So was Nick Lachey and Les Wexner.


Nick Lachey? Always trying to trample the rights of others and keep the working man down!🤣🤣🤣


I know it seems like a joke, but he was one of the investors linked with the 2015 proposition.


I was so relieved when that got voted down. The monopoly was ridiculous.


It's all about price control!


> billboards telling stoners it was not good for stoners It was bad for Ohio. That law could have permanently entrenched massive amounts of bullshit into legalization. In 100 years we would still have that shit not unlike PA's ridiculous alcohol laws.


War on drugs: *Heavy breathing*


I can't even *drive* on drugs


Not in our state government but I remember John Boehner got involved with marijuana companies after he left DC. Maybe it was his daughter's rastafarian husband that got him in to it. Just funny how he was all against it and once it looked like money was to be made and he wasn't running for office he flipped quick.


It's incredible considering how few people even want to grow. I'm the only one at my job that's seriously interested in putting that kind of work into what's really only ever going to be a hobby. No homegrower is going to outsell a dispo you'll go broke trying.


That's not the point of stopping home growing. The point of stopping home growing is to force those who want it to go to the dispensaries so that every dollar ONLY goes into the pockets of their politically connected buddies and donors.


Which is incredible when you consider how few people want to put the work in to grow... wait.. deja vu..


They can't let a single penny fall through the crack. Modern American Capitalism is, "You will own nothing and you will be happy, owning nothing." Where the "you" in that, is anyone who isn't at the top of the economic classes.


There isn't enough tar or feathers


Which is ironic cause when you restrict people's freedoms, they'll just do it anyways, even if it is illegal, just as a way to tell em to go fuck themselves. These people are too caught up in the money brain to really see past their own nose lol


A lot of people rent, and you can't really grow in a rental most of the time.


You could grow a single plant in a five gallon pot in a 2x2 tent and get enough weed to last until your next grow is ready. LED light won’t burn the place down. Of course it depends on if your LL is a PITA who wants to do monthly inspections.


I'm growing a shit-ton for no reason other than to say F the GOP


Lol yeah let's cruise by and throw the bud at their houses!


I’ll DM my address…


Lol I assumed the commenter above meant GOP *lawmakers*... But sure! Bud Claus loves all of God's children!


They can have the trimmings


It's not the space or the light, it's the aroma. Have you ever been around/near a single, modern strain of plant, growing? The aroma is strong enough coming off of a 6" high plant covered in flower, to create an overwhelming aroma in an 800 square foot garage.


Can confirm. Carbon filter on your exhaust fan is a gamechanger and essentially eradicates the odor. At least until you have to open the tent..


Opening the tent, ends up being the problem.


And drying! Oh boy it's stinky.


I have 4 plants in full flower that are about 24 inches tall, they don't stink. No one that comes over has any idea I'm growing unless I show them the girls.


I mean, to be fair, decades of weed smokers did just fine without having anything nearly that ridiculous on hand. If your tolerance is tuned to the “modern” powerful strains, you could always simply go on a TB, and then try getting used to getting high on old school strains with less THC like your dad’s older cousin probably did every other day back in the 70s.


Go and try to find seeds that will produce a 5% or so flower. The days of home grow ops, as I saw in my youth of the 1990's, having barely any to next to zero aroma, are gone. It's all HIGH POWERED, SUPER DANK Aroma, all the time. Just, Weapons Grade, Ordeal Having Flower, everywhere.


I know all about it. My wife complains daily. Not because I use in the house, but because I prepare in the house.


>Of course it depends on if your LL is a PITA who wants to do monthly inspections. can you be evicted for a house plant?


Supreme Court will decide once enough LL get sued


If there is a rule in the rental contract explicitly banning that, then they will win. It's not different than a no pet policy. There's no lawsuit or SC.


I imagine just about every lease now will include a clause prohibiting it. That would be infinitely easier for landlords than worrying about a sudden law change or cops deciding to raid the place anyway, or any other improbably scenario. From their perspective, there's no downside to covering their asses by effectively banning home grow for their tenants.


Yep. There is no upside for landlords to allow it. Even on the small scale currently permitted, there is a LOT of potential for mold and such from humidity. Add water spills damaging floors and stupidity involving power strips, extension cords, etc that could potentially endanger other tenants. Landlord's property involves considerable investment. Needed repairs caused by one idiot tenant can be very expensive. It's all but inevitable a landlord will encounter damage that is not normal wear and tear but they have every right to try to mitigate that, it's their property.


