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Why are they afraid to show their faces? Cowards!


If thats the patriot front, a lot of them are probably afraid of their PO seeing them there.


you mean coworkers?


Some of those that work forces and all that


Are the same that burn crosses


You mean their moms?


This. If they aren't nazis, then why hide?


Because then they couldn’t play victim


If you have to cover your face, you’re absolutely on the wrong side.


You know why


Plot twist: He’s an avid anti masker.


Notice that he doesn't have the stones to show his face?


Proud to be cowards.


That's because they hide their dicks behind their mask. You can see his dick there behind the white cloth when he turns his head away from the camera at the base of his neck.. they hide it there when they are out on these rampages in the corner cuz they gotta snowflake.


Happy to spread their opinions to so many, but one person does and they flip out


Childish goons.


Better headline, Lady Tells Truth


Holding so much pride and conviction in their beliefs that they hide in fear behind masks, hats, and sunglasses every time. Their "enemy" doesn't get the luxury of hiding in the masses since their skin itself seems to be the problem with these people.


Man, thats poignant.


Their hood was dirty


I wonder how they felt about wearing masks when there was a public health emergency. 🧐


Exactly they hated wearing masks But gladly wear one to protect themselves from ridicule


I’m a firm believer we should have been ridiculing them since 3/15/2020


Obviously, they couldn't breathe with the masks on so it was okay.


Come on ohio, we can do better.


She’s correct, they are sick.




I would agree, white suprmicists make our state look bad and aren't open for debate. They just want you to give permission to harm innocent people for their own twisted and evil reasoning.


We had a presidential voting streak until trump, I wouldn't be surprised if we can't do better and it's downhill from here.


Hood wearing cowards


White Lives Matter is nothing but a sneering retort to Black Lives Matter. It's a fictional cause with no political ask. It's a response to a problem that does not systemically exist.


White Lives Matter, and whatever other similar organizations, are somewhere between grifts and recruiting grounds for Nazis. There's a reason these people don't show their faces, and these people should be mocked wherever they go. Having said that, I do think outright dismissal and hostility towards the notion of white people being capable of facing systemic issues is part of the problem that drives people to these extremes. Appalachia has been underdeveloped for centuries, and more recently has been crushed by the loss the US manufacturing and coal sectors with no investment into replacement jobs or re-educating workers. They have some of the worst healthcare outcomes in the country, lack broadband internet, and have massively underfunded education systems. There are other examples in college recruiting/admissions, internship/fellowship programs, and so forth that exist as well. My goal here isn't to diminish or compare the challenges faced by black folks, women, asians, muslims, and so on. If a cop pulls you over and you're one color or another the outcomes tend to be different, it doesn't matter if the white guy is from WV or CA. Still, if you make it so reprehensible to even have a good-faith conversation about the topic, I think over time you force people who might be reasonable to the extremes because they feel they aren't represented anywhere else. As this is reddit, queue the downvotes. Edit - to be clear: fuck these guys in the video


No, you're right. (I don't quite understand your jadedness here, but I don't how other discussions you've had on the topic have been received so it's whatever.) It's also important to note Appalachia is by no means a white or even conservative monolith, but the way "well-meaning" liberals often stereotype it as such has widened a cultural and political rift that Nazis and other reactionaries have eagerly sought to exploit. The narrative is simple: America used to take care of its citizens (ie: care for the health of its largely white communities), and we largely abandoned that in the eighties, along with destroying most of organized labor and shipping the jobs which underpinned Appalachian communities overseas. Global capitalism becomes "globalism", and the loss of welfare and safety nets is blamed on "urban communities" sucking the government dry. Move in and promise folks you will restore them to their rightful dignity as "heritage Americans," and you've got a Nazi movement on your hands. This is why I believe it's important for progressives to take class and labor politics seriously: it's a crucial part of any intersectional approach to understanding our society, and where we fall to writing off these communities for being backwards or superficially Republican leaning, we cede ground to the very worst people in our society.


WV is 90-93% white (depending on data) but I agree on your other points; it was actually a democratic stronghold for much of the 20th century.


That 7-10% matters! Our fortunes rose and fell with the region and we have emotional and material investments there as well. It was a black woman for example, Patricia Cunningham, who spearheaded scholarships and study programs for Appalachian students at tOSU: https://wgss.osu.edu/cunningham-appalachian-student-scholarship More to the point though, the kind of rhetoric I'm attacking here operates regardless of how many people of color are in a region: people often write off the Southern US as an irrecoverable racist backwater, suggesting states like Mississippi should be cut off from federal support and grants for the actions of its politicians when 37% (over a third!) of its citizens are Black. Numbing ourselves to white suffering out of jadedness nearly always ends up hurting people of color as well -- like most indulgences of apathy.


Here's the thing that I think is lost in the media noise a lot, and I think the statistics support this but i dont have them on hand. In regards to police violence, I think the outcomes are relatively the same between race (and differ by gender) on a percentage basis. The reason it's an outstanding issue for the black community is that they are disproportionally killed because they are disproportionally policed. The issue is a police escalation response issue, which affects everyone, but disproportionally the black community for the aforementioned issue. To me this makes the white lives matter initiatives even more malicious. As you say, they're not trying to solve any issues, they're only trying to undercut the BLM initiatives, the really malevolent part is if they supported BLM in regards to reallocation of police resources towards de-escalation techniques, they would also be saving white lives, but it's more important to them that the right people suffer.


It's not a race war it's a wage war more than anything else. Fascism will kill us all


lol OP deleted his account 🤣😆


Was OP offended by the lady? I thought this was an "expose" post.


In the other comments, someone found his post history and it seems he was in favour of the loons in the masks


Ok white people’s lives matter. Whats your platform and evidence that white people are systematically being targeted and deprived of human rights. Enquiring minds would love to know.


I was once fbook friends with a former high school classmate who got real “all lives matter” during the summer of the BLM protests. Dude got snippy on a post of mine sharing a protest in my city for George Floyd, “people don’t care when blacks kill whites. My friend was shot to death by an unknown black man at the end of his driveway and you don’t see me out protesting!” I pointed out the BLM protests were about the systemic racism in society, especially in policing, then said, “I’m sorry you lost your friend, but I don’t understand what about his death you would protest?” “Black people killing white people.” “Do you believe there’s a systemic plot on behalf of black American as a whole to shoot random white people? Do you know most murdered white people are killed by other white people in the US?” I think he told me to fuck off. So yeah, from my experience, at least some of the White Lives Matter people genuinely look at black rights protests and see them simply as black vs white in demonstration, probably because they can’t handle criticism of the white supremacy in our society and perceive it as a personal attack. Thus, some white supremacists likely see protests like those in OP as exactly the same in intent as BLM, because they already view black people as threats to them, personally. Incidentally, a mutual friend messaged me privately after reading that exchange: “Police don’t actually know the race of the man who shot his friend because it was recorded a grainy security camera at night and the killer appeared to cover his face.”


Good post. Anyone killing another person is bad. Yes black people kill white people. They should go to prison if they do. Both things can be true


Black Lives Matter as a movement was based on the fact that black people are arrested, killed, and brutalized at a higher rate than other demographics by our "justice" system. Which is backed up by statistics and common sense. White lives matter is just a response from stupid white people who thought Black Lives Matter was an attack on them. The tragic death of Julian wood was just that, a tragic and unacceptable death. The person responsible should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, it is not a part of a larger pattern of white people being oppressed by our society. White lives matter is a "movement" with no goal other than to antagonize people.


4chan mouthbreathers are in on this thread bigtime. Fucking scumbags


“Justice for Julian Wood” You mean like the court system that’s trying his murderer for 1st degree aggravated murder?? Like that kind of justice?


And let me say THIS. It’s comical that these racists don’t say shit about ACTUAL HATE CRIMES more expensiveyet because of the simple fact that the POS that murdered that child was black and the victim was white… this is somehow a hate crime? No it’s not. The bitch is and was clearly psychotic. She shouldn’t have been let out to roam these streets but a white judge let her go free. To any racists out there- stop using victims deaths to push your bullshit agenda. A hate crime is a hate crime so speak up when actual hate crimes happen TO ALL. She didn’t attack them because they were white, she attacked them because they were easy targets. White racists are gonna white racist though, no changing uneducated scum.


They really don't get the point of BLM at all, do they? They're just mad they aren't able to cry and be the victim about it. That kid was assaulted because of a random psychopath. It had *nothing* to do with race.


“White Lives Matter group” — you spelled KKK wrong.


Pull their diapers off. SO brave to do this in North Olmstead. Try it in Cleveland instead.


nothing braver than white supremacists in full face masks losers lol


Gee I wonder why they have their faces covered


Awww snowflakes afraid to show their faces.


White supremists are the biggest freaking cowards. They are afraid to show their faces, will only act tough when surrounded by their idiot comrades, and will immediately bow down when confronted by someone bigger and stronger and smarter. Pathetic.