Mine's been to the place once in 2 years. And that was to fix the clogged upstairs toilet that dripped down through my kitchen ceiling. Annual inspections is a list of photos they want me to take of specific rooms.


Exactly. You have to really want to grow. It’s a lot of work that requires research and practice. No one is going to outcompete the companies waiting at the state line for the green light.


Home-grown chronic is always preferable to dispensary weed. Everyone wants that home grown


It’s v easy to grow cannabis.


They want to create a database for homegrow which would be accessible for employers. That in itself would be a deterrent for a lot of people. For a party that is entirely against databases (guns), they continue to want to spend millions of dollars to create and maintain databases for causes that they support (trans people, weed growers, abortion seekers, protestors).


They're too late. Homegrowers are already on their 2nd or 3rd grow.


Former US House speaker John Boehner spent years fighting weed legalization until he found a way to make money off it. It’s all about money, power, and control. It’s not about the people.


Always follow the money, it explains more or less all of the doings in our government.


Sounds like a real House of LaRose-type situation.


I agree. I’m a federal employee, I know this is a State issue but we received an email from OPM saying we federal employees) are not allowed to invest in any business in growing or selling any marijuana products. I think it’s BS, you can bet federal lawmakers and state lawmakers are somehow in the works are trying to see how they can make bank by passing laws so it will favor their investments in marijuana sales.


It could also be that he’s a twat and a bully like so many conservatives willing to suffer as long as they get to tell people they hate they can’t do things.


Our legislators are too fucking stupid to own a stake in anything. You mean Some else owns a big stake and the guy is mooching after some crumbs from his benefactor.


Or, someone else owns the op and gave this guy stake to incentivize his votes. Same idea, bigger deal


Greed, greed always find a way.


No probablys about it, this is 100% the case here. They know they can’t outright repeal it, and they know it’s a money making machine, but they want revenge so they’re lining their pockets so they’re the only ones who reap the profits


This is why California took so long to legalize, all the black market growers coalesced to shut it down


A ["Bootleggers and Baptists"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootleggers_and_Baptists) alliance.


They want to be able to handout licenses to grow to their buddies.


Is it called Tegrity Farms?


Yep, follow the money.


This is how we ended up with legal gambling but only 3 or 4 casinos all owned by the same company


It’s almost like republicans don’t give a shit about democracy


They HATE democracy. Read Project 2025. They will end voting if Plump wins! It is in writing and signed by the CEOs of the big corporations. They are tired of pretending to let us have a say. VOTERS is the only thing they fear.


Project 2025 is the Fourth Reich. Believe it can happen here. Those fundamentalist Xtians are beyond sick of our shit.


> Read Project 2025. They will end voting if Plump wins! It's only trump this year. In 4 years it will be a different republican we need to worry about. *THIS* is why they say "someone else is pulling the strings in the white house" or "Biden is being controlled" - they have an out and proud, **well funded** blueprint for how the republican government will govern. God I wish this was just some whacko conspiracy. *But here we are*


Bold of you to assume they will still hold elections if Trump gets elected again..


That's a fair point. But I meant even if Biden is re-elected. They aren't just going to give up.


If Trump doesn't win I could imagine that the Republican party will implode on itself. He's practically load bearing for them now.


We said this in 2016. Then in 2020. Then in 2022. The GOP just won’t implode.


"What you think all the guns is for?" -The ~~Notorious BIG~~ Founding Fathers


All-purpose war, got the Rottweilers by the door


I don’t think they’ll end voting. But I think voting will become similar to voting in Russia or other authoritarian regimes if project 2025 succeeds. Where the whole process is rigged so your vote means nothing. That way conservatives will believe that the “voter fraud” has been thwarted instead of finding out they no longer have the right to vote.


They don't and they aren't hiding it. I live in Alabama now and here there isn't even a option to put voter issues on the ballot. Every topic MUST go thru the legislature where it dies. Unless of course it is abortion, IVF, shutting down polling stations in the black belt, etc... . As long as Ohio keeps voting in Republicans, you are in danger. This could be their next move - to hide getting rid of voter initiatives in a bunch of legal jargon in a bill titled "Tax cuts for farmers" or some shit.