We're using dead kids to push white supremacist ideals now? Ugh


There is an excuse to lose your humanity and you found it "You think you're the first person to ever lose something? That's what life is all about, loss. We don't use it as an excuse to destroy ourselves." - Gene Hackman, Wyatt Earp


Take the mask off coward.


Show your face, cowards. Own your opinion.


wtf are they even protesting, the woman is going to jail for the rest of her life, possibly even death penalty depending on how they prosecute.


Oh now you wanna wear a mask. If you truly believe what you are fighting for why mask up?


Why they hide their faces?


I just hope nobody walks by spreading glitter everywhere. Could you imagine going to work tomorrow and having to explain why your arms sparkle.


good on the lady too bad that boy has chosen to be such a failure


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Busy-Leg8070: *Good on the lady* *Too bad that boy has chosen* *To be such a failure* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot!


whats everyones opinion on this matter? why the fuck would you ask that? they're evil and racist. no room for debate here. end of discussion.


White lives matter he screamed as he covered his very white face..... Patriot Front are very sick fruitcakes.


That must be their new Summer hoods.


I hope everyone keeps this same energy around these bozos. Ridicule them. Bully them. Etc


Lots of racist in Ohio. We have a strong Klan presence here as well. Typical racist never saying anything knew but a hateful and illogical rhetoric. You can always tell they're racist when they call black people "thugs" easiest way to tell


As someone born and raised in this redneck state and had threats of sending the klan after me I can vouch for it.


"thugs," "woke," "groomer," "socialist," various slurs...some folks have limited vocabularies.


She was being nice.


I wish I had the free time and energy to stand around trying to force my beliefs on other people. I still wouldn't. I just envy the opportunity.


Take off the masks, pussies.


Sounds like a bunch of loser snowflakes.


I think bro took a scoop or two of pre workout just to go stand on the side of the road and scream into a megaphone. Someone needs to tone him down a few notches. Real intimidating too the way he stepped off towards the girl, snarling more bullshit at her. Good for her


Oh now masks are ok.


Funny the right will wear masks to not be identified supporting their bigoted views, but won’t wear one to protect themselves and vulnerable others from a deadly virus. Tells me all I need to know.


White lives matter is sick.


“Violent BLACK thug?” Yeah, that’s what’s sick. The color of the “thugs” skin doesn’t matter, just like the color of the person who was killed skin doesn’t matter. This is a constant “WLM” point, where you’ll like to retort “all lives matter.” But then you come around and start spouting hate speech about people with specific skin color being “violent.” If I go a BLM protest, we’re protesting the cops who beat someone to death. People who are given positions of power, and use that power to trample on people’s rights. No one brings up the fucking skin color of the cops. Totally different ball game. Wake tf up.


Asshats gonna asshat


These cowards don't have the guts to show their faces on Grindr either


Can we please stop painting far right extremist as gay to insult them? Gay is not an insult. Gays I’m sure do not make up the majority of the groups most willing to strip our rights away. These comments are not seen by far right wingers, it’s seen by people like me, gay liberals that do not want to always be associated with racist fascists time and time again as if it’s actually us in disguise trying to tear the country apart. Thank you.


I'm not gay shaming, I'm coward shaming *and hypocrite shaming


I take your point, but I think people like to infer that these types are gay because A) many of them are self-hating and closeted, and B) they HATE being called gay and it is funny to watch them freak out about it.


Ah yes, can't waste a good race baiting even though the attacker is a severely psychotic woman. Show your face, cowards.


Tell the douchebag AG to go get them, they're wearing masks, I'll wait...


My opinion is that mental healthcare sucks and the people who commit violent crimes are often sick individuals. This isn’t about race. This is about treating mental illness and taking it more seriously. Take a look at mass shooters and all the red flags they raised for example. They are of varying races, but all had issues that went unnoticed or untreated. This isn’t a race thing at all. These idiots are just looking for an excuse to be angry.


More people need to ridicule these fools.


NE Ohio seems to have a big problem with these guys. I remember them being prominent in Wadsworth like last summer. What’s happening out there?


Just an excuse to be mask off about it. It’s always been in the community, just had to hide it better


that they're tools. i'd of talked some shit myself, good on her.


Take the masks off. Stop being ashamed of who you are if this is what you want to say.


So there's like, three whole Nazis at this thing!? 😂 And they are definitely trash. Embarrassing really..


Wtf do these bigots always cover their face???


Wish these guys would get a job already. Tired of my taxes going to their unemployment checks.


It’s sick but these are the people running the state and country. Why do they wear masks and yell? Just put on a suit and run for office like JD Vance. You can still say all the same things


I'm white and these are klowns. Kkklowns........


It was a Klan rally.


This woman 👏👏👏


So The clan switched to their hats to black baseball caps, "sus"


When Whataboutism becomes a personality disorder


As she should. White lives matter is objectively and openly a white suprematist group.


These guys never have the same energy when a school gets shot up by a white kid. TJ Lane? Well he is just a mentally ill person. This stabber, well it’s in her nature because she’d black. There’s a McDonald’s right next to that GE. You can throw an ice cream cone pretty hard and far.


Part of free speech in public should be that you show your face.


I'd put money on each of these people having at least one "anti mask" Facebook post when it comes to covid. But when it's time to spew their hate, they're more than willing to cover their identity. They're cowards and nothing more.


Exactly. Ohio tried to enforce the law covering wearing maksk against the Gaza protesters. How are these guys different?


Ohio republican lawmakers are unanimously fascists and support their pro-fascist constituents.


Being a full blown coward 101.




These white guys lives don’t matter


I thought Republicans racists were against wearing masks in public. Oh wait, all those laws they are trying to pass have exemptions for certain protesters, but not anyone with asthma or lung cancer.




They up there right now??


Is it illegal to walk around these protests with fart spray and just silently disrupt them?


Contrary to the rhetoric I've never been ashamed to be white, but I'm getting there watching this shit show


My opinion is that these masked domestic terrorists are cowards, shitbags, and deserve all of that bad that comes to them in life.


And they deserve a whole lotta bad. Fuck these nazis.


You can tell by the way he stands that he does butt stuff. If he would just embrace it, he might not be so angry.


These guys are fragile pussies


Try that on 55 and Kinsman!




So brave to hide their faces. If you recognize these assholes by their voices or beliefs, name em and shame em


Wear a mask to stop the spread of a global pandemic? I don’t think so. Wear a mask to hide your face from the racism your so proud to have? You bet. These people are disgusting.


they dont care about Julian wood he is just a prop to them.


Won’t show their faces, bunch of lames


Whole lot of nazi sympathizing going on in this thread... mods asleep?


Damn, Y’all Qaeda really came out of the woodwork to defend their cousins with benefits in this thread.


I will not let these pussy goons be in my neighborhood. We will say much more than "you suck." More like, I'm going to rip your coward mask off and make you eat pavement. GTFO of N.O.


They can show support for this child without co-opting the "Matters" movement, right? This is a tactic ***clearly*** being employed by Righties on a large scale right now. Notice how as soon as it became June 1, social media got flooded with that "Here's MY pride flag..." shit? MAGA traitors are 1-trick ponies. Extremely predictable and not creative in any way, shape, or form.


What happened was not a black/matter, but a matter of where they should go after the judicial system for the judge's decisions. The woman should be locked up for life. STOP trying to make it a matter other than the need to get help for mentally ill people. The judge THINKS he made the right decision because the woman would have had to wait in jail, well too bad that little boy's family will be in HELL because of his decision. VOTE that judge out so he never makes such another unwise and costly judgment!


Just some angry fuckbags looking for an excuse to rage and “excuse” their racism.


Bravo to her, as a NO resident I don’t want these assholes turning a child’s tragic death as a reason to push their hateful rhetoric on a grieving community.


NOW they support masking…


She’s correct.


Suddenly, masks don’t make it hard for them to breathe.


They did this in front of a Kroger, I think. I know some people who went to block them. This particular group is known for harassing pride events and BLM at funerals


There is one reason why the coverage is different. If there is violence from a black person on a white person, the black person goes to jail and is held accountable for their actions. What else do you want? Blm is completely different because the whole issue is about a lack of accountability. Is this really hard to understand? She's right, racism is a mental health issue. You're sick to believe this stuff. Plus, it makes you look like "I can't compete with minorities." By his own logic, I should be scared of him, not black people.


I bet these are the same people who rallied not to wear masks!!


Stink bomb these cowards. It'll make them disperse. [https://www.amazon.com/Loftus-International-Stink-Bombs-Pack/dp/B0001JX9IU](https://www.amazon.com/Loftus-International-Stink-Bombs-Pack/dp/B0001JX9IU)


Suddenly wearing cloth over their mouth isn’t violating their freedom




because their post history was them supporting the white supremacists despite trying to claim otherwise


And realizing there was *that one mistake* in their post history which would have allowed the public to connect them to their real world works, friends and family.




Offered thoughts and prayers?


well, iirc the account had maybe a hundred karma and was 3 years old, so just made for shitposting [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/1dhaeah/comment/l8vml63/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/1dhaeah/comment/l8vml63/)


They believe in their stance, yet cover their faces.....