Thanks for the warning.


lol they don’t —remember issue 1


"It's not a democracy. It's a republic, so you have to bend to our will." -the waning party


They've openly talked, even joked, about how much they're trying to sabotage Issue 2, now that it has passed. It's even been covered in the news. However, you know it's bad when Mike DeWine, of all people, has to tell the GOP lawmakers; "Let the will of the people go into effect. The people's house is the people's house." Then the Ohio GOP decided to go against the will of the people, and that the people's house is their house. Other lawmakers, have even discussed trying to overrule, or throw out, everything passed with Issue 1. I think it's time we kick these squatters out of the people's house. They do not represent the people, they do not work for the people, they do not speak for the people - *so what are they doing there?*


They can’t do anything to issue 1, it’s a constitutional amendment.


And yet they heve overtly asserted they want to do it anyway, and have put forth multiple bad faith arguments attempting to twist the language of the ammendment such that they can still do whatever the hell they want anyway.


GOP: “hey - watch this!”


GOP: "Hold my beer (distributed by the House of LaRose beer distribution, funded by taxpayer dollars, and proceeds going to LaRose for Governor 2026 Foundation)"


They absolutely can mess with an amendment. Pass a junk law and watch it get challenged. It gets challenged and whatever the ruling, it gets appealed. It eventually hits state Supreme Court and courts can just re-interpret the law however they want and change the constitution based on their political leanings. Don’t like their ruling? That sucks, but they don’t care. The people who put them in power will keep them there. So unless you vote their supporters out of office, nothing changes.


“Fck “the people” - my district is locked down for the GOP by design.”


The hole is wide And it’s there to divide It’s no one’s fault But it’s put there by design - Uncle Tupelo, “Watch Me Fall”


Lining their pockets from big alcohol and pharma. They are corrupt AF because of corporate dark money.


Hear hear !!!!!!!


It's odd the people's house seems so disconnected from the actual will of the people. This is clearly a symptom of highly gerrymandered representation. The difference between the true majority view of citizens and a highly gerrymandered house is stark. This shit is downright broken and this is a great example. We must do something about gerrymandering. It's the only way to end this shit.


We need to do something before we end up like Texas! *(No offense to Texas...)* I had someone point out that while Texas is a heavily blue state, the GOP has made every effort to prevent its blue voters from being represented, and it shows. For example, each county has ONE vote drop box. So... the nearly 5,000,000 voters of Harris County (Houston) have the same number of vote drop boxes as the 40-50 voters of Loving County. That would be like having all voters of Franklin County, Hamilton County, Summit County, Lucas County, Montgomery County, and Cuyahoga County voting with the same amount of resources as the village of Rendville, Ohio.


They backed off on doing this right after Issue 2 passed. I watched both days of the Senate hearings and they backed off because thousands of people contacted them. They said that. We need to do it again.


I have spoken with my. representative. Representative Troy has stated to me that he will stand with the voters and try and kill these BS rules and intrusions into my back yard.


If you don’t like big govt telling you what to do or think quit voting in the GOP. First we’ll get the anti gerrymandering bill passed and then we can get working on state ranked choice voting. The will of the people will be heard one way or another!


I love your optimism that the politicians that are denying our will rn after our will was done at the ballots, will suddenly recognize our will with gerrymandering bill (they ignored the SCOTUS telling them to change their illegal map) and then ignoring our will with the Abortion bill and Cannabis as well. They do not care when the people pass any law at the ballot or remove a law at the ballot.... they do the will of the losers of the last elections on both issues that we passed in the last election by not enshrining the Abortion amendment and by codifing into law the Cannabis measure..


I truly wish it were optimism but in reality I see it being a struggle that’s a far reach too. BUT we must try every effort to continue our democracy. If they somehow squash all these measures too then I feel it’s a much easier argument to make to call them traitors to our state/country. It will also be a mountain of evidence to hold around their necks when it’s time to hold them accountable…


Well either we get our way judicially or we get a lil extrajudical. Its up to us


This is the most important message: it’s up to US. Stand our ground and refuse to submit.


I like what has happened in Michigan since they passed their apportionment reform. The legislature has been much more competitive and reflective of the will of the people I think.


Ohioans will register their weed gardens and respect plant limits, as soon as gun owners register every single one of their guns and obey super restrictive ammunition limits. Small govt, like hell it is….


Yeah I got barrel-swept by some old idiot at Fin Feather Fur the other day. He was getting out of his car and checked if his chamber was clear in the lot. I was about 5 feet away getting a good look down the barrel of his gun from my drivers seat. Fucking dumbass is the one who needs to have his shit registered so when he inevitably neg discharges someone will be covered. Rolling down my window to yell at him seemed like a bad idea since his control of his weapon was dubious at best. But that’s what he deserved for doing some absolutely moronic shit.


Well fuck you Stephen A. Huffman, that's not what we voted for.


He is a 🦃 and a 🤡


>Ohio GOP want to rule, not represent. Conservatism, in a nutshell, is irrational objection to thought. They believe in a rigid social hierarchy where a handful of people make all of the decisions and everyone else must obey. The rank and file ones are also dumb enough to imagine that, in their envisioned social hierarchy, the people making the decisions will be them.


If they could just totally do away with that pesky little "voting" thing, they would. I used to think almost all Americans believed in democracy and the rule of law but the GOP has consistently proved me wrong.


The GOP certainly believes in democracy and the rule of law, so long as they're the only ones who get to vote and they don't have to obey any of the laws.


Holding a vote, and then changing the outcome because you didn’t like it, is the fucking opposite of freedom and democracy.


>Ohio GOP Still Trying To Change The Will Of The Voters That's pretty much an evergreen statement that you could put on the top of every popular policy. Gerrymandering: Check. Reproductive rights: Check. Marijuana use and regulations: Check. Energy Policy not involving millions of dollars in bribes for billions in kick backs to energy companies: Check. Ohioans constitutional rights: Check. Pretending to be about small government but and stepping in about private medical decisions: Check. They want to rule us instead of representing us. It's getting pretty tiresome and I hope that point gets driven home this November.


Well, enough people from the middle of nowhere in the state keep letting them rule, of course they are going to rule and not represent.


Yep as long as they get to cosplay as a Wyoming farmer in the sticks they'll let anything that doesn't affect them slide.


Republican voters are trash. Look at what they do.


Ohio republicans are doing their job - supporting the cartel owned by out of state billionaires who paid them to legalize medical marijuana while playing favorites when it comes to granting licensing. They're now protecting this billionaire cartel from the floodgates of legalization. Then there's the first energy scandal. And the deal Republicans made with natural gas companies that skyrocketed natural gas prices. In OH, the only political party that is corrupt through and through is the Republican party. I mean, JD Vances entire career is based on fraud. He sold OH out to the very pharma company that he claims got his Mother addicted. He also claims Middletown OH is appalachia. And now he seems to be wearing eyeliner regularly, probably because his massive donor, billionaire Peter Thiel, tells him to.Appalachia. Gym Jordan's career is based on him allowing people to molest people's boys and supporting electoral fraud. Dewines son is on the supreme court and refuses to recuse himself from rulings that directly affect his Father, and then he appointed his close family friend, historically corrupt politician Joe Deters, to the state Supreme court to help the republican party overturn election results. Now watch Republicans project again and claim citizens initiatives are funded by out of state billionaires in order to take political power away from the people in order to consolidate it within the politicians of their own party.


This is what happens when gerrymandering gets out of control.


We definitely need something different. Seems like after every presidential election it's another 4 years wasted of never getting anything accomplished. But in this election, if SHITLER becomes president again there won't be any more elections and the Republican party will change every law they can to stay in power. They are doing what they want now by not enacting the laws that the voters have already passed. Why would you think they would stand up for the American people in the future. They are definitely trying to get rid of our constitution and take over our country and stay in power forever.


Republicans: we're all about personal freedoms... unless they're yours. Then, not so much.


Almost all GOP representatives in this state get funding from pharma, alcohol and law enforcement unions; everyone who's against legalization.


Straight ticket blue in November. Tell your stoner friends to register now


Ohio: "We legalized in such a way that you'll continue to go to Michigan and other places for it!"


I definitely will. Its a 15 min drive to Monroe




If the GOP doesn't want tax money from their own people, fuck em. I can get what I want now. Fuck them whether they get what they want of not. I'm perfectly happy to never have a local industry if the only way we get it is a monopoly enforce with the law.


Certainly need to contact your representatives. Especially in the house. I don't think this will fly there


Yes contact them and get them to commit…. Get them on the record. Using resistbot is super simple and easily contacts your district/state representatives and The Governor. Do not forget to email Mike DeWine. He needs to be inundated with calls for leaving our initiative alone. He has my email. Does he have yours?