Of course racists using a child’s death to push their agenda. Gtfoh scum.


What exactly would "justice" look like? This attack was most likely not at all racially motivated, and the woman had a history of mental illness. She appeared to be psychotic in court and is undergoing a psychiatry evaluation. I think these people retribution and not correction or rehabilitation or restorative justice. However, if that woman was actually so mentally ill as to not understand her actions(I suspect), what exactly would retribution justice do? It certainly won't bring a child back. It won't make this woman better. Sure, we can medicate her enough to understand her rights, but then what? We throw her in jail where she won't get medication or will die from improper medication. These people are sick. It's freaking heartbreaking that they end up in prisons. It's heartbreaking that a child SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED BECAUSE OUR SYSTEM FAILS TO TREAT MENTAL ILLNESS. Justice would be really treating mental illness, so this child's death wasn't in vain.


Why are they covering their faces? Afraid to lose your job?


These dudes are really sad and hateful losers, so deep in it they'll never see the light, which is sad for them and sad for the rest of us who have to deal with their hate.


Looks like maybe 4 or 5 guys playing dressup. They are scared to even show their faces, cowards. Go home and suck each other's dick.


If he’s so sure his convictions are right, why does he cover his face?


Why don't these dipshit take their masks off?


NAZI here in Ohio… wish i could be surprised 😐


I'd have called them more than that if I still lived up there. Good for her.


So brave to spread their hate, but cowardly enough to hide their face.


Too afraid to show their faces. Want to share their opinion but can't hear anybody else's. Last but not least, they're fucking horrible people.


I don’t condone littering…. But if someone “happened” to beam these fuckers with a route 44 size slush from sonic… I wouldn’t be mad.


OP ran like a diaper wearing baby. You will always sit down to pee boys. Never more than 10 miles away from Mom, too.


Why do they need to wear masks?


They matter so much we’re afraid to show our faces.


Based lady.


How can he breathe in that mask? /s


Good. They are nothing good.


Rich lives matter. The rest of us are just cattle in their eyes.


Nailed ‘em


Why are they hiding their faces I wonder


Anybody who wears their watch like that (the very end) is a fuckin tool


Garden variety terrorists. Bullies and scumbags.


Good for her. 


So... If I wanted to stereotype a specific demographic for a "war on children" I might start looking at school shootings. Are there any patterns we can discern? Is there one group of people doing the school shootings? I'm assuming that's who they're talking about right?


So they are really concerned about catching COVID it seems… No, no…just cowards. If they believed what they were saying why would they hide their faces. Fear…because they are cowards.


They know what they’re doing is stupid and wrong. That’s why these cowards need to wear masks.


The fact that they are wearing masks makes the illegitimate in my book.


Vote! We need to vote the extremists out of office! November every single vote will matter! Grab your friends and family and vote them out! We need real, rational, responsible people in office. The radicals in power make it okay for people like the fools in the video to feel empowered!


"What about the child who was stabbed in the face?!" Yeah, that's sick too. What is the correlation there? Such mental gymnastics are only possible through use of the extra chromosome


These are probably proud boys. They were at North Olmsted for the trump MAGA convoys back in 2020 which started in the mall parking lot


Checks notes. So now we SHOULD wear masks right?


I don't recall these racists caring when a woman was shot and killed at that same location not too long ago. Probably because they like guns and I believe the perp was white. That Giant Eagle is cursed.


Funny how they can wear masks when they might lose their jobs because they're fucking assholes, but a pandemic? mUh FrEeDoMs!


Why do these racists always cover their face? These are just KKK adjacent terrorists.




Guy has feminine hips.


Oh a bunch of two word then number reddit accounts posting about "white suicide" and "defending whites". Get the fuck out of my town.


Remember there was a time the same bunch of ppl yelling no masks? Guess that has changed huh


NOW they don't mind wearing masks.


Is anyone else sick of hearing MAGAots whine about this toddler or w/e. It's sad I guess but no one really cares. Quit using a random death to push a bunch of nonsense. 


Standing on the corner yelling does not move the needle. It's not 1932 but if they want to waste a weekend playing stormtrooper go at it.


The political activism has just become performative activism that it is all just noisy hate anymore.


All the decisive protests in our country, and nobody's asking who's paying these people to be decisive


In general I find that people that have to wear a mask are on the wrong side of everything


Stupid self victimizing dullards. Who hate. Have guns. Will disrupt polls in a Dem district near you.


Is the state enforcing the mask ban at protests rule against them? or is that only for people who vote lefty?


Must be an uptick of Covid infections in the area.


Got that junk in them khakis bros got butt beef!