They want to rule not govern. You must sit down and do as you are told by your betters. This is what they are telling you.


When ohio people vote for GOP this is what will happen. Are they surprised?


When are the people of ohio going to learn that Republicans think they can to what ever they think is best, not what voters say. When are you going to vote your problems out of office? Aren't you tired of being shit on and treated with no respect from Republicans?


“ yes its legal, but lets make it so hard that its not even worth it”


Not gonna stop me


Ohio repunlic*nts are the absolute worst. They gerrymandered their way into power and try to rule us with an iron fist. If youre from Ohio vote blue and gets the Nazis out of power.


It’d be great if a majority Dem government set to wiping out those Gerrymanders and setup honest voting districts. A glowing example of for the rest of the states to follow and give the people back the power


We voted this shit in. Let democracy run it's course. Of course - he will think we're too stoned to notice. Just you wait until I'm done eating this food. Then you'll see.


Vote blue.


Really. What’s it going to take for Ohio citizens to wake up and toss the Republican Party out of office? Wake up and vote. It makes a difference.


Any “middle class” person that votes republicon should be ashamed. We’ve been getting screwed by them and their trickle down economics since Reagan dropped it on us and it gets worse all the time. I guess it’s easier for them to do the mental gymnastics to blame Democrats than admit they were wrong.


But then the illegal trans aliens will come and take our guuuuuuunssss and abort the Bible! The radio man said it and everyone at the hoedown repeated it so it has to be true!


They would prefer that the voters have zero say in anything. This is their mission.


Republicans hate freedom. It's as simple as that.


The more people grow the cheaper the price becomes. $65 an ounce is reasonable.


Vote the bastards out.


Republicans will ruin anything they possibly can.


The Ohio gop are nut jobs, I worked in the house in college and holy fuck those people are whack


Lolz, like the guy nut say, COME AND TAKE THEM.


Vote them out cause they don’t care what you want, BTW the GOP is coming for your guns if you use pot or drink alcohol, see what they did to the POTUS’ son? Say it again the GOP are coming for your guns


I promise your rights will be violated at some point if you sign that affidavit. Probably when you get pulled over, or possibly have your bank account monitored for cash deposits. Meanwhile you can buy an ar 15 with a drum magazine and that's between you and the gun store unless you're under investigation for murder. Fuck the AG. Fuck deswine. 🐷


Vote Blue. Only way they'll start to listen. It should have been rolled out no later than three months after the issue passed. They could have just let existing dispensaries sell to the public, but nooooo.... Keep in mind that the asshole AG (Yost) is also working hard to keep Ohioians from being able to even vote to challenge police immunity and misconduct. This state is turning completely fascist.


Keep contacting your reps, and tell everyone you know to contact theirs as well.


If voter turnout ever gets above 50% the United States will fundamentally change. But the GOP will continue to build the country that the most hateful racist person at the bingo club wants until that happens.


How do these people get into office? How do we fix that


You get what you vote for.


easy solution: don't vote GOP in Ohio


I ain’t filing shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.


A lot of people just want to be ruled sadly


Sounds like Ohio gop has been paid off by legal cannabis businesses, most likely from neighboring states, to do this so they can increase profits. Every news article I've see about how Ohio is going about legalizing signals this to me


Vote them out


Fuck Republican politicians and the assholes who vote for them too.


You'll get these guns when you pry them from my cold... wait, this is for plants?! The GOP is afraid of people farming for themselves?! What a control power move. GOP is full of clowns, and I'm almost happy Felonious 34 made them feel safe to tout all their hate and crazy for all to see their true colors. If you're a "true Christian," ask yourself WWJD, and I want to see the mental gymnastics at play where you think Republicans, especially trump, embody it. Everyone else voting for trump, he doesn't care about you, said so himself, just wants your vote. A constant liar and showman. Do you really want 0 representation?


Not surprised at all with this, especially having Gym Jordan and jD Vance as your reps. Embarrassing


I do what I want.


Dude doesn’t want Joe Shmoe growing his own when he can force Joe to buy his instead


So you file an affidavit to say you won’t break the law?


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


And yet the GOP still gets voted in. Ohio is insane.


The GOP is pure evil.


Man FUCK these guys. Fuck the GOP man im so sick of their shit. I’m so ready to go to war with them, fuck these guys


Why won't you just let your betters rule you? Half the state is voting for it.


"Maybe they're just too dumb to know what they want. We're better than them, so we'll just take the liberty of interpreting their will for them. Who gives a fuck if there was a vote."


I feel like their hope for this (besides just discouraging home growers) is that it sets an easily enforceable violation that’s still completely discretionary & arbitrary, which is the breach of the affidavit. This reduces the burden on the prosecution to have more evidence in any case they choose to pursue. Otherwise they would have to collect and provide evidence from each individual grow, which would vary widely and still have to show clear violations of specific sections of the law. With the Law already being too vague in some sense this would put all these gray areas up for debate by lawyers on a case by case basis and would make the prosecution far less “routine” and much more difficult. With the affidavit the prosecution will already have their first piece of evidence which is a statement that you “knew the rules” and then anything they consider a violation you already knew was a violation too. The prosecution would be able to focus on your statement/the affidavit and then pursue perjury charges instead of providing evidence and debating the cannabis issues more directly and inadvertently setting a precedent they didn’t want if they lose said debate.


Make sure you vote out the Republicans. So we all voted 60% to have rec weed. So why are people not going to show, or vote for a Republican, in November? This is going to be an ongoing battle.


Fuck Ohio gop..!


Seriously Ohio is so corrupted....we need to do something about our politicians here and gerrymandering


I’m sure people will register their plants as soon as they register their guns.


I'm pretty sure if Democrats were in charge the change in laws that were voted on would already be in place and they wouldn't be trying to constantly put what they want instead what the voters want!


Party of freedom right? I knew as soon as issue 1 & 2 passed, republicans would do every thing in their power to fuck this up.


He wants our money. Probably invested in commercial grow.


It's not just Ohio's GOP. This has been their gimmick nation wide.


Vote Democrat!


Is this the "less goverment" we keep hearing about?


They’re trying to deter homegrown because they want to tax you.


ALL Ohio Republicans need to be voted out of office. They have done NOTHING for the residents and they are supporting a convicted felon for president. They are worthless and, even worse, dangerous to our democracy. GOP: get better, then get out.


Sow much u spend on that Super Bowl vacation Mikey boy


[Into the blue again, after the money's gone, once in a lifetime, water flowing underground.](https://youtu.be/5IsSpAOD6K8?t=103)




Username (indirectly) checks out.


I can only guess what else is on the affidavit. Likely a stipulation that they can enter the residence where the growing is occurring without a warrant at any time.


Exactly. An affidavit is pretty strong shit.


This is why people need to pay attention to who they vote for locally


Great, now let’s get to the part where they’re trying to get their jobs back.


Ohios' bills are a joke anyway. Its all about big money. Out west like CO, OR had this down years ago. And its still working. Ohio got ancy and passed whatever we could, not what we needed. And we are still dealing with shitty expensive medical, and still may have part of our rec bill overturned. We needed better legislation to begin with period. Half of ohio still goes to Michigan anyways.....


Ohio is not a mostly democratic run state as the ones mentioned above are. As such, they want More control not More Freedom. See any ballot proposal ever passed in this state for examples. Michigans ballot proposals are written as passed without legislature approval. Why the F, does the citizen passed law need legislative approval? That is totally opposite to We The People..


Any fucker that fucks with the will of the people will be voted the fuck out of office.


When is that going to start happening? Sometime soon I hope.


A small correction: they aren't trying to change the will of the voters, they are trying to disregard it. And why not? Gerrymandering has essentially guaranteed them permanent minority rule.


All GOP, not just Ohio, want to rule rather than represent. They’re not even really trying to mask it anymore.


It's insane in NC. They want to change dark money campaign laws because their candidate for Governor is getting his ass kicked in fundraising. It's still going to be a close race. They also are trying to ban masks so that people can't be anonymous at a protest but want to be able to be anonymous with their official dealings.


How do I contribute to the cause to stop this change


By using resistbot to contact Your State Representative and Governor. It does not work for senators, but they are the ones who do not give a shit about your opinion unless it mirrors theirs. You need to go to ohio.gov to find senators contact information. Please do it.


>Ohio GOP want to rule, not represent. Most accurate statement I've ever read.


Hey, we've got rules and regulations for alcohol; why don't home brewers have to sign some bullshit paperwork?


Yes, this is sleazy. The house has ignored it so far, but let your voice be heard.


Totally unrelated but today the GOP approved higher dental bills with a smile on their face